2008 CATS Budget <,< " ", ' " < ,,, , , >" , , :::' ..,' J.: I,."." , ,j' , " ,'h, -" , .. , ,J,' ""/"'j' (;:()MMUNITY ,"" ,.;' ',' .,'.. . ',:. . ,,, -;." . ,.. .. '-' '~. " " fVO''',c-~2iJ , ,,1/ "., '~, ", ',',~ .' ..< ",t'. " r:,:t' ~ :,' "", :, . . '- .... -f."'. .- 'i .- , " " ", }.-, ,- ,\. '" :'::( ~ -'-, ",-.t ;:~', -..~; {' (\ ' " '"Q,UCFIC{, .,,', " ' " ~: ',. 'Telel1Sio~ of Sal.i~a)'In~:' '. .'.. ",' ,,',' ',; "" " - , '~ , : , , " 'No~emb~r27, 2007:; - - .,.' . , . '_ \,' .,/1 " ' 410WestAsh P,O:Box 645', Saliria, Kansas67402-0645 ' ., , ' (785) 823'2500, . "" ,(785) 823'2599 Fax' " '" ,accesstv@salnet.org, c,' " ; ww~"sa1n~t<)rg~-'. '" Ii, " ", 'I ,. ,....,' ,',.- , , . -.. " ~ ' -.,,' Board of Direc'tdrs:', . ',' .',: ' , ',I' ,Nana,Miller. ..' ,.CJ;ai;" ' ~ . David'Norlin': . Vice Cluiir ,.,,< -.j' I" . C~rro/!,'f.ong r,-: "Irea',wf'e'; : "r'. " S, Ph.ilip Kerstetter, , :, "" Sei:reta,-"',~ " '.',..,-'. ',', "~ Joc! Benson" 'l ,.>C,_' , ",~ , ,''-.. :,;"F'lii{ Black .:.,' .'rren/Da~i~ ..^' "r Potr/'"Qr:ee'll "',,' 'I" ,. ,--,;"" , ',': ,'$teye "Hent~Jlgs~n: '-, .,' .... ., ,-."1' , Lucy K~lIhojT' A!iwl,.)!}lite ,\~.:~. ',., "',.' . .'" .,.. ).. " ~ ,.,'-', . .'" ~ , :^ Ex~clltive 'Director, David Ha\Vk;worth ' " , ' " '~ <'-;'.::' , " " " , ~. " . ',; i"" , .., , ' , , ,', ','\' , ' < . ~ "'.. '.,,:. '0' '.. /' ',' ".~' .-,' ,,: -';, ." I .'."; '.,< " ,:.: '., "~' "', ,.' . .-, ....... ,:~"'>, " -,"\' - ") " '::'-" TQ:Jasor,Gage; CitY Manager"Ci,ty,ofSalin'a, " , ~. \, -. . '. ".',.' - - ,', '. . .- . f' . " , v.,,:, , ' . . _.' . " .,,'. "',', '- .' '~., , .' , , '. FROM: DavictHawksworth,Executilie Director; Access TV ' ,<'~,.:-", """".,,',~':J., : ';'.":,,;,-._.: ':"'.:.',>.',','" :~:I". ",-,.",' "',' RE:C,AtS,2008,Budgetand,Activities,Plan "". ," ; .,' ' .... ,,_I .; t ~' .'.... ' ". . . i" ~,"", ^ , '. . ',,. , '. -. , ' ,,:A.sis: feqJiredunderAcc~ss'::contraci~itb ~h:e Cityiwe a:r~ 'submitting ,', ' "'c to the City a'copy of our;2008 budget, which was approved by the " :. '. AcCess,Board of. Directors on Novemb'er15,2007; and the'2008 '. ;; ,,' ,AclivitiesPlan." " ,,"', :,,',:, ,'..' i'..._;'-.':~',:' ..<-" ,",.,.." ~" ,:..' '.'v'_ J~, :-.>",~'., . ',_,;c,": '_:_r'.:>_ " '-In the year 2008; (::ommunitY~ccessanticipatesihai 90rnmunity ,~".", "I' ; , 'producers will ~ubmit approximately600,hours of newprogrammirig,: ,0 <:;ommunil}i,Access will offer training courses in producing, using the ' 'portable camera equipment, and usingtheeditirig' e.quipment.Jhese courses are taugbt on~demarid,ando,i1a one40,one basis, Studio) ,'" classes will also be offered 'on a regular basis in conjunbtibnwith our :' TuesdayNight Television initiative, Additlorially"adva,riced training . courses will be offered as needed in computer graphics, truck ,,' .' ,prqduction;,a:dvancedediting, audib!:ligbting, am:! dir?cting: :' ' , ...;~ -',' . . . ,.: ,;',.- " .; :" " ....",'., ~ ,:,.., -' .:' " ,',- " ",:; .-. ;. ' ! (~, ..: . . Ai1:aciiyities calendar for2008.is'iriGludedih this packet: .,' . '. , ." - ",.' , -'. > ," 'j " {." , ,:. ". - -,' < .~" " - --; ~. ;' .' , ". ' ," ," .our 2q08.0p~rating arid Gapital B~dgetsare attac~e.d hereto, Please contac!,me shoul,d you have any questions, Thanks, .' .;. " ..'.. " '"' . f" . "'---"'" ,. . '.~ '. , . ',:- , . , " ~.> ".1'; ,r', , '"',''-' '- ~.: " ~ ' , ,;, '," , >.' ,.,"'. . ",:. '" ',\':.;'" "'; ,~ ' "j", " ;,' , ; '- ,~. , ',. ,~- . '..' .; ,'.-, ".'; .' ," " " , ,,' . '.\ . ',,: ~ '.., .~ ..' .. ", 'r " ",' ""/',' " , ,~" " ,~'; - t r. \.'0- ," ; ',' ' 'j; "<,' " /c.' r.;: r:,>" .,'~ .', ", ",- ,"', ,,' ': ,', ~ ",( . :~':" , , , " '.~ " '. ., '-:', \'''''.-,+' '-,'. fl, ..'~..: '" , , ' ;; ,,0, , " \_; ~,' ", " < ' .' ' ".' ;,\' ,I .'" " "-..... -,.1 i "'" ,': ,.'. .. 'j "',' ,.: '.' " i.: " . ,~ " " " , , ... . :, .', , , .}, " ). -. ~ , ". 'j , ' " ,; .." .,. '. ..'" , . ~, . , " , ". '. ....1. .: ,"I " ' "'.. .,<.,:, " .".: . , :(' ',,'"c''' . .o,' " .'" " ',1:: ,.j', ,~, .:".. " 'I: '"'-' '.'. " " " , ;\ , '." ".~ RECEIPTS Revenues from Video Franchise County Revenues Grants Interest Earned Member Fees and Classes Recording Media Sales Retail Sales Tax Underwriting Gov./Ed. Meeting Reimbursement Fundraising Revenues Special Events Production Services Funds from Reserve Total Receipts EXPENSES Personnel Full-Time Wages Part-Time Labor Retirement Package Other Wages (Health/Dental) Payroll Taxes Total Personnel Non-Personnel Board Contingency Dues and Publications Other Administrative Expenses Legal Services Staff Development Contract Labor Travel/Mileage Recruitment Accounting Services Bank Fees Insurance Office Equipment Maintenance Postage Capital Equipment Building Improvements Equipment Maintenance Office Supplies Printing Utilities Salnet Production Expendables Underwriting Funds Usage Video Recording Media Truck Expenses Community Relations/Outreach Advertising MembershipIVolunteer Services Special Projects/Contingency Fundraising Expenses Youth Programs Tota! Non-Personnel Total Expenses Receipts less Expenses Community Access Television of Salina, Inc. 2008 Operating Budget $314000.00 $20000.00 $6325.00 $5500.00 $4500.00 $2000.00 -$200.00 $4650.00 $1750.00 $16975.00 $33500.00 $3000.00 $4800.00 $416800.00 $245650.00 $8500.00 $6600.00 $18975.00 $21075.00 $300800.00 $100.00 $900.00 $40.00 $250.00 $800.00 $600.00 $2000.00 $500.00 $5900.00 $700.00 $16350.00 $3500.00 $2000.00 $24250.00 $11360.00 $3750.00 $2000.00 $2500.00 $4500.00 $250.00 $3000.00 $500.00 $2000.00 $500.00 $2000.00 $13500.00 $2000.00 $2000.00 $7250.00 $.1000.00 $116000_00 $416800.00 $0.00 Community Access Television of Salina, Inc. List of Proposed Capital Purchases in 2008 (October 22, 2007) Year/Location ~ Ouantitv ~ Extension 2008 Equipment Room Hard Drives for Cameras Lavaliere Microphones Firewire Hard Drives Wireless Mics for Cameras Office Printer Copier Chairs Swinging Doors Staff Laptops for Editing Final Cut Studio software Firewire Hard Drives 1 5 10 1 1 1 15 2 3 1 3 Subtotal for 2008 To Be Purchased with Countv Funds Equipment Room Laptop for Editing Final Cut Studio software Portable Camera Tripod Firewire Hard Drives for Editing Grand Total of Capital Purchases $800.00 $1 50.00 $150.00 $500.00 $800.00 $3500.00 $100.00 $250.00 $2000.00 $1200.00 $1 50.00 1 1 1 1 2 $2000.00 $1 200.00 $3000.00 $250.00 $1 50.00 $800.00 $750.00 $1 500.00 $500.00 $800.00 $3500.00 $1500.00 $500.00 $6000.00 $1 200.00 $450.00 $2000.00 $1200.00 $3000.00 $250.00 $300.00 $ 77500.00 $6750.00 $24250.00 Community Access Television of Salina, Inc. Tentative Calendar of Events in 2008 as of November 12, 2007 January - Annual MeetingNolunteer Celebration (January 17) Februarv - Valentine's Day Video Greeting Card Fundraiser (Feb. 14) - Donor Cultivation Event (date TBD) March - Volunteer Meeting (date TBD) - Community Forum (with Salina Area Community Services Council; date TBD) April - no events planned May - PSA Days (May 7 & 8) - Mother's Day Video Greeting Card Fundraiser (May 11) Graduation Video Greeting Card Fundraiser (May 18) - High School Graduation Coverage (May 18) - Donor Cultivation Event (date TBD) June - River Festival Coverage (June 12-15) * One item will be auctioned off on channel 21 each month. * Production of an oral history project in conjunction with Salina's Sesquicentennial will take place throughout the year. July - Summer Youth Camp (dates TBD) - County Commission/State Legislature Candidate Statements (throughout the month) . August - Primary Election Coverage (Aug. 5) - Tri-Rivers Parade Coverage (Aug. 6) - Donor Cultivation Event (date TBD) September - Smoky Hill Museum Street Fair Parade Coverage (September 20) - Youth Program begins (dates TBD during the 08/09 school year) - Volunteer Meeting (date TBD) October - PSA Days (Oct. 8 & 9) - Masquerade Ball Fundraiser (Oct. 18) - Candidate Forum Coverage (date TBD) November - Election Night Coverage (Nov. 4) - Access Night of Giving at Central Mall (Nov. 30) - Donor Cultivation Event (date TBD) December - no events planned