12-18-2007 Minutes . . . .' -833- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 18th, 2007, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: James Hall, Mary Shaffer, Brian Schmidt, Sandi Johnson, David Hawksworth, Sheldon Lilak, Jo Reed and Alan Jilka, Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, Bret Wallace and Mike Wilson, observer for the League of Women Voters. James Hall called the meeting to order and asked for any changes or additions to the October, November Board minutes. No changes were suggested 07-58 On a motion made by Sandi Johnson and seconded by Jo Reed it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the October and November Board meeting as printed. Motion passed. P.833 12/18/07 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: The Friends don't meet this month. They just finished up a bookmark contest for Youth , Services and they will start taking applications for scholarships in January. They continue to work book sorting. The Friends provided gift certificates to Library employees for the holidays. ORIENTATION: PRlMARKETlNG PLAN Bret Wallace spoke to the Board about the 2008 Marketing Plan. He has tried to base his marketing plan around the new strategic plan. Allocations remain approximately the same as last year. We spent considerably more on advertising this year than previous years. We ran the "it's a great day to go to the Library" campaign, ads in the buyers guide, neighbors section of the Salina journal and cable TV. He is going to try email marketing this year, hoping to reach more Generation X and Baby Boomers. . He also plans to use radio and TV ads. Advertise also in Keynotes a newsletter to target the senior population. Bret also answered questions from the Board. ACTION ITEM: TRANSFER TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 07-59 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by David Hawksworth it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the transfer to the Capital Improvement Fund from the General Fund an amount up to the maximum of 10% of tax receipts allowed by law, once all 2007 bills have been accounted for and paid. Motion passed. P.833, 12/18/07. ACTION ITEM: POLICY UPDATES POLICY REVIEW: 2nd Reading Interlibrary Loan Service Policy: Discussion was held on this policy 834 .. 07-59 On a motion made by David Hawksworth and seconded by Jo Reed it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trnstees of the Salina Public Library approves the Interlibrary Loan Service Policy on second reading, with the correction to change the word Load to Loan. Motion passed. P.834. 12/18/07. . POLICY REVIEW: 1st Reading PC Use Policy: Discussion was held on this policy. 07-60 On a motion made by Sandi Johnson and seconded by David Hawksworth it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Saliua Public Library approves the PC Use Policy update as written on first reading. Motion passed. P.834. 12/18/07. Replacem~nt Cost Policy: Discussion was held on this policy. 07-61 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Joe Reed it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Replacement Cost Policy update as written on first reading. Motion passed. P.834 12/18/07. CLASS. Enrollment Policy: Discussion was held on this policy. 07-62 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Sandi Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees ofthe Salina Public Library approves . the CLASS Enrollment Policy update as written on first reading. Motion passed. P.834. 12/18/07. Vacation Buy Policy: Discussion was held on this policy. 07-63 On a motion made by Sandi Johnson and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trnstees ofthe Salina Public Library approves the Vacation Buy Policy as written on first reading. Motion passed. P.834. 12/18/07. FINANCIAL REPORT: Light and Heat seems to be on or below budget. Repairs and Maintenance will be over budget. We have had quiet a few smaller repairs and ongoing maintenance this year. Spending of Library materials seems to be on track. Furniture and Equipment aud Programs and Promotional line items are under budget. STATISTICAL REPORT: The Library has remained busy. We were closed three days for the bad weather this last week. . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe handed out the 2008 outlook. We still plan to hire a Community Outreach Coordinator. The Learning Center should be open for business sometime in January. 835 . The Imagination Station plans are being revised and will be put out for bid again in January and hopefully started sometime in February. The gaming tournaments have been very successful. We are looking at adding video games to the Library collection. Joe is looking into the possibility of adding security cameras iu the library. He also talked about looking into the possibility of adding more programs on literacy. Weare starting to take a look at purchasing another library vehicle. Our current vehicle is 10 years old and has over 90,000 miles. BOARD COMMENTS: Discussion was held about the doors in the Community Learning Center. ADJOURNMENT: 07-64 On a motiou made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Sandi Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn the December 18th, 2007 meeting. Motion passed. P 835 12/18/07. CLt ,() 0\/. n .. r (7)/JfjJ j' CtL{)vc~Jlib{tf;L Secretary, David Hawksworth ~a-k ~ 6-J~ 12-18-07 Date 12-18-07 . Recorder, Sandra Wilcox Date .