Lot 11, 13, & 15, Block 12 ," REBECCA SEEMAN C. REGr5Tj~R O~ DEEDS '^/ V SALINE COUNTY KANSAS /Y ~(Joln 114~S ~age: 1197 ReceIpt #: 38752 Total Fees: $16.00 Pages Recorded: 3 Date Recorded: 1/10/2007 11:32:26 AM ./ GRANT OF PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT Unified School District No. 305, (the "grantor"), being the owner of the hereinafter described real estate, does hereby give, grant, dedicate, and convey unto the City of Salina, Kansas, a municipal corporation, (the "grantee"). A Permanent Utility Easement, in perpetuity, on the real estate legally described and depicted as T3 on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A for the purpose of locating, constructing, excavating, and maintaining poles, wires, conduit, pipeline, and junction boxes for the purpose of conducting, transmitting, and distributing water, sewage, electricity, gas and electronic communications by the City, its franchisees, and its licensees. Grantor acknowledges that this Grant of Permanent Utility Easement shall neither alter nor affect the Grantor's obligation to maintain the described real estate. Grantor hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of the described premises and has the right, power, and authority to convey the rights granted hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned duly authorized officers of the Grantor set their hands this 1S~ day of December, 2006. President STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SALINE, SS: On this ~ day of December, 2006, before me a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Carol J. Brandert, Board President of Unified School District No. 305, known to me to be the person who executed the agreement on behalf of Unified School District No. 305, and acknowledged to me Sthat he executed the same for the purpose therein stated. \ J2 t\. DEBORAH S. HOWARD \ 'I ~ Notary Public - Stale of nsas ~--... - My Appl. Expires "'3'\ Notary ublic - Book: 1143 Page: 1198 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ACCEPTED BY:~"":" Q ~ Donnie D. Marrs, Mayor A~~ Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk j STATE OF KANSAS; COUNTY SALINE, SS: On this ~~day of January, 2007, before me a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Donnie D. Marrs, Mayor, and Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk, for the City of Salina, Kansas, known to me to be the persons who executed the agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes therein stated. A. PENNY DAY ~ Notary Public - Slate of Kansas My Appl. Expires ~ <:::> r~ \(.)~ <:::> ~ EXHIBff A OESCRIPTlONS 77: Th. North two hundrrtd sixty-six alld eiVlty-five hUfldredths feet (266.85') of the sixtHfl foot dl.y runnillg north ond south b.tween Woadand a_ue and Grand a_ue, ill Bfoclc No. 12, Pacific addition to the City of Sdilla, SaliII. County, Konsos. I ~ crill rt Vocat. alley, "taill as utiity easement ~"0:Xl ~:x22J 12 Vocat. alley ,. 12: The tlltlflty foot alley ruflflillg east and owt ill the north twenty feet of Lo ts No. 17 ond 18 bet_ Ninth and Tenth streets ill Pacific addition to the City of Sdillo. Sdlne County, Kansas. rnd The south one hlJ/ldrrtd thHy-two ond nillety hundredths feet (132.90') of the siJ(tHfl foot alley running norlh and south bet_ Woodland a_e rnd Grand a_ue, ill BlocIc No. '2, Pacific oddltion to the City of Sdillo. Salille County, Krnsos. -l~ TJ: A tlltlflty foot utHity easement, the l!,. centtlrlille of which is a public /l(JfIitory se_ r--- - 81:" - - - - - - - - - - - -.' ~ ---;jarlh Tenth Str;;et - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :-ll~.rn,,:?,;~gill SC;:/'acwe:.::2.. t';:if:: t;J;t!::; t~ 'I, I ~.! . 1/2' "bar w/ cf1p AG Inc. 106 , the City of Salina. Saline County, KOf'/sos. I, SO'02'Og'W _'~ll"-JJ.U'- 0-" ----1-- _ I de8cribed as follows. "' 135': . ,~)< 50' Beginnillg at the nDrlhwest comer of Lot No. '5 '" l\i I >)\x .. l"' " I - - - - - - - W r'~+-:"'-~-t.'::-~:-;-;::... I I /--- II ~e::/::'::/'w~,a,::t:;c: ::"::~~~t~~/:; Ill: I I :~l' ; 't;~",1.:-0SPIrOlt ..,.. , I I / ,'\ thence SO'02'24"Walong sold west line for a , ~. - - - - '1~:~:-fr1, ~ i'l ..... '~~E~1,~;::~:, O>t 1 I 7 i.I (\ ~ : f::::~ ~ I =.C:(!fJl~w~:~=~~ ;~!~f~t to I ~ - - P-~~'-7'~ - ~;~ 1- '-+--'-f;?~--------'--~}. : : "'----iV' .. ~ I 0 point on the west IIn. of Lot No. IS; thtJllee ~ . i':' ~. "!j~1, ~"}'::-'~\'I~:::':~-;'~"~j I I I "I,I,li ~,,:O:~:J ~~~:'; ,;:,s~:"':,eo~;,~ ~~ '5 for , ~ i - - .".. - - - - --I i'" "'~-, .... ". d '. ''I ~ "J beginning. I~ ~. - - ~~ ~ - -~Ji.~,~~~<>&~~ ~~::;;.;5~~~~;>~";(;~X .{'1f~>:::::c 71 ~:-::~:t~~i2(',1<~, ~ ~'I Contaills 3,213.5 square fHt more or leSs. I~ ~' \,':e 'ir'~fC-"'~-=~=~T.----.--1~~~90-;-- "-X2_ 266.85~ -- ~ , This documtJIIt does not coostitut. a boundary I ~. = = ~~ = = =~~ J21 ;)~<~~~i~:~:~~i':'T : (=-\:i>\ f ~ survey. ~ ' ~l I I 20 I 18 ~J' 16 I 14 .L 12 ": 4 1\\; m I . ~'" . I I < "j8: ~"-., ',\~::-;~"I " 'e, \, ~ ~ , f\j I I <X,('-.c . ," , "'",,1 I . , ~ I . - - '-;:- ~ ,.,-:-" I" I I :xdll I . ' I', "-1 \ ; \\ ~ I ~ '-~~~ I I I ~:~ I ":<i\.\.'.o..: \'~_Jlj '\:''-' '/2" fipe foUfld I ., -.;t i/B' r;,,;r w/iii jii.1Ic icOf I I 'N.:> I I '_ : fount ~t:0:'3~; '" Llndqul.1 E-S,It1!- : i fi!tP,/I'(MJ ___8oi (AI.tPL-o '..1 '7001f'1iiiij ,-' found 1/2" rtJbar w/cap AG 106 Basi. of B.arlng NO'02'J8'f a..umod lJ -r- I "': 0,5' .0.1 of corner 645'(PJ I L_~----_________~r0~~~~____________~__~ "'i bulding com", V found 3/4' Id pipe ./ ~ be:!JIJ i'v-.r o.....J T3 Proposed 20' utlity easement .. , i line" -earl o Found monument origin unknown unless stated. @ Set 5/8" rebar with cop "UNOQUfST LS.I4J9 ~ found 3/4' /d pipe tr:I o o :=t.:"" .. ...... ...... -t=-- (&oj CITY 01= BALINA c.pt. 01 ~ Worb ...-.. 1:1 a:lJ u::J rt) .. ...... ...... L.CI L.CI