Purchase Agreement #3
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'rilL) AF.rcC:'li~ent made and cntcTcc1 lnto th:i~;
J 9 '1? -' t. Y (J n c1 b 'e: t VI (' C: n :
day of ,1 anuclJ'Y ,
'l'hc ,Snl:Lna COf.']r,iUn:Lty 'l'heatrc A~.;Socj8.t:Lon (li'I'hcatl'c");
The C it Y 0 f ~; a 1 in a, K a n s a iJ (lr C j. t y I! ) :
J. J. VOrl1er, Sal:Lna, Kansas (lrVel.nier") and
V. F. Lundberg (~nd Dorothy Lundbc:cC;, hu,~b(1.ncl and I'life, of
Sal1na, Kansa~; (lrLundbergs II) .
WHEREAS, the Theatre and the City entered into an agreement
dated January 12, 1910, providinG for the construction of a new
Salina Cor::munity 'l'heatre Bulld:Lnr; on land to be fUl'n~Lshec1 by the C:L ty ,
whlch Clgreernent pemains in full force and effect;
i.fJIEHE/\S; th,.., Th?2trc; the C:Lty, ['.nd V(~l')j or entered into an
a~ree]nent dated August 30, 1971, providing for the acquisJtion of
land on vlh:Lch to construct the neH '1'heatre P,uilclinr:, vl1dc}1 aGreement
rema:Lns jn full force and effect and
vmEREAS, the real cste.tc clescri l~ed :In paragraph one of the
August 30, 1971, asreement is oHned ~artly by Lundbergs and partly
by Vanier; and the agreement of January 12, 1970, conterflplates that
the site ~;eJcct(:d fen' the nOH 'rheatre Bullding \'1ilJ. be o'i'med by the
City: and
HHEHEJ\S, Vanier has her'etofOJ:,e contributed to the 'I'heatre, the
~;UJ:l of ~~!iO,OOO.OO, PUr':3LU1i;t to }',D.J.'(tc;raph one of the AL,t;ll~~t 30, 19'{1,
agreement to enable the Theatre to acquire certain real estate as
required for the new Theatre Building;
NOH 'I'HEHEFOHE, the par't 1e s hereto agree as follovnJ:
1. Lundbergs sh~11 forthHith execute, acknowledge and deliver
unto the City a general wa~ranty deed conveying the following
described real estate to the City:
Lots One Hundred Three (103), One Hundred Five (IOS) and
One Hundred Seven (107) on Fourth Street and Lots One Hundred
Four' (lOll), One Hundred Slx (l06) and One Hundred Eight (l08)
on Third Street, all in the Original Town (now City) of Salina,
Sa11ne County, Kansas.
2. Concurrently with execution, acknowledgement and delivery
of the deed described in paragraph one the Theatre shall pay to
Lundbergs the f'>Un1 of $40,000.00.
3. The City shall forthwith execute, acknowledge and deJ.lver
to Vanier a general Harranty deed conveying to V&nier the following
described real entate:
Lots One Hundred 'I'hrec (103), One Hundred Five (105) 2nd One
Hundred Seven (07) on FOUl'th Street, LESS AND EXC:;;P'l' a11 of
that portion of Lots One Hundred 'l'hree (03), One JIunc1red FIve
(JOS) and One; Hundred Seven (10'7) on Fourth Street, lying south
- 1 -
<lnd CCi.~:t of tlw Ch.:Jnnc:] of the 2;1:101:y lUll k1vcc at 1i1r:ll '-!ate]'
I1(u:,]:.~ ;1.11 in the OrJgin:::l 'l'o\':n (now C:Ltv) of' ;;aLLna, K(tn:';il:~,
in Sal:Lnc County, Ynll:;:u;.
11., Concurrently \'JJth execution, ac]mo\'J] edcernc;nt) and dcl:ivel'Y
of the deed 1'efer1'ocl to :i n pal'C1e;ranh tilt'eo above, Vnniel' :;lJa11
execute, acknOl'ileclge and delivcr' to the City a warranty deed conveying
to the City the fOl101'::ing describ~l estate:
. (} ,: I., fO...
Lot One Hundred '1'I'TO ( ,) on 'Phircl Street; and all that portion
of Lot:, lJjnet y-Four 911 ), Ihnct y -Si x (9 G), IU no ty--Eip;ht (98) and
One Hundred (100) on 'j'hi I'd Street ancl Lot s lYtnet v-Seven (9r(),
rHnety.-H:Lne (99) and Orw Hundred Onc (01) on Fourth Street,
lyin[~ south and east of tho Channel of the Srr:oky Hill HiveI' at
HiGh \'Jater IiIark; all in the Ori[~:Lnal 1'cniTl of Salina, Saline
County, Kansas.
In the Alterllutive, Vanier may at his option convey said real estate
by vlapr~anty deed to the Theatre, in which event the Theatpe i'dll
forthwith execute, acknowledge and deliver to the City a warranty
deed conveying the S8.I118 real e:=tate to the City.
5. If the 'I'heatre docs not construct a neVI 'I'heatre Building
in accordance with the January 12, 1970, agreement the City wil]
execute, acknowledge and deliver to Vanier a warranty deed conveyins
to Vanier the follo\'ling described real e,5tc~t.C:
Lots One Hundred 'rHO (lO~~), One Hundred Foul" (JOlr), One Hundred
Six (106) and One Hundred f.:Lf':ht (l08) on Third Street; and all
that portion of Ltits Ninety-Four (94), Ninety-Six (96), Ninety-
Kight (98) and One Hundred (100) on 'rhiI'd ~;treet and Lots
Ninety-Seven (97), Ninety-Nine (99), One Hundred One (101),
One Hundred 'l'hrce(103), One EUllG.cc,-l Five no)) and One Hundn;d
Seven (107) on Fourth Street, lying S:)uth and East of the
Channel of the Smoky Hill River at Hjgh Water Mark; all in the
Original Town of S~l:Lna, Saline County, Kansas.
6. Lundbergs will not pay any of the costs incurred in connection
with execution of deeds, transfer of title or abstracting. Lundbergs
will retain all rents collected from their present tenants and will not
be obLigated to pay the City any rent for the period that Lundbergs
retain possession of their property as provided hereirl. Lundbergs will
maintain public liability and property damaGe insurance in force during
the time they remain in possession of any portion of their property
after the f3ame is conveyed to the C5.ty. Lundbergsl tenants ShE!.ll have
the right to remove plumbing, heating and coolinG equipment owned by
such tenants. Lundbergs shall have the right to remove the TV tower
located on their property. When the buildings are salvaged and torn
down, Lundbergs shall have tIle rjght to select for their own use such
quantity of the bY'lck from the buj.ld:tnrr, fronts of the nortll shed and
tfie garage. building, as they may desire.
7. Lundbergs shall vacate their property and transfer possession
thereof to the City on the following schedule:
a. The house and the north sheds, February 15, 1972
b. The storage sheds dh~ectly nori-,h of the house, f1arch 1, 1972
c. The filJ.ing station bujlding, warehouse and heauty shop,
Narch 15, 1972
d. ']'he garac;e bu:L1d:inp; at the \'Jest end of LundberG pro!,erty, at
the convenience of the contractor wh6 will build the new
Theatre Building.
- 2 -
. ,
11. Thc~CoIi,mllJ11ty 'i'hcClh'c, ]1uLLdinr; s:i.te w.Ll.l be Cl~Cll'ec1 by the
Cj ty of' SaJ.:i.na. in accol'danee H5tlJ l'e~:;oJ.ut:i.on heretofore adopted by
tlw City.
nr lH'T'NES;; HIIEHEOJ.i' the part:ict> have executed th:i.s AGreement the
day and year first above written.
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Denn18 E. Poer, President
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Se cl'etary
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Robert Caldwell, Mayor
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City Clerk
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J. J. VanIer
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V. P. Lundberg
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- 3 -