Development of Lighting Recommendations (2008) ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas Jun'. 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................................................1 SECTION 1 -INTRODUCTION 3 1.1 Background ........:............................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 . Scope of Services ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Study Area ..........................................................................................................................................4 SECTION 2 - STUDY APPROACH 5 2.1 Data Gatheri n g .............................................................:....:................................................................ 5 2.2 Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Recommendations... 6 2.3 Roadways .................:.........................:.............,..................................................................................8 '2.4 P a rki ng Lots ........................................................................................................................................ 8 2.5 Alleys ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.6 Plazas .................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.7 Tun nel s.................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.8 Crosswalks ...........................................................................................................:.............................. 9 SECTION 3 - ANALYSIS OF EXISTING LIGHTING SYSTEM 10 3.1 Street Lighti rig ..................................:.......................................:..................................................... 1 0 3.2 Parking Lots.........................................................................,.........,..................................................12 3.3 Plazas ........................................:......................................................................................................... 13 3.4 Alleys ............................,....................................,......................;.............,..,......................................... 14 3.5 Tun nel s ............................................................................................................................................... 14 .3.6 Crosswalks ....................:................:.....................................................................................:............15 3.7 Lighting Control Equipment......................................................................................................15 3.8 Conduit and Cqnductors..............................................................:..............................................16 SECTION 4 - SALINA DOWNTOWN, INC. 17 4.1 Input................................................:................................................................................................... 17 SECTION 5 - FUTURE LIGHTING OPTIONS 18 5. T General.......................................................................................................:..........:............................ 18 5.2 Options ...,.................................................................:..........................:.....:.......................................19 SECTION 6 - RECOMMENDATIONS 25 6.1 I ntrod u cti on .....................................................................................................................................25 6.2 Street Lig hti ng ...................:............................................................................................................ 25 . 6.3 Pedestrian Lighting .......................................................................................................................26 6.4 Pa rki n g Lots ...........::......................................................................................................................... 2 7 6.5 Plazas ........................................................:..................................................:...................................... 28 6.6 Alleys.......................................................................................................:...........................................29 R:\2007.(1255101-SAIlIDLIGHTlNGIWPC\REPOIffiLtgRecRpt_Flnal.doc ~~~~ Table of Contents , B!Port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 6.7 Tun nel s ............................................................................................................................................... 29 6.8 Crosswal ks ........................................................................................................................................29 6.9 Light Sources ...................................................................................................................................29 List ofTables Table 1: Lighting Inventory ...................................................................................................................................5 Table 2: Summary of Current Street Lighting levels ................................................................................11 Table 3: Breakdown of Options .........................................................................................................................24 List of Appendices Appendix A: Business Improvement District #1 - Study Area Appendix B: legend Appendix C: Plan Sheets (1 - 4) Appendix D: Existing Downtown Light Fixtures Appendix E: Business Improvement District #1 - Area Classifications Appendix F: Data Sheets Appendix G: Parking lot Data Sheets Appendix H: Westar Energy Information Appendix I: POint-by-Point Lighting Calculations R:\2007-o15S\Ol-SABIDUGffT1NG\WPC\REPORl\LtgRecRpt-FIMl.doc ~~~~ Table of Contents ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Development of Lighting Recommendations Report is the result of a thorough investigation of the existing lighting systems that are currently in place in downtown Salina. The primary purpose of this report is to determine the existing lighting systems, lighting levels, and recommendations for improvements. Field data was gathered by Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation (BWR) personnel to determine the existing lighting fixture locations along with current lighting levels. Public input was solicited during a public hearing. Input was also gathered from the Board of Directors of Salina Downtown, Inc. Definitions The following are definitions for words used in this report: Avg/Min Ratio: A relationship between the numerical average of a set of values and the lowest (minimum) value. Bollard: A short post, typically less than 4'-0" tall that can be either lighted or not, used to block access or delineate an area. Lighted bollards are used for pedestrian lighting of sidewalks. Cobra Head: A type of lighting fixture most commonly associated with roadway lighting. The fixture loosely resembles the head of a Cobra snake. Conduit: A raceway for the placement of electrical conductors. Cutoff: A light distribution pattern where the amount of light to exit the light fixture above the horizontal plane of the light fixture lens does not exceed 2.5% of the lamp output. Footcandle: A unit of illuminance equal to 1 lumen/square foot. A measurement of light level. Foundation: An embedded structural member that provides support and stability to an attached item. Light Pole: A structural member that supports a lighting fixture. Lighting Fixture: An object that contains a light source and the necessary components that when electrical energy is applied, will produce visible light. RUOO7-ol55101-SABIDLIGHllNG\WPC\REPORT\LtgR.cRpt-Fln.l.doc ~ ~Y.tB Page 1 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 Lumen: SI unit of luminous flux. A unit of measurement of the amount of light that is produced from a light source. Maintained: The light output from a given source, just prior to being replaced at end of lamp life. . MaxiMin Ratio: A relationship between the highest" measured or calculated value and the lowest (minimum) value. Non-Cutoff: A light distribution pattern that allows for light to exit the light fixture at any angle, and more specifically'above the horizontal plane ofthe light fixture lens. Panelboard: Electrical equipment that contains circuit breakers that control and protect electrical loads being served by this equipment. Photoelectric Cell: A control device that senses ambient light levels and opens or closes a contact based upon this level. Shoe Box: A type of lighting fixture that is in the shape of a "shoe box" with either a flat or drop-down lens. 51: International System of Units. Tunnel: A pedestrian pathway that is comprised of a floor, ceiling, and two walls with open ends. This does not refer to tunnels for vehicular traffic. R:\2001-C25S\Ol_SABIDUGHTlNG\WPC\REPORT\LlgRecRpt_Flnal,doc @~~~ Page 2 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The City of Salina has contracted with Bucher, Willis & Ratliff Corporation (BWR) to review the existing downtown lighting system and to propose future lighting options. The lighting systems evaluated included the City owned parking lots, streets, alleys, covered crosswalks, and tunnels. The parts of the system investigated included the lighting fixtures, poles, raceway,. power sources and controls that are City owned, and lighting fixtures and poles owned by Westar Energy. 1.2 Scope of Services The items to be included in this study are as follows; a. Field work to verify locations of existing street and pedestrian lighting as included in the City GIS database (approximately 350 poles). b. Perform field lighting footcandle level readings of current lighting levels to assist with developing a model of the lighting levels. c. Perform lighting calculations to model existing downtown light levels. d. Meet with Phyll Klima, Executive Director of Salina Downtown, Inc. (SDI), to narrow down lighting fixture styles for evaluation. e. Evaluate and propose future lighting options. Options to include rehabilitation of existing pedestrian lighting, as well as new lighting. f. Create report that describes design procedure and lighting options/ recommendations. g. Attend one meeting to present Draft Report to Owner for review and comment. h. Submit Final Report. R:\200HI255\Ol.5ABI0L1GHTlNG\WPC\REPORT\ltgRe<;Rpl-Fin~l.dQ< ~~~B Page 3 !!!port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 1.3 Study Area The study area is defined as bounded from Elm and Santa Fe, south to Santa Fe and Ash, east to Ash and Fifth Street, south to Iron and Fifth, east to Iron and Fourth, south to Fourth and Mulberry, west to Mulberry and Eighth, north to Eighth and Ash, east to Ash and Seventh, and north to Seventh and Elm (Refer to Appendices for map of study area). The areas studied include roadways, parking lots, alleys, tunnels, and crosswalks. ft\200NI25S\Ol.SABIDUGHTlNGIWPClREPORTILtgR",Rpl_Flnal.doc ~~~~ Page 4 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 SECTION 2 - STUDY APPROACH 2.1 Data Gathering Field work was completed to verify the location and type of existing lighting in the downtown area. The four (4) plan sheets, located in the Appendices, indicate the location and type of lighting fixtures and poles, in the study area. A breakdown of the types of lighting fixtures and poles is as indicated in Table 1. Refer to Appendices for photographs of light fixtures. Table 1: Lighting Inventory Lighting Inventory Plan Quantity of Designation Fixture Type Lamps Lamp TVDe Pole TVDe Owners hiD Quantity A Octaaan 1 Metal Halide Sa. Steel City 346 B Shoe Box 1 Mercurv YaDor Octaaon Steel Westar 47 C Flood Liaht 1 Mercurv YaDar Wooden Pole Westar 1 D Lantern 2 HiQh Pressure Sodium Cast Metal Private 6 E Shoe Box 3 Metal Halide Sq. Steel City 4 F Cobra Head 1 High Pressure Sodium Round Tapered Steel Westar 16 G Shoe Box 2 Metal Halide Sa. Steel City 15 H CaDDed Acorn 1 Hiah Pressure Sodium Cast Metal Private 14 I Shoe Box 4 Metal Halide Sa. Steel City 10 K Cobra Head 2 Mercury Yapor Round Tapered Steel Westar 5 L Recessed 6 Fluorescent N/A City 35 0 Globe 5 Incandescent Cast Metal Private 6 ST Cobra Head 1 Mercury Vapor Round Tapered Steel Westar 106 WD Cobra Head 1 Mercury Vapor Wooden Pole Westar 57 In addition, field data was collected as to the level of existing lighting that was falling upon the pavement and walkways. This data was collected between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. over several evenings. The light levels on the streets were recorded in a grid pattern; basically from light pole to light pole. Light levels in the parking lots were taken at identifiable locations throughout the lot. Special care was taken to avoid inaccurate readings due to supplemental lighting from adjacent lighting and storefronts. A Greenlee Model 93-172, Digital Light Meter, with an accuracy of :1:7% was utilized for the data gathering. R:\2007.{125SI01-SA BID UGl-ITINGIWPc\REPORTILtg Rec Apt-Flnal,doc ~~~~ Page S B!Port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 Data was collected from the following locations: . Santa Fe between Iron and Walnut . Santa Fe between Ash and Elm . Seventh Street between Ash and Elm . . Eighth Street between Ash and Iron . Eighth Street between Iron and Walnut . Fifth Street between Iron and Walnut . City Parking Lots . Tunnels . Crosswalks Refer to the Appendices for results of gathered data. . Data was not gathered in some areas, especially those that had limited or no lighting, such as South Sth and South 4th Streets near Mulberry, where there are few, if any, lighting fixtures in the area. Where there are no lights, the measured levels would have been approaching zero. This does not mean that the lighting in these areas is inadequate for the area designation per the Illuminating Engineering Society, North America (IESNA). See additional information below. Also, areas that had an appreciable amount of supplemental lighting, (i.e. bright storefronts, lighted crosswalks, area floodlights with spillover light) were riot included in the data gathering as this would provide inaccurate light level readings on the pavement with respect to a representative street lighting arrangement. For modeling of the lighting system, comparable data was utilized in the lighting program to generally represent the lighting system as it currently exists. 2.2 Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) Recommendations The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) has established recommended lighting levels for various types of road and area classifications. These lighting levels are not required by law, but are to be utilized as a guideline for lighting design. R:\200HI25S\Ol-SA BID lIGHTING\WPC\REPORT\Ltg Re< Rpt-Flnal.dco ~~~~ Page 6 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations . . Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 The first step in determining the recommended lighting level for a specific roadway is to establish the classification of the roadway.. Classifications vary from freeway to bikeway. The classification that best suits the roadway usage is Collector. The definition of Collector is as follows: Collector: "The roadways serving traffic between major and local roadways. These are roadways used mainly for traffic movements ,within residential, commercial, and industrial areas." 1 There are, however, locations within the study area that .do not meet this classification. For example, the residential area along Fourth Street is served more with a Local classification of roadway as it does not handle a large amount of traffic movement. Similar areas have isolated lighting either at intersections or dispersed along the roadway path. The second step is to determine an Area Classification. This classification is based upon the land use that abuts the roadway. Of the three possible definitions available, Commercial fits the main core of the downtown area. As discussed above, there are other locations within the study area that would fall under the two other definitions, Intermediate and Residential. The definitions 1 are as follows: Commercial: A business area of a municipality where ordinarily there are many pedestrians during night hours. . This definition applies to densely developed business areas outside, as well as, within, the central part of a municipality. The area contains land..use that frequently attracts a heavy volume of nighttime vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Intermediate: Those areas of a municipality characterized by frequent moderately heavy nighttime pedestrian activity, as in blocks having libraries, community recreation centers, large apartment buildings, industrial buildings, or neighborhood retail stores. Residential: A residential development, or. a mixture of residential and small commercial establishments, characterized by few pedestrians at night. This definition includes areas with single-family homes, town houses, and small apartment buildings. ~~~B Page 7 R:\200Hl25S\Ol-SABIDUGHTlNGIWPC\REPORT\LtgRecRpt-Flnll,doc ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 The third and final determination that is required is the Pavement Classification. This designation, which varies from R1 to R4, is based upon the type of pavement installed. The R1 classification is for a concrete road surface. An R4 classification is for a very smooth texture asphalt road surface. Based upon field observations, the majority of the road would be classified as either R2 or R3. The definitions' are as follows: R2: Asphalt road surface with an aggregate composed of a minimum 60 percent gravel (size great than 10 millimeters). Asphalt road surface with 10 to 1S percent artificial brightener in aggregate mix (not normally used in North America). R3: Asphalt road surface (regular and carpet seal) with dark aggregates (e.g. trap rock, blast furnace slag); rough texture after some months of use (typical highways). , 2.3 Roadways Based upon the above classifications and selection criteria, BWR has selected the following classifications and lighting criteria for the various roadway areas: Collector - Commercial Classification for the core downtown area: 1.2 footcandles average, A verage to Minimum Ratio of 4: 1 Collector - Intermediate Classification for the transitional area between commercial and residential 0.9 footcandles average, Average to Minimum Ratio of 4: 1 Collector - Residential Classification for the areas without commercial activity that is residential in nature 0.6 footcandles average, Average to Minimum Ratio 4:1 The map in the Appendices identifies the areas and lighting criteria classification, within the study area. 2.4 Parking Lots The primary goal of parking lot lighting is to provide for pedestrian safety in addition to providing general ambient light for vehicular traffic. The IESNA has recommended lighting levels for parking lots. There are two levels of lighting criteria, Basic and Enhanced Security. The minimum horizontal illuminance for the basic level is 0.2 R,\200NI25SI01-SABIDLlGHTlNG\WPClREPORT\LtgR""Rpl-Flnal.doo {f;~ BWR ~ ....,........(...- Page 8 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 footcandles with a maximum to minimum ratio of.20:1. For an enhanced security level, the minimum is 0.5 footcandles with a maximum to minimum ratio of 15:1. Additionally, there is a recommendation of a minimum vertical illuminance of 0.1 and 0.25 footcandles, for the basic and enhanced security levels, respectively. Areas that would typically require the enhanced lighting level would be areas with vandalism or personal security problems. None of the existing parking lots, in the downtown area, were identified as requiring increased lighting levels. 2.5 Alleys While the main purpose for an alley is to provide rear access to buildings, the IE5NA does not provide any guidance on the illumination levels recommended for alleys. 2.6 Plazas IESNA does not have a recommended lighting level for plazas but they do have a designation for "Pedestrian Ways." Utilizing this information, for a walkway that is away from the roadway, the minimum average horizontal footcandles are recommended to be 0.5 footcandles, for pedestrian use. 2.7 Tunnels The tunnels, that connect the alleys to sidewalks along streets, are not directly covered by the IESNA. There are tunnels addressed, but all lighting recommendations are aimed toward vehicular traffic and not pedestrian use. Therefore BWR utilized the IESNA recommended lighting level for a hotel corridor, recommended to be a maintained 5 footcandles, for this evaluation. The tasks that are performed are similar in nature, movement, and facial recognition. 2.8 Crosswalks As with alleys, IESNA does not give specific recommendations to crosswalk areas. The recommendations are to provide increased light levels to help draw attention to the crosswalk and to allow for greater recognition of objects (people or otherwise) in the crosswalk area. The increased lighting level allow for greater safety for pedestrians and motorist. R:\2007-Q25SI01-SABIDUGHTlNGIWPC\REPOR1\Ll!1Re<;Rpl_Final.do< tfl ~~B Page 9 B!Port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 SECTION 3 - ANALYSIS OF EXISTING LIGHTING SYSTEM 3.1 Street Lighting During the field data collection, it was noted that many of the lighting fixtures are in need of cleaning. This was true for both the pedestrian lighting fixtures and the street lighting fixtures. Accumulation of bugs was noted in many of the "shoe box" and "cobra head" street lighting fixtures. In the pedestrian lighting fixtures, the lenses are dirty and the internal louver is out of position. The pedestrian lighting fixtures are constructed of a 4-inch square tube with the lantern secured to the top and a metal base at the bottom to cover the anchor bolts. The lantern is held onto the pole by slipping the bottom extension of the lantern into the 4-inch tubing. Additional angle brackets were added to the lanterns to prevent the lanterns from breaking off. The lamp is accessed by removing six screws and removing one ofthe side glass panels. The ballast, which starts and maintains the arc in the lamp, is located at the base of the pole, under the metal base. There is also a ground-fault circuit interrupting duplex receptacle on each pole. In order to replace the ballast, the weatherproof cover plate for the duplex receptacle must be removed and the metal base slid up the pole. The sliding of the metal bases has caused some damage to the painted finish of the poles. Many of the street lighting fixtures have mercury vapor lamps. These lamps were very popular for street lighting as they have, initially, high light output for the amount of energy used by the lamp. The lamps have a median life of around 20,obo hours. However, many of the lamps will burn for a much greater time period, making them ideal for utilities to use for roadway and area lighting. The problem with a mercury vapor lampthat lasts substantially more thim 20,000 hours, is that the amount of light that is coming out of the lamp greatly decreases. At several locations where data was gathered, it was very apparent that the lamps were old, as the light output was as much at 80 percent less than adjacent and visibly newer lamps. A modern replacement for such lamps is now a metal halide lamp which has a similar median lamp life, but with a reduction in light output over the life of the lamp of around 40 percent, or half of the mercury vapor lamp. It was also noted the intermixing of high pressure sodium lamps. These lamps provide a higher level of light output, as compared to mercury vapor or metal halide lamps, ~~~B Page 10 R:\2007-Q2SS\Ol-5ABIDLIGHllNGIWPC\llEPORTIUgReoRpt-FlnaLdoc ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 but provide a yellow-orange light. The new traffic signal poles all have high pressure sodium lamps. The life of these lamps is comparable to the metal halide, but the light output versus energy input is greater; therefore it is possible to utilize a smaller . wattage lamp in high pressure sodium as compared to a comparable light output metal halide lamp. Westar Energy currently utilizes high pressure sodium lamps for all roadway lighting, but will 'provide metal halide lamps at the customer's request for an additional monthly charge. The current street lighting levels are summarized in the following table: Table 2: Summary of Current Street lighting levels Roadwav Designation Walnut between 7th & 8th Walnut between 7th & Santa Fe Intersection Walnut & Santa Fe Intersection Walnut & 7th Intersection Walnut & 8th Mulberry between 8th & 7th .Intersection Mulberry & 8th 8th between Walnut & Mulberry Intersection Mulberry & 7th 7th between Walnut & Mulberry Mulberry between 7th & Santa Fe Santa Fe between Walnut & Mulberry Mulberry between Santa Fe & Sth Intersection Mulberry & Sth sth between Walnut & Mulberry. Intersection Mulberry & 4th Mulberry between 5th & 4th 4th between Walnut & Mulberry Walnut between 5th & 4th Intersection Walnut & 4th Intersection Walnut & 5th Walnut between Santa Fe & 5th 4th between Walnut & Iron 5th between Iron & Walnut Intersection Iron & 4th Iron between 5th & 4th Intersection Iron & 5th Iron between Santa Fe & 5th 5th between Ash & Iron Avg. fc 0.01 0.17 1.48 0.45 0.22 0.24 0.18 0.07 0.33 0.08 1.22* 0.60 0.65 0.28 0.11 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.12 0.27 0.49 0.16 0.10. 0.22 0.13 0.22 1.82 0.35 0.33 Min.fc 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 Ava/Min 0.00 0.00 7.40 4.50 0.00 2.40 .0.00. 0.00 3.30 0.00 2.44 6.00 3.25 2.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.45 0.00 0.00 .0.00 0.00 2.20 2.02 3.50 3.30 Recommend Ava. 0.6 1.2 2.4 1.8 1.2 0.6 1.2 0.6 1.5 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.9 2.1 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.9 1.8 2.1 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.8 0.9 2.1 1:0 0.9 R:\2007-D25SI01-SABIDLIGHT1NG\WPC\REPORT\LtgR""Rpl-Flnal.doc Page 11 ~~~B ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 Roadwav Designation Santa Fe between Ash & Iron Intersection Ash & Santa Fe Ash between Santa Fe & 5th Intersection Ash & 5th 5th between Elm & Ash Santa Fe between Elm & Ash Ash between 7th & Santa Fe Intersection Ash & 7th Ash between 8th & 7th Intersection Ash & 8th 8th between Ash & Iron 7th between Elm & Ash Intersection Elm & 7th Elm between 7th & Santa Fe Intersection Elm & Santa Fe Elm between Santa Fe & 5th Intersection Elm & 5th 7th between Ash & Iron Intersection 8th & Iron I ron between 8th & 7th Intersection Iron & 7th Iron between 7th & Santa Fe Intersection Iron & Santa Fe Santa Fe between Iron & Walnut 7th between Iron & Walnut 8th between Iron & Walnut Intersection Mulberry & Santa Fe A va. fc 0.79 1.14 0.64 0.43 0.04 0.29 0.45 0.41 0.32 0.33 0.26 0.34 0.39 0.09 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.36 0.37 0.31 2.06* 0.35 1.21 0.76 0.37 0.24 1.34 Min.fc 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 .0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 Ava/Min 2.63 2.85 2.13 2.15 0.00 2.90 4.50 2.05 3.20 3.30 2.60 3.40 1.95 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 3.60 3.70 3.10 2.06 3.50 6.05 3.80 3.70 2.40 4.47 RecommendAva. cont. 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.9 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.9 1.8 0.9 2.1 1.2 2.1 1.2 1.0 0.9 2.1 Notes: 1. The AV9iMin ratio for all calculation areas is to be. no greater than 4:1 2. Calculation areas marked with "*" met recommended light ievel. 3. Calculated lighting levels based upon a sampling of representative areas and then generating a computer model ofthe lighting system. 3.2 Parking Lots Within the parking lots are floodlighting fixtures that are located either on the edge of the parking lot or close to the center of the lot. These fixtures and poles have faired very well and provide adequate coverage of most lots. On a few lots, the very edge of the lots experience a slightly less than desirable light level, but additional street lighting would help to supplement these levels. In the core downtown area, pedestrian lights are provided around the perimeter of the parking lots. This layout helps to supplement the floodlights, but more importantly, extends the ambience of R:\200Hl255\Ol-SABIDUGHTING\WPC\REPORTlLtgRe<:Rpt-fjnal.doc Page 12 ~~~B ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 the pedestrian lighting on the streets. This is important as many of the downtown businesses have customer entrances on both the street and parking lot sides of the businesses. Refer to the Appendices for examples of the current parking lot lighting footcandle levels. 3.3 Plazas Lighting in three of the plazas is provided by the standard downtown pedestrian lighting fixtures. The forth plaza is illuminated with a combination of pole mounted floodlights and plaza structure mounted area lights. The following summarizes the findings in each plaza: Camobell Plaza: Three of the four pedestrian lighting fixtures were. not operating properly and were dim. The actual footcandle readings at the stage area indicated 0.04 footcandles which is well below the 0.5 footcandles recommended. Maintenance on the three lighting fixtures will greatly increase the light levels; however, the area appeared to be adequately illuminated in part because the area is open without structures. Phillios Plaza: The lighting was well below the recommended level of 0.5 footcandles with a measured minimum value of 0.14 footcandles. Of the five pedestrian lighting fixtures in the plaza, one light was not operating and another was not operating properly. Maintenance of these pedestrian lighting fixtures ~ill increase the light levels closer to the recommended levels. Strand Plaza: The lighting in this plaza was below the recommended minimum level with a measured minimum recorded light level of 0.09 footcandles, which is less than the IESNA recommended level of 0.5 footcandles. The low reading was actually measured directly across from one of the pedestrian lighting fixtures which was not operating. In an area where all of the lighting fixtures were operating, the light level was measured at 0.17 footcandles. Maintenance on this lighting fixture would allow for lighting closer to the recommended level. 50illman Plaza: The lighting was substantially above the light levels of the other plazas with a minimum reading of 0.19 footcandles. A change was made to shine the mural lights into the plaza rather than onto the north wall and this provides a very safe ~~~~ Page 13 R:\2007-o255\Ol.SA8IDLIGHlli'lG\WP~EPORT\LtgR.cRpt-Fin.l.doc ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 feeling with the resulting light level. This level is still below the IESNA recommended minimum level of 0.5 footcandles. 3.4 Alleys Lighting within the alleys is mostly isolated to rear entrance doors of buildings. Some parts of the study area do not have any alley lighting. Alley areas that are part of an adjacent parking lot are illuminated to the same level of brightness as the parking lots. The majority of the core downtown alleys are adjacent to parking lots and receive "spill" light from these areas. Alleys that were noted in a City conducted downtown lighting inspection, performed August 30, 2006, indicated three alleys that were dark and needed additional lighting. One of the alleys noted was behind the Health Department. The lighting at the northeast alley door, from the Health Department, was adequate with the addition of the area light on a utility pole. Additionally, the area behind Pat's Auto Body had received an area light mounted on a utility pole in the alley. Through this area, there are area lights placed on every other pole. The alley is not well lighted, but the two critical areas are currently adequately served. The second and third alleys noted are located in the 200 block of North Santa Fe, between 5th and Santa Fe. ,An area lighting fixture, mounted on the southern most pole in the alley that runs north and south between 5th and Santa Fe was not working and therefore BWR was unable to determine if this additional lighting had improved the low light concerns. The final alley intersects the second, behind ''The Spot." There are currently no alley lighting fixtures in the east west alley to the north of ''The Spot" and there are no utility poles or structures upon which to mount any. Both the north and south sides of the alley are private buildings built up to the edge of the alley. Permission would need to be acquired to place an area lighting fixture in this location. 3.5 Tunnels The lighting in the tunnels i,s provided by recessed, 4' x 4', fluorescent lighting fixtures. The lighting fixtures are spaced at 15 feet on center. Each lighting fixture contains six lamps. The width of the tunnels vary from 8 feet wide (between First Bank Conference Center and Sunflower Insurance Group) to 15 feet wide (between Simply Baby & More R'\2007{)255\Ol-SA BID L1GHTlNGIWPClREPORT\Ltg RecA!>I-Flnal.doo tf1 ~~~ Page 14 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 and the former Brown Mackey). In the tunnels where the lighting fixtures were functioning properly, the average light level was in the range of 15 to 20 footcandles. 3.6 Crosswalks Lighting in the crosswalk is provided by fluorescent lighting fixtures located in the crosswalk structure. Two of the crosswalk structures had a total of 22 8-foot, single lamp fluorescent lamps. The third crosswalk structure, due to its angle across Santa Fe Avenue, had a total of 28 8-foot, single lamp fluorescent lamps. The light level at the crosswalks was more than four times the lighting level of the street, providing a visual cue to motorist. 3.7 Lighting Control Equipment The parking lots, streets, tunnels and crosswalks are all fed from numerous lighting control centers. The basic arrangement is a photoelectric cell that is connected to a lighting contator that turns off and. on the power to the lighting fixtures. With the photoelectric cell, the lights are turned "on" at dusk and "off" at dawn. The lighting control centers are typically located in the same fenced in area as the trash carts and dumpers. Bollards are installed to protect the equipment from damage. A few exceptions, with respect to the location of the controllers, can be found for the parking lot and walkway lighting controller on Seventh Street, south of Walnut, where the panels are located in a concrete wall. Another location is the controller for the parking lot on the west side of Seventh Street, south of Iron, where the controller is located just east of the alley at the southeast corner of the Clark, Mize and Linville office building. In the City lot at the northwest corner of Santa Fe and Ash, the controller and photoelectric cell are located on the center pole. The control equipment is all enclosed in individual weatherproof enclosures. A few panel board covers were found to be loosely secured on some panels. Access was achieved without the use of any tools to the electrical circuit breakers, and gaps in the interior metal plates allowed for direct access to energized parts, posing a hazard to the public. However, the majority of the locations were secured and did not pose a hazard to the public. R:\200HI255\Ol-SA BID lIGHTING\WPC\REPORT\Llg R/!c Rpt_Final.doc ~ ~yy~ page'S ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 3.8 Conduit and Conductors The existing lighting system conductors are routed in underground conduits from the lighting control equipment locations to the respective light poles. In these installations, the exposed raceway is galvanized rigid steel conduit and the underground portion is assumed to be Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In some tunnel locations the'exposed raceway consists of electrical metallic tubing (EMD. The EMT is in good condition and is adequately suited for protected, both physically and environmentally, locations. The underground conduits are installed below the pavement and sidewalks. The burial depth, in locations that have had excavation, has been reported to be at the bottom ofthe sidewalk. This makes the burial depth at approximately 4-inches. In the 2005 National Electrical Code (NEC), the minimum cover requirements for nonmetallic raceways listed for direct burial without concrete encasement (Schedule 40 PVC) is 4- inches when installed under a minimum of a 4-inch thick concrete exterior slab with no vehicular traffic (2005 NEC, Table 300.5). Therefore, the existing raceway is installed to comply with the minimum requirements of the NEe. However, the shallow depth has caused some maintenance problems when sidewalk is removed and the conduit is partially or fully embedded in the bottom of the sidewalk slab. Removal of the slab has resulted in damage to the raceway and consequently the lighting system. Problems have also been reported, by City staff, with the existing lighting system electrical feeds. Differential settlement of the sidewalk, removal of a tree, or other utility excavation in the area of the street lighting circuit, has allied to interruption ofthe lighting circuit. lf1 ~~~ Page 16 R:\2007-Q255\Ol-5ABIDLIGHllNGIWPC\REPORnLtgRecRpt-FlnILdoc !!!port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 SECTION 4 - SALINA DOWNTOWN, INC. 4.1 Input As part of the downtown Iightin,g study, BWR was directed to meet with Salina Oowntown, Inc (501) to narrow down lighting fixture styles for evaluation, BWR attended a board meeting ofthe 501 and record,ed the following comments: . Consider revamping and repainting the existing pedestrian lights, . There are two poles and lanterns, in front of Capers, that have been repainted. Poles were cleaned and painted with marine quality paint, Cost was $'50 for two poles. . Retain the existing pedestrian lights, . BWR to investigate maintenance on existing pedestrian lights. . The existing lanterns fit in with the historic area. '. . The existing poles have receptacles and any new poles would need to have the same. . A survey conducted by the 501 indicated that 40 people are in favor of keeping the existing pedestrian lighting, . Several people like the new lighting fixtures installed by Jim Ravenkamp at Fifth and Walnut. . The current lanterns are dingy and need cleaning. . Paint the existing poles .to match the new traffic signal poles, benches and trash can containers. This information will be considered in the recommendations portion ofthe report, R:\2007-(l25S\Ol-SABIDLIGHTING\WPC\REPOR1\UgRecRpt-Fln.l.doc ft,~ BWR ~ ~"!Nl<!rWo Page 17 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 SECTION 5 - FUTURE LIGHTING OPTIONS 5.1 General As there are no "legally" required light levels for roadway, parking lot, or pedestrian area lighting, the IESNA is a valuable source to consult to determine recommended levels. But lighting is also a very much a community decision. Preparing lighting standards such a.s restricting light pollution in the form of light spill onto adjacent property, or allowing the light to brighten the night sky, are very much community type decisions. What is important to the community? What is the visual impression that the community would like to portray? The first step in establishing a community's lighting standards is to determine what the community's goals are for lighting. Are they to prevent crime, aid in security, establish an identity, require energy efficient lighting, or protect the community's "dark sky"? Secondly, is the community attempting to. set a theme for their lighting? Do they desire historical or modern lighting fixtures? What are the needs for lighting other than the lighting of roadways or paths? The answers to these questions help a community select a direction for their lighting standards. The current downtown lighting, focusing mostly on the core business area, consists of "shoe box" light fixtures on 30-foot poles. These lighting fixtures are responsible for the majority of the street lighting. In addition to the "shoe box" fixtures are the octagonal shaped pedestrian lighting fixtures. These pedestrian lighting fixtures do supplement the street lighting fixtures but their main function is to provide aesthetics. The light output from these lighting fixtures is minimal and this can be viewed on Walnut Street between Santa Fe and Fifth Street where the pedestrian lights are the main source of light and the area has a very low light level. In the area around the main business core, the roadway is illuminated with "cobra head" lighting fixtures on 30-foot poles. The spacing of these poles in areas of business, such as north Santa Fe and north Seventh Street, is in a regular pattern and provides a uniform lighting level. R:\200NI25S\Ql-SABIDLIGHTlNGIWPClREPORTILtgRecRpt-Flnal,doc ~~~R Page 18 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 In other areas that are mostly residential, the pole placement is irregular and provides lighting along the street more as a means of identifying the street routing and not lighting the roadway. This level of lighting is evident along south Eighth, south Fourth, and north Seventh. 5.2 Options 5.2.1 Do nothin9. Maintain the existing lighting system as it is. The age of the existing street lighting, and pedestrian lighting, poles and fixtures will cause the amount of maintenance required to increase. The existing lighting has been in place for over 20 years and electrical equipment (lamps, ballasts; wiring) will continue to deteriorate at an increasing rate. The finish on many of the pedestrian poles and lanterns is becoming weathered. Present cost is $0.00. 5.2.2 Repaint existing pedestrian liaht poles. Two ofthe existing pedestrian light poles have been repainted within the last three years, with favorable results. To paint the poles, the poles would need to be properly prepared for painting. The standard process, that has been recently completed, involved first preparing the poles for painting by sanding and spot priming, with a rust inhibitor primer, the areas that are rusted. After this step, a chemical TSP (Tri-Sodium Phosphate) is applied to the entire painted surface of the pole to clean the surface of oils and grease to allow the new paint to adequately adhere to the existing paint or primer. The existing finish, which is bonded to the steel pole, is not removed during this process. One gallon of paint will paint four poles. A gallon of paint costs approximately $65.00. There is the option of using either water based or oil based enamel paint. The oil based paint will provide a longer lasting finish but the finish will get chalky and fade after 10 to 15 years. The water based paint is better at maintaining the color but will only last 5 to 10 years. The two poles that were painted were painted in-place with a portable paint booth and the area was masked off to prevent the overspray from getting on the pavement. The lighting fixture lenses were also masked off. The exterior enamel paint provides a durable finish. The cost to paint a pole is approximately $150, assuming painting the poles in-place. The majority of the cost is for labor to prepare and paint the pole and fixture. Removing the pole, painting, and reinstalling would add an additional $250 per pole, all labor costs. A concern about painting the poles in place is the coordination that would be required with businesses and pedestrians to restrict access in the vicinity of the pole being painted. Painting the existing poles in place, at $150 R,\200Hl255\Ol-SABIDLlGHTlNG\WPC\REPORT\llgRecRpt-Fln.l.doc ~ ~YYB Page 19 !!!port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 per pole, for 346 poles, amounts to $Sl,900. Removing, painting and replacing the poles, for 346 poles in the downtown area, amounts to $138,400. 5.2.3 Repaint existin<;l pedestrian li<;lht poles black to match the new traffic signal poles. benches and trash can holders. The process for this option is similar to Option 2, above. The end result is a. black pole rather than a bronze or dark bronze pole. The cost to paint a pole black, in-place, is approximately $150 per pole. The same concerns, as expressed above, about painting the poles in-place, are also.a concern with this option. 5.2.4 Refurbish existing lanterns. The existing lanterns consist of a brass frame, along with top and bottom plates. The eight sided lanterns have a total of 24 acrylic panels that are held in the brass frame with silicone and screws (four for each top and bottom panel and six for the side panels). The brass frame and plates are covered with a lacquer coating to prevent the brass from tarnishing. However, all of the lanterns have varying amounts oftarnishing with some that appear almost all tarnished to a few that have very limited tarnishing. The tarnishing does not damage the integrity of the lantern and can be left to add to the "charm" of the lantern. Inside the lantern is a 175 watt metal halide lamp that is mounted vertically with the base of the lamp down. Around the lamp is an acrylic refractor to distribute the light is a controlled manner. The refractor is yellowed as a result of the ultraviolet (UV) light from the lamp. Additionally, the acrylic panels are yellowed at an elevation that is horizontally above the top of the internal refractor (approximately 12-inches above the bottom of the lantern). To refurbish the lanterns would require the removal of the lantern and the use of a lacquer thinner to remove the remaining lacquer covering the brass and then the use of a cleaning and polishing compound to remove the tarnish from the brass. After the brass is cleaned, a protective lacquer finish would be applied to protect the brass from tarnishing. Additionally, new acrylic panels would need to be installed to replace the panels that are discolored from the lamp UV rays, the internal acrylic refractor would need to be replaced due to the discoloring from the lamp's UV rays, and the lamp socket would be replaced as the' porcelain deteriorates due to the heat of the lamp. The refurbished lantern should maintain its "new" look with the lacquered brass for approximately 10 years along with the acrylic lens and refractor before the UV rays start to "yellow" these items. Removing the lanterns, refurbishing and reinstalling the @ ~YYB Page 20 R:1200HI2S5101-SA BID LIGHTINGIWPc\REPORl\Llg RecRpt-Flnal.doc ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 lanterns will cost approximately $400 per lantern. With 346 pedestrian light poles, this amounts to $138,400. 5.2.5 Replace all of the existing pedestrian Iightinq with new poles and lanterns. New poles could be installed directly on top of the existing anchor bolts, with special ordered pole bases. This would provide a pedestrian lighting system that would require minimal maintenance for many years and have an expected service life of 20 years. New lam'p and ballast technology, along with alternate lamp sources, could allow for improved footcandle levels with a reduction in energy usage. A replacement cast metal pole with a metal halide lamp lantern could be purchased and installed for approximately $2,500 per pole. This cost would include removing the existing pole and lantern, purchasing a new pole with a special order base to match the existing anchor bolt pattern, and installing the new pole and lantern. With 346 pedestrian light poles' and lanterns in the downtown area, this amounts to $865,000. 5.2.6 Delete every other pedestrian light pole and lantern. The net reduction in footcandle level on the streets and sidewalks would be minimal. 'However, once the pole is removed, the existing conduits that are stubbed up from below the sidewalk would be exposed. There are three options to conceal the conduits. A concern with these options is the visual impact of reducing the number the pedestrian light poles and lanterns. The lanterns will be less apparent, and thus may lose the desired aesthetic effect. c . Install a bollard. OPtion 1 = lighted or Option 2 = unliqhted. in the location of the removed pedestrian light pole. This would allow for the placement of an aesthetic bollard or a lighted bollard to help supplement the sidewalk footcandle levels. A bollard could be selected that blends in with the existing pedestrian light poles or the bollards could add architectural interest along the street. A lighted bollard would cost, installed, approximately $400. Assuming removing 45 percent ofthe existing pedestrian light poles and replacing them with new bollards is estimated to cost $62,400. An unlighted bollard is estimated to cost $360, with a resulting cost of $56,160 for 45 percent replacement of existing pedestrian light poles. . A third option is to install a flush junction box at the location of the removed pedestrian light pole. The existing conduits and conductors would be terminated in the junction box and would allow for future access. Placement of R\2007-<l255\Ol-SA BID UGHTlNGIWPC\REPORT\Ltg R", Rpt-Flnal.d.,<; ~~~~ Page 21 B!Port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 the box would require removal of some concrete, including the old light pole foundation, and then.installing the box and new concrete. An estimated cost for this option is $650 per junction box. Once again assuming replacing 45 percent of the existing pedestrian light poles with flush junction boxes is estimated to cost $101,400. 5.2.7 Replace the existing Westar Energy street lighting poles and fixtures with City owned poles and fixtures to light the street and sidewalk. This would require taller poles to achieve the required footcandle levels on the roadway and sidewalk. This option is really only viable in the core downtown area where pedestrian and street lighting fixtures are installed. Areas such as Eighth Street and Fourth Street do not have pedestrian lighting and therefore this option would not have the same benefit. Along Santa Fe Avenue, Fifth Street and Seventh Street there are approximately 160 pedestrian light poles. At an estimated cost of $6,500 per pole to include new foundations, raceway and conductors, this is $1,040,000. This system would be owned and maintained by the City with an expected useful service life of 20 years. 5.2.8 Contract with Westar Energy to replace existing street lighting fixtures. The existing mercury vapor lamps could be replaced with new metal halide or high pressure sodium lamps. The existing poles could be repainted, however the color "black" is not an available option. It costs Westar Energy about $900 to repaint a pole but would be able to provide this service at no cost to the City. The change to a metal halide lamp will allow for an increased light level and a more consistent light output over the life of the lamp. The lighting fixtures would be a light gray. Repainting of the poles would freshen up the look in the downtown area. A major drawback to this approach would be the limited life of the repainted poles. Westar Energy has had limited success with the existing poles holding the paint and remaining in good shape. Westar Energy discourages this practice. Refer to Appendices for Westar Energy street lighting options and monthly rates. 5.2.9 Contract with Westar Energy to replace the existing street lighting system. This option would include the complete replacement of the existing lighting fixtures and poles. Decorative (i.e. fluted) or painted steel poles are no longer an option that can be obtained from Westar Energy. The poles would be replaced with either wooden poles or steel poles. The steel poles would be galvanized steel. The lighting fixtures would be "non-cutoff" cobra head type. This would replace the existing dark bronze painted R:\2007-{)2SS\01-SA BID L1GfITlNG\WPC\REPORT\Llg Roc Rpt_FlnAl.doc tf1 ~~~ Page 22 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 poles and "shoe box" lighting fixtures with a "cutoff" type light distribution. The City would be responsible for removing the existing concrete foundations and installing any required conduit. Westar Energy would install new screw-in foundations and pull the conductors. Refer to Appendices for Westar Energy construction standards and monthly rates. The rate indicated is for Westar Energy to install, maintain and provide power to each street lighting assembly. The City's cost for removing the existing foundations and modifying the raceway to allow installation of the new screw-in . foundation, for steel poles, could range between $150 and $300 per pole. The City's cost for removing the existing foundations, to allow for the installation of new wooden poles with overhead conductors, would be approximately $150 per pole. 5.2.10 Replace existing pedestrian lighting circuits. While there is no location that would . prevent the possible future damage to the raceway or conductor, placing the street lighting circuit at 24-inches below the top of the sidewalk rather than 4-inches, would help to reduce damage as the result of sidewalk settlement, sidewalk replacement, and tree removal/replacement. Any future work to replace the sidewalk or street lighting system should include the removal and replacement of the underground electrical raceway system to provide a more reliable system. The existing system has been in service for over 20 years and is reaching the end of its useful life. A new raceway system and conductors would provide the City with an expected useful life of 20 years. With an estimated cost of $65 per lineal foot for the sidewalk removal and replacement, excavation, raceway, and conductors; and an estimated 18,000 lineal feet of pedestrian lighting circuits along the roadway, this amounts to a total of $1,170,000. The above options are recapped on the following page. R:I.2007-o25S\Ql_SABIDUGHTlNG\WPC\REPORT\LtgRecRpt_Flnal,doc ~ ~yy~ Page 23 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 Table 3: Breakdown of Options OPTIONS BREAKDOWN ITEM OPTION Descriotion Unit Cost Total Cost 5.2.1 Do Nothing Continue to provide maintenance on the existing liohtino svstem $0.00 $000 5.2.2 Repaint pole in Place Sand, prime, clean and painting existing pole in place. This includes masking off the lantern, sidewalk and utiltizino a Dortable Daint booth. $150.00 $51,900.00 5.2.2a Repaint pole by removing Disconnecting electrical service, removing pole, and replacing preparing and painting off-site, and re-installing on existina foundation. $400.00 $138,400.00 5.2.3 Paint Poles Black Same process as Items 5.1.2 and 5.1.2a with the same costs oer aooroach. 5.2.4 Refurbish Lanterns Remove lantern and clean and seal brass frame with lacquer, replace 24 lens, refractor, lamp socket and reinstall on existina pole. $400.00 $138,400.0C 5.2.5 Replace Existing Pedestrian Remove existing pedestrian lighting fixtures and Lighting with New replace in the same location with a new cast metal pole, convenience receptacle, and metal halide $865,000.OC luminaire. $2,50000 5.2.6a Install Lighted Bollard Install a lighted bollard.at the location of any . removed pedestrian lightino fixtures. $400 00 $62,400.0C 5.2.6b install Un-Lighted Bollard Install an un-lighted bollard at the location of any removed pedestrian lighting fixtures. $360.00 $56,160.00 5.2.6c Install Junction Box install an at-grade junction box at the location of any removed pedestrian liahtina fixtures. $650.00 $101,400.0C 5.2.7 New Poles and Lighting Fixtures for Roadway Eliminate Westar Energy Streetlighting and the lighting Pedestrian Lighting fixtures and replace with a new $1,040,000.OC street/sidewalk lighting system on 30 foot poles. $6,500.00 5.2.8 Contract with Westar Energy Westar to remove exsting cobra head or shoe box to install new street lighting type lighting fixtures with mercury vapor iamps and fixtures replace with new cobra head lighting fixtures. Monthly charge per Westar Energy rate schedule. for selected wattage and iamp type. $0.00 $O.OC 5.2.9 Contract with Westar Energy to install new steel poles and New roadway lighting system consisting of new light fixtures steel poles, overhead conductors, and new lighting fixtures installed in the current pole locations. City to remove existing foundations and install conduit as required to connect to new screw-in foundations $300.00 $69,300.0C 5.2.9a Contract with Westar Energy New roadway lighting system consisting of new to install new wooden poles wooden poles, overhead conductors, and new and iight fixtures lighting fixtures installed in the current pole locations. City to remove existinQ foundations. $150.00 $34,650.0C 5.2.10 Replace Existing Pedestrian Kemove eXisting SlcewalKS ana replace, excavate, Lighting Circuit with new install raceway and conductors at 24-inches below the top of sidewalk for an estimated 18,000 lineal feet of circuit. . $65.00 $1,170,000.00 R:\2007-C255\Ol-SABIDLlGHllNG\WPC\l1EPORTlLlgR~cRpl.Fln.l,doc @~~~ Page 24 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 SECTION 6 - RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Introduction The IESNA provides guidelines for recommended lighting levels based upon the classification of roadway. These guidelines, as previously stated, are not rules that must be followed. Local conditions, which vary from safety concerns -- to increased visibility -- to ability to afford lighting enhancements, are all valid reasons for the placement and intensity of roadway, parking lot, crosswalk, and tunnel lighting levels. The following recommendations are suggested lighting improvements to enhance the current lighting system in the Bid Improvement District. 6.2 Street Lighting Almost without exception, the lighting levels measured in the field were below the IESNA recommended values. This can be attributed to the age of the lighting system and the light source. The existing mercury vapor street lighting fixtures have outlived their usefulness in providing a high level of light output compared to the energy consumed. Over time, the efficiency of the light fixture has decreased and the lighting levels have decreased with them. The installation of new metal halide or high pressure sodium lighting fixtures will greatly increase the light levels on the roadway. The data indicates that with the uniformity of the existing light levels (Avg/Min) a more efficient light source would still provide a uniform light pattern, but at a higher level. Therefore, BWR does not recornmend changing the spacing ofthe existing roadway lighting fixtures and poles. Areas along the "fringe" of the Business Improvement District (BID) have limited lighting installed. For the most part these areas are a combination of residential and limited commercial property. The majority of the "fringe" areas do not have comrnercial traffic at night. Therefore, the lack or limited amount of roadway lighting appears to be appropriate. The main areas that require additional lighting appears to be confined mostly to east- west streets through the BID. The lighting on Mulberry is limited, but this area, being on the southern "fringe" of the BID is not of great concern. Residential property between 4th and 5th Streets are adequately served by the existing lighting. The same is true between 7th and 8th Streets where a church and apartments are located. However, R:\2007-0255\Ol-SA BID UGHTlNGIWPc\REPORT\Ltg Re<: Rpt-Final.doo ~~~B Page 25 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 the lighting between one-half block east of Santa Fe and 7th Street is substandard and should be improved. Limited roadway lighting is provided in this area and should be increased. Walnut Street has a very limited number of roadway lighting fixtures and the street is relatively dark from 4th Street to 8th Street. While this street does not serve a large number of commercial properties that have nighttime business, the street is uninviting and greater pedestrian . safety could be achieved with increased roadway lighting fixtures. The lack of ambient lighting is most apparent with evening activities at the Stiefel Theatre and local restaurants. The last noted roadway with inadequate lighting is the area on Iron Street near the Smoky Hill Museum. There is a lack of roadway lighting poles on the south side of Iron, just east of the museum. ,Once again, with the potential for evening activities at the museum, an increase in light level will provide a more inviting atmosphere and increase pedestrian safety. If the lighting in these areas is provided by Westar Energy, the monthly rates would apply as indicated in the Appendices. 6.3 Pedestrian Lighting The bulk of the roadway lighting is accomplished by the roadway lighting fixtures. The pedestrian lighting fixtures help to provide vertical footcandles to provide a more inviting and safe environment, but they do little to supplement the roadway lighting fixtures. While the pedestrian lights do allow for a more uniform looking light level, ".. , their main function is to provide an identity and pedestri,an comfort. Suggestions to remove some of these pedestrian light poles will have a minor impact on the overall , lighting system performance, however, the overall appearance and identity of the BID would change. The existing pedestrian lighting fixtures are spaced generally SO to 60 feet apart. By removing only every other light, the visual impact of the pedestrian lights may be diminished. , Most of the communities that BWR has worked with have:very similar pedestrian light . , pole spacing. Salina's downtown is somewhat different i,n that the roadway lighting fixtures actually light the roadway while the pedestrian Ifghts provide the identity of the area and pedestrian comfort. Other communities either utilize pedestrian lights for all the lighting or supplement the pedestrian lights at intersections and crosswalks. R:\2007-{)2SS\Ol.SABIDLIGHnNGIWPc\REPORT\LtgRecRpt-Flnal.doc tfJ ~~~ Page 26 '!!!port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 Our recommendation to not reduce the number of pedestrian lights is based on our view of the role that the pedestrian lights play in the identity of downtown and not primarily for roadway lighting. In all areas that currently have pedestrian lights, only . the plazas rely upon the pedestrian lights to adequately illuminate the area. Therefore, the spacing is somewhat subjective. The parking lots in the BID are lined with the pedestrian lighting fixtures. The plazas, for the most part, are also illuminated with the same pedestrian lighting fixture. These pedestrian lighting fixtures not only provide supplemental light, but give the area an identity. BWR does not recommend significantly reducing the number of pedestrian lighting fixtures. Repainting the existing fixtures is detailed in paragraphs 5.1.2, 5.1.3 and the refurbishing of the lanterns in 5.1.4, and is recommended if the existing lighting fixtures and poles are to remain. 6.4 Parking Lots 6.4.1 The City owned parking lots between Elm and Mulberry, bounded by 5th on the east and 7th on the west are well illuminated. BWR does not recommend modifying the current lighting system. However, the parking lot that is east of 5th Street, and the two parking lots west of 7th Street have minimal lighting at the far reaches of the lots. In all three lots the lighting fixtures are located on the Santa Fe side of the alley in each lot. This places the lighting fixtures further from the far edge of the lot. Additionally, the far edges of the lots are on streets that have limited roadway lighting. This leaves these edges dark. To correct this problem with low light levels there are three possible solutions. The first would be to install additional roadway lighting on the outer streets. The lighting from these lighting fixtures would help to supplement the lighting within the parking lots. If these roadway lighting fixtures are provided by Westar Energy, the monthly rates would apply as indicated in the Appendix. A second solutionis to install an additional floodlight pole, on the other side of the alley, to supplement the parking lot lighting. The cost of furnishing, installing and connecting the lighting fixtures to power is estimated to cost $12,000 per pole. Only one pole is re.commendedper parking lot. R:\;!OOHI25S\Ol-$I\BIDLlGHllNG\WPC\REPORT\LtgR""Rpt-Final.do< il ~Y.fB Page 27 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 A third solution is to provide pedestrian type lighting fixtures along the outer edge of the lot. This would help to supplement the lighting level in the parking lot and also help provide a visual clue as to the location .of a public parking lot. The cost of furnishing, installing and connecting the lighting fixtures to power is estimated to cost $7,000 per pole. Each 'of the three parking lot~ would require only three pedestrian lighting fixtures each. 6.4.2 Two additional parking lots have low light levels near the 'outer edges. These lots are located at the southwest corner of Santa Fe and Ash and at the northwest corner of Santa Fe and Ash. The light levels at the south edge of each lot are below the IESNA recommended level. The lighting along the southern edge of the northwest parking lot could be improved by having adequate roadway lighting on Ash Street in this area to help supplement the parking lot lighting floodlights. Additionally, lighting could be mounted on the Chamber of Commerce building to supplement the parking lot lighting at an estimated cost of $600 per light fixture. 6.4.3 The southwest parking lot has trees that block some of the parking lot lighting as well as being far from the floodlights located in the center of the lot. Additional lighting should be mounted on the north wall of the building located at the south edge of the lot or additional pole mounting lighting fixtures if mounting to the building is not a feasible option. Wall mounted lighting fixtures, connected into the parking lot lighting system is estimated to cost $' ,000 per wall mounted fixture. Adding a light pole and connecting it into the'existing parking lot lighting system is estimated to cost $4,000 per pole. 6.5 Plazas , Plaza lighting is substantially below the IESNA recommendations for this type of area and requires additional lighting for pedestrian safety. The current use of pedestrian lighting fixtures to provide the lighting in these areas is i,nadequate. To prevent the need to completely revise the lighting system, it is recommended to either replace one or more of the pedestrian lighting fixtures with a taller pole which contains floodlights to provide the lighting within the walkway area. Alternatively, additional lighting fixtures mounted on walls of buildings, either side; of the plaza areas, could be utilized if acceptable to building owners. R,\200HI2S5\Ol-SABIDUGHTlNG\WPC\REPORT\UgRecRpt-Flnal.doc ~~~~ Page 28 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 6.6 Alleys Lighting in the alleys can only be justified where there is a concern for the public's safety. Businesses that require lighting in the alley due to delivery doors, or to deter vandalism, can and have installed lighting fixtures on their buildings or are paying Westar Energy for a dusk-to-dawn area light. The alleys in the main core of the BID are contiguous with the parking lots and have adequate lighting from the parking lot lighting fixtures and the perimeter pedestrian )ighting fixtures. BWR does not recommend that the City install or contract for additional alley lighting fixtures. 6.7 Tunnels The existing tunnels, illuminated by recessed fluorescent lighting fixtures, are well illuminated. Time and vandalism have taken their toll on the lighting'fixtures. The metal louvers, that provide protection for the lamps, are rusting and have been bent. The environment is harsh both physically and climate. The ability to place a lighting fixture in an area that is not under c~nstant supervision that will survive the potential physical abuse is costly. The existing lighting fixtures have performed well and the open louvers prevent the accumulation of insects. BWR recommends performing maintenance on the existing lighting fixtures. In addition, the existing louvers could be. removed and repainted for reinstallation. There are a few of the 28 lighting fixture louvers that are bent. Straightening the louvers may be the only solution as it is not known if replacement louvers are available. It is estimate to cost $200 per lighting fixture to remove, prepare for painting, painting and reinstallation of each louver. New lighting fixtures are estimated to cost $900 each. 6.8 Crosswalks The existing lighted crosswalks provide a visual cue, along with increased visibility, for motorists. The existing strip fluorescent lighting fixtures work well with the structural steel.architecture of the canopies. Other than some missing lenses, the lighting 'system appears to be performing well. 6.9 Light Sources In the BID, there are currently four different light sources being utilized. The roadway lighting fixtures, as provided by Westar Energy are primarily mercury vapor. As these R:\200Hl25S\Ol.SABIDLlGHTING\WPClREPORTILtgRecRp(-Fln.l.doc ~~~B Page 29 ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas June 2008 lamps/ballasts fail, they are being replaced with high pressure sodium. Mercury vapor lamps are no longer being produced and will eventually be replaced by another light source. The source of choice for Westar Energy is high pressure sodium. High pressure sodium (HPS) is a high intensity discharge light source. The number of lumens that are produced per watt of energy is greater in the high pressure sodium lamp than in the mercury vapor lamp. The HPS lamp emits a yellowish light that lacks the red wavelengths of light. This results in the "missing car" effect of red colored cars appearing brown or dark gray in color under this light. The pedestrian and parking lot .floodlights utilize metal halide lamps as the light source. This lamp is also considered a high intensity discharge light source. This lamp is not as efficient as a HPS lamp but the color rendering ability of the metal halide lamp is much greater than the HPS. The "whiter" light that is produced gives color to landscaping and generates a broader range of the color spectrum. The tunnels and crosswalks are illuminated with fluorescent lamps. The tunnels utilize lamps that have a high "temperature" rating (6S00 K) and simulate daylight. Technology is producing new light sources for exterior lighting. A community in Michigan has a pilot project that is utilizing LED as a light source. These lighting fixtures were just recently installed for testing. A request by BWR for photometric data, to allow for a comparison with other light sources, was denied due to the lack of data. Another lighting source that is starting to make an appearance in the roadway lighting market is induction lamps. These lamps have the ability to have instant on, as opposed to the HID lamps which required a period ohime to start and come up to full brightness. The lamp produces a white light and is rated for 100,000 hours (over 20 years). Since this is emerging technology, the lighting fixtures are very expensive and have been reported to sell for nearly $1,000 each. BWR recommends that roadway and pedestrian lighting, in the BID, utilize metal halide lamps to provide a brighter, whiter and more color corrected light. 1 Ninth Edition of the IESNA Lighting Handbook, Reference and Application tf1 ~~~ Page 30 R:\2007-1l25S\Ol-SABIDLlGKTlNG\WPClREPORnLtgRe<:Rpt-Flnal.doc ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas January 2008 Appendix A: Business Improvement District #1 - Study Area R:\200HI2SS\Ol-SABIDLlGffTlNGIWPC\REPORT\UgRecRpt-D,.ft2.doc @~~B Appendices II II H~~~ffil~ ~ Sf o IT~'I~ ~Ii~ I ~~D .,-- I~d..j ~ ~ PCO R:3 R-3 .~~llm' ~ PC ~ [Sj~1 '.2 In g . ~ ~- 'LM ;;c:,. .~.., ~,:~/;.:i~:~E ....:...:..:.~...~....:::...:.. ,~,."~.:.:.'.'. " i .....:...'..:.:,i..'~..'.........:...'.: .. . . - = ,. ~i~~i:1 '~'.~ ~ I ~# :~.~.~,~t :~~;~',: · ::~N~';) (';?:~~i:1 -"'.F" .I~,.!ill! . ."...,.1 . "" .'~:?;~~Y:!,:: ,.:" "" ,,,,.".,,.,,.,. ~":"... ""_'" f#"".. t,:'_r;::~::-;;:: '/ "ilr~t. :,,~~..5. ~. 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'~'...::t:.....:',"; t. - 4...~ ..J "~~ ~%{ J.~ li1 ~ ". , J~.r~ ~~;--...... ..tiJ ! ..;.,.~ ~'Ji .! ,,"~;,~ t.~~ ~ ....~ -..~. -_:c ! ~~ !'.J.>> "~. ..;.... J,... !....... ~gY...'!'........~ ~:.:~ -,..:.;'.'\r......-.. ~ ~ C .:' :~ '''''''': ....L. ~f)..",.---' _. """"'~- -;;: -. ~ ~........~~..~.;:...................:;.'''''__ "7U- rl,~ .)';~ a~_ I ~ I - ~ ~,,: fi :;'; . ~ ,J', a - ~ ,~ ~~~ Ii- -'1-';0...... ',1' . .,". '$ ~l "f:.:.'!;J ~ = ~ 'ip I L-..: ':::; ,:~~. ~ ,~:;:=: ,';. At _ ~"l4' ,.'=' _ ~"'''''',';~ ,...~~,:,-_....WIl... 'Ulii} :~.,.... t~"" \i' II . .~""~~~~ ===-4~~ . ' .!r ~.tE- - ~ r!y~~ -~ -.1 ~.r ~ ~lfJl ~oIlIoolll' .. ~ ~... - ... . . :;1 '0 1*1;.-'l" '\ ,'o~Ji!"" ow....:wo x'Ji- 1;;d'~' . "'~ ; · .. I I f"'~i~ ".c .- ....- .s lA_ - _ III!!!D I ~' r ~~ 1 ....;-.."'" ".1 -. ~u"i :1 ~ '@' ~ CITY OF SAUNA O!;!~B 2336E.CrawIord SlrMtISllhll. Kar.-67<401--3113 P786.827.3603I F786.827JlO2e IIIII SAUNA LEE DISTRICT UGHTlNG STUDY ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas JanuarY 2008 Appendix D: Existing Downtown Light Fixtures TypesA-D Types E - H Types I, K, ST & WD R:\2QOHl255\01-SABIDUGHTlNG\WPC\REPORT\UgRecRpl-Draft2.doc Appendices lf1 ~~~ Existing Downtown Lighting Fixtures Type A Type C Type B Type 0 Existing Downtown Lighting Fixtures Type E Type G ~ Type F Type H Existing Downtown Lighting Fixtures -; Type K Type I -, '" Type ST Type WD !!!port Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas January 2008 Appendix E: Business Improvement District #1 - Area Classifications (Business, Intermediate & Residential) R:\2007-1l2S5\Ol-SA BID L1GHTING\WPClREPORT\Ltg Rec Rpl-Draft2.doc ~~~B Appendices :dtEJ~mhirLrJ~1 '-2. ~bdl ',2 ~DD osr . ~ ~ I F~~~1 ,:~'~,:~~f, iLM R-3 ...r. ~ ~ ''';~~'...... ~"V'.J;' ~ ~ -'.:::':.~ ;:;r~~~ "- ~I~~sr C4 =/ fli'~ ~~~ ~ R.3 rflf~f ''', .,~, "Z \ .,! : ~ rr~ 'c-....; ';-C04J];;~ ~;),~,\ '-'>, ~ ~ I ~ 1I/.l";~f&iIl"~~ i'::':' ,r.'; f-... ~,_ ~ ,; ", ~~~~:W ~ -. p _ ,y.~ ';.!;':l:.;,>,o, ^ ~ ~'-"''':''''''' ... " :c I ... w!i: 1'~~'-~i: ,~'"' .... ~ Z lIne'"' . . ~ ; ~ fa ';;. \'" '~'Ij~ ,>:y. .. ~ II~' " 0);,,', " ',,; . ',$..f; " I.L ~D C-4 ~~t;~~, I~ ~ ;~ '11:; ~'.II~~/ ! J j I .,:..,- j ~',' :~';,1 'i?~ ;.'~' .~' f L-- ;'>;;'." ",'<. ......" ' R.3 r-~/I jlifIj E -== ~~} ~I~ L c 8' - ~~ 1h=~11 ill II 1, pc, === Ii__ ~ == - ,= == == !'! -~ IL~ 11 II '- W'lN Ie: L ~- -'c HC f=r- h-r ~~ ~~~ ~"?4 ,"1Ifo:, :.... ~I 0" - =---'= =R /' o /~ ~ _ ~ a - n /::l:':. ~ . 1/(11.3 -I( R. Y3 'l/ ~ 12 )~ ,Re ~It =t; -I ., C ._,,,o.n.. ' \... . 0'- AV , C.3 a.... = ~gmJ ,Lt: ,..; ,. 1- !,"'-'O r -.t'io-- 0 GY ".;;. '."' ~'"" ~ C-2 f'::~~ .w.w7 ,~ri f-lll ~IQ i ~ G L t; IW/l ~ 1= R.3_ 110 ~:le- ~ :: /; ;1 e-: sr . // RT ~..!; -// lllpiH~r~ ' R.' fl~, - Core Business Area " Intermediate Area / Residential Area "/b1 rm~~ Ld -.~.' ; ':: .:~~' ;~. ~ :;~ << .~ it ", .....'~ .;:: .... . .' " ,~ . \ sr ''''J<-' ..~ .... - ~ ,~~ ~ :-1,." .~ -'-:h - _ lq~~~tt ";':~lt. :'.';~ ~ I" f-J I ' ~f- I >- - =l~ - == == i:::= =1- - = -1- == == 1I=:;::; -T'- .... - ~ u - -- :'~ ""$ :::r; I- fTTT II I ! ! I = := ~' r.~' :~~. .,. r- ',....". ~ ... ~ --.- -',;i"-",,, ;',,, R '" r- !:ii" Business Improvement]1 U'ii District #1 . % ~ _~;z fr~U ,;:.. _;oi' .. ~:: ~ f'~: III illli' II /,/:Y' C ~~:'2 R.2 G\~"1"'_'" - ~"I ,11 ;';~ ~ ~. ",;-1 ;:..;:~t,; ",- ~ ~;,:: ~ ~ '," C-2 ~ II IT I J 1:= -I=- ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations . Downtown Salina, Kansas . . January 2008 Appendix F: Data Sheets Santa Fe between Iron & Walnut Santa Fe between Ash & Elm 7th Street between Ash & Elm 8th Street between Ash & Iron 8th Street between Iron & Walnut Sth Street between Iron & Walnut R'\2007-{1255\Ol.SABIDLIGHTlNG\WPC\REPORT\UgR~cRpt.Dr.ft2.doc Appendices ~~~~ ,ji; A B l. , , ~ 'I -I ~. ~ .. ~.~ .J' t-" .'., \i#' ;~... " .1 -- SANT A FE BETWEEN IRON & WALNUT , . I SANT A FE BETWEEN ASH & ELM .." ,~" . -. .. " I 1-' . I' l' . -If. ., , . ., 4If. I , . , . 7TH STREET BETWEEN ASH & ELM . r ~. . , J t .. 8TH STREET BETVVEEN ASH AND IRON 8TH STREET BETVVEEN IRON at VV ALNUT . . . . , . ~. p . '. A " f .---. .. -- -- 5TH STREET BETVVEEN IRON & VV ALNUT ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas January 2008 Appendix G: Parking Lot Data Sheets Parking Lot South of United Building Parking Lot between 5th & Iron North of Walnut Parking Lot between Iron & Walnut (Between 4th & 5th Streets) Parking Lot between Iron & Walnut (Between 7th & 8th Streets) R,\2007-o2S5\OHABIDLlGHTlNG\WPC\REPORl\LtgRecRpt-O.aft2.doc ~~~~ Appendices L PARKING LOT SOUTH OF UNITED BUILDING " """ .... t; ... ~ - ;;.. ""~, , .. . '" · ...J ~~ , , " " , . ~ !PARKING LOT BETWEEN I - - -- 5TH & IRON NORTH OF WALNUT ". . . -~- .#1 f - - PARKING LOT BETWEEN IRON & WALNUT .. .. '~(r~~ ARKING LOT BETWEEN ~ IRON & WALNUT I ~ort , Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas January 2008 Appendix H: Westar Energy Information Letter with Lighting Option Rates Foundation Details R:\200Nl255\Ol-SABIDLlGH11NG\WPC\RE?ORTILlgReoRpt-Draft2.doc Appendices [fJ ~~~ ~-~r Energy.. November 27.2007 Mr. Lany Stoss BWR 2335 E. Crawford Salina, Kansas 67401 F~EC~~\J~O' ,... ,- , Dear Larry: In response to your request for information on street lighting options from Westar Energy. I submit the following. Cobra style head on Wood Pole: 70 Watt HPS 100 Watt HPS 150 Watt HPS 250 Watt HPS 400 Watt HPS 175 Watt Metal Halide 250 Watt Metal Halide 400 Watt Metal Halide $4.98 $6.74 $7.40 $10.05 $13.69 $17.90 $23.00 $26.80 Cobra style head on Galvanized Steel Pole: 70 Watt HPS 100 Watt HPS 150 Watt HPS 250 Watt HPS 400 Watt HPS 175 Watt Metal Halide 250 Watt Metal Halide 400 Watt Metal Halide $10.24 $12.10 $12.76 $15.41 $19.05 $23.26 $28.36 $32.16 If the City requires or request.s underground feeds to the system t.hen the Cit.y will be required to provide the trench, backfill, and conduit or a CID qualified contract.or to install conductor in duct provided by Westar Energy. Any pole change down town would requtre new bases due to bolt patterns. All concrete work would be customer responsibility. Painting is an option. but lasts only a short time then looks worse than before. The City also has the option to install decorative lighting of their choosing by . installing 9 to 12 metering points to serve the downtown area and Westar would remove the existing street light poles. Due to the many options, costs and responsibilities we would be glad to meet with you and discuss them. Please feel free to give me a call at (785) 822-3560. ReSpeCtfu~, IQ \~ ~['L--. _ C) (\..( q ~'V~"''V ~ ( Gteg Jack~ n . Electric Distribution SUP€jum~ftSOll PI ISolill". K""S"S 67401.7426 GJlklm MACRO UN IT PPLI CATIONS ,SA AlXKJl f1lUNDATI~ ,lJR POLE CU CODE CLPGRDS/S U CNDC4SD ,NDSSLlSBC RODGRDS/SXS IDa DESCRIPTION GTY 1 CLAMP-GROUND R D S/S' CU ALLOW 1 2 WIRE 4 AWG SOLID CU SO,T DRAWN 1 3 ,OUNDATI0N-STREET LIGHT 11'-17' I 4 ROD-GROUND S/S' X S' COPPERWELD I PREFERRED SIDEWALK -L- ~ 5'-0 5'-0 / , lllllE SIDEWALK BASE PLAN VIEW NOTES. 1. STEEL STANDARDS SHALL BE PLUM ON TWO VERTICAL PLANES 90' APART. 2. ALL EXCAVATED DIRT AND CONCRETE TO BE HAULED AWAY. 3. IN CASE THE FOUNDATION WILL BE INSTALLED IN AN AREA WHERE A FUTURE SIDEWALK OR CURB HAS NOT BEEN INSTALLED, THE FOUNDATION WILL BE INSTALLED AS SHOWN IN FIG. 2. 4. AUGER FOUNDATION APPROVED FOR STEEL POLES. M. C. NOS. 7705604, 7705605. AND 7705608. ~ 10' 'TO IS' BOLT CIRCLES. ~ THIS DIMENSION TO BE SPECIFIED BY THE CITY. COUNTY OR STATE OFFICIALS. 7. REQUIRES UNIVERSAL DRIVING TOOL AND CORRECT KELLY BAR ADAPTOR. 8. FOUNDATION SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN UNDISTURBED SOIL. WHERE THE SOIL IS DISTURBED. IT SHALL BE BACKFILLED IN 6 INCH LAYERS AND AIR TAMPED. NOTE, UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE, ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES CAD, FILE I ESTD. INSERV 0 03/31/03 RJO 132825.LC-00IOOP. STLT NO. DATE BY WESTAR ENERGY AUGER FOUNDATION FOR STEEL POLES DP CK SHEET I OF I LCS 13-2825 REV 0 ALTERNATE it / ' A 7 /4' /4' __, _t Pole , BOLT CIRCLE , 2 3/4 GROUT AFTER POLE IS PLUMB : : w: ~.: . . ~ ": :::.:":; ~ . . ... . . . , , . , . . , ~ . , , . . , .. , . , , 0 0 'I' . , , 0 '0' I , , I. , .. ' , -..1 ,I . 'I ; , 0, , I GROUT AFTER POLE IS PLUMB 6'-0 . " 4 " ' '0 ~I Nom UNLESS CAD, FILE ESTD, INSERV 132830'LC-00I00P,STLT SPECIFIED OTHERWISE. ALL 1 o 03/31/03 RJO NO. DATE BY 11 GA POLES (ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD TANGENTS) DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES POLE FOUNDATIONS WESTAR ENERGY 30-335 tAT AMNODUN1TIINGGA HT SHEET 1 OF 2 LCS 13-2830 REV 0 , , COMPLETE MATERIAL LIST COMPLETE MATERIAL LIST ID # MATERIAL QTY ID # MATERIAL QTY 1 ANCHOR BOLT 1-1/4'X48' 4 1 ANCHOR BOLT I' X 40' 4 2 GROUNDING CLAMP 1 2 ,GROUNDING CLAMP 1 3 GROUNDING CONNECTOR 1 3 GROUNDING CONNECTOR 1 4 GROUND ROD 5/8' X 8' 1 4 GROUND ROD 5/8' X 8' 1 CONCRETE 3/4 YO CONCRETE 3/4 YO NO. 6 REBAR 4\ ELBOW 2' PVC J. NO. 3 REBAR Ai\. EXTENSION 2' PVC /: NO. 6 REBAR A .' NO. 3 REBAR " 3 GA POLES ( OVERHEAD 11 GA POLES (ALL UNDERGROUND DEADEND ONl Y) AND OVERHEAD TANGENTS) NOTES. &. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3500 LB. READY MIX. CONCRETE SHALL BE ADEQUATELY V I BRA TED. ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL BE SET WITH A TEMPLATE. TOP OF CONCRETE TO BE FINISHED SMOOTH AND LEVEL WITH SIDEWALK SURFACE. ' ALL EXCAVATED DIRT AND CONCRETE TO BE HAULED AWAY. ALLOW 15 DAYS CURING TIME BEFORE INSTALLING STEEL POLE. STEEL POLE SHALL BE PLUMB ON TWO VERTICAL PLANES 90' APART. & IN AN AREA WHERE THE SIDEWALK OR CURB HAS NOT BEEN INSTALLED, FINISH THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION LEVEL WITH THE TOP OF THE FUTURE CURB OR S IIlEWALK. THE DIMENSION BETWEEN THE CENTERLINE OF THE FOUNDATION TO THE EDGE OF THE CURB SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY THE CITY, COUNTY OR STATE. .&. CONDUIT IS TO BE USED FOR UNDERGROUND SERVICE ONLY, AS REQUIRED FOR A PARTI CULAR JOB. &. VERTICAL REBAR FOR - 3 GA POLE. 6 - NO.6 REBAR 5'-6 EQUALLY SPACED ON A 18' DlA CIRCLE. 11 GA POLE' 6 - NO.6 REBAR 4'-6 EQUALLY SPACED ON A 18' DIA. CIRCLE. &. HORIZONTAL REBAR RINGS FOR - 3 GA POLE, 8 - NO. 3 REBAR. ALL CIRCULAR TIES EQUALLY SPACED. 11 GA POLE. 6 - NO.3 REBAR. ALL CIRCULAR TIES EQUALLY SPACED. &. SEE LCS 13-2825 FOR PREFERRED STREET LIGHT FOUNDATION. NOTE' UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE, ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES POLE FDUNDA TI ONS CAD,FILE 1 ,-.-. ~ ~EST AR ENERGY 30-35 FT MOUNTING HT ESTD, INSERV 0 03/31/03 RJO Vj)'p 3 GA AND 11 GA 132830-LC-00200P,STLT NO. DATE BY CK APP SHEET 2 OF 2 LCS 13-2830 I REV 0 I ( ( / l. " ( ~ ',,-~ ~ \ l '_. ~ort Development of Lighting Recommendations Downtown Salina, Kansas January 2008 Appendix I: Point-by-Point Lighting Calculations Lighting Calculations and Input Data Isofootcandle Plots (in back pocket) Sheet 1 - Elm to Ash Sheet 2 - Ash to Iron Sheet 3 -Iron to Walnut Sheet 4 - Walnut to Mulberry .R,\:lOO7-Q255\Ol-SABIDLI<'HTING\WPC\REPORT\llgRe(Rpt-Orafl2.d<><; lf1 ~~B Appendices @ BWR I Right in the Center City of Salina, Kansas Downtown Lighting Analysis January, 2008 1 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center User and Job File Information User Information Amy Houghton Bucher Willis & Ratliff Corporatiion 2335 Crawford salina Kansas 67401 Voice Number: 785-827-3603 Fax Number : 785-827-3029 Email Address: itregs@bwrcorp.com Job File Information Filename Location Created By Created Date Created Version Modified By : Modified Date : Modified Version Total Time (Hrs) Description SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 R:\2007-0255\01-SA BID LIGHTING\Calcs\ Amy Houghton 10/16/2007 9:36:08 AM 1. 95.2 Larry Stass 1/28/2008 1:52:16 AM 1. 95.2 26.35 Information 2 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Definition(s) Pedestrianl HL980130 Filename == Lumens per Lamp = Number of Lamps == Lamp Lumen Depreciation (~LD) == Lamp Dirt Depreciation. (LDD) == Ballast Factor (BF) ~ Total Light Loss Factor (LLDxLDDxBF) Lurninaire Watts = Total Watts = Luminaire Effective Projected Area Total Effective Projected Area Normal Mode Symbol Normal Mode Symbol Scaling Render Mode Symbol Render Mode Symbol Scaling Housing Color == Luminous Color Arrangement = Arm Length == Offset ~ Pole Mounted Pedestrian2 HL980130 Filename == Lumens per Lamp == Number of Lamps == Lamp Lumen Depreciation (LLO) == Lamp Dirt Depreciation (LOO) == Ballast Factor (BF) ~ Total Light Loss Factor (LLDxLDDxBF) Lurninaire Watts == Total Watts == Luminaire Effective Projected Area Total Effective Projected Area Normal Mode Symbol Normal Mode Symbol Scaling Render Mode Symbol Render Mode Symbol Scaling Housing Color == Luminous Color Arrangement = Arm Length ~ Offset ~ Pole Mounted Cobraheadl AE3860: 125 40M R3 DG HL980130. IES 7700 1 0.4 1 1 0.400 188 188 o Sq.Ft. o Sq.Ft. CIRCLE DOWN (X~ 2 y~ 2 z~ 2) CIRCLE DOWN (X~ 2 y~ 2 z~ 10) (R~ 51 G~ 51 B~ 51) (R~ 255 G~ 255 B~ 255) SINGLE o o HL980130. IES 7700 1 0.4 1 1 0.400 188 188 o Sq.Ft. o Sq.Ft. CIRCLE DOWN (X~ 2 y~ 2 z= 2) CIRCLE DOWN (X~ 2 y~ 2 z~ 10) (R~ 51 G~ 51 B~ 51) (R= 255 G~ 255 B~ 255) SINGLE o o AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting ,A32 2(4(2008 3 {iJ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Definition(s) Filename = Lumens per Lamp = Number of Lamps = Lamp Lumen Depreciation (LLO) = Lamp Dirt Depreciation (LOO) = Ballast Factor (BF) ~ Total Light Loss Factor (LLDxLDDxBF) Lurninaire Watts = Total Watts = Lurninaire Effective Projected Area Total Effective Projected Area Normal Mode Symbol Normal Mode Symbol Scaling Render Mode Symbol Render Mode Symbol Scaling Housing Color = Luminous Color Arrangement = Arm Length = Offset ~ Pole Mounted Shoebox AE3536: 153 25V R3 SG Filename Lumens per Lamp = Number of Lamps = Lamp Lumen Depreciation (LLO) = Lamp Dirt Depreciation (LOO) = Ballast Factor (BF) = Total Light Loss Factor (LLDxLDDxBF) Luminaire Watts = Total Watts = Luminaire Effective Projected Area Total Effective Projected Area Normal Mode Symbol Normal Mode Symbol Scaling Render Mode Symbol Render Mode Symbol Scaling Housing Color = Luminous Color Arrangement = Arm Length = Offset ~ Pole Mounted Cobrahead2 LTL14271: 115 10S R3 DA Filename = Lumens per Lamp = Cont. AE3860.ies 7700 1 0.4 1 1 0.400 465 465 o Sq.Ft. o Sq.Ft. CIRCLE DOWN (X~ 2 y~ 2 z~ 2) CIRCLE DOWN (X~lY~.lZ~l) (R~ 51 G~ 51 B~ 51) (R~ 255 G~ 255 B~ 255) SINGLE 12 0.68381 AE3536.ies 13000 1 0.5 1 1 0.500 285 285 o Sq. Ft. o Sq.Ft. SHOEBOX (X~ 2 Y~ 2 Z~ 2) SHOEBOX (X~ 2 Y~ 2 Z~ 1) (R~ 51 G~ 51 B~ 51) (R~ 255 G~ 255 B~ 255) SINGLE 12 0.68381 LTL14271. ies 15500 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 4 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Definition(s) Cont. Number of Lamps = Lamp Lumen Depreciation (LLO) = Lamp Dirt Depreciation (LOO) = Ballast Factor (BF) ~ Total Light Loss Factor (LLDxLDDxBF) Luminaire Watts = Total Watts ~ Luminaire Effective Projected Area Total Effective Projected Area Normal Mode Symbol Normal Mode Symbol Scaling Render Mode Symbol Render Mode Symbol Scaling Housing Color = Luminous Color Arrangement = Arm Length = Offset = Pole Mounted 1 0.6 1 1 0.600 133 133 o Sq.Ft. o Sq.Ft. CIRCLE DOWN (X~ 2 y~ 2 z~ 2) CIRCLE DOWN (X~ 2 y~ 2 z~ 1) (R~ 51 G~ 51 B~ 51) (R~ 255 G~ 255 B~ 255) SINGLE 12 0.642615 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStICeetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 5 53 BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Location(s) Luminaire Locations Project Name : ProJect 1 Coordinates in Feet Lum. Aiming Point No. Label X L- -'--- Orient . Tilt Roll Spin L- L- -'--- Status 1 Pedestrian! 4915.85 6018.41 12 0 0 0 0 4915.85 6018.41 12 On 2 Pedestrian! 4915.8 6128.21 12 0 0 0 0 4915.8 6128.21 12 On 3 Pedestrianl 4916.14 6237.06 12 0 0 0 0 4916.14 6237.06 12 On 4 Pedestrianl 4915.55 6338.96 12 0 0 0 0 4915.55 6338.96 12 On 5 Pedestrian! 4989.4 5984.65 12 180 0 0 0 4989.4 5984.65 12 On 6 Pedestrian! 4990.03 6075.89 12 180 0 0 0 4990.03 6075.89" 12 On 7 Pedestrianl 4991.85 6183.15 12 180 0 0 0 4991.85 6183.15 12 On 8 Pedestrian! 4991.83 6285.41 12 180 0 0 0 4991. 83 6285.41 12 On 18 Shoebox 4916.12 6087.54 30 0 0 0 0 4916.12 6087.54 30 On 19 Shoebox 4989.88 6083.44 30 180 0 0 0 4989.88 6083.44 30 On 20 Shoebox 4916.12 6224.66 30 0 0 0 0 4916.12 6224.66 30 On 21 Shoebox 4991.77 6219.93 30 180 0 0 0 4991.77 6219.93 30 On 22 Shoebox 4915.56 6328.83 30 0 0 0 0 4915.56 6328.83 30 On 23 Shoebox 4992.17 6329.2 30 180 0 0 0 4992.17 6329.2 30 On 24 Pedestrian2 4916.64 6386.08 12 0 0 0 0 4916.64 6386.08 12 On 25 Pedestrian2 4992.21 6342.41 12 180 0 0 0 4992.21 6342.41 12 On 26 Pedestrian2 4916.6 6288.75 12 0 0 0 0 4916.6 6288.75 12 On 27 Pedestrian2 4991.7 6231.88 12 180 0 0 0 4991. 7 6231.88 12 On 28 Pedestrian2 4916.42 6184.12 12 0 0 0 0 4916.42 6184.12 12 On 29 Pedestrian2 4991.6 6131.42 12 180 0 0 0 4991. 6 6131.42 12 On 30 Pedestrian2 4916.02 6077.95 12 0 0 0 0 4916.02 6077.95 12 On 31 Pedestrian2 4991.06 6031.76 12 180 0 0 0 4991.06 6031. 76 12 On 33 Pedestrian1 4894.72 6434.4 12 0 0 0 0 4894.72 6434.4 12 On 37 Pedestrian2 4916.68 6503.73 12 0 0 0 0 4916.68 6503.73 12 On 39 Pedestrian1 4916.91 6557.11 12 0 0 0 0 4916.91 6557.11 12 On 40 Shoebox 4916.91 6577.21 30 0 0 0 0 4916.91 6577.21 30 On 42 Pedestrian2 4917.6 6601. 93 12 0 0 0 0 4917.6 6601.93 12 On 44 Pedestrian1 4917.6 6646.3 12 0 0 0 0 4917.6 6646.3 12 On 55 Pedestrian1 4917.3 6856.5 12 0 0 0 0 4917.3 6856.5 12 On 57 Pedestrian1 4917.08 6957 12 0 0 0 0 4917.08 6957 12 On 59 Pedestrian1 4916.33 7058.76 12 0 0 0 0 4916.33 7058.76 12 On 63 Pedestrian1 4916.9 7240.21 12 0 0 0 0 4916.9 7240.21 12 On 61 Pedestrian2 4916.69 7278.2 12 0 0 0 0 4916.69 7278.2 12 On 65 Pedestrian1 4918.2 7340.11 12 0 0 0 0 4918.2 7340.11 12 On 68 Pedestrian1 4916.85 7483.27 12 0 0 0 0 4916.85 7483.27 12 On 70 Pedestrian1 4861.26 7564.44 12 90 0 0 0 4861.26 7564.44 12 On 71 Pedestrian1 4769.47 7568.06 12 90 0 0 0 4769.47 7568.06 12 On 72 Pedestrian1 5052.22 7567.25 12 90 0 0 0 5052.22 7567.25 12 On 73 Pedestrian1 5211.12 7566.34 12 90 0 0 0 5211.12 7566.34 12 On 74 Pedestrian2 5155.02 7566.34 12 90 0 0 0 5155.02 7566.34 12 On 75 Pedestrian2 4797.09 7565.3 12 90 0 0 0 4797.09 7565.3 12 On 76 Pedestrian2 4699.52 7565.9 12 90 0 0 0 4699.52 7565.9 12 On 77 Pedestrian2 4918.61 7540.28 12 0 0 0 0 4918.61 7540.28 12 On 79 pedestrian2 4918.38 7399.38 12 0 0 0 0 4918.38 7399.38 12 On 81 Pedestrian2 4916.88 7190.62 12 0 0 0 0 4916.88 7190.62 12 On 6 AGl32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ ...~ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 110 Pedestrian2 5207.95 7127.26 12 90 0 0 0 5207.95 7127.26 12 On 111 Pedestrian2 5223.16 6964,65 12 270 0 0 0 5223.16 6964.65 12 On 112 Pedestrian! 5191.31 6964.65 12 270 0 0 0 5191.31 6964.65 12 On 113 Pedestrianl 5239.81 7127,74 12 90 0 0 0 5239.81 7127.74 12 On 114 Pedestrianl 5174'.66" 7121,26 12 90 0 0 0 5114. 66 7127.26 12 On 115 PedestrianZ 5157.55 7109,19 12 0 0 0 0 5157.55 7109.19 12 On 116 PedestrianZ 5139.48 7056.89 12 0 0 0 0 5139.48 7056.89 12 On 117 PedestrianZ 5138.53 6998.41 12 0 0 0 0 5138.53 6998.41 12 On 118 Pedestrian! 5138.05 7088.75 12 0 0 0 0 5138.05 7088.75 12 On 119 Pedestrianl 5139.48 7027.41 12 0 0 0 0 5139.48 7027.41 12 On 120 Pedestrian! 5097.33 7123.34 12 0 0 0 0 5097.33 7123.34 12 On 121 Pedestrian! 5060.48 7140.07 12 0 0 0 0 5060.48 7140.07 12 On 122 Pedestrian! 5027.55 _ 7123.6 12 0 0 0 0 5027.55 7123.6 12 On 123 PedestrianZ 5025.2 7146.08 12 0 0 0 0 5025.2 7146.08 12 On 124 PedestrianZ 5098.9 7146.08 12 0 0 0 0 5098.9 7146.08 12 On 126 Pedestrian1 5264.86 7158.1 12 0 0 0 0 5264.86 7158.1 12 On 125 Pedestrian2 5141.33 7180.57 12 0 0 0 0 5141.33 7180.57 12 On 127 Pedestrian1 5141.33 7211.7 12 0 0 0 0 5141.33 7211.7 12 On 128 Pedestrian2 5265.88 7236.72 12 0 0 0 0 5265.88 7236.72 12 On 129" pedestrian1 5266.38 7314.08 12 0 0 0 0 5266.38 7314.08 12 On 130 Pedestrian1 5266.38 7412.98 12 0 0 0 0 5266.38 7412.98 12 On 131 Pedestrian1 5326.2 7290.95 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 7290.95 12 On 132 Pedestrian1 5326.,2 7396.23 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 7396.23 12 On 13. Pedestrian2 5326.2 7338.01 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 7338.01 12 On 135 Pedestrian2 5266.38 7357.15 .,2 0 0 0 0 5266.38 7357.15 12 On 136 Pedestrian2 5326.2 7451.27 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 7451.27 12 On 137 Pedestrian2 .5265.69 7504.81 12 0 0 0 0 5265.69 7504.81 12 On 138 Pedestrian2 5327.62 7546.98 12 180 0 0 0 5327.62 7546.98 12 On 139 Pedestrian1 5264.62 7550.19 12 0 0 0 0 5264.62 7550.19 12 On 140 Pedestrianl 5325.48 7502.14 12 0 O. 0 0 5325-.48 7502.14 12 On 141 Pedestrian1 5346.83 7564.07 12 90 0 0 0 5346.83 7564.07 12 On 142 pedestrian1 4856.76 5939.05 12 0 0 0 0 4856.76 5939.05 12 On 143 pedestrian1 4763.74 5939.05 12 0 0 0 0 4763.74 5939.05 12 On 144 Pedestrian1 5112.14 5938.24 12 0 0 0 0 5112.14 5938.24 12 On 145 Pedestrian1 5247.58 5939.87 12 0 0 0 0 5247.58 5939.87 12 On 147 Pedestrian1 4886.13 5882.75 12 90 0 0 0 4886.13 5882.75 12 On 148 Pedestrian1 4758.85 5874.6 12 0 0 0 0 4758.85 5874.6 12 On 149 Pedestrian1 4697.66 5873.78 12 0 0 0 0 4697.66 5873.78 12 On 150 Pedestrian1 4652.78 5853.38 12 0 0 0 0 4652.78 5853.38 12 On 151 Pedestrian1 4650.33 5798.72 12 0 0 0 0 4650.33 5798.72 12 On 152 Pedestrian1 4652.78 5694.28 12 0 0 0 0 4652.78 5694.28 12 On 153 Pedestrian1 4770.27 5817.48 12 0 0 0 0 4770.27 5817.48 12 On 154 Pedestrian1 4769.46 5707.33 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5707.33 12 On 155 Pedestrianl 4769.46 5646.96 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5646.96 12 On 156 Pedestrianl 4749.06 5573.53 12 0 0 0 0 4749.06 5573.53 12 On 157 Pedestrianl 4648.7 5631.46 12 0 0 0 0 4648.7 5631. 46 12 On 158 pedestrian1 4648.7 5542.52 12 0 0 0 0 4648.7 5542.52 12 On 159 Pedestrian1 4769.46 5513 .15 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5513-.15 12 On 160 Pedestrianl 4651.15 5483.78 12 0 0 0 0 4651.15 5483.78 12 On 161 Pedestrian1 4768.64 5423.4 12 0 0 0 0 4768.64 5423.4 12 On 162 Pedestrian1 4650.33 5388.32 12 0 0 0 0 4650.33 5388.32 12 On 163 Pedestrian1 4715.61 5372 12 0 0 0 0 4715.61 5372 12 On 8 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 @ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 273 Pedestrianl 5257.06 6431.21 12 0 0 0 0 5257.06 6431.21 12 On 274 Pedestrian! 5255.97 6389.01 12 0 0 0 0 5255.97 6389.01 12 On 275 Pedestrian! 5222.54 6358.87 12 0 0 0 0 5222.54 6358.87 12 On 276 Pedestrian! 5264.74 6323.25 12 0 0 0 0 5264.74 6323.25 12 On 278 PedestrianZ 5265.2 6230.12 12 0 0 0 0 5265.2 6230.12 12 On 279 PedestrianZ 5227.52 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5227.52 6195.01 12 On 280 PedestrianZ 5172.72 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5172.72 6195.01 12 On 281 Pedestrian! 5255.78 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5255.78 6195.01 12 On 282 Pedestrianl 5200.97 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5200.97 6195.01 12 On 283 Pedestrian! 5147.03 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5147.03 6195.01 12 On 277 Pedestrian2 5256.63 6166.75 12 0 0 0 0 5256.63 6166.75 12 On 284 Pedestrianl 5325.46 6452.33 12 180 0 0 0 5325.46 6452.33 12 On 285 Pedestrian! 5325.46 6353.85 12 180 0 0 0 5325.46 6353.85 12 On 286 Pedestrian! 5324.39 6238.25 12 180 0 0 0 5324.39 6238.25 12 On 287 Pedestrian! 5323.32 6116.23 12 180 0 0 0 5323.32 6116.23 12 On 288 Pedestrian2 5324.39 6402.02 12 180 0 0 0 5324.39 6402.02 12 On 289 Pedestrian2 5325.46 6291. 77 12 180 0 0 0 5325.46 6291. 77 12 On 290 Pedestrian2 5324.39 6161.18 12 180 0 0 0 5324.39 6161.18 12 On 291 Pedestrian2 5259.1 6102.31 12 0 0 0 0 5259.1 6102.31 12 On 292 Pedestrian2 5158.48 6166.54 12 0 0 0 0 5158.48 6166.54 12 On 293 Pedestrian1 5157.41 6136.57 12 0 0 0 0 5157.41 6136.57 12 On 294 Pedestrian1 5256.96 6133.35 12 0 0 0 0 5256.96 6133.35 12 On 295 Pedestrian2 5256.64 6528.12 12 0 0 0 0 5256.64 6528.12 12 On 296 Pedestrian2 5204.4 6597.61 12 0 0 0 0 5204.4 6597.61 12 On 297 pedestrian2 5157.73 6580.87 12 0 0 0 0 5157.73 6580.87 12 On 298 Pedestrianl 5235.34 6596.6 12 0 0 0 0 5235.34 6596.6 12 On 299 Pedestrianl 5174.47 6597.61 12 0 0 0 0 5174.47 6597.61 12 On 300 Pedestrianl 5136.94 6557.03 12 0 0 0 0 5136.94 6557.03 12 On 262 Pedestrianl 5096.45 6390.4 12 0 0 0 0 5096.45 6390.4 12 On 264 Pedestrian2 5138.43 6389.51 12 0 0 0 0 5138.43 6389.51 12 On 265 Pedestrian2 5138.19 6446.07 12 0 0 0 0 5138.19 6446.07 12 On 266 Pedestrian1 5138.54 6419.77 12 0 0 0 0 5138.54 6419.77 12 On 267 Pedestrian1 5138.69 6496.98 12 0 0 0 0 5138.69 6496.98 12 On 301 pedestrian2 5138.27 6524.82 12 0 0 0 0 5138.27 6524.82 12 On 302 Pedestrian2 4584.04 6625.5 12 0 0 0 0 4584.04 6625.5 12 On 303 Pedestrian2 4567.05 6719.51 12 90 0 0 0 4567.05 6719.51 12 On 304 Pedestrianl 4585.17 6682.14 12 0 0 0 0 4585.17 6682.14 12 On 305 Pedestrian1 4533.07 6718.38 12 90 0 0 0 4533.07 6718.38 12 On 306 Pedestrian2 4534.73 6790.51 12 270 0 0 0 4534.73 6790.51 12 On 307 Pedestrian2 4413.35 6790.51 12 270 0 0 0 4413.35 6790.51 12 On 308 pedestrian1 4378.73 6791.37 12 270 0 0 0 4378.73 6791. 37 12 On 309 pedestrian1 4486.44 6791.37 12 270 0 0 0 4486.44 6791.37 12 On 310 Pedestrianl 4437.29 6719.14 12 90 0 0 0 4437.29 6719.14 12 On 311 Pedestrian2 4486.86 6718.71 12 90 0 0 0 4486.86 6718.71 12 On 312 Pedestrian2 4356.94 6718.71 12 90 0 0 0 4356.94 6718.71 12 On 313 Pedestrian1 4586.29 6850.35 12 0 0 0 0 4586.29 6850.35 12 On 314 Pedestrianl 4638.64 6888.81 12 180 0 0 0 4638.64 6888.81 12 On 315 Pedestrian2 4585.75 6906.98 12 0 0 0 0 4585.75 6906.98 12 On 316 Pedestrian2 4641.31 6836.46 12 180 0 0 0 4641. 31 6836.46 12 On 317 Pedestrianl 4697.94 6789.98 12 270 0 0 0 4697.94 6789.98 12 On 318 Pedestrian2 4764.19 6789.98 12 270 0 0 0 4764.19 6789.98 12 On 319 Pedestrianl 4800.05 6789.44 12 270 0 0 0 4800.05 6789.44 12 On 11 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. .Job File: Sa1inaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 374 Shoebox 4987.48 5528.35 30 180 0 0 0 4987.48 5528.35 3D On 375 Shoebox 4988.54 5400.88 3D 180 0 0 0 4988.54 5400.88 3D On 376 Shoebox 4915.83 5400.17 3D 0 0 0 0 4915.83 5400.17 3D On 377 Shoebox 4986.43 5257.24 3D 180 0 0 0 4986.43 5257.24 3D On 378 Shoebox 4916.54 5130.45 3D 0 0 0 0 4916.54 5130.45 3D On 379 Shoebox 4986.43 5130.1 3D 180 0 0 0 4986.43 5130.1 3D On 380 Shoebox 4986.43 5123.08 3D 180 0 0 0 4986.43 5123.08 3D On 381 Shoebox 5001. 88 5105.52 3D 270 0 0 0 5001.88 5105.52 3D On 382 Shoebox 5034.54 5104.46 3D 270 0 0 0 5034.54 5104.46 3D On 383 Shoebox 4897.22 5105.17 3D 270 0 0 0 4897.22 5105.17 3D On 384 Shoebox 4885.98 5107.63 3D 270 0 0 0 4885.98 5107.63 3D On 385 Shoebox 4789.19 5107.28 3D 270 D 0 0 4789.19 5107.28 3D On 386 Shoebox 4762.59 5106.27 3D 270 0 0 0 4762.59 5106.27 3D On 387 Shoebox 4691. 87 5105.6 3D 270 0 0 0 4691. 87 5105.6 3D On 388 Cobraheadl 4264.2 8489.47 3D 0 0 0 0 4264.2 8489.47 3D On 389 Cobraheadl 4326.29 8463.52 3D 270 0 0 0 4326.29 8463.52 3D On 390 Cobrahead1 4236.4 8394.94 3D 90 0 0 0 4236.4 8394.94 3D On 391 Cobrahead1 4236.4 8394.94 3D 270 0 0 0 4236.4 8394.94 3D On 392 Cobrahead1 4360.59 8394.01 3D 90 0 0 0 4360.59 8394.01 3D On 393 Cobrahead1 4360.59 8392.16 3D 270 0 0 0 4360.59 8392 .16 3D On 394 Cobrahead1 4534.82 8394.01 3D 90 0 0 0 4534.82 8394.01 3D On 395 Cobrahead1 4521. 85 8457.96 3D 270 0 0 0 4521. 85 8457.96 3D On 397 Cobraheadl 4658.09 8461.67 3D 270 0 0 0 4658.09 8461. 67 3D On 398 Cobrahead1 4646.04 8400.5 3D 180 0 0 0 4646.04 8400.5 3D On 399 Cobrahead1 4577.46 8318.94 3D 180 0 0 0 4577.46 8318.94 3D On 400 Cobrahead1 4578.38 8318.94 3D 0 0 0 0 4578.38 8318.94 3D On 396 Cobrahead1 4588.58 8479.28 3D 0 0 0 0 4588.58 8479.28 3D On 401 Cobrahead1 4911. 33 8567.7 3D 0 0 0 0 4911.33 8567.7 3D On 402 Cobrahead1 4994.93 8470.17 3D 220 0 0 0 4994.93 8470.17 3D On 403 Cobrahead1 4906.69 8395.87 3D 90 0 0 0 4906.69 8395.87 3D. On 404 Cobrahead1 4988.98 8347.36 30 180 0 0 0 4988.98 8347.36 3D On 406 Cobrahead1 4920.12 8256.61 3D 0 0 0 0 4920.12 8256.61 3D On 407 Cobrahead1 4993.11 8193.31 3D 180 0 0 0 4993.11 8193.31 3D On 408 Cobraheadl 4919.15 8108.37 3D 0 0 0 0 4919.15 8108.37 3D On 409 Cobrahead1 4993.66 8070.46 3D 180 0 0 0 4993.66 8070.46 3D On 410 Cobrahead1 4917.61 7968.18 3D 0 0 0 0 4917.61 7968.18 .30 On 411 Cobrahead1 4992.57 7919.,09 3D 180 0 0 0 4992.57 7919.09 3D On 412 Cobrahead1 4917.83 7832.09 3D 0 0 0 0 4917.83 7832.09 30 On 413 Cobrahead1 4992.57 7782.12 3D 180 0 0 0 4992.57 7782.12 3D On 414 Cobrahead1 4919.59 7698.4 3D 0 0 0 0 4919.59 7698.4 3D On 415 Cobrahead1 4991. 47 7652.81 3D 180 0 0 0 4991.47 7652.81 3D On 416 Cobrahead1 5080.59 7637.4 30 270 0 0 0 5080.59 7637.4 3D On 417 Cobrahead1 5065.87 7568.91 3D 90 0 0 0 5065.87 7568.91 3D On 418 Cobrahead1 5159.35 7568.56 3D 90 0 0 0 5159.35 7568.56 30 On 419 Cobrahead1 5155.93 7639.79 3D 270 0 0 0 5155.93 7639.79 3D On 420 Cobrahead1 52~0.11 7636.37 3D 270 O. 0 0 5250.11 7636.37 30 On 421 Cobrahead1 5254.21 7566.17 3D 90 0 0 0 5254.21 7566.17 3D On 422 Cobrahead1 5328.19 7549.39 3D 180 0 0 0 5328.19 7549.39 3D On 423 Cobrahead1 5340.52 7634.66 3D 270 0 0 0 5340.52 7634.66 3D On 424 Cobraheadl 5453.18 7567.19 3D 90 0 0 0 5453.18 7567.19 3D On 425 Cobrahead1 5265.87 7475.08 3D 0 0 0 0 5265.87 7475.08 3D On 426 Cobrahead1 5324.42 7405.22 3D 180 0 0 0 5324.42 7405.22 3D On 13 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc:. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Location(s) Cont". 427 Cobraheadl 5331.27 7254.55 30 180 0 0 0 5331.27 7254.55 30. On 428 Cobraheadl 5266.89 7205.24 30 0 0 0 0 5266.89 7205.24 30 On 429 Cobraheadl 5331.27 7138.81 30 180 0 0 0 5331.27 7138.81 30 On 430 Shoebox 5138.14 7138.13 30 180 0 0 0 5138.14 7138.13 30 On 431 Cobraheadl 5267.58 7066.91 30 0 0 0 0 5267.58 7066.91 30 On 432 Cobraheadl 5331. 61 7005.61 30 180 0 0 0 5331.61 7005.61 30 On 433 Cobraheadl 5267.58 6941.93 30 0 0 0 0 5267.58 6941.93 30 On 434 Cobraheadl 5329.56 6885.42 30 180 0 0 0 5329.56 6885.42 30 On 435 Cobraheadl .5156.97 6787.48 30 270 0 0 0 5156.97 6787.48 30 On 436 Cobraheadl 5079.24 6719.68 30 90 0 0 0 5079.24 6719.68 30 On 437 Cobraheadl 4727.62 6719.7 30 90 0 0 0 4727.62 6719'.7 30 On 438 Cobraheadl 4587.26 6704.8 30 0 0 0 0 4587.26 6704.8 30 On 439 Cobraheadl 4643.19 6688.49 30 180 0 0 0 4643.19 6688.49 30 On 440 Cobraheadl 4586.09 6610.41 30 0 0 0 0 4586.09 6610.41 30 On 441 Cobraheadl 4586.68 6844.64 30 0 0 0 0 4586.68 6844.64 30 On 442 Cohraheadl 4583.76 6463.58 30 0 0 0 0 4583.76 6463.58 30 On 443 Shoebox 4649'.6 6523.01 30 0 0 0 0 4649.6 6523.01 30 On 444 Shoebox 4770.21 6514.86 30 180 0 0 0 4770.21 6514.86 30 On 447 Cobrahead1 4583.76 6305.68 30 0 0 0 0 4583.76 6305.68 30 On 448 Cobrahead1 4640.86 6254.99 30 180 0 0 0 4640.86 6254.99 30 On 445 Shoebox 4770.87 6396.91 30 180 0 0 0 4770.87 6396.91 30 On 34 Shoebox 4921. 06 6456.47 30 0 0 0 0 4921. 06 6456.47 30 On 41 Shoebox 4995.57 6571.43 30 180 0 0 0 4995.57 6571. 43 30 On 35 Shoebox 4993.56 6456.82 30 180 0 0 0 4993.56 6456.82 30 On 449 Cobrahead1 4584.97 6197.95 30 0 0 0 0 4584.97 6197.95 30 On 450 Cobrahead1 4642.66 6138.74 30 180 0 0 0 4642.66 6138.74 30 On 446 Shoebox 4699.13 6306.14 30 90 0 0 0 4699.13 6306.14 30 On 451 Cobrahead1 4585.12 6062.89 30 0 0 0 0 4585.12 6062.89 30 On 452 Cobraheadl 4642.19 6001.77 30 180 0 0 0 4642.19 6001. 77 30 On 453 Cobrahead1 4584 5945.94 30 0 0 0 0 4584 5945.94 30 On 454 Cobrahead1 4441. 5 6054.25 30 0 0 0 0 4441. 5 6054.25 30 On 455 Cobrahead1 4441.51 6202.16 30 0 0 0 0 4441. 51 6202.16 30 On 456 Cobrahead1 4252.44 6280.8 30 0 0 0 0 4252.44 6280.8 30 On 457 Cobrahead1 4245.59 6185.39 30 0 0 0 0 4245.59 6185.39 30 On 458 Cobraheadl 4309.19 6032.62 30 180 0 0 0 4309.19 6032.62 30 On 460 Cobrahead1 4308.57 5866.71 30 180 0 0 0 4308.57 5866.71 30 On 459 Cobraheadl 4251.08 5959 30 0 0 0 0 4251.08 5959 30 On 461 Cobraheadl 4587.34 5872.95 30 0 0 0 0 4587.34 5872.95 30 On 462 Cobrahead1 4638.8 5874. 94 30 180 0 0 0 4638.8 5874.94 30 On 463 .Shoebox 4710.5 5874.27 30 270 0 0 0 4710.5 5874.27 30 On 464 Cobrahead1 5265.67 5884.26 30 90 0 0 0 5265.67 5884.26 30 On 465 Cobrahead1 5264.86 5956.39 30 0 0 0 0 5264.86 5956.39 30 On 466 Cobraheadl 5265.67 6089.31 30 0 0 0 0 5265.67 6089.31 30 On 467 Cobraheadl 5455.33 6052.84 30 0 0 0 0 5455.33 6052.84 30 On 468 Cobraheadl 5335.38 5937.75 30 270 0 0 0 5335.38 5937.75 30 On 469 Cobrahead1 5319.17 5871.29 30 180 0 0 0 5319.17 5871.29 30 On 470 Shoebox 5453.7 6025.28 30 0 0 0 0 5453.7 6025.28 30 On 471 Pedestrian1 5260 6077.15 12 0 0 0 0 5260 6077.15 12 On 472 Pedestrianl 5261. 62 5958.01 12 0 0 0 0 5261.62 5958.01 12 On 473 Pedestrian1 5324.03 6043.11 12 180 0 0 0 5324.03 6043.11 12 On 474 Pedestrian1 5323.22 5954.77 12 180 0 0 0 5323.22 5954.77 12 On 475 Pedestrian1 5225.96 6086.88 12 0 0 0 0 5225.96 6086.88 12 On 14 AGl32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Arl.alysts. Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 @ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 476 Pedestrian! 5172.47 6087.69 12 0 0 0 0 5172.47 6087.69 12 On 477 PedestrianZ 5264.87 6035.01 12 0 0 0 0 5264.87 6035.01 12 On 478 PedestrianZ 5324.84 6061. 75 12 0 0 0 0 5324.84 6061. 75 12 On 479 PedestrianZ 5324.84 6007,.45 12 0 0 0 0 5324.84 6007.45 12 On 480 PedestrianZ 5199.22 6086.07 12 0 0 0 0 5199.22 6086.07 12 On 481 Pedestrian2 5146.54 6087.69 12 0 0 0 0 5146.54 6087.69 12 On 482 Cobraheadl 5454.52 6152.52 30 0 0 0 0 5454.52 6152.52 30 On 483 Cobraheadl 5588.25 5881.83 30 90 0 0 0 5588.25 5881. 83 30 On 484 Cobraheadl 5655.52 5878.59 30 90 0 0 0 5655.52 5878.59 30 On 485 Cobraheadl 5598.75 6200.5 30 0 0 0 0 5598.75 6200.5 30 On 486 Cobraheadl 5267.07 6247 30 0 0 0 0 5267.07 6247 30 On. 487 Cobraheadl 5324.3 6301.56 30 180 0 0 0 5324.3 6301.56 30 On 488 Cobraheadl 5324.41 6167.91 30 180 0 0 0 5324.41 6167.91 30 On 489 Cobraheadl 5598.96 6415.52 30 0 0 0 0 5598.96 6415.52 30 On 490 Cobraheadl 5551. 33 6639.23 30 180 0 0 0 5551.33 6639.23 30 On 491 Cobrahead1 5263.08 6659.53 30 0 0 0 0 5263.08 6659.53 30 On 492 Cobrahead1 5472.1 6789.73 30 270 0 0 0 5472 .1 6789.73 30 On 493 Cobrahead1 5723.43 6785.28 30 270 0 0 0 5723.43 6785.28 30 On 494 Cobrahead1 4531. 75 7644.39 30 270 0 0 0 4531. 75 7644.39 30 On 495 Cobrahead1 4577.83 7715.54 30 0 0 0 0 4577.83 7715.54 30 On 496 Cobrahead1 4577.15 7714.86 30 180 0 0 0 4577.15 7714.86 30 On 497 Cobrahead1 4642.87 7793.46 30 180 0 0 0 4642.87 7793.46 30 On 498 Cobrahead1 4663.2 7639.65 30 270 0 0 0 4663.2 7639.65 30 On 499 Cobrahead1 4721. 47 7569.18 30 90 0 0 0 4721.47 7569.18 30 On 500 Cobraheadl 4572.4 7576.64 30 90 0 0 0 4572 .4 7576.64 30 On 501 Cobrahead1 4461.28 7575.96 30 90 0 0 0 4461.28 7575.96 30 On 502 Cobrahead1 4310.19 7565.79 30 180 0 0 0 4310.19 7565.79 30 On 503 Cobrahead1 4240.4 7580.02 30 90 0 0 0 4240.4 7580.02 30 On 504 Cobrahead1 4256.66 7494.65 30 0 0 0 0 4256.66 7494.65 30 On 505 Cobrahead1 4439.6 7529.88 30 0 0 0 0 4439.6 7529.88 30 On 506 Cobrahead1 4583.25 7521.07 30 0 0 0 0 4583.25 7521. 07 30 On 507 Cobrahead1 4644.23 7556.99 30 180 0 0 0 4644.23 7556.99 30 On 508 Cobrahead1 4388.78 7646.42 30 90 0 0 0 4388-.78 7646.42 30 On 509 Cobraheadl 4388.78 7644.39 30 270 0 0 0 4388.78 764"4.39 30 On 510 Cobrahead1 4314.32 7373.66 30 180 0 0 0 4314.32 7373.66 30 . On 511 Cobrahead1 4820.37 7639.39 30 270 0 0 0 4820.37 7639.39 30 On 512 Cobrahead1 4577.04 7870.83 30 0 0 0 0 4577.04 7870.83 30 On 513 Cobrahead1 4575.42 7870.83 30 180 0 0 0 4575.42 7870.83 30 On 514 Cobrahead1 4774.88 7894.75 30 60 0 0 0 4774.88 7894.75 30 On 515 Cobrahead1 4643.93 7942.59 30 180 0 0 0 4643.93 7942.59 30 On 516 Cobrahead1 4577.63 8018.32 30 0 0 0 0 4577.63 8018.32 30 On 517 Cobrahead1 4577 8018.32 30 180 0 0 0 4577 8018.32 30 On 518 Cobrahead1 4577.63 8169.09 30 0 0 0 0 4577.63 8169.09 30 On 519 Cobrahead1 4577 8169.09 30 180 0 0 0 4577' 8169.09 30 On 520 Cobrahead1 4641. 61 8094.97 30 180 0 0 0 4641. 61 8094.97 30 On 521 Cobrahead1 4774.63 8098.14 30 60 0 0 0 4774.63 8098.14 30 On. 522 Cobrahead1 4789.2 8199.49 30 120 0 0 0 4789.2 8199.49 30 On 523 Cobrahead1 4643.51 8246.37 30 180 0 0 0 4643.51 8246.37 30 On 524 Cobrahead1 5135 _ 64 8163.25 30 270 0 0 0 5135.64 8163.25 30 On 525 Cobrahead1 5266.88 8166.27 30 0 0 0 0 5266.88 8166.27 30 On 526 Cobrahead1 5136.85 8039.88 30 270 0 0 0 5136.85 8039.88 30 On 527 Cobrahead1 5135.64 7942.51 30 90 0 0 0 5135.64 7942.51 30 On 15 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 528 Cobraheadl 5578.21 8457.27 30 270 0 0 0 5578.21 8457.27 30 On 529 Cobraheadl 4643.32 7414.84 30 180 0 0 0 4643.32 7414 .84 30 On 530 Cobraheadl 4586.65 7369.88 30 0 0 0 0 4586.65 7369.88 30. On 531 Cobraheadl 4585.92 7234.68 30 0 0 0 0 4585.92 7234.68 30 On 532 Cobraheadl 4640.87 7293.97 30 180 0 0 0 4640.87 7293.97 30 On 533 Shoebox '4918.51 7165.27 30 0 0 0 0 4918.51 7165.27 30 On 534 Cobraheadl 4255.5 7289.62 30 0 0 0 0 4255.5 7289.62 30 On 535 Cobraheadl 4254.06 7091. 52 30 0 0 0 0 4254.06 7091.52 30 On 536 Cobraheadl 4311. 9 7192.74 30 180 0 0 0 4311.9 7192.74 30 On 537 Cobraheadl 4405.89 7132 30 180 0 0 0 4405.89 7132 30 On 538 Cobr~headl 4449.27 7115.38 30 180 0 0 0 4449.27 7115.38 30 On 539 Cobraheadl 4585.92 7107.42 30 0 0 0 0 4585.92 7107.42 30 On 540 Cobraheadl 4311.17 7001. 86 30 180 0 0 0 4311.17 7001. 86 30 On 541 Cobraheadl 4455.05 7023.55 30 0 0 0 0 4455.05 7023.55 30 On 542 Cobraheadl 4586.64 6993.19 30 0 0 0 0 4586.64 6993.19 30 On 543 Cobraheadl 4644.48 6912.94 30 180 0 0 0 4644.48 6912.94 30 On 544 Cobraheadl 4444.2 6904.26 30 180 0 0 0 4444.2 6904.26 30 On 545 Cobraheadl 4253.32 6907.88 30 0 0 0 0 4253.32 6907.88 30 On 546 Cobraheadl 4310.45 6811.72 30 180 0 0 0 4310.45 6811.72 30 On 547 Cobraheadl 4243.21 6719.9 30 90 0 0 0 4243.21 6719.9 30 On 548 Cobraheadl 4333.59 6788.58 30 270 0 0 0 4333.59 6788.58 30 On 549 Cobraheadl 4497.71 6788.58 30 270 0 0 0 4497.71 6788.58 30 On 550 Cobraheadl 4420.35 6719.9 30 90 0 0 0 4420.35 6719.9 30 On 551 Cobraheadl 4838.25 6788.58 30 270 0 0 0 4838.25 6788.58 30 On 552 Cobraheadl 4251.16 6694.59 30 0 0 0 0 4251.16 6694.59 30 On 553 Cobraheadl 4309 6603.49 30 180 0 0 0 4309 6603.49 30 On 554 Cobraheadl 4256.17 6492.16 30 0 0 0 0 4256.17 6492.16 30 On 555 Cobraheadl 4437.78 6534.42 30 0 0 0 0 4437.78 6534.42 30 On 556 Cobraheadl 4310.46 6391.63 30 180 0 0 0 4310.46 6391. 63 30 On 557 Cobraheadl 4470.7 6349.67 30 0 0 0 0 4470.7 6349.67 30 On 558 Cobraheadl 4441. 94 6298.29 30 0 0 0 0 4441. 94 6298.29 30 On 559 Cobraheadl 4305.06 5340.97 30 318.8920 0 0 4305.06 5340.97 30 On 560 Cobraheadl 4256.16 5037.86 30 45 0 0 0 4256.16 5037.86 30 On 561 Cobraheadl 4340.28 . 5113 .14 30 270 0 0 0 4340.28 5113 .14 30 On 562 Cobraheadl 4458.04 5056.36 30 90 0 0 0 4458.04 5056.36 30 On 563 Cobraheadl 4568.24 5108.09 30 270 0 0 0 4568.24 5108.09 30 On 564 Cobraheadl 4634.69 5041.63 30 180 0 0 .0 4634.69 5041.63 30 On 565 Cobraheadl 4770.17 4983.8 30 90 0 0 0 4770.17 4983.8 30 On 566 Cobraheadl 4808.55 5052.67 30 90 0 0 0 4808.55 5052.67 30 On 567 Cobraheadl 4919.48 5039.53 30 35 0 0 0 4919.48 5039.53 30 On 568 Cobraheadl 5111.32 5104.55 30 270 0 0 0 5111.32 5104.55 30 On 569 Cobraheadl 5143.93 5105.29 30 270 0 0 0 5143.93 5105.29 30 On 570 Cobraheadl 5250.69 5103.33 30 270 0 0 0 5250.69 5103.33 30 On 571 Cobraheadl 5263.99 5052.42 30 0 0 0 0 5263.99 5052.42 30 On 572 Cobraheadl 5334.85 5171.29 30 40 0 0 0 5334.85 5171.29 30 On 573 Pedestrianl 5268.91 5119.81 12 0 0 0 0 5268.91 5119.81 12 On 574 Cobraheadl 5452.27 5226.43 30 230 0 0 0 5452.27 5226.43 30 On 575 Cobraheadl 5581 5104.41 30 270 0 0 0 5581 5104.41 30 On 576 Cobraheadl 5313.32 5336.59 30 180 0 0 0 5313.32 5336.59 30 On 577 Cobraheadl 5652.02 5365.27 30 180 0 0 0 5652.02 5365.27 30 On 405 Cobraheadl 5262.97 8464.43 30 270 0 0 0 5262.97 8464.43 30 On 578 Cobraheadl 4192.13 6797.68 30 270 0 0 0 4192.13 6797.68 30 On 16 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 @ BWR I Right in the Center Luminaire Lecatien(s) Cent. 579 Shoebox 4991.33 7157.74 30 180 0 0 0 4991. 33 7157.74 30 On 580 Cobrahead2 5327.03 6711.78 30 150 0 0 0 5327.03 6711.78 30 On 581 Cobrahead2 5260.38 6710.13 30 50 0 0 0 5260.38 6710.13 30 On 582 Cobrahead2 5260.38 6796.53 30 325 0 0 0 5260.38 6796.53 30 On 583 Cobrahead2 5324.56 6794.88 30 225 0 0 0 5324.56 6794.88 30 On 584 CobraheadZ 4991.33 6795.7 30 225 0 0 0 4991.33 6795.7 30 On 585 CobraheadZ 4913.16 6795.7 30 320 0 0 0 4913.16 6795.7 30 On 586 CobraheadZ 4912.34 6710.13 30 50 0 0 0 4912.34 6710.13 30 On 587 CobraheadZ 4991.33 6710.96 30 145 0 0 0 4991.33 6710.96 30 On 591 CobraheadZ 4579.1 6794.88 30 320 0 0 0 4579.1 6794.88 30 On 589 CobraheadZ 4643.28 6710.13 30 142.4630 0 0 4643.28 6710.13 30 On 588 CobraheadZ 4578.28 6711. 78 30 45.063 0 0 0 4578.28 6711.78 30 On 590 CobraheadZ 4643.59 6796.08 30 225 0 0 0 4643.59 6796.08 30 On 592 Cobrahead2 4911.53 '5944.72 30 321. 7070 0 0 4911.53 5944.72 30 On 593 Cobrahead2 4991. 47 5943.77 30 225 0 0 0 4991. 47 5943.77 30 On 594 Cobrahead2 4993.05 5879.31 30 143.6520 0 0 4993.05 5879.31 30 On 595 Cobrahead2 4911.85 5878.68 30 46.672 0 0 0 4911. 85 5878.68 30 On 596 Cobrahead1 5268.55 5567.93 30 0 0 0 0 5268.55 5567.93 30 On 597 Cobrahead1 4587.36 5740.41 30 0 0 0 0 4587.36 5740.41 30 On 598 Cobrahead1 4307.36 5534.45 30 180 0 0 0 4307.36 5534.45 30 On 599 Cobrahead2 4907.99 7644.5 30 270 0 0 0 4907.99 7644.5 30 On 600 Cobrahead2 5012.21 7570.55 30 90 0 0 0 5012.21 7570.55 30 On 357 Shoebox 4900.9 7566.49 30 90 0 0 0 4900.9 7566.49 30 On Summary By Label Project Name : ProJect 1 Label ~ .2..fL Total Pedestrian1 1 0 181 Pedestrian2 1 0 167 Cobraheadl 1 0 174 Shoebox 1 0 48 Cobrahead2 1 0 18 17 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 0 BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) , Expanded Lurninaire Locations Project Name : Project 1 Coordinates in Feet (TCF/D Tilted Lamp Correction Factor * Dimming Factor) Lurn. Group Aiming Point ~ Label Label "---- "----- "---- Orient Tilt Roll Spin L- "----- L- TCF/D Status 1 pedestrianl 4915.85 6018.41 12 0 0 0 0 4915.85 6018.41 0 1 On 2 Pedestrianl 4915.8 6128.21 12 0 0 0 0 4915.8 6128.21 0 1 On 3 Pedestrian! 4916.14 6237.06 12 0 0 0 0 4916.14 6237.06 0 1 On 4 Pedestrian! 4915.55 6338.96 12 0 0 0 0 4915.55 6338.96 0 1 On 5 Pedestrian! 4989.4 5984.65 12 180 0 0 0 4989.4 5984.65 0 1 On 6 Pedestrian! 4990.03 6075.89 12 180 0 0 0 4990.03 6075.89 0 1 On 7 Pedestrian! 4991. 85 6183.15 12 180 0 0 0 4991.85 6183.15 0 1 On 8 Pedestrian! 4991. 83 6285.41 12 180 0 0 0 4991.83 6285.41 0 1 On 18 Shoebox 4928.12 6087.54 30 0 0 0 0 4928.12 6087.54 0 1 On 19 Shoebox 4977.88 6083.44 30 180 0 0 0 4977.88 6083.44 0 1 On 20 Shoebox 4928.12 6224.66 30 0 0 0 0 4928.12 6224.66 0 1 On 21 Shoebox 4979.77 6219.93 30 180 0 0 0 4979.77 6219.93 0 1 On 22 Shoebox 4927.56 6328.83 30 0 0 0 0 4927.56 6328.83 0 1 On 23 Shoebox 4980.17 6329.2 30 180 0 0 0 4980.17 6329.2 0 1 On 24 Pedestrian2 4916.64 6386.08 12 0 0 0 0 4916.64 6386.08 0 1 On 25 Pedestrian2 4992.21 6342.41 12 180 0 0 0 4992.21 6342.41 0 1 On 26 Pedestrian2 4916.6 6288.75 12 0 0 0 0 4916.6 6288.75 0 1 On 27 Pedestrian2 4991.7 6231. 88 12 180 0 0 0 4991. 7 6231. 88 0 1 On 28 Pedestrian2 4916.42 6184.12 12 0 0 0 0 4916.42 6184.12 0 1 On 29 Pedestrian2 4991.6 6131.42 12 180 0 0 0 4991. 6 6131.42 0 1 On 30 Pedestrian2 4916.02 6077.95 12 0 0 0 0 4916.02 6077.95 0 1 On 31 Pedestrian2 4991.06 6031. 76 12 180 0 0 0 4991. 06 6031.76 0 1 On 33 Pedestrian1 4894.72 6434.4 12 0 0 0 0 4894.72 6434.4 0 1 On 37 Pedestrian2 4916.68 6503.73 12 0 0 0 0 4916.68 6503.73 0 1 On 39 Pedestrian1 4916.91 6557.11 12 0 0 0 0 4916.91 6557.11 0 1 On 40 Shoebox 4928.91 6577.21 30 0 0 0 0 4928.91 6577.21 .0 1 On 42 Pedestrian2 4917.6 6601. 93 12 0 0 0 0 4917.6 6601. 93 0 1 On 44 Pedestrian1 4917.6 6646.3 12 0 0 0 0 4917.6 6646.3 0 1 On 55 Pedestrian1 4917.3 6856.5 12 0 0 0 0 4917.3 6856.5 0 1 On 57 Pedestrian1 4917.08 6957 12 0 0 0 0 4917.08 6957 0 1 On 59 Pedestrian1 4916.33 7058.76 12 0 0 0 0 4916.33 7058.76 0 1 On 63 Pedestrian1 4916.9 7240.21 12 0 0 0 0 4916.9 7240.21 0 1 On 61 Pedestrian2 4916.69 7278.2 12 0 0 0 0 4916.69 7278.2 0 1 On 65 Pedestrian1 4918.2 7340.11 12 0 0 0 0 4918.2 7340.11 0 1 On 68 Pedestrian1 4916.85 7483.27 12 0 0 0 0 4916.85 7483.27 0 1 On 70 Pedestrian1 4861.26 7564.44 12 90 0 0 0 4861. 26 7564.44 0 1 On 71 Pedestrian1 4769.47 7568.06 12 90 0 0 0 4769.47 7568.06 0 1 On 72 Pedestrian1 5052.22 7567.25 12 90 0 0 0 5052.22 7567.25 0 1 On 73 Pedestrian1 5211.12 7566.34 12 90 0 0 0 5211.12 7566.34 0 1 On 74 Pedestrian2 5155.02 7566.34 12 90 0 0 0 5155.02 7566.34 0 1 On 75 Pedestrian2 4797.09 7565.3 12 90 0 0 0 4797.09 7565.3 0 1 On 76 Pedestrian2 4699.52 7565.9 12 90 0 0 0 4699.52 7565.9 0 1 On 77 Pedestrian2 4918.61 7540.28 12 0 0 0 0 4918.61 7540.28 0 1 On 79 Pedestrian2 4918.38 7399.38 12 0 0 0 0 4918.38 7399.38 0 1 On 18 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 81 Pedestrian2 4916.88 7190.62 12 0 0 0 0 4916.88 7190.62 0 1 On 84 PedestrianZ 4917.28 7008.66 12 0 0 0 0 4917.28 7008.66 0 1 On 86 PedestrianZ 4915.29 6909.23 12 0 0 0 0 4915.29 6909.23 0 1 On '6 Pedestrianl 5030.67 6720.12 12 90 0 0 0 5030.67 6720.12 0 1 On '9 PedestrianZ 5055.65 6789.95 12 270 0 0 0 5065.65 6789.95 0 1 On 50 Pedestrian2 5146.68 6789.57 12 270 0 0 0 5146.68 6789.57 0 1 On 53 Pedestrian! 5115.11 6789.95 12 270 0 0 0 5115.11 6789.95 0 1 On 5' Pedestrian! 5210.21 6789.19 12 270 0 0 0 5210.21 6789.19 0 1 On 47 Pedestrian! 5154.73 6712.45 12 90 0 0 0 5154.73 6712.45 0 1 On 48 Pedestrian! 5249.26 6718.58 12 90 0 0 0 5249.26 6718.58 0 1 On 51 PedestrianZ 5101. 41 6718.43 12 90 0 0 0 5101.41 6718.43 0 1 On 52 PedestrianZ 5223.15 6717.67 12 90 0 0 0 5223.15 6717.67 0 1 On 66 PedestrianZ 4993.37 7323.41 12 180 0 0 0 4993.37 7323.41 0 1 On 67 PedestrianZ 4993.14 7430.31 12 180 0 0 0 4993.14 7430.31 0 1 On 69 PedestrianZ 4993.46 7541. 83 12 180 0 0 0 4993.46 7541. 83 0 1 On 78 Pedestrian1 4993.23 7489.62 12 180 0 0 0 4993.23 7489.62 0 1 On 80 Pedestrianl 4993.27 7374.73 12 180 0 0 0 4993.27 7374.73 0 1 On 82 Pedestrian1 4994.71 7163.57 12 180 0 0 0 4994.71 7163.57 0 1 On 83 Pedestrian1 4992.99 7047.99 12 180 0 0 0 4992.99 7047.99 0 1 On 85 Pedestrian1 4993.17 6932.91 12 180 0 0 0 4993.17 6932.91 0 1 On 56 Pedestrian2 4992.79 6877.86 12 180 0 0 0 4992.79 6877.86 0 1 On 58 Pedestrian2 4993.22 6984. 44 12 180 0 0 0 4993.22 6984.44 0 1 On 60 Pedestrian2 4993.99 . .7098.6 12 180 0 0 0 4993.99 7098.6 0 1 On 64 pedestrian2 4996.4 7229.24 12 180 0 0 0 4996.4 7229.24 0 1 On 62 pedestrian1 4994.2 7280.96 12 180 0 0 0 4994.2 7280.96 0 1 On 9 Pedestrian2 4992.19 6418.08 12 180 0 0 0 4992.19 6418.08 0 1 On 32 Pedestrian1 5022.97 6392.81 12 180 0 0 0 5022.97 6392.81 0 1 On 38 Pedestrian2 4992.47 6529.84 12 180 0 0 0 4992.47 6529.84 0 1 On 36 Pedestrian1 4992.47 6476.23 12 180 0 0 0 4992.47 6476.23 0 1 On 43 Pedestrian1 4992.47 6586.22 12 180 0 0 0 4992.47 6586.22 0 1 On '5 Pedestrian2 4992.93 6642.14 12 180 0 0 0 4992.93 6642.14 0 1 On 87 Pedestrian1 5265.18 6693.25 12 0 0 0 0 5265.18 6693.25 0 1 On 89 Pedestrian2 5325.23 6648.48 12 180 0 0 0 5325.23 6648.48 0 1 On 91 Pedestrian2 5257.36 6580.62 12 0 0 0 0 5257.36 6580.62 0 1 On 90 pedestrian1 5325.94 6598.38 12 180 0 0 0 5325.94, 6598.38 0 1 On 92 Pedestrian2 5324.87 6580.62 12 180 0 0 0 5324.87 6580.62 0 1 On 88 Pedestrian1 5256.65 6548.99 12 0 0 0 0 5256.65: 6548.99 0 1 On 94 Pedestrian1 5392.88 6717.41 12 90 0 0 0 5392.88 6717.41 0 1 On 95 Pedestrian1 5444.77 6716.82 12 90 0 0 0 5444.77 6716.82 0 1 On 96 Pedestrian2 5414.11 6715.64 12 90 0 0 0 5414.11 6715.64 0 1 On 97 pedestrian1 5412.95 6805.92 12 270 .0 0 0 5412.95 . 6805.92 0 1 On 98 pedestrian1 5505.94 6807.07 12 270 0 0 0 5505.94 6807.07 0 1 On 99 Pedestrian2 5451.43 6806.61 12 270 0 0 0 5451.43 6806.61 0 1 On 100 Pedestrian1 5337.25 6849.86 12 180 0 0 0 5337.25 ' 6849.86 0 1 On 101 pedestrian! 5333.33 6924.79 12 180 0 0 0 5333'.33. 6924.79 0 1 On 102 Pedestrian2 5337.73 6881. 94 12 180 0 0 0 5337.73 6881. 94 0 1 On 103 Pedestrian2 5336.08 6959.92 12 180 0 0 0 5336.08 6959.92 0 1 On 10' ,Pedestrian1 5255.5 6964.65 12 0 0 0 0 5255.5 6964.65 0 1 On 105 pedestrian1 .5256.92 7033.12 12 0 0 0 0 5256.92 7033.12 0 1 On 106 Pedestrian1 5257.4 7075.43 12 0 0 0 0 5257.4 7075.43 0 1 On 107 Pedestrian2 5256.45 6996.5 12 0 0 0 0 5256.45 6996.5 0 1 On 108 Pedestrian2 5256.92 7048.81 12 0 0 0 0 5256.92 7048.81 0 1 On 19 AG132 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownSt:nl'etLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ ~ BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 109 PedestrianZ 5256.45 7109.67 12 0 0 0 0 5256.45 7109.67 0 1 On 110 PedestrianZ 5207.95 7127.26 12 90 0 0 0 5207.95 7127.26 0 1 On 111 PedestrianZ 5223.16 6964.65 12 270 0 0 0 5223.16 6964.65 0 1 On 112 Pedestrian! 5191. 31 6964.65 12 270 0 0 0 5191.31 6964.65 0 1 On 113 Pedestrian! 5239.81 7127.74 12 90 0 0 0 5239.81 7127.74 0 1 On 114 Pedestrian! 5174.66 7127.26 12 90 0 0 0 5174.66 7127.26 0 1 . On 115 PedestrianZ 5157.55 7109.19 12 0 0 0 0 5157.55 7109.19 0 1 On 116 PedestrianZ 5139.48 7056.89 12 0 0 0 0 5139.48 7056.89 0 1 On 117 PedestrianZ 5138.53 6998.41 12 0 0 0 0 5138.53 6998.41 0 1 On 118 Pedestrian! 5138.05 7088.75 12 0 0 0 0 5138.05 7088.75 0 1 On 119 Pedestrianl 5139.48 7027.41 12 0 0 0 0 5139.48 7027.41 0 1 On 120 Pedestrian! 5097.33 7123.34 12 0 0 0 0 5097.33 7123.34 0 1 On 121 Pedestrian! 5060.48 7140.07 12 0 0 0 0 5060.48 7140.07 0 1 On 122 Pedestrian! 5027.55 7123.6 12 0 0 0 0 5027.55 7123.6 0 1 On 123 PedestrianZ 5025.2 7146.08 12 0 0 0 0 5025.2 7146.08 0 1 On 124 Pedestrian2 5098.9 7146.08 12 0 0 0 0 5098.9 7146.08 0 1 On 126 Pedestrian! 5264.86 7158.1 12 0 0 0 0 5264.86 7158.! 0 1 On 125 Pedestrian2 514!.33 7180.57 12 0 0 0 0 5!41. 33 7180.57 0 1 On 127 Pedestrian! 5141.33 7211.7 12 0 0 0 0 5!41. 33 72!1.7 0 1 On 128 Pedestrian2 5265.88 7236.72 12 0 0 0 0 5265.88 7236.72 0 1 On 129 Pedestrian! 5266.38 7314.08 12 0 0 0 0 5266.38 73!4.08 0 1 On 130 Pedestrian! 5266.38 7412.98 12 0 0 0 0 5266.38 74!2.98 0 1 On 131 Pedestrian! 5326.2 7290.95 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 7290.95 0 1 On 132 Pedestrian! 5326.2 7396.23 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 7396.23 0 1 On 134 Pedestrian2 5326.2 7338.01 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 7338.01 0 1 On 135 Pedestrian2 5266.38 7357.15 12 0 0 0 0 5266.38 7357.15 0 1 On 136 Pedestrian2 5326.2 745!.27 12 180 0 0 0 5326.2 745!.27 0 1 On 137 Pedestrian2 5265.69 7504.81 12 0 0 0 0 5265.69 7504.81 0 1 On 138 Pedestrian2 5327.62 7546.98 12 180 0 0 0 5327.62 7546.98 0 1 On 139 Pedestrian! 5264.62 7550.19 12 0 0 0 0 5264.62 7550.19 0 1 On 140 Pedestrian! 5325.48 7502.14 12 0 0 0 0 5325.48 7502.14 0 1 On 141 Pedestrian! 5346.83 7564.07 12 90 0 0 0 5346.83 7564.07 0 1 On 142 Pedestrian1 4856.76 5939.05 12 0 0 0 0 4856.76 5939.05 0 1 On 143 Pedestrian1 4763.74 5939.05 12 0 0 0 0 4763.74 5939.05 0 1 On 144 Pedestrian1 5112.14 5938.24 12 0 0 0 0 5112.14 5938.24 0 1 On 145 Pedestrian1 5247.58 5939.87 12 0 0 0 0 5247.58 5939.87 0 1 On 147 Pedestrian1 4886.13 5882.75 12 90 0 0 0 4886.13 5882.75 0 1 On 148 Pedestrian1 4758.85 5874.6 12 0 0 0 0 4758.85 5874.6 0 1 On 149 Pedestrian1 4697.66 5873.78 12 0 0 0 0 4697.66 5873.78 0 1 On 150 Pedestrian1 4652.78 5853.38 12 0 0 0 0 4652.78 5853.38 0 1 On 151 Pedestrian1 4650.33 5798.72 12 0 0 0 0 4650.33 5798.72 0 1 On 152 Pedestrian1 4652.78 5694.28 12 0 0 0 0 4652.78 5694.28 0 1 On 153 Pedestrian1 4770.27 5817.48 12 0 0 0 0 4770.27 5817.48 0 1 On 154 Pedestrian1 4769.46 5707.33 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5107.33 0 1 On 155 Pedestrianl 4769.46 5646.96 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5646.96 0 1 On 156 Pedestrian1 4749.06 5573.53 12 0 0 0 0 4749.06 5573.53 0 1 On 157 Pedestrian! 4648.7 5631. 46 12 0 0 0 0 4648.7 5631. 46 0 1 On 158 Pedestrian1 4648.7 5542.52 12 0 0 0 0 4648.7 5542.52 0 1 On 159 Pedestrian1 4769.46 5513 .15 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5513 ..15 0 1 On 160 Pedestrian1 4651.15 5483.78 12 0 0 0 0 4651.15 5483.78 0 1 On 161 Pedestrian! 4768.64 5423.4 12 0 0 0 0 4768.64 5423.4 0 1 On 162 Pedestrian! 4650.33 5388.32 12 0 0 0 0 4650.33 5388.32 0 1 On 20 AG132 - Copydght 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 0 BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 163 Pedestrian! 4715.61 5372 12 0 0 0 0 4715.61.. 5372 0 1 On 164 PedestrianZ 4690.31 5372 12 0 0 0 0 4690.31 5372 0 1 On 165 PedestrianZ 4722.95 5393.21 12 0 0 0 0 4722.95 5393.21 0 1 On 166 PedestrianZ 4651.15 5425.85 12 0 0 0 0 4651.15 5425.85 0 1 On 167 PedestrianZ 4647.07 5506.63 12 0 0 0 0 4647.07 5506.63 0 1 On 168 PedestrianZ 4649.52 5572.71 12 0 0 0 0 4649.52 5572.71 0 1 On 169 pedestrian2 4651. 96 5673.89 12 0 0 0 0 4651. 96 5673.89 0 1 On 170 PedestrianZ 4769.46 5454.41 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5454.41 0 1 On 171 PedestrianZ 4749.06 5527.02 12 0 0 0 0 4749.06 5527.02 0 1 On 172 Pedestrian2 4769.46 5593.11 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5593.11 0 1 On 173 PedestrianZ 4769.46 5677.15 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5677.15 0 1 On 174 PedestrianZ 4747.43 5738.35 12 0 0 0 0 4747.43 5738.35 0 1 On 175 PedestrianZ 4653.6 5723.66 12 0 0 0 0 4653.6 5723.66 0 1 On 176 PedestrianZ 4652.78 5824.02 12 0 0 0 0 4652.78 5824.02 0 1 On 177 PedestrianZ 4770.27 5847.68 12 0 0 0 0 4770.27 5847.68 0 1 On 178 Pedestrian2 4769.46 5788.12 12 0 0 0 0 4769.46 5788.12 0 1 On 179 Pedestrian1 4749.06 5763.64 12 0 0 0 0 4749.06 5763.64 0 1 On 180 Pedestrian2 4666.65 5873.79 12 0 0 0 0 4666.65 5873.79 0 1 On 181 Pedestrian2 4722.95 5874.6 12 0 0 0 0 4722.95 5874.6 0 1 On 182 Pedestrian2 4798.83 5885.21 12 0 0 0 0 4798.83 5885.21 0 1 On 183 Pedestrian2 4917.95 5833.81 12 15.469 0 0 0 4917.95 5833.81 0 1 On 185 pedestrian2 4915.5 5718.76 12 260 0 0 0 4915.5 5718.76 0 1 On 186 Pedestrian2 4918.77 5602.09 12 360 0 0 0 4918.77 5602.09 0 1 On 146 Pedestrian1 5055.02 5885.2 12 90 0 0 0 5055.02 5885.2 0 1 On 184 Pedestrian2 5100.72 5883.58 12 90 0 0 0 5100.72 5883.58 0 1 On 187 Pedestrian1 4917.14 5785.67 12 0 0 0 0 4917 .14 5785.67 0 1 On 188 Pedestrian1 4917.14 5673.07 12 0 0 0 0 4917 .14 5673.07 0 1 On 189 Pedestrianl 4917.14 5504.18 12 0 0 0 0 4917 .14 5504.18 0 1 On 190 Pedestrian1 4988.94 5744.06 12 180 0 0 0 4988.94 5744.06 0 1 On 191 Pedestrian1 4987.3 5612.7 12 180 0 0 0 4987.3 5612.7 0 1 On 192 Pedestrian2 4988.12 5770.17 12 180 0 0 0 4988.12 5770.17 0 1 On 193 pedestrian2 4988.12 5676.34 12 180 0 0 0 4988.12 5676.34 0 1 On 195 pedestrian2 4916.32 5434.83 12 0 0 0 0 4916.32 5434.83 0 1 On 196 Pedestrian1 4988.94 5439.73 12 180 0 0 0 4988.94 5439.73 0 1 On 198 pedestrian2 4986.49 5389.96 12 180 0 0 0 4986.49 5389.96 0 1 On 197 Pedestrian1 4915.64 5377.72 12 0 0 0 0 4915.64 5377.72 0 1 On 199 Pedestrian2 4915.86 5331.49 12 0 0 0 0 4915.86 5331.49 0 1 On 200 Pedestrian2 4914.43 5250.62 12 0 0 0 0 4914.43 5250.62 0 1 On 201 pedestrian2 4987.21 5246.34 12 0 0 0 0 4987.21 5246.34 0 1 On 202 pedestrian2 4916.33 5164.52 12 0 0 0 0 .4916.33 5164.52 0 1 On 203 Pedestrian1 4987.68 5192.11 12 180 0 0 0 4987.68 5192 .11 0 1 On 204 Pedestrian1 4915.86 5219.22 12 0 0 0 0 4915.86 5219.22 0 1 On 205 Pedestrianl 4915.38 5268.69 12 0 0 0 0 4915.38 5268.69 0 1 On 206 Pedestrianl 4989.11 5335.76 12 180 0 0 0 4989.11 5335.76 0 1 On 207 Pedestrian1 4643.12 5264.93 12 180 0 0 0 4643.12 5264.93 0 1 On 208 pedestrian1 4643.12 5134.94 12 180 0 0 0 4643.12 5134.94 0 1 On 209 Pedestrian2 4644.4 5322.2 12 180 0 0 0 4644.4 5322.2 0 1 On 210 Pedestrian2 4643.76 5203.15 12 180 0 0 0 4643.76 -5203.15 0 1 On 211 pedestrian1 5264.63 5766.3 12 0 0 0 0 5264.63 5766.3 0 1 On 212 Pedestrian2 5262.08 5669.11 12 0 0 0 0 5262.08 5669.11 0 1 On 213 Pedestrian2 5262.08 5565.69 12 0 0 0 0 5262.08 5565.69 0 1 On 214 Pedestrian2 5265.81 5468.67 12 0 0 0 0 5265.81 5468.67 0 1 On 21 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaOowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ ~ BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 215 PedestrianZ 5127.74 5590.75 12 0 0 0 0 5127.74 5590.75 0 1 On " 216 Pedestrianl 5261.55 5619 12 0 0 0 0 5261. 55 5619 0 1 On 217 Pedestrianl 5263.15 5520.38 12 0 0 0 0 5263.15 5520.38 0 1 On 218 Pedestrian! 5266.88 5432.42 12 0 0 0 0 5266.88 5432.42 0 1 On 219 Pedestrian! 5129.34 5558.23 12 0 0 0 0 5129.34 5558'.23 0 1 On 220 Pedestrian! 5130.41 5627 12 0 0 0 0 5130.41 5627 0 1 On 222 PedestrianZ 4794.19 5937.79 12 270 0 0 0 4794.19 5937.79 0 1 On 221 PedestrianZ 4733.25 5939.55 12 270 0 0 0 4733.25 5939.55 0 1 On 223 Pedestrianl 4643.15 5980.18 12 180 0 0 0 4643.15 5980.18 0 1 On 224 Pedestrian! 4579.56 6021. 7 12 0 0 0 0 4579.56 6021.7 0 1 On 225 Pedestrian! 4652.87 6070.28 12 180 0 0 0 4652.87 6070.28 0 1 On 226 Pedestrian! 4652.34 6125.64 12 180 0 0 0 4652.34 6125.64 0 1 On 227 Pedestrian! 4583.34 6145.87 12 0 .0 0 0 4583.34 6145.87 0 1 On 228 Pedestrian! 4582.72 6256.12 12 0 0 0 0 4582.72 6256.12 0 1 On 229 PedestrianZ 4651.65 6043.92 12 180 0 0 0 4651. 65 6043.92 0 1 On 230 Pedestrian2 4651.65 6101.23 12 180 0 0 0 4651. 65 6101.23 0 1 On 231 Pedestrian2 4642.36 6194.94 12 180 0 0 0 4642.36 6194.94 0 1 On 232 pedestrian2 4584.27 5950.2 12 0 0 0 0 4584.27 5950.2 0 1 On 233 Pedestrian2 4583.5 6088.83 12 0 0 0 0 4583.5 6088.83 0 1 On 234 Pedestrian2 4582.72 6203.46 12 0 0 0 0 4582.72 6203.46 0 1 On 235 Pedestrianl 4643.91 6245.28 12 180 0 0 0 4643.91 6245.28 0 1 On 236 pedestrianl 4582.86 6355.09 12 0 0 0 0 4582.86 6355.09 0 1 On 237 Pedestrianl 4684.43 6304.85 12 0 0 0 0 4684.43 6304.85 0 1 On 238 Pedestrianl 4650.57 6357.64 12 180 0 0 0 4650.57 6357.64 0 1 On 239 Pedestrianl 4770.71 6343.44 12 0 0 0 0 4770.71 6343.44 0 1 On 240 Pedestrian2 4650.21 6375.84 12 0 0 0 0 4650.21 6375.84 0 1 On 241 Pedestrian2 4649.84 6324.15 12 0 0 0 0 4649.84 6324.15 0 1 On 242 pedestrian2 4718.65 6305.22 12 0 0 0 0 4718.65 6305.22 0 1 On 243 Pedestrian2 4769.62 6370.38 12 0 0 0 0 4769.62 6370.38 0 1 On 244 Pedestrian2 4583.95 6311.04 12 0 0 0 0 4583.95 6311.04 0 1 On 245 pedestrian2 4583.44 6404.35 12 0 0 0 0 4583.44 6404.35 0 1 On 246 pedestrian2 4583.18 6522.77 12 0 0 0 0 4583.18 6522.77 0 1 On 247 Pedestrian1 4583.5 6457.49 12 0 0 0 0 4583.5 6457.49 0 1 On 248 Pedestrian1 4650.07 6425.16 12 180 0 0 0 4650.07 6425.16 0 1 On 249 Pedestrian! 4649.75 6484.69 12 180 0 0 0 4649.75 6484.69 0 1 On 250 Pedestrian2 4650.71 6452.37 12 180 0 0 0 4650.71 6452.37 0 1 On 251 Pedestrian2 4648.47 6501.01 12 180 0 0 0 4648.47 6501.01 0 1 On 252 Pedestrian1 4648.08 6540.65 12 180 0 0 0 4648.08 6540.65 0 1 On 253 Pedestrian1 4583.85 6574.05 12 0 0 0 0 4583.85 6574.05 0 1 On 254 Pedestrian2 4648.72 6559.58 12 180 0 0 0 4648.72 6559.58 0 1 On 255 Pedestrian1 4817.24 6448.25 12 0 0 0 0 4817.24 6448.25 0 1 On 256 Pedestrianl 4771.15 6488.85 12 0 0 0 0 4771.15 6488.85 0 1 On 259 Pedestrian2 4771. 69 6462.52 12 0 0 0 0 4771. 69 6462.52 0 1 On 260 Pedestrian2 4847.42 6442.21 12 0 0 0 0 4847.42 6442.21 0 1 On 261 Pedestrian2 4815.59 6490.5 12 0 0 0 0 4815.59 6490.5 0 1 On 257 Pedestrian2 4770.05 6544.82 12 0 0 0 0 4770.05 6544.82 0 1 On 258 Pedestrian1 4815.59 6527.81 12 0 0 0 0 4815.59 6527.81 0 1 On 263 Pedestrian1 5104.98 6362.79 12 0 0 0 0 5104.98 6362.79 0 1 On 268 Pedestrian2 5192.94 6362.71 12 0 0 0 0 5192.94 6362.71 0 1 On 269 pedestrian2 5255.97 6358.32 12 0 0 0 0 5255.97 6358.32 0 1 On 270 Pedestrian2 5256.51 6406 12 0 0 0 0 5256.51 6406 0 1 On 271 Pedestrian2 5257.06 6453.13 12 0 0 0 0 5257.06 6453.13 0 1 On 22 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: salinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 272 Pedestrian! 5257.06 6483.27 12 0 0 0 0 5257.06 6483.27 0 1 On 273 Pedestrianl 5257.06 6431.21 12 0 0 0 0 5257.06 6431.21 0 1 On 27' Pedestrian! 5255.97 6389.01 12 0 0 0 0 5255.97 6389.01 0 1 On 275 Pedestrian! 5222.54 6358.87 12 0 0 0 0 5222.54 6358.87 0 1 On 276 Pedestrian! 5264.74 6323.25 12 0 0 0 0 5264.74 6323.25 0 1 On 278 PedestrianZ 5265.2 6230.12 12 0 0 0 0 5265.2 6230.12 0 1 On 279 Pedestrian2 5227.52 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5227.52 6195.01 0 1 On 280 PedestrianZ 5172.72 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5172.72 6195.01 0 1 On 281 Pedestrian! 5255.78 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5255.78 6195.01 0 1 On 282 Pedestrian! 5200.97 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5200.97 6195.01 0 1 On 283 Pedestrian! 5147.03 6195.01 12 0 0 0 0 5147.03 6195.01 0 1 On 277 PedestrianZ 5256.63 6166.75 12 0 0 0 0 5256.63 6166.75 0 1 On 28' Pedestrian! 5325.46 6452.33 12 180 0 0 0 5325.46 6452.33 0 1 On 285 Pedestrianl 5325.46 6353.85 12 180 0 0 0 5325.46 6353.85 0 1 On 286 Pedestrian1 5324.39 6238.25 12 180 0 0 0 5324.39 6238.25 0 1 On 287 Pedestrian1 5323.32 6116.23 12 180 0 0 0 5323.32 6116.23 0 1 On 288 Pedestrian2 5324.39 6402.02 12 180 0 0 0 5324.39 6402.02 0 1 On 289 Pedestrian2 5325.46 6291. 77 12 180 0 0 0 5325.46 6291. 77 0 1 On 290 Pedestrian2 5324.39 6161.18 12 180 0 0 0 5324.39 6.161.18 0 1 On 291 Pedestrian2 5259.1 6102.31 12 0 0 0 0 5259.1 6102.31 0 1 On 292 Pedestrian2 5158.48 6166.54 12 0 0 0 0 5158.48 6166.54 0 1 On 293 Pedestrian1 5157.41 6136.57 12 0 0 0 0 5157.41 6136.57 0 1 On 294 Pedestrian1 5256.96 6133.35 12 0 0 0 0 5256.96 6133.35 0 1 On 295 Pedestrian2 5256.64 6528.12 12 0 0 0 0 5256.64 6528.12 0 1 On 296 Pedestrian2 5204.4 6597.61 12 0 0 0 0 5204.4 6597.61 0 1 On 297 Pedestrian2 5157.73 6580.87 12 0 0 0 0 5157.73 6580.87 0 1 On 298 Pedestrian1 5235.34 6596.6 12 0 0 0 0 5235.34 6596.6 0 1 On 299 Pedestrian1 5174.47 6597.61 12 0 0 0 0 5174.47 6597.61 0 1 On 300 Pedestrianl 5136.94 6557.03 12 0 0 0 0 5136.94 6557.03 0 1 On 262 Pedestrian1 5096.45 6390.4 12 0 0 0 0 5096.45 6390.4 0 1 On 26' Pedestrian2 5138.43 6389.51 12 0 0 0 0 5138.43 6389.51 0 1 On 265 Pedestrian2 5138.19 6446.07 12 0 0 0 0 5138.19 6446.07 0 1 On 266 Pedestrian1 5138.54 6419.77 12 0 0 0 0 5138.54 6419.77 0 1 On 267 Pedestrian1 5138.69 6496.98 12 0 0 0 0 5138.69 6496.98 0 1 On 301 Pedestrian2 5138.27 6524.82 12 0 0 0 0 5138.27 6524.82 0 1 On 302 Pedestrian2 4584.04 6625.5 12 0 0 0 0 4584.04 6625.5 0 1 On 303 Pedestrian2 4567.05 6719.51 12 90 0 0 0 4567.05 6719.51 0 1 On 3D' Pedestrian1 4585.17 6682.14 12 0 0 0 0 4585.17 6682.14 0 1 On 305 Pedestrian1 4533.07 6718.38 12 90 0 0 0 4533.07 6718.38 0 1 On 306 pedestrian2 4534.73 6790.51 12 270 0 0 0 4534.73 6790.51 0 1 On 307 Pedestrian2 4413.35 6790.51 12 270 0 0 0 4413.35 6790.51 0 1 On 308 Pedestrian1 4378.73 6791.37 12 270 0 0 0 4378.73 6791.37 0 1 On 309 Pedestrianl 4486.44 6791.37 12 270 0 0 0 4486.44 6791.37 0 1 On 310 Pedestrianl 4437.29 6719.14 12 90 0 0 0 4437.29 6719.14 0 1 On 311 Pedestrian2 4486.86 6718.71 12 90 0 0 0 4486.86 6718.71 0 1 On 312 Pedestrian2 4356.94 6718.71 12 90 0 0 0 4356.94 6718.71 0 1 On 313 Pedestrian1 4586.29 6850.35 12 0 0 0 0 4586.29 6850.35 0 1 On 314 Pedestrian1 4638.64 6888.81 12 180 0 0 0 4638.64 6888.81 0 1 On 315 pedestrian2 4585.75 6906.98 12 0 0 0 0 4585.75 6906.98 0 1 On 316 Pedestrian2 4641.31 6836.46 12 180 0 0 0 4641. 31 6836.46 0 1 On 317 Pedestrianl 4697.94 6789.98 12 270 0 0 0 4697.94 6789.98 0 1 .On 318 Pedestrian2 4764.19 6789.98 12 270 0 0 0 4764.19 6789.98 0 1 On 23 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 53 BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 319 Pedestrianl 4800.05 6789.44 12 270 0 0 0 4800.05 6789.44 0 1 On 320 PedestrianZ 4846.8 6790.11 12 270 0 0 0 4846.8 6790.11 0 1 On 321 Pedestrianl 4585.6 6949.49 12 0 0 0 0 4585.6 6949.49 0 1 On 322 Pedestrianl 4584.3 7064.88 12 0 0 0 0 4584.3 7064.88 0 1 On 323 Pedestrianl 4581. 71 7166.66 12 0 0 0 0 4581.71 7166.66 0 1 On 324 Pedestrian2 4584.3 7012.38 12 0 0 0 0 4584.3 7012.38 0 1 On 325 Pedestrian2 4584.3 7116.75 12 0 0 0 0 4584.3 7116.75 0 1 On 326 PedestrianZ 4654.32 6946.9 12 0 0 0 0 4654.32 6946.9 0 1 On 327 PedestrianZ 4654.32 7038.31 12 0 0 0 0 4654.32 7038",31 0 1 On 328 PedestrianZ 4654.32 7138.14 12 0 0 0 0 4654.32 7138.14 0 1 On 329 PedestrianZ 4758.69 6941. 07 12 0 0 0 0 4758.69 6941.07 0 1 On 330 PedestrianZ 4771 7014.97 12 0 0 0 0 4771 7014.97 0 1 On 331 PedestrianZ 4772.3 7140.73 12 0 0 0 0 4772.3 7140.73 0 1 On 332 Pedestrianl 4702.94 6930.69 12 0 0 0 0 4702.94 6930.69 0 1 On 333 Pedestrianl 4771 6977.37 12 0 0 0 0 4771 6977.37 0 1 On 334 Pedestrian1 4771. 65 7121.28 12 0 0 0 0 4771. 65 7121.28 0 1 On 335 Pedestrian1 4771 7156.94 12 0 0 0 0 4771 7156.94 0 1 On 336 Pedestrian1 4653.67 7096 12 0 0 0 0 4653.67 7096 0 1 On 337 pedestrian1 4654.32 7002 12 0 0 0 0 4654.32 .7002 0 1 On 338 Pedestrian1 4653.67 7164.07 12 0 0 0 0 4653.67 7164.07 0 1 On 339 Pedestrian2 4654.32 7203.6 12 0 0 0 0 4654.32 7203.6 0 1 On 340 Pedestrian2 4693.21 7252.87 12 0 0 0 0 4693.21 7252.87 0 1 On 341 Pedestrian2 4765.17 7193.88 12 0 0 0 0 4765.17 7193.88 0 1 On 342 Pedestrian1 4654.32 7236.67 12 0 0 0 0 4654.32 7236.67 0 1 On 343 Pedestrian1 4728.87 7253.52 12 0 0 0 0 4728.87 7253.52 0 1 On 344 pedestrian1 4753.5 7228.24 12 0 0 0 0 4753.5 7228: 24 0 1 On 346 Pedestrian2 4584.71 7262.44 12 0 0 0 0 4584.71 7262.44 0 1 On 347 Pedestrian2 4585.52 7359.68 12 0 0 0 0 4585.52 7359.68 0 1 On 348 Pedestrian1 4584.71 7313.49 12 0 0 0 0 4584.71 7313 .49 0 1 On 350 Pedestrian1 4645.48 7294.04 12 180 0 0 0 4645.48 7294.04 0 1 On 349 Pedestrian2 4646.29 7331. 32 12 180 0 0 0 4646.29 7331.32 0 1 On 351 Pedestrian1 4584.71 7409.91 12 0 0 0 0 4584.71 7409.91 0 1 On 352 Pedestrian1 4583.9 7526.6 12 0 0 0 0 4583.9 7526.6 0 1 On 353 Pedestrian1 4643.05 7421. 26 12 0 0 0 0 4643.05 7421.26 0 1 On 354 Pedestrian1 4646.29 7548.48 12 0 0 0 0 4646.29 7548.48 0 1 On 355 Pedestrian2 4584.71 7460.15 12 0 0 0 0 4584.71 7460.15 0 1 On 356 Pedestrian2 4646.29 7473.93 12 0 0 0 0 4646.29 7473.93 0 1 On 358 Shoebox 4930.89 7518.63 30 0 0 0 0 4930.89 7518.63 0 1 On 359 Shoebox 4981. 93 7533.91 30 180 0 0 0 .4981. 93 7533.91 0 1 On 360 Shoebox 4928.85 7426.61 30 0 0 0 0 4928.85 7426.61 0 1 On 361 Shoebox 4981.25 7420.15 30 180 0 0 0 4981.25 7420.15 0 1 'On 362 Shoebox 4930.21 7286.72 30 0 0 0 0 4930.21 7286.72 0 1 On 363 Shoebox 4982.27 7284.69 30 180 0 0 0 4982.27 7284.69 0 1 On 364 Shoebox 4928.28 7030.88 30 0 0 0 0 4928.28 7030.88 0 1 On 365 Shoebox 4980.79 7034.76 30 180 0 0 0 4980.79 7034.76 0 1 On 366 Shoebox 4927.2 6900.57 30 0 0 0 0 4927.2 6900.57 0 1 On 367 Shoebox 4980.84 6904.02 30 180 0 0 0 4980.84 6904.02 0 1 On 368 Pedestrian2 5049.78 5937.77 12 270 0 0 0 5049.78 5937.77 0 1 On 369 Pedestrian2 5145.55 5938.63' 12 270 0 0 0 5145.55 5938.63 0 1 On 370 Shoebox 4928.98 5772.73 30 0 0 0 0 4928.98 5772.73 0 1 On 371 Shoebox 4976.23 5803.07 30 180 0 0 0 4976.23 5803.07 0 1 On 372 Shoebox 4928.89 5644.61 30 0 0 0 0 4928.89 5644.61 0 1 On 24 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2(4(2008 53 BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont.. 373 Shoebox 4976.89 5645.31 30 180 0 0 0 4976.89 5645.31 0 1 On 374 Shoebox 4975.48 5528.35 30 180 0 0 0 4975.48 5528.35 0 1 On 375 Shoebox 4976.54 5400.88 30 180 0 0 0 4976.54 5400.88 0 1 On 376 Shoebox 4927.83 5400.17 30 0 0 0 0 4927.83 5400.17 0 1 On 377 Shoebox 4974.43 5257.24 30 180 0 0 0 4974.43 5257.24 0 1 On 378 Shoebox 4928.54 5130.45 30 0 0 0 0 4928.54 5130.45 0 1 On 379 Shoebox 4974.43 5130.1 30 180 0 0 0 4974.43 5130.1 0 1 On 380 Shoebox 4974.43 5123.08 30 180 0 0 0 4974.43 5123.08 0 1 On 381 Shoebox 5001. 88 '5093.52 30 270 0 0 0 5001.88 5093.52 0 1 On 382 Shoebox 5034.54 5092.46 .30 270 0 0 0 5034.54 5092.46 0 1 On 383 Shoebox 4897.22 '5093.17 30 270 0 0 0 4897.22 5093.17 0 1 'On 384 Shoebox 4885.98 5095.63 30 270 0 0 0 4885.98 5095.63 0 1 On 385 Shoebox 4789.19 5095.28 30 270 0 0 0 4789.19 5095.28 0 1 On 386 Shoebox 4762.59 5094.27 30 270 0 0 0 4762.59 5094.27 0 1 On 387 Shoebox. 4691. 87 5093.6 30 270 0 0 0 4691. 87 5093.6 0 1 On 388 Cobraheadl 4276.2 8489.47 30 0 0 0 0 4276.2 8489.47 0 1 On 389 Cobrahead1 4326.29 ,,8451.52 30 270 0 0 0 4326.29 8451.52 0 1 On 390 Cobrahead1 4236.4 8406.94 30 90 0 0 0 4236.4 8406.94 0 1 On 391 Cobrahead1 4236.4 8382.94 30 270 0 0 0 4236.4 8382.94 0 1 On 392 Cobrahead1 4360.59 8406.01 30 90 0 0 0 4360.59 8406.01 0 1 On 393 Cobrahead1 4360.59 8380.16 30 270 0 0 .0 4360.59 8380.16 0 1 On 394 Cobrahead1 4534.82 8406.01 30 90 0 0 0 4534.82 8406.01 0 1 On 395 Cobraheadl 4521.85 8445.96 30 270 0 0 0 4521. 85 8445.96 0 1 On 397 Cobrahead1 4658.09 8449.67 30 270 0 0 0 4658.09 8449.67 0 1 On 398 Cobrahead1 4634:04 8400.5 30 180 0 0 0 4634.04 8400.5 0 1 On 399 Cobrahead1 4565.46 8318.94 30 180 0 0 .0 4565.46 8318.94 0 1 On 400 Cobrahead1 4590.38 8318.94 30 0 O' 0 0 4590.38 8318.94 0 1 On 396 Cobrahead1 4600.58 8479.28 30 0 0 0 0 4600.58 8479.28 0 1 On 401 Cobrahead1 4923.33 8567.7 30 0 0 0 0 4923.33 8567.7 0 1 On 402 Cobrahead1 4985.737 8462.457 30 220 0 0 0 4985.737 8462.457 0 1 On 403 Cobrahead1 4906.69 8407.87 30 90 0 0 0 4906.69 8407.87 0 1 On 404 Cobrahead1 4976.98 8347.36 30 180 0 0 0 4976.98 8347.36 0 1 On 406 Cobrahead1 4932.12 8256.61 30 0 0 0 0 4932.12 8256.61 0 1 On 407 Cobrahead1 4981.11 8193.31 30 180 0 0 0 4981.11 8193.31 0 1 On 408 Cobrahead1 4931.15 8108.37 30 0 0 0 0 4931.15 8108.37 0 1 On 409 Cobraheadl 4981.66 8070.46 30 180 0 0 0 4981. 66 8070.46 0 1 On 410 Cobraheadl 4929.61 7968.18 30 0 0 0 0 4929.61 7968.18 0 1 On 411 Cobrahead1 4980.57 7919.09 30 180 0 0 0 4980.57 7919.09 0 1 On 412 Cobraheadl 4929.83 7832.09 30 0 0 0 0 4929.83 7832.09 0 1 On 413 Cobrahead1 4980.57 . 7782.12 30 180 0 0 0 4980.57 7782.12 0 1 On 414 Cobrahead1 4931.59 7698.4 30 0 0 0 0 4931. 59 7698.4 0 1 On 415 Cobrahead1 4979.47 7652.81 30 180 0 0 0 4979.47 . 7652.81 0 1 On 416 Cobrahead1 5080.59 7625.4 30 270 0 0 0 5080.59 7625.4 0 1 On 417 Cobrahead1 5065.87 7580.91 30 90 0 0 0 5065.87 7580.91 0 1 On 418 Cobrahead1 5159.35 7580.56 30 90 0 0 0 5159.35 7580.56 0 1 On 419 Cobrahead1 5155.93 7627.79 30 270 0 0 0 5155.93 7627.79 0 1 On 420 Cobrahead1 5250.11 7624.37 30 270 0 0 0 5250.11 7624.37 0 1 On 421 Cobraheadl 5254.21 7578.17 30 90 0 0 0 5254.21 7578.17 0 1 On 422 Cobraheadl 5316.19 7549.39 30 180 0 0 0 5316.19 7549.39 0 1 On 423 Cobrahead1 5340.52 7622.66 30 270 0 0 0 5340.52 7622.66 0 1 On 424 Cobrahead1 5453.18 7579.19 30 90 0 0 0 5453.18 7579.19 0 1 On 425 Cobrahead1 5277.87 7475.08 30 0 0 0 0 5277.87 7475.08 0 1 On 25 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting. Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 426 Cobraheadl 5312.42 7405.22 30 180 0 0 0 5312.42 7405.22 0 1 On 427 Cobraheadl 5319.27 7254.55 30 180 0 0 0 5319.27 7254.55 0 1 On 428 Cobraheadl 5278.89 7205.24 30 0 0 0 0 5278.89 7205.24 0 1 On 429 Cobraheadl 5319.27 7138.81 30 180 0 0 0 5319.27 7138.81 0 1 On 430 Shoebox 5126.14 7138.13 30 180 0 0 0 5126.14 7138.13 0 1 On 431 Cobraheadl 5279.58 7066.91 30 0 0 0 0 5279.58 7066.91 0 1 On 432 Cobraheadl 5319.61 7005.61 30 180 0 0 0 5319.61 7005.61 0 1 On 433 Cobraheadl 5279.58 6941.93 30 0 0 0 0 5279.58 6941.93 0 1 On 434 Cobraheadl 5317.56 6885.42 30 180 0 0 0 5317; 56 6885.42 0 1 On 435 Cobraheadl 5156.97 6775.48 30 270 0 0 0 5156.97 6775.48 0 1 On 436 Cobraheadl 5079.24 6731. 68 30 90 0 0 0 5079.24 6731.68 0 1 On 437 Cobraheadl 4727.62 6731. 7 30 90 0 0 0 4727.62 6731.7 0 1 On 438 Cobraheadl 4599.26 6704.8 30 0 0 0 0 4599.26 6704.8 0 1 On 439 Cobraheadl 4631.19 6688.49 30 180 0 0 0 4631.19 6688.49 0 1 On 440 Cobraheadl 4598.09 6610.41 30 0 0 0 0 4598",09 6610.41 0 l. On 441 Cobrahead1 4598.68 6844.64 30 0 0 0 0 4598.68 6844.64 0 1 On 442 Cobrahead1 4595.76 6463.58 30 0 0 0 0 4595.76 6463.58 0 1 On 443 Shoebox 466L 6 6523.01 30 0 0 0 0 4661.6 6523.01 0 1 On 444 Shoebox 4758.21 6514.86 30 180 0 0 0 4758.21 6514.86 0 1 On 447 Cobrahead1 4595.76 6305.68 30 0 0 0 0 4595.76 6305.68 0 1 On 448 Cobrahead1 4628.86 6254.99 30 180 0 0 0 4628.86 6254.99. 0 1 On 445 Shoebox 4758.87 ,6396.91 30 180 0 0 0 4758.87 6396.91 0 1 On 34 Shoebox 4933.06 6456.47 30 0 0 0 0 4933.06 6456.47 0 1 On 41 Shoebox 4983.57 6571.43 30 180 0 0 0 4983.57 6571. 43 0 1 On 35 Shoebox 4981. 56 6456.82 30 180. 0 0 0 4981.56 6456.82 0 1 On 449 Cobrahead1 4596.97 6197.95 30 0 0 0 0 4596.97 6197.95 0 1 ,On 450 Cobrahead1 4630.66 6138.74 30 180 0 0 0 4630.66 6138.74 0 ,1 On 446 Shoebox 4699.13 6318.14 30 90 0 0 0 4699.13 6318.14 0 1 On 451 Cobrahead1 4597.12 6062.89 30 0 0 0 0 4597.12 6062.89 0 1 On 452 Cobrahead1 4630.19 6001.77 30 180 0 0 0 .4630.19 6001. 77 0 1 On 453 Cobrahead1 4596 5945.94 30 0 0 0 0 4596 5945.94 0 1 On 454 Cobrahead1 4453,5 6054.25 30 0 0 0 0 4453.5 6054.25 0 1 On 455 Cobrahead1 4453.51 6202.16 30 0 0 0 0 4453.51 6202.16 0 1 On 456 Cobrahead1 4264.44 6280.8 30 0 0 0 0 4264.44 6280.8 0 1 On 457 Cobrahead1 4257.59 6185.39 30 0 0 0 0 4257.59 6185.39 0 1 On 458 Cobrahead1 4297.19 6032.62 30 180 0 0 0 4297.19 6032.62 0 1 On 460 Cobrahead1 4296.57 5866.71 30 180 0 0 0 4296.57. 5866.71 0 1 On 459 Cobrahead1 4263.08 5959 30 0 0 0 0 4263.08 5959 0 1 On 461 Cobrahead1 4599.34 5872.95 30 0 0 0 0 4599.34 5872.95 0 1 On 462 Cobrahead1 4626.8 5874.94 30 180 0 0 0 4626.8 5874.94 0 1 On 463 Shoebox 4710.5 5862.27 30 270 0 0 0 4710.5 5862.27 0 1 On 464 Cobrahead1 5265.67 5896.26 30 90 0 0 0 5265.67 5896.26 0 1 On 465 Cobrahead1 5276.86 5956.39 30 0 0 0 0 5276.86 5956.39 0 1 On 466 Cobrahead1 5277.67 6089.31 30 0 0 0 0 5277.67 6089.31 0 1 On 467 Cobraheadl 5467.33 6052.84 30 0 0 0 0 5467.33 6052.84 0 1 On 468 Cobraheadl 5335.38 5925.75 30 270 0 0 0 5335.38 5925.75 0 1 On' 469 Cobraheadl 5307.17 5871.29 30 180 0 0 0 5307.17 5871.29 0 1 On 470 Shoebox 5465.7 6025.28 30 0 0 0 0 5465.7 6025.28 0 1 On 471 Pedestrian1 5260 6077 .15 12 0 0 0 0 5260 6077.15 0 1 On 472 Pedestrian1 5261. 62 5958.01 12 0 0 0 0 5261.62 5958.01 0 1 On 473 Pedestrian! 5324.03 6043.11 12 180 0 0 0 5324.03 6043.11 0 1 On 474 Pedestrian1 5323.22 5954,77 12 180 0 0 0 5323.22 5954.77 0 1 On 26 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting. A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 475 Pedestrianl 5225.96 6086.88 12 0 0 0 0 5225.96 6DB6.BB 0 1 On 476 Pedestrianl 5172.47 6087.69 12 0 0 0 0 5172.47 6087.69 0 1 On 477 PedestrianZ 5264.87 6035.01 12 0 0 0 0 5264.87 6035.01 0 1 On 478 PedestrianZ 5324.84 6061.75 12 0 0 0 0 5324.84 6061. 75 0 1 On 479 PedestrianZ 5324.84 6007.45 12 0 0 0 0 5324.84 6007.45 0 1 On 480 PedestrianZ 5199.22 6086.07 12 0 0 0 0 5199.22 6086.07 0 1 On 481 PedestrianZ 5146.54 6087.69 12 0 0 0 0 5146.54 6087.69 0 1 On 482 Cobraheadl 5466.52 6152.52 30 0 0 0 0 5466.52 6152.52 0 1 On 483 Cobraheadl 5588.25 5893.83 30 90 0 0 0 5588.25 5893.83 0 1 On 484 Cobraheadl 5655.52 5890.59 30 90 0 0 0 5655.52 5890.59 0 1 On 485 Cobraheadl 5610.75 6200.5 30 0 0 0 0 5610.75 6200.5 0 1 On 486 Cobraheadl 5279.07 6247 30 0 0 0 0 5279.07 6247 0 1 On 487 Cobraheadl 5312.3 6301.56 30 180 0 0 0 5312.3 6301.56 0 '1 On 488 Cobraheadl 5312.41 6167.91 30 180 0 0 0 5312.41 6167.91 0 1 On 489 Cobraheadl 5610.96 6415.52 30 0 0 0 0 5610.96 6415.52 0 1 On 490 Cobrahead1 5539.33 6639.23 30 180 0 0 0 5539.33 6639.23 0 1 On 491 Cobrahead1 5275.08 6659.53 30 0 0 0 0 5275.08 6659.53 0 1 On 492 Cobrahead1 5472 .1 6777.73 30 270 0 0 0 5472.1 6777.73 0 1 On 493 Cobrahead1 5723.43 6773.28 30 270 0 0 0 5723.43 6773.28 0 1 On 494 Cobrahead1 4531. 75 7632.39 30 270 0 0 0 4531. 75 7632.39 0 1 On 495 Cobrahead1 4589.83 7715.54 30 0 0 0 0 4589.83 7715.54 0 1 On 496 Cobrahead1 4565.15 7714.86 30 180 0 0 0 4565.15 7714.86 0 1 On 497 Cobrahead1 4630.87 7793.46 30 180 0 0 0 4630.87 7793.46 0 1 On 498 Cobrahead1 4663.2 7627.65 30 270 0 0 0 4663.2 7627.65 0 1 On 499 Cobrahead1 4721.47 7581.18 30 90 0 0 0 4721. 47 7581.18 0 1 On 500 Cobrahead1 4572.4 7588.64 30 90 0 0 0 4572.4 7588.64 0 1 On 501 Cobrahead1 4461.28 7587.96 30 90 0 0 0 4461. 28 7587.96 0 1 On 502 Cobrahead1 4298.19 7565.79 30 180 0 0 0 4298.19 7565.79 0 1 On 503 Cobrahead1 4240.4 7592.02 30 90 0 0 0 4240.4 7592.02 0 1 On 504 Cobrahead1 4268.66 7494.65 30 0 0 0 0 4268.66 7494.65 0 1 On 505 Cobrahead1 4451.6 7529.88 30 0 0 0 0 4451.6 7529.88 0 1 On 506 Cobrahead1 4595.25 7521.07 30 0 0 0 0 4595.25 7521.07 0 1 On 507 Cobrahead1 4632.23 7556.99 30 180 0 0 0 4632.23 7556.99 0 1 On 508 Cobrahead1 4388.78 7658.42 30 90 0 0 0 4388.78 7658.42 0 1 On 509 Cobrahead1 4388.78 7632.39 30 270 0 0 0 4388.78 7632.39 0 1 On 510 Cobrahead1 4302.32 7373.66 30 180 0 0 0 4302.32 7373.66 0 1 On 511 Cobrahead1 4820.37 7627.39 30 270 0 0 0 4820.37 7627.39 0 1 On 512 Cobrahead1 4589.04 7870.83 30 0 0 0 0 4589.04 7870.83 0 1 On 513 Cobrahead1 4563.42 7870.83 30 180 0 0 0 4563.42 7870.83 0 1 On 514 Cobrahead1 4780.88 7905.142 30 60 0 0 0 4780.88 7905.142 0 1 On 515 Cobrahead1 4631. 93 7942.59 30 180 0 0 0 4631.93 7942.59 0 1 On 516 Cobrahead1 4589.63 8018.32 30 0 0 0 0 4589.63 8018.32 0 1 On 517 Cobrahead1 4565 8018.32 30 180 0 0 0 4565 8018.32 0 1 On 518 Cobrahead1 4589.63 8169.09 30 0 0 0 0 4589.63 8169.09 0 1 On 519 Cobrahead1 4565 8169.09 30 180 0 0 0 4565 8169.09 0 1 On 520 Cobrahead1 4629.,61 8094.97 30 180 0 0 0 4629.61 8094.97 0 1 On 521 Cobrahead1 4780.63 8108.532 30 60 0 0 0 4780.63 8108.532 0 1 On 522 Cobrahead1 4783.2 8209.882 30 120 0 0 0 4783.2 8209.882 0 1 On 523 Cobrahead1 4631.51 8246.37 30 180 0 0 0 4631. 51 8246.37 0 1 On 524 Cobrahead1 5135.64 8151.25 30 270 0 0 0 5135.64 8151.25 0 1 On 525 Cobraheadl 5278.88 8166.27 30 0 0 0 0 5278.88 8166.27 0 1 On 526 Cobrahead1 5136.85 8027.88 30 270 0 0 0 5136.85 8027.88 0 1 On 27 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Righl in the Center Expanded Luniinaire Location(s) Cont. 527 Cobraheadl 5135.64 7954.51 30 90 0 0 0 5135.64 7954.51 0 1 On 528 Cobraheadl 5578.21 8445.27 30 270 0 0 0 5578.21 8445.27 0 1 On 529 Cobraheadl 4631.32 7414.84 30 180 0 0 0 4631. 32 7414.84 0 1 On 530 Cobraheadl 4598.65 7369.88 30 0 0 0 0 4598.65 7369.88 0 1 On 531 Cobraheadl 4597.92 7234.68 30 0 0 0 0 4597.92 7234.68 0 1 On 532 Cobraheadl 4628.87 7293.97 30 180 0 0 0 4628.87 7293.97 0 1 On 533 Shoebox 4930.51 7165.27 30 0 0 0 0 4930.51 7165.27 0 1 On 534 Cobraheadl 4267.5 7289.62 30 0 0 0 0 4267.5 7289.62 0 1 On 535 Cobraheadl 4266.06 7091. 52 30 0 0 0 0 4266.06 7091.52 0 1 On 536 Cobraheadl 4299.9 7192.74 30 180 0 0 0 4299.9 7192.74 0 1 On 537 Cobrahe,adl 4393.89 7132 30 180 0 0 0 4393.89 7132 0 1 On 538 Cobraheadl 4437.27 7115.38 30 180 0 0 0 4437.27 7115.38 0 1 On 539 Cobraheadl 4597.92 . 7107.42 30 0 0 0 0 4597.92 7107.42 0 1 On 540 Cobraheadl 4299.17 7001. 86 30 180 0 0 0 4299.17 7001.86 0 1 On 541 Cobraheadl 4467.05 7023.55 30 0 0 0 0 4467.05 7023.55 0 1 On 542 Cobraheadl 4598.64 6993.19 30 0 0 0 0 4598.64 6993.19 0 1 On 543 Cobrahead1 4632.48 6912.94 30 180 0 0 0 4632.48 6912.94 0 1 On 544 Cobrahead1 4432.2 6904.26 30 180 0 0 0 4432.2 6904.26 0 1 On 545 Cobrahead1 4265.32 6907.88 30 0 0 0 0 4265.32 6907.88 0 1 On 546 Cobrahead1 4298.45 6811.72 30 180 0 0 0 4298.45 6811. 72 0 1 On 547 Cobrahead1 4243.21 6731.9 30 90 0 0 0 4243.21 6731.9 0 1 On 548 Cobrahead1 4333.59 6776.58 30 270 0 0 0 4333.59 6776.58 0 1 On 549 Cobrahead1 4497.71 6776.58 30 270 0 0 0 4497.71 6776.58 0 1 On 550 Cobrahead1 4420.35 6731.9 30 90 0 0 0 4420.35 6731.9 0 1 On 551 Cobrahead1 4838.25 6776.58 30 270 0 0 0 4838.25 6776.58 0 1 On 552 Cobraheadl 4263.16 6694.59 30 0 0 0 0 4263.16 6694.59 0 1 On 553 Cobraheadl 4297 6603.49 30 180 0 0 0 4297 6603.49 0 1 On 554 Cobrahead1 4268.17 6492.16 30 0 0 0 0 4268.17 6492.16 0 1 On 555 Cobraheadl 4449.78 6534.42 30 0 0 0 0 4449.78 6534.42 0 1 On 556 Cobraheadl 4298.46 6391. 63 30 180 . 0 0 0 4298.46 6391. 63 0 1 On 557 Cobrahead1 4482.7 6349.67 30 0 0 0 0 4482.7 6349.67 0 1 On 558 Cobraheadl 4453.94 6298.29 30 0 0 0 0 4453.94 6298.29 0 1 On 559 Cobrahead1 4314.102 5333.08 30 318.692 0 0 0 4314.102 5333.08 0 1 On 560 Cobrahead1 4264.645 5046.345 30 45 0 0 0 4264.645 5046.345 0 1 On 561 Cobrahead1 4340.28 5101.14 30 270 0 0 0 4340.28 5i01.14 0 1 On 562 Cobrahead1 4458.04 5068.36 30 90 0 0 0 4458.04 5068.36 0 1 On 563 Cobrahead1 4568.24 5096.09 30 270 0 0 0 4568.24 5096.09 0 1 On 564 Cobrahead1 4622.69 5041. 63 30 180 0 0 0 4622.69 5041. 63 0 1 On 565 Cobrahead1 . 4770.17 4995.8 30 90 0 0 0 4770.17 4995.8 0 1 On 566 Cobrahead1 4808.55 5064.67 30 90 0 0 0 4808.55 5064.67 0 1 On 567 Cobrahead1 4929.31 5046.413 30 35 0 0 0 4929.31 5046.413 0 1 On 568 Cobrahead1 5111.32 5092.55 30 270 0 0 0 5111.32 5092.55 0 1 On 569 Cobraheadl 5143.93 5093.29 30 270 0 0 0 5143.93 5093.29 0 1 On 570 Cobraheadl 5250.69 5091. 33 30 270 0 0 0 5250.69 5091. 33 0 1 On 571 Cobrahead1 5275.99 5052.42 30 0 0 0 0 5275.99 5052.42 0 1 On 572 Cobraheadl 5344.043 5179.003 30 40 0 0 0 5344.043 5179.003 0 1 On 573 Pedestrianl 5268.91 5119.81 12 0 0 0 0 5268.91 5119.81 0 1 On 574 Cobrahead1 5444.557 5217.237 30 230 0 0 0 5444.557 5217.237 0 1 On 575 Cobrahead1 5581 5092.41 30 270 0 0 0 5581 5092.41 0 1 On 576 Cobrahead1 5301.32 5336.59 30 180 0 0 0 5301. 32 5336.59 0 1 On 577 Cobrahead1 5640.02 5365.27 30 180 0 0 0 5640.02 5365.27 0 1 On 405 Cobrahead1 5262.97 8452.43 30 270 0 0 0 5262.97 8452.43 0 1 On 28 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Ligh"tin<;l Analysts. Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ ..~ BWR I Right in the Center Expanded Luminaire Location(s) Cont. 578 Cobraheadl 4192.13 6785.68 30 270 0 0 0 4192.13 6785.68 0 1 On 579 Shoebox 4979.33 7157.74 30 180 0 0 0 4979.33 7157.74 0 1 On 580 Cobrahead2 5316.638 6717.78 30 150 0 0 0 5316.638 6717.78 0 1 On 581 Cobrahead2 5268.093 6719.323 30 50 0 0 0 5268.093 6719.323 0 1 On 582 CobraheadZ 5270.21 6789.647 30 325 0 0 0 5270.21 6789.647 0 1 On 583 CobraheadZ 5316.075 6786.395 30 225 0 0 0 5316.075 6786.395 0 1 On 584 CobraheadZ 4982.845 6787.215 30 225 0 0 0 4982.845 6787.215 0 1 On 585 Cobrahead2 4922.353 6787.987 30 320 0 0 0 4922.353 6787.987 0 1 On 586 CobraheadZ 4920.053 6719.323 30 50 0 0 0 4920.053 6719.323 0 1 On 587 CobraheadZ 4981. 5 6717.843 30 145 0 0 0 4981. 5 6717.843 0 1 On 591 CobraheadZ 4588.293 6787.167 30 320 0 0 0 4588.293 6787.167 0 1 On 589 CobraheadZ 4633.764 6717.441 30 142.4630 0 0 4633.764 6717.441 0 1 On 588 Cobrahead2 4586.756 6720.275 30 45.063 0 0 0 4586.756 6720.275 0 1 On 590 Cobrahead2 4635.105 6787.595 30 225 0 0 0 4635.105 6787.595 0 1 On 592 Cobrahead2 4920.948 5937.284 30 321. 7070 0 0 4920.948 5937'.284 0 1 On 593 Cobrahead2 4982.985 5935.285 30 225 0 0 0 4982.985 5935.285 0 1 On 59' Cobrahead2 4983.385 5886.422 30 143.6520 0 0 4983.385 5886.422 0 1 On 595 Cobrahead2 4920.084 5887.409 30 46.672 0 0 0 4920.084 5887.409 0 1 On 596 Cobrahead1 5280.55 5567.93 30 0 0 0 0 5280.55 5567.93 0 1 On 597 Cobrahead1 4599.36 5740.41 30 0 0 0 0 4599.36 5740.41 0 1 On 598 Cobrahead1 4295.36 5534.45 30 180 0 0 0 4295.36 5534.45 0 1 On 599 Cobrahead2 4907.99 7632.5 30 270 0 0 0 4907.99 7632.5 0 1 On 600 Cobrahead2 5012.21 7582.55 30 90 0 0 0 5012.21 7582.55 0 1 On 357 Shoebox 4900.9 7578.49 30 90 0 0 0 4900.9 7578.49 0 1 On Summary By Label Project Name : Project 1 Label ""-- Q.!.L Total Pedestrian1 1 0 181 Pedestrian2 1 0 167 Cobrahead1 1 0 17' Shoebox 1 0 '8 Cobrahead2 1 0 18 29 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Walnut - 8th&7th Walnut - 8th&7th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Walnut - 7th&SantaFe Walnut - 7th&SantaFe Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.01 0.1 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.17 1.2 0.0 0.00 0.00 Intersection - Walnut&SantaFe Intersection -'Walnut&SantaFe ProJect: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = 10 10 o o Horizontal. 30 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: Salin3DowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 o BWR I Right in the Center Cont. Numeric Summary Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin (Fe) 1. 4 B 3.5 0.2 7.40 17.50 Intersection - Walnut&7th Intersection - Walnut&7th Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.45 1.1 0.1 4.50 11.00 Intersect~on - Walnut&8th Intersection - Walnut&8th Project: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Mulberry - 8th&7th Mulberry - Bth&7th Project: Project 1 3 pt. Grid 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.22 0.6 0.0 0.00 0.00 31 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ ~ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin Cont. 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.24 0.6 0.1 2.40 6.00 Intersection - Mulberry&8th Intersection - Mulberry&8th ProJect: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 8th - Walnut&Mulberry ,8th - Walnut&Mulberry ProJect: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet .Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Til t ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum 10 10 o o Hor.i'zontal (Fe) 0.18 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.07 0.5 0.0 32 AGI32 - Copyright 1999~2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 o BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Avg/Min MaxiMin Cont. 0.00 0.00 Intersection - Mulberry&7th Intersection - Mulberry&7th Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin 7th - Walnut &Mulberry 7th - Walnut&Mulberry Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin Mulberry - 7th&SantaFe Mulberry - 7th&SantaFe Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.33 0.6 0.1 3.30 6.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.08 0.7 0.0 0.00 0.00 Point Spacing L-R 10 Point Spacing T-B 10 33 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Grid Orient Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Cont. 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 1.22 2.4 0.5 2.44 4.80 Santa Fe - Walnut~ulberry Santa Fe - Walnut&Mulberry Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Mulberry - SantaFe&5th Mulberry - SantaFe&5th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.60 1.5 0.1 6.00 15.00 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.65 1.9 0.2 3.25 9.50 34 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 f3 BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Cont. Intersection - Mulberry&5th Intersection - Mulberry&5th ProJect: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin 5th - Walnut &Mulberry 5th - Walnut&Mulberry ProJect: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Til t ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.28 0.6 0.1 2.80 6.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.11 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 Intersection - Mulberry&4th Intersection - Mulberry&4th Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ 10 10 o o Horizontal 35 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 BWR I Right in the Center " Numeric Sununary Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Mulberry - 5th&4th Mulberry - 5th&4th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 4th - Walnut~ulberry 4th - Walnut&Mulberry ProJect: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Walnut - 5th&4th Walnut - 5th&4th Project: Project 1 3 Pt.. Grid Cont. (Fe) 0.12 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.06 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.04 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 36 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Cont. 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.12 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 Intersection - Walnut&4th Intersection - Walnut&4th Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Til t ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.27 0.6 0.0 0.00 0.00 Intersection - Walnut&5th Intersection - Walnut&5th Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.49 0.7 0.2 37 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Avg!Min Max/Min Walnut - SantaFe&5th Walnut - SantaFe&5th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates. in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg!Min Max/Min 4th - Walnut&Iron 4th - Walnut&Iron Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg!Min Max/Min 5th - Iron&Walnut 5th - Iron&Walnut ProJect: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Cont. 2.45 3.50 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.16 1.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.10 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 38 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 53 BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Grid Orient Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Cont. o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.22 1.1 0.0 0.00 0.00 Intersection - Iron&4th Intersection - Iron&4th Project: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Iron - Sth&4th Iron - 5th&4th Project: Project 1 3 pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.13 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.22 0.7 0.1 2.20 7.00 39 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Cont. Numeric Summary Intersection - Iron&5th Intersection - Iron&5th Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Iron - SantaFe&5th Iron - SantaFe&5th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 5th - Ash&Iron 5th - Ash&Iron Project: project_l 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 1. 82 3.3 0.9 2.02 3.67 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.35 1.1 0.1 3.50 11.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal 40 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 lf3 BWR I Right in the Center Cont. Numeric Summary Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Santa Fe - Ash&Iron Santa Fe - Ash&Iron Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min (Fe) 0.33 1.2 0.1 3.30 12.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.79 1.4 0.3 2.63 4.67 Intersection - Ash&SantaFe Intersection - Ash&SantaFe Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min MaxiMin Ash - SantaFe&5th Ash - SantaFe&5th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 1.14 2.4 0.4 2.85 6.00 41 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008' @ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Intersection - Ash&5th Intersection - Ash&5th ProJect: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in F~et Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 5th - Elm&Ash 5th - Elm&Ash Project: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Coot. 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.64 2.1 0.3 2.13 7.00 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.43 0.9 0.2 2.15 4.50 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.04 0.5 0.0 42 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/200e BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Avg/Min Max/Min Santa Fe - Elm&Ash Santa Fe - Elm&Ash Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt.= Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Ash - 7th&SantaFe Ash - 7th&SantaFe ProJect: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Intersection - Ash&7th Intersection - Ash&7th Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Coot. 0.00 0.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fc) 0.29 0.7 0.1 2.90 7.00 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fc) 0.45 1.6 0.1 4.50 H.OO Point Spacing L-R 10 Point Spacing T-B 10 43 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 lfJ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Grid Orient Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Ash - 8th&7th Ash - 8th&7th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Intersection - Ash&8th Intersection - Ash&8th Project: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L~R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Cont. o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.41 0.7 0.2 2.05 3.50 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.32 0.7 0.1 3.20 7.00 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.33 0.7 0.1 3.30 7.00 44 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting,A32 2/4/2008 {f3 BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary 8th - Ash&Iron 8th - Ash&Iron Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid - Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 7th - Elm&Ash 7th - Elm&Ash Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid - Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Intersection - Elm&7th Intersection - Elm&7th Project: Project 1 Polygon - Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Coot. 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.26 0.6 0.1 2.60 6.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.34 0.7 0.1 3.40 7.00 10 10 o o Horizontal 45 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownSt:r:eetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 1i3 BWR I Right in the Center Cont. Numeric Summary Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Elm - 7th&SantaFe Elm - 7th&SantaFe ProJect: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min (Fe) 0.39 0.7 0.2 1. 95 3.50 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.09 0.6 0.0 0.00 0.00 Intersection - Elm&SantaFe ProJect: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Elm - SantaFe&5th Elm - SantaFe&5th Project: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.25 0.6 0.1 2.50 6.00 46 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreettighting .A32 2/4/2008 f3 BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient == Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Intersection - Elm&5th Intersection - Elm&5th ProJect: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 7th - Ash&Iron 7th - Ash&Iron ProJect: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Cont. 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.05 0.3 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 0.15 0.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.36 1.7 0.1 47 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 {f3 BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Avg/Min Max/Min Intersection - 8th&Iron Intersection - 8th&Iron Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Iron - 8th&7th Iron - 8th&7th Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Cont. 3.60 17.00 10 10 .0 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.37 0.7 0.1 3.70 7.00 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.31 0.7 0.1 3.10 7.00 Intersection - Iron&7th Intersection - Iron&7th ProJect: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B 10 10 48 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 ~ BWR I Right in the Center Numeric Summary Grid Orient Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Iron - 7th&SantaFe Iron - 7th&SantaFe Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min Cont. o o Horizontal (Fe) 2.06 3.6 1.0 2.06 3.60 10 10 270 o Horizontal (Fe) 0.35 1.0 0.1 3.50 10.00 Intersection - Iron&SantaFe Intersection - Iron&SantaFe Project: Project 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 1. 21 2.9 0.2 6.05 14 .50 .. 49 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting ,A32 2/4/2008 13 BWR I Right in the Center Cont. Numeric Summary Santa Fe - Iron&Walnutl Santa Fe - Iron&Walnutl Project: Project 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt ~ Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 7th - Iron&Walnut 7th - Iron&Walnut ProJect: ProJect 1 3 Pt. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 8th - Iron&Walnut 8th - Iron&Walnut Project: Project 1 3 PI. Grid Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type ~ 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.76 1.4 0.2 3.80 7.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal (Fe) 0.37 1.7 0.1 3.70 17.00 10 10 o 180 Horizontal 50 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting .A32 2/4/2008 ~ ~ BWR I Right in the Center Cont. Numeric Summary Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min (Fe) 0.24 0.6 0.1 2.40 6.00 Intersection - MUlberry&SantaFe Intersection - Mulberry&SantaFe ProJect: ProJect 1 Polygon Coordinates in Feet Point Spacing L-R Point Spacing T-B Grid Orient = Grid Tilt = Meter Type = Illuminance Values Average Maximum Minimum Avg/Min Max/Min 10 10 o o Horizontal (Fe) 1. 34 2.7 0.3 4.47 9.00 51 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File; SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/412008 ~ BWR \ Right in the Center Object(s) PARKING 1 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type,: Imported PARKING 1 - Component: PARKING PARKING 2 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 2 - Component: PARKING PARKING 3 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 3 - Component: PARKING PARKING 4 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 4 - Component: PARKING PARKING 5 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 5 - Component: PARKING PARKING 6 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported 52 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 214/2008 BWR I Right in the Center Object(s) Cont. PARKING 6 - Component: PARKING PARKING 7 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 7 - Component: PARKING PARKING 8 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 8 - Component: PARKING PARKING 9 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 9 - Component: PARKING PARKING 10 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 10 - Component: PARKING PARKING 11 Project: STREETS.dwg Type: Imported 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 PARKING 11 - Component: PARKING PARKING 12 53 AGI32 - Copyright 1999-2006 by Lighting Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLighting.A32 2/4/2008 53 BWR I Right in the Center Object(s) : Cont. Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 12 - Component: PARKING PARKING 13 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 13 - Component: PARKING PARKING 14 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 14 - Component: PARKING PARKING 15 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 15 - Component: PARKING PARKING 16 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 16 - Component: PARKING PARKING 17 Project: STREETS.dwg -- 16 Oct 07 -- 10:10:49 Type: Imported PARKING 17 - Component: PARKING 54 AGI32 - Copyriqht 1999~2006 by Liohtinq Analysts, Inc. Job File: SalinaDowntownStreetLiqhtinq .A32 2/4/2008 --,,,....,,.-......""-"""""".,,-. 11.< ,i -< ~~~~~ ~:.:;. .: r; J> ~ ~ ~ ~ '" (/) ~ ~ ~ i :r:: ~ ~:: ,~; ~~~ 7TH ,,!: 'H;~; ',qrf " K;Y" ~~;::: ~j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11,< 11-" "' r " " , '"~'''0.''' '" "~"p '!2),"~" ''!0'; "~'''~'' "~''''!0';''';'~' "" ...... ...~~..... .......,.... ..t........... ..<T..tt... ...,..~. .". '", ,. l" ....., ..... ...... .".. .."", ,..... ""., ,. ." "'. '...,. ,., .... , .. .,.. , ".., ,. ..." .. ...... "" ............... ..~.. ,.~... ..~... ..~.. ~ ~.., ,~ 7TH il-CNC, L il-CNC. L ~ :-,:'" :~~ ~ ".. . ~~ '^ "" ! '" .. ,,'N'. C '^ '" .,.r" f'TI .. ~ . r .... J:: .... " + FE ~ ''\-< .," -''''D, ~. . . . ~ ~~~~ " ...... 0 " .;;::: ::;. TH!:: .1:; . . . . . 5TH" 5TH r . . . '>I" ,::,' ":::~:/::>,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:~:l: ::I::I:\::::::::::::::::~k~ ~:: :0::::::: j::t i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::~:,' :~~/.:y.: 1:::::::::::::::: \~"Si: ~ ,,'... . rr " ;.... i 'j ! ~ ~I ~ I i i i l!~, ... " CITY OF SALINA O~~B 2335E.C~S_ISallna,Kenso8674(l1..3713 P7115.827-3603IF735S27.3029 . SAUNA LEE DISTIUC:T L/GIfT1NG STUDY __.___......,.."."......._.. ""'..........,.~ "'~':::.t'" , . , ST. "~~ ~ ~ :~~ ~~~ rH." 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