Sign in Public ROW . . . ~ It rJeo1fle re. 8lheiinfl/on flJuildei & Qj)e'lJelofiei 412 N.W. 2ND ABILENE, KANSAS 67410 PHONE 913263-1210 2103 SOUTH OHIO SALINA, KANSAS 67401 PHONE 913 827-9338 SOO S. WEBSTER JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS PHON E 913 238-5806 78 ,'ugust 1975 Honorable City Commission City Hdl 300 ",est (\ sh 3alin~, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen: I respectfully request permission to construct t~vo brick entranceway signs on public right-a-,.78Y. This right-1-,.78.Y is ;,t the intersection of H2rymount and Country Hills Road. I had forgotten that I gave the City an extra fifteen feet on Narymount thus making }18rymount fifteen feet wider south of Crawford than north of Crawford. I, therefore, would appreciate this permission so that I ,dll not h8ve to tear dm..'O the entrance"ivay. PleClse find ,lttachecl sevel~al elevn.tions to explain my d i 1 emma . sarelY, ;tft/ ~ r::;;;:!~--~~ /~ _~. "therin:_on GCL I d 1 ~ I f : i I i ./ i I%JJI/ I WAll..~ 0' '\ ~t-----~ . \-1 ~I vI ~I i tfl I I I ---J I -=0 I ! f2/w I . I I - '<- re.. ~ ,,-' Jti,,:- U)~ 1 1111 ~ A' _ ( - '-".'-~ "j) ~ ..~ ][-~ -lfl Ii ~", ... . T"- I - I I ~I -/-.- I , - - --~..__.. i I r i i , i I ---L- . I ni ~".n1Cl 4LL~ ~D I ~I,.. --....--.-. --....,.... "'1' --.. ....--- CV I ~' ~;;r--- -.; -.--, l' j I I I ~,... ?'.I"""'\' ~1=\ -fJ--'" \. :~;_:~:C~ ._J~~,~ ..." '-':i'l": ",,~l V~,' fl iJ't ~ .' '~", ~:{ !:,'" ,~" . 11 ~l _ 1'~"jn - - f" .". ,'( .-' n r:. . "j""",ll' :: ~j~. ~\~(::' - t f ",;,};> " ' -" .~'. I \ r- t~:r_l,t. ';,tt ~ ~I 8 . ',' I[ U 1/'1 ~ ,,' .~ Scl;:n':-., 1 ~ iv,\>,~ 01: 'n II 1/1 ( . J (,' . . _,.., --'OJ).."""....,,,...,,,, ...J! A, ~'\ / .~.'" '- ~ r:,,~]r~"c:'11 .. ,r',~ , II .il~ · ~ '., ""',, ._ t,-.....--..._}t.._..~-.'r".._.., : ,,__..____..._,__~..__..._._L. ",_,' \~//. ,:, ~)i" J , . l:..~ . "',0.... ..\ .. ... " 'L."._,,__ -- ~., . ".'" _ '. ..' H' '. ./ .,' ~,,'" ......~" ~~~."....,I .Av:::~,.?.;;~::=:;;,;ft"'-f 'lo,,"':";C'::(r'< .... ..1, "Y AJ ....\.~...Jt :,"""~ "~\ "'.,' ) J . 'Lr '7"""". ..... ", ,"t'," ' t '~_'\.. ,.' "--0*'- ("-)' \'-',..." .~ '~...,~ V.T"TWffil" ~.,:)l~:ti;r;l}i~,r~I~!f:*~"~,'" . / / I , / r I \ '" \ // l '/'/ '..' ....J? /' .1 ;:,'/ {". ! .,' /) j/ 1 "v7 \ ~\/~ \II'.'J '. / \. I l~ I .-;;-..L \'" :: /- / ". \ t"-,~' I{,l I / ~. __"" ~,.: ..-,ofl if ....~'........ ,--..-.-...-- - '-.