Youse Trust Endowment " CLARK, MIZE & LINVILLE CHARTERED PETER L. PETERSON JOHN W. MIZE GREG A. BENGTSON MICKEY W. MOSIER PAULA 1. WRIGHT ERIC N. ANDERSON DUSTIN J. DENNING MICHAEL P. ALLEY PETER S. JOHNSTON NICHOLE MOHNING ROTHS JARED B. JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW C.L. CLARK (1908 - 2004) JAMES P. MIZE (1910 - 1988) 129 S. EIGHTH, P.O. BOX 380 SALINA, KANSAS 67402-0380 TELEPHONE: (785) 823-6325 FAX: (785) 823- I 868 128 N. MAIN LINDSBORG, KANSAS 67456 TELEPHONE: (785) 227-2010 AUBREY G. LINVILLE L.O. BENGTSON RETIRED January 11, 2007 William McMos1ey 2113 Fairda1e Court Salina, KS 67401 Dear William: As I told you during our recent office conference, I represent Robert A. Stinson in his capacity as trustee of the Laura Ellen Youse Trust dated May 16, 1996. Laura passed away in January of 1999. Her trust provided for half of her trust assets to be distributed outright, which was done at that time. The other half was to be retained in trust, with income payable for life to a local Salina couple, followed by distributions for the benefit of ten different charities, in equal shares. The survivor of the Salina couple has now passed away, so the trust assets will soon be ready for distribution to the ten charities, one of which is the Salina Municipal Band. At the time of Laura's death, the retained half share was worth about $348,000. Even with interim income payments to the Salina couple totaling nearly $200,000, and even with interim trustees' fees and other expenses, the remainder of the half share has grown to about $500,000. This means, in turn, that the share of each of the ten charities will be about $50,000. Needless to say, the trustee (Mr. Stinson) has done a wonderful job of asset management, investment, and stewardship. Under the terms of Laura's trust, as written in 1996, the gifts for the charities are to be made outright. Near the end of her life, Laura indicated to me that she wanted to permanently endow these gifts, in order to enhance the likelihood that each charity's portion would continue to generate annual payments to that charity, in perpetuity. I had told Laura about the pending formation ofthe Greater Salina Community Foundation ("GSCF"), which would hold permanent endowment funds "ear-marked" for specific charities like the Salina Municipal Band. Laura was very interested in pursuing that notion; unfortunately, however, she passed away before any changes could be made to her trust. Mr. Stinson and I are now looking for input from your board as to how to provide for the payment of the Band's approximate $50,000 bequest. One possibility would be for the Band to direct Mr. Stinson to make the check made payable to the GSCF, which would then deposit the check in an endowment fund for the Band at the GSCF. The Band could then receive annual distributions from the fund (typically up to 5% of the fund balance), if it so desired, for unrestricted uses as it saw fit. " William McMosley January 11,2007 Page 2 By the way, I have also discussed this matter with Rod Franz, the Director of Finance for the City of Salina, and he was most receptive to this endowment fund approach with the GSCF. In fact, he said that he preferred that Mr. Stinson and I deal directly with you and the other Band officials and not run this money through the City of Salina's accounts. And now for some required formalities. I am enclosing a complete copy of Laura's trust agreement (see, in particular, page 3). Under Kansas law, you have a certain amount of time within which to contest the validity of her trust, and Mr. Stinson and I have a legal obligation to inform you of that right. Accordingly, please consider this letter as the statutory notice required under K.S.A. 58a-604(a)(2). In particular: (1) As noted above, I am enclosing a complete copy of Laura's trust for your review and use. (2) Laura's trust is in full force and effect at this time, and the trustee's name and address are as follows: Robert A. Stinson, 849-A Fairdale Road, Salina, KS 67401. (3) The time allowed for commencing a proceeding to contest the validity of Laura's trust is four (4) months after the sending of this notice - i.e., May 11, 2007. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. I can tell you that Laura was very fond of the Salina Municipal Band. It held a very special place in her heart, and we will look forward to working with you in carrying out Laura's gift for the Band's benefit. Very truly yours, CLARK, MIZE & LINVILLE, CHARTERED Peter L. Peterson PLP:pp coe};)' YOUR HECORDS Enc!. cc: Robert A. Stinson, 849-A Fairdale Road, Salina, KS 67401 Thomas K. Arpke, 512 W. Iron Avenue, Salina, KS 67401 Rod Franz, Director of Finance, 300 W. Ash Street, Salina, KS 67401 Greg A. Bengtson, 129 S. 8th Street, Salina, KS 67401