1145 AppropriationsG R D I ISI I. Tyr C E No .114 An. ordinance nuking an appropriltior_ for the payment, of a ceriai:n claim. Be it ordained -by the Yayond Councilmen of the cite; of Saline.. Seat i on 1 , That the% sum of Two Hundred six and Yo/100 P$'20'6"e 00) Dc ll ars 'be and the same is hereby appr6priated out of any funds in the hands of ;the city treasurer for the, pa-7ment: of the following claim as se,t opposi-te they res pectiT7e claimant. towi.t:------- To C. T. Snyder for 'constrT-Lctior_ of brick sidewalk as pe,r itemized state- ment dater"•_ August 18th.1902,and now on file with the city clerk- 00 Section 1.1, That scrip for such amount ay.ble on or bef6?: 15 mer_tr.s after date and c-rawir_g no ir_terest,be draiirr,. on the city t,reasu Y -sir,. pa.-;nnent of said claim. Section ill ., That this ord-inance take effect and be in forces from and after- its passage. At,tc p C e ? and. Arproved August., l8t.r .19-02 .