10-21-2008 Minutes -857- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 21,2008, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Jo Reed, Mary Shaffer, Sandie Johnson, Brian Schmidt, John Vanier, James Hall and Sheldon Lilak. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, Mike Wilson observer from the League of Women Voters and David Clouston with The Salina Journal. Jo Reed called the meeting to order. ORIENTATION: Report on Trustee Training Sandie Johnson and Sheldon Lilak reported to the Board on the Trustee Training meetings that they attended early in October. Some of the important points were for Board Members to be involved and to remember they are policy makers' not day- to- day administrators of the Library. Board Members should help the Library Staff with strategic planning and reaching their goals. Sheldon Lilak said that it is also important for Board Members to advocate for their library and to keep the meetings timely. MINUTES: Jo Reed asked for any changes or additions to the September Board Meeting Minutes. 08-45 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Sandie Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the September Board meeting as written. Motion passed. P.857.10/21/08 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Friends meet this afternoon at 4pm. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS: POLICY REVIEW Game Circulation Policy - 2nd reading 08-46 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by James Hall it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Game Circulation Policy as written on second reading with suggested changes. Motion passed. P. 857. 10/21/08. Visual Media Circulation Policy. - 2nd reading Discussion followed on this policy. 08-47 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Visual Media Circulation Policy with suggested changes on second reading. Motion passed. P. 857. 10/21/08. ~ -858- Wellness Breaks - 2nd reading Discussion followed on this policy. 08-50 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Mary Shaffer it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Wellness Break policy revision with suggested changes on second reading. Motion passed. P.858. 10/21/2008. RetirementSystem - 2nd reading 08-51 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Brian Schmidt it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Retirement System policy revision with suggested changes on second reading. Motion passed. P.858. 10/21/2008. V oluntary Early Retirement - 1 st reading Discussion followed on this policy. 08-52 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Sandie Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Voluntary Early Retirement policy with suggested changes on first reading. Motion passed. P.858. 10/21/2008. FINANCIAL REPORT: Joe McKenzie went over the Revenue and Expenditure report with the Board. Revenues may fall a little short for this year. Interest income and the carry over from the previous year will not meet the budgeted amount. The Capital Fund transfer will probably be less this year. Other line items look to be on track. Sheldon addressed the issue of planning for the Tax Appropriations to be about four percent short this next year due to foreclosures and people not being able to pay their property taxes. STATISTICAL REPORT: Sandie Johnson asked what the External Contacts line means. Joe explained that those would be people receiving mailings such as Cover to Cover and the CLASS Catalog. September is usually a busy month. Starting in November we will try to get a usage figure on the Silent Study Room. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe McKenzie talked to the Board about the Annual Staff In-Service Training day. For the first time in many years this training will be located away from the building. The training will be held at the Rolling Hills Conference Center. The Library web page has been updated. Melanie is taking an on-line class on using the Second Life Web Site to use as a possible virtual library service. -859- BOARD COMMENTS: Joe Reed commented on the Library's participation in the parade. Sandie Johnson also brought up an article about Living Books that focuses on a way to use Library Staff to work with patrons one on one. 08-53 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Mary Shaffer it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn at 8: 15 a.m. Motion passed. P.859. 10/21/2008. '\ ), ~i Secretary, Mary Shaffer 10/21/2008 Date Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT Octoller 20[)8 2 3 4 5 October Jan-Oct 08 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305. APPROPRIATIONS 10,846.77 1,899,407.95 1,939,125.00 -39,717.05 97.95% 310. UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REVYR 118,756.00 166,203.00 -47,447.00 71.45% 315 . INTEREST INCOME 448.11 10,868.84 34,000.00 -23,131.16 31.97% Total Income 11,294.88 2,029,032.79 2,139,328.00 -110,295.21 94.84% Expense 410. SALARIES 112,620.93 1,091,592.51 1,368,328.00 -276,735.49 79.78% 412. PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 1,504.00 34,458.97 30,000.00 4,458.97 114.86% 415, LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415. YOUTH SERVICES 1,732.08 32,562.97 48,000.00 -15,437.03 67.84% 04-415. KANSAS DEPT. 320.37 1,138.24 4,000.00 -2,861.76 28.46% 05-415 . REFERENCE 2,764.10 14,695.42 21,000.00 -6,304.58 69.98% 08-415. ADULT COLLECTION 7,167.68 77,090.29 88,000.00 -10,909.71 87.6% Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 11,984.23 125,486.92 161,000.00 -35,513.08 77.94% 416 . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0.00 21,212.26 25,000.00 -3,787.74 84.85% 417. LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 9,019.61 57,654.94 80,000.00 -22,345.06 72.07% 420. SUPPLIES 811.07 12,383.27 14,000.00 -1,616.73 88.45% 425. POSTAGE 2,540.53 11,572.20 22,000.00 -10,427.80 52.6% 430. WATER 830.58 4,386.36 8,000.00 -3,613.64 54.83% 435 . LIGHT & HEAT 6,232.10 66,837.54 80,000.00 -13,162.46 83.55% 440 . TELEPHONE 420.57 4,220.97 7,000.00 -2,779.03 60.3% 445 . REPAIRS & MAINT 3,465.23 30,780.10 40,000.00 -9,219.90 76.95% 450 . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0.00 7,340.03 8,000.00 -659.97 91.75% 460. STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 1,664.52 15,228.32 18,000.00 -2,771.68 84.6% 465 . ACCOUNTING 0.00 4,097.87 6,000.00 -1,902.13 68.3% 470 . INSURANCE 196.00 16,422.43 22,000.00 -5,577.57 74.65% 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 3,665.21 31,761.72 32,000.00 -238.28 99.26% 485, AUTOMATION 1,478.46 52,517.96 82,000.00 -29,482.04 64.05% 505. CONTINGENCY 175.00 3,339.64 16,000.00 -12,660.36 20.87% 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 120,000.00 -120,000.00 0.0% Total Expense 156,608.04 1,591,294.01 2,139,328.00 -548,033.99 74.38% NET INCOME -$145,313.16 $437,738.78 Employee Benefit October Jan-Oct 08 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305-2 . APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 1,705.68 307,821.21 314,628.00 -6,806.79 97.84% 310-2' UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 0.00 59,095.00 43,508.00 15,587.00 135.83% Total Income Employee Benefit 1,705.68 366,916.2"' 358,136.00 8,780.21 102.45% Expense 760, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,807.29 75,965.33 104,218.00 -28,252.67 72.89% 765 . KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 5,262.13 53,028.33 65,434.00 -12,405.67 81.04% 770, UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 101.59 984.16 1,362.00 -377.84 72.26% 775 . HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 13,419.12 136,836.28 181,922.00 -45,085.72 75.22% 780 . WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 4,439.00 5,200.00 -761.00 85.37% Total Expense Employee Benefit 26,590.13 271,253.10 358,136.00 -86,882.90 75.74% Page 1 of 1 Monthly Activity Report OCTOBER 2008 SALINA PUBLIC LIBRAI\Y I Reference/Information Services On-line Reference: 7 Interlibrary Loans: 458 Kansas Questions: 116 IOutreach Activities: 5 Contacts: 7 Homebound: 21 I Technology Center Internet Users: Microsoft Office: Computer Students: Digital Design: 5,382 41 108 49 ICLASS Sessions: Participants: 73 1,292 IYOuth Services Depa.rtment Program Attendance: Game Computers & Software Use: Internet Use: Total Group Visits: Outreach: I 1,053 115 823 2 2 I 23 11,296 1,973 IpubliC Relations Activities Press Releases: External Contacts: Internal PR: ICirculation of Materials OCT 08 OCT 07 YTD 08 YTD 07 Adult Materials: 22,512 23,687 228,668 231,814 Adult Renewals: 1,595 1,741 15,656 16,011 Youth Services Materials: 15,138 15,783 165,060 171,139 Youth Services Renewals: 891 1,183 9,030 10,094 WebCat Renewals: 1,913 922 17,951 15,582 Total Circulated: 42,049 43,316 436,365 444,640 Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.) 4,965 5,060 49,652 51,865 Child Borrowers: 1,179 1,093 13,552 13,393 New Library Cards: Adult: 232 242 2,260 2,444 Youth Services 109 85 1,389 1,359 Materials Reserved: Adult: 1,261 1,234 12,229 11 ,960 Youth Services: 74 43 510 446 WebCat: 359 369 3,551 4,216 I Collection Management I I Meeting Room Use I Items Processed Monthlv YTD Monthlv YTD Adult: 1,050 8,281 Prescott Room: 43 340 Youth Services: 221 3,717 Small Conference Rm: 45 260 Total: 1,271 11,998 Tech Center Conf Rm: 37 211 Learning Center: 53 221 Librarian's Report Yesterday was our Annual Staff In-Service Training Day (ASIST). The library was closed, but we still had quite a few visitors who returned books and other items in the bookdrop. We also were able to make use of our Community Learning Center for several meetings and programs on this day the library was closed. But, overall our day at Rolling Hills went well. There was a lot of information, interaction and laughs. Staff liked the change of scenery. I'll give you a recap of the day once that is compiled. I'll send a copy of the agenda and a draft of the descriptive words the staff generated to describe our developing image. There was excellent participation by staff in skits that presented the ideas from small groups. The word of the day was ubiquitous. As always, the work of this day will require some follow-up discussions on how we can best use the information. I'll attach a couple of first reading policy updates that I mentioned in my last mailing. We haven't had another chance to discuss these in our Dept. Head group, though they have reviewed this draft. We may come with some new wording, but I appreciate your consideration and review of these changes. Lori Berezovsky and I have begun to interview selected candidates for the PR Coordinator position. We wish Bret Wallace the best in developing his other business interests. From our qualified applicant pool, I sense that focused public relations/marketing professionals are interested in working with us, that is, people who have education and training, and experience across a broad array of communications skills. When we do a position re-classification in 2009, this position will need to be considered for upgrade. We hope to make a decision before Thanksgiving and get someone in here in early December. Note the continued strength of CLASS this semester with nearly 1300 participants in October. Lisa and Shelly have kept busy reminding students and supporting instructors. That has helped drive the use of our meeting rooms, which show 178 uses last month, not counting the training lab and community spaces. Youth Services is promoting their Winter Break Reading program, as well as letters to Santa and Cookies & Holiday Stories. Staffwill meet on Nov. 19 to write some Thanksgiving cards for volunteers and to share stories on how the library has impacted individual patrons. Thanks for your help. Call, write or stop-in if you have a question or comment. Joe McKenzie, Library Director