4.1 Marion C Klema DayWHEREAS, Marion C. Klema lived 71 of her 76 years in Salina, during which she gave generously and completely of her intellect, talents and love to her community through loyalty, compassion, trustworthiness and helpful friendship; and WHEREAS, Marion chose as her life long profession the teaching of American History to 8th grade students, of which she held with the deepest devotion and respect; and WHEREAS, Marion received numerous awards and achievements including Salina Teacher of the Year, Kansas Master Teacher, Daughter of Colonial Wars Outstaading Teacher, State Merit Teacher for the National Council for Geographic Education and State Board of Regents Outstanding Teacher Award; and WHEREAS, Marion improved education through leadership while serving on NE.A, K.N.EA. and Kansas State Board of Educational Teacher's StandardS; and WHEREAS, Marion also dedicated time to community activities such as the Salina Human Relations Commission, Salina Bicentennial Commission, League of W~omen Voters, American Red Cross and the First Presbyterian Church; and SO, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED I, Joseph A. Warner, Mayor of the city of Salina, do hereby proclaim August 25,1994 which will be tl~e first public school day in Salina for the 1994-95 term to be "MARION C. KLEMA DAY" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the official seal of the city of Salina this 25th day of July, 1994. Joseph A. Warner Mayor, City of Salina