01-20-2009 Minutes . . . , > ,;,-864- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Jo Reed, Mary Shaffer, Brian Schmidt, Nina Ainslie, James Hall, Sandie Johnson and Sheldon Lilak. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, Kristi Northcutt, Mike Wilson observer from the League of Women Voters and David Clouston from the Salina Journal. Jo Reed called the meeting to order. ORIENTATION: Marketing MissionlPlan - Kristi Northcutt Kristi introduced herself to the Board and told them a little about her education and work history. She discussed what she has been doing since being hired to get familiar with the job and get some of the marketing caught back up. She also discussed the 2009 Marketing Plan and theme "Stretch your mind not your wallet". She touched on the generational shift of the library patrons and what that might mean to the library as far as the product we offer our patrons. Then she took questions from the Board. MINUTES: Jo Reed asked for any changes or additions to the December Board Meeting Minutes. 09-01 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the December Board meeting as written. Motion passed. P.864. 01120/09. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Friends did not meet in December. They will meet today to discuss and get ready for the February Book Sale. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 403(b) Plan: Due to Federal regulation changes regarding 403(b) plans we as an employer have had to choose a provider to administrate our plan and develop a plan document for employees. In the past employees would just pick their own advisor and they would send a salary reduction form to the Business Office to begin contributions. Now, we have chosen John Webb with Webb and Associates as our local contact person and Security Benefit as the administrator of the Library's 403(b) plan. These changes should make contributing to a 403(b) easier for the employee. Space Study for Adult Services Joe McKenzie, James Hall, Jo Reed, Dianna Waite and Angela Allen met last week to discuss possible changes to the Adult Services area. Some changes suggested were to move the Information Services desk much closer to the entrance so it can become the hub for the area. The print records area will probably be removed. There will be -865- changes made to the Reference Librarian's work room area. Hopefully remove some of the file cabinets and work table and put in some work area cubicles. To expand the Audio Visual area on to the South and move the magazine area to the west. Possibly install some TV's that would play CNN or CSP AN to help patrons keep up with current information. They are looking at using cones of silence and/or closed captioning to keep the noise to a minimum. We will also need to add more electrical outlets in some areas. The idea is to add new life to the non-fiction area and display items differently. Sheldon suggested the possibility of adding banners with signage to add interest and color. ~, FINANCIAL REPORT: At the end of 2008 we were able to carry over some money to begin 2009 and also transferred $100,000.00 to the Capital Improvement Fund. The 2008 audit has already been completed and we have received our first appropriations check for the year. STATISTICAL REPORT: December is always one of the slower months of the year. Circulation stats have been up five of the last six months. Collection Management processed 14,143 items in 2008. CLASS enrollment has started out very strong for the new semester. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: directed to a CLASS statistical handout and mentionedfact thatevaluation ratings continue to very favorable both patrons and instructors. He has completed the City of Salina Board reporting form reporting our Board Members attendance and activities for the 2008 year. A new issue that we are looking at is the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act - and how it effects us as a library. We are going to be more aware of the products we purchase and the amount of lead in those products. Heartland Healthy Families are having meetings here today. The Library is also looking at the possibility of changing automation software. We have been studying a new product, KOHA. KOHA is a open source system in which the software is free and the support is offered through Lib Line. This could possibly save the Library around $20,000 per year in fees currently paid to SIRSI. We have been working with Kansas Wesleyan University and the Salina School System so that when you look at the catalog you would also be able to see the items located in their libraries. BOARD COMMENTS: None 09-02 On a motion made by James Hall and seconded by Nina Ainslie it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn at 8: 05 a.m. Motion passed. P. 865. 01/20/09. Secretary, Mary Shaffer 01/20/09 Date Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT JANUARY 2 [109 2 3 4 January Jan-Dec 09 Budget $ Over Budget Income 305' APPROPRIATIONS 973,154.07 973,154.07 2,045,148.00 -1,071,993.93 310 . UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REV YR 90,691.00 -90,691.00 315 . INTEREST INCOME 84.84 84.84 20,000.00 -19,915.16 316 MISC. INCOME 594.21 594.21 Total Income 973,833.12 973,833.12 2,155,839.00 -1,182,005.88 Expense 410. SALARIES 113,917.13 113,917.13 1,427,839.00 -1,313,921.87 412. PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 1,053.45 1,053.45 29,000.00 -27,946.55 415. LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415 . YOUTH SERVICES 2,082.48 2,082.48 45,000.00 -42,917.52 04-415' KANSAS DEPT. 47.00 47.00 4,000.00 -3,953.00 05-415' REFERENCE 551.25 551.25 19,000.00 -18,448.75 08-415' ADULT COLLECTION 1,944.41 1,944.41 88,000.00 -86,055.59 Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 4,625.14 4,625.14 156,000.00 -151,374.86 416 . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,980.00 1,980.00 25,000.00 -23,020.00 417, LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 2,732.89 2,732.89 90,000.00 -87,267.11 420 . SUPPLIES 1,717.02 1,717.02 14,000.00 -12,282.98 425. POSTAGE 2,000.00 2,000.00 22,000.00 -20,000.00 430, WATER 8,000.00 -8,000.00 435 . LIGHT & HEAT 7,402.12 7,402.12 84,000.00 -76,597.88 440 . TELEPHONE 420.45 420.45 6,000.00 -5,579.55 . 445 . REPAIRS & MAINT 649.22 649.22 42,000.00 -41,350.78 450 . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 1,146.90 1,146.90 7,000.00 -5,853.10 460, STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 18,000.00 -18,000.00 465 . ACCOUNTING 59.00 59.00 6,000.00 -5,941.00 470 . INSURANCE 550.00 550.00 24,000.00 -23,450.00 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 841.77 841 .77 30,000.00 -29,158.23 485 . AUTOMATION 3,162.07 3,162.07 82,000.00 -78,837.93 505 . CONTINGENCY 567.50 567.50 10,000.00 -9,432.50 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 75,000.00 -75,000.00 Total Expense I> ~A 142,824.66 2,155,839.00 'd) 111 ~(\1A>~A NET INCOME $831,008.46 $831,008.46 Employee Benefit January Jan-Dec 09 Budget $ Over Budget Income 305-2 . APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 177,151.39 177,151.39 360,413.00 -183,261.61 310-2' UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 0.00 22,868.00 -22,868.00 Total Income Employee Benefit 177,151.39 177,151.39 383,281.00 -206,129.61 Expense 760, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,939.17 7,939.17 109,229.00 -101,289.83 765 . KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 6,084.09 6,084.09 76,151.00 -70,066.91 770 . UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 103.52 103.52 1,427.00 -1,323.48 775, HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 14,508.00 14,508.00 190,574.00 -176,066.00 780 . WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 5,900.00 -5,900.00 Total Expense Employee Benefit 28,634.78 28,634.78 383,281.00 -354,646.22 . Page 1 of 2 . JR.efer~tteelll1f()rrRati()tt...Serlit':es On-line Reference: 5 Interlibrary Loans: 452 Kansas Questions: 165 . IIe(:~flQlogy.(;e!1tel' Internet Users: Microsoft Office: Computer Students: Digital Design: IXQ.f;lt~~~""i~~~I)Etpartrneflt Program Attendance: Game Computers & Software Use: Internet Use: Total Group Visits: Outreach: 5,699 49 181 29 ~Qi~(:~I~~i()P:i()f".tel'ial$".'..' Adult Materials: Adult Renewals: Youth Services Materials: Youth Services Renewals: WebCat Renewals: Total Circulated: Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.) Child Borrowers: New Library Cards: Adult: Youth Services . Materials Reserved: Adult: Youth Services: WebCat: IC()lleetitJrltv1anagerneflt Items Processed Month Iv Adult: 898 Youth Services: 389 Total: 1,287 528 83 662 6 4 idAN.09 27,143 1,378 16,665 816 1,699 47,701 4,953 1,149 241 114 1,374 40 372 r !IQ 898 389 1,287 Monthly Activity Report JANUARY 2009 tQ~treaetl '. Activities: 7 Contacts: 4 Homebound: 18 t 'C~SS Sessions: Participants: 8 114 I I ~P.i.lblieR.elati()IJ.$AetjV~.ies.'... Press Refeases: External Contacts: Internal PR: l 49 2,926 478 idAHOS.... .. 23,205 1,489 14,752 1,105 575 41,126 4,729 1,156 225 156 1,222 33 367 .'YTD09 ' 27,143 1,378 16,665 816 1,699 47,701 4,953 1,149 241 114 1,374 40 372 IMeeting Room Use Prescott Room: Small Conference Rm: Tech Center Canf Rm: Leaming Center: i:YTD..O.S....r..'. 23,205 1 ,489 14,752 1,105 575 41,126 4,729 1,156 225 156 1,222 33 367 Monthlv 43 27 19 7 I . . . Librarian's Report I apologize for not getting you a mid-month update about library activities and business. We've been busy at the start of the year and we are now into a peak season of programs. Programs/Classes Our Dept. Head group discussed our level of activity on Monday. We need to keep it healthy and not hit a tipping point that leads us into a low quality/high quantity stressful calendar. Each day now, we have 6-12 things going on. But, we're fairly well balanced with some meetings here initiated by the public, CLASS across the street, sometimes with experienced instructors, regular programming for children, a little outreach, steady tech classes and some of those by Info Services. So, it's a lot to track, but it's spread around. This is where we want and need to be to meet community needs and be a community center for meeting and learning. One ofthe newest programs was the NovelNotes musical program as part of 1 st Thursday Art Rush on Feb. 5. People liked it. We served coffee and rolls. The adult programming committee organized the program and plan to do it every month. Plus, we were able to get the CityGo bus involved, so the whole Art Rush program had more exposure. Circulation This continues to be a strong area for the library. In fact, it's a trend across the state. The weak economy is bringing people in the door. But, so are the meetings, classes, tax forms, video games and other relevant products. It's nice to see that a fair chunk of the increase is books. People are reading more - another trend. I have the circ desks running reports to determine their busiest times. So far, not much has changed. What do you think is our busiest day of transactions per hour? Re-model: There is nothing new here as we're setting up a meeting for next week. Mark will block out sections of space for us to focus our thinking. Koha: This refers to the automation system which we are actively studying. It's not an easy decision so we are trying to learn everything we can, before plunging ahead. With all systems, there are pluses and minuses, so we are comparing, looking at other installations, talking to people and asking questions. Staffing: Our staff have been great in handling the peak times of service. We are very pleased with the security guard, Ron. He is conscientious and goes above and beyond the definition. We are short staffed, as we have had 2 people do surgery this month. This has not been easy. Also, we lost our part time evening custodian and we are experimenting with giving up that position. On the agenda is a short orientation on library organizations, from ALA to CKLS. This is just for your background to see a broader scope of the library world. As always, call or stop by if you have ideas or questions. Thanks for your help. Joe McKenzie Library Director