8.11 Awd Muni Pool Improv CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Administration ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: 8 EngJ. neer±ng ITEM: 11 BY: Shawn O' Lear BY: I tom Award contract for Municipal Pool Improvements, Project No. 04-80t5. Background lhe 1004 Capital Improvement Program includes several improvements in the Parks and Recreation cato0ory. ^men0 them is tho sandb]astin0, sealing and repa~nting of the municipal pool located at Kenwood Park. lhe following bids ~ere received for this project on luosday, February 15, 1004' 8i dder 8i d ^moun~ $chedu 1 o Commercial ~aterproofin.q, Inc. $32,000.00 March 1 - May 1, 11t04 Kansas City, Pools Plus, Salina $76,481.08 March 15 - May 1, 1004 lbo £n~ineer's estimate for the project is $40,125.00. lbo 1~4 bud~o~ allocages $35,000 fo~ gho pool Pool Impeovomonts, P~ojoct ~o. ~4-8~6 ~o Commercial ~a~o~p~oof~n~, Inc. amount of $32,~00.00. COMMISSION AC~ON MOTION BY SECOND BY ~AT: ,