Fuel Management Installation CHANGE ORDER LOCATION: 315 East Elm Street PROJECT: Installation of new fuel management system CONTRACTOR: P.B. Hoidale Co., Inc. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 4th day of January , 2007 , by and between the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, Owner, and the above named Contractor, modifies the existing contract dated October 31, 2006 , under the above subject, project and project number in the following particulars to wit: DESCRIPTION Additional expense amounting to +$3,000.00 for removal and installation of underground conduit and wiring found to be in a state of disrepair. This section of conduit and wiring was not known to be in such condition when the project bids were let. (See attached memo from Fleet Superintendent.) Total: $3,000.00 3. The contract time for completion by reason of this change this work has been completed. 4. All other terms and conditions of the contract to remain unchanged. THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REQUESTING DEPARTMENT BY: ,-, ~ ./ , /~ MANA ER -- BY: ~E~ -'/~~7 INTERIM DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AtteSt) l/)' Nm-tu~ t~ CITY CLERK DEC, 27. 2006 11: 24AM PB HO!DALE NO. 991 P. 1 ..: I ~ P.B. HOIDALE CO., INC. ~ ~ 3737W. Hany. WichiTa,l<S 67213-1413 '" ~ v Mail: P.O. Box 12104. Wichita, KS 67277.2104 FAX To; -~Io pe.,c., ~ .Q"rDII'ICN G~ f:--~ of ~.J,},^q eCMPANV 78S-:;!o9- S'7S'-1 . FMNUMIIl!1l Date: /;;2 - ~ 7-0 & 7?/"e::rc/ ere. e..d HAW!! From: E B. BOlDALE CO.. INC. ~ (316) 942-0653 FAX NUMIER (316) 942-1361 PHOtlE MJ~ N~b.. 0' pagea indl.lding this CCMtr llhoet: ;2... """' of ......IIlr:_ Normal_Urgent R.plT- _YCll$ _No If you do not.receive all the pages, or if you have questions, please call (31S} 942--1361, Comments. eXt,..~<-. O~ ne.1 ~/-e-- QUClre. .':l Petroleum, Industrial and Lubrication Equipment . DEC. 27. 2006 11: 24AM PB HO!DALE QUOTATION Ie CONTRACT NO.991 p, 2 No. Salina 12190EH 'f.. , ~ PeT1fOLEIJM.INDIISTRII#LAND LU8RlCATION EOUIPMENT SInce 1946 , P.B. HOIDAlE CO.,INC. ~& ~ I1LJ.. Proposal Submitted to: Page 1 of 1 QUOTA.TION ISSUED BY OFFICE INDICATED BeLOW: o WICHITA OFFICE 0 KANSASCITYUETROOFFICE 0 GARDENCllYOFFfCE 3?$7W. HARR'l" P.O. SOX 1~'lW 11 121 W. 87n1lE"lIACE . !ro. 8OX~ 7'7S MID STAlli ORIVE' P.O. BOX 13124 WlCHITA.I<AN&A$ 6727'7 OVelllAND PAIII(. KANSAS 8lI2lW GARDiN env.1W\l1AS ~ 31H42,'M' 813oG1.1500 C2Ooa7S-74G1 lllClO) 382~784 (lOt\) 831~'722 t8l101811l1-7C1 FAX: 3'lHiI42~ "AX; '1.......104 FAX: SZO,27S-48S5 City of Salina 418 E. Ash Salina, Kansas DateDec. 19, 2006 Bob Peck Phone: p~ 195 - 30Q ~ 5~~ Job Location; $'1 Attn: QUA'JTITY DESCRIPTlO~J ! JIJlT PRICE I M,IOUcH I We are pleased to submit the following quotation for your approval. Proposal for extras above on contract #72006-1, your po# 06-0000076: Work for replacing conduit & wire between dispensers & card readers Electrical Labor Electrical Part & Fittings Concrete & labor (by Hoidal~). 2,216.00 467.00 317.00 u======== 3,000.00 Above price does not include applicable sales tax and freight. Buyer grants Seller a security interest in all goods and other property acquired under this contract. 3.000.00 We propose to lurnish mater18l and/or labor as listed above for the sum of S . plus any applicable taxes. PrIces ara subject to change without prior notice and are subject to price in effect at time of delivery. Any alteration or deviation rrom abl>Ye specifications invohiing extra COSt will become an extra charge over and above this estimata. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents. or delays beyond our control. Any work involving extra Cl'lal'ges wi. not be performed until an agreement Is reached regarding \tie extRl charges. Thill proposal is void daya from above date. Sig"alU1'8 Brian Basgall, Branch Manager CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE The abOVe prices. 8I)ecifrcatione and conditions are aatisfaC10ry and are hereby aceepted. You are authorized to provide the equipment and/or to do the work as specifIed. Customer acknowledges and 8gr'l1eS to payment twms of Nel10 Days from date of invoice. paymenla mlde later than 10 days wtlllncur ,... payment charges 011-1J2'% per month (1 SO.. per annum). Rock, _ter 0/1 oltler ~ore_n underground obatructiona tG be at lIdditional customer expense. TIle Buver wiD be reGlponGlible for filling all unCl~und Gtorage tanks with product for balla5t ImmedIately upon setting tanks In the tank elCCavationl. l1HIlImns and I:ondlt/ons sui 0111 on the reVltfSIt side of this proposa' are a pan of thb GOntract and have the .am. 10ree Glnd effeGt llli if &at on its fa-. Date Accepted CUSlOmer~ By; ~J~nMFA ~~N AND AFTl.JRN ORIGINAL INVOICE ~ Petroleum, Industrial and Lubrication Equipment . .. Since 1946 P.B. HOIDAlE CO., INC. ~ ~ ~ \Ift~~.\ iPi~i~ v 'Ill' v WI I ,/ "'''''''''''.'''',6' INVOICE Fa::CCIVI=O 1.1011' "'. -- '- I'!' U ~ if J 2006 PAGE 1 1072458 Remittance Address: WICHITA OFFICE RO. Box 121 Or ---.. 3737 W. Harry PO. Box 12104 Wichita, KS 67277 Wichita, KS 67277 (316) 942-1361 Fax: (316) 942-0653 wichita@hoidale.com KANSAS CITY OFFICE 11121 W. 87th Terrace PO. Box 40395 Overland Park, KS 66204 (913) 438-1500 Fax: (913) 438-1504 kc@hoidale.com GARDEN CITY OFFICE 775 Mid State Drive PO. Box 1324 Garden City, KS 67846 (620) 275-7403 Fax: (620) 275-4655 gc@hoidale.com HUMBOLDT Sales & ServiCl Humboldt, KS 66' (913) 438-150C I CITY OF SALINA POBOX 736 SALINA KS 67401-0000 I CITY OF SALINA 418 EAST ASH SALINA KS 67401 CO / CUST NO ORDER NO ORDER DATE CUST PO NO SHIP VIA FOB 1/0000582200 72458/00 08/16/06 06-0000078 Service to Install Destination INVOICE DATE TERRITORY SALESMAN 1 0/31/2006 12 Daniel Johnson TERMS CC# Net 15 Days REF# EXP ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION I U M ORDERED SHIPPED UNIT PRICE TOTAL JOB BILLING: REMOVED EXISTING GASBOY SYSTEM AND INSTALLED NEW FUELMASTER SYSTEM AS PER QUOTATION. BILLED AS PER QUOTED. 15,991.67 ,~. . Seller has sold and agreed to deliver, and the Buyer has purchased and agreed to accept, the items listed above, and also agrees to grant Seller a security interest in said items until Seller is paid in full for the amounts and at the prices set forth above and on the terms and conditions herein recited, including those printed on the back of this contract, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. This document confirms the terms of this sales transaction and shall become a binding contract as provided by law. Interest will be charged at the rate of 1.1/2% per month (18% per year) after 30 days on the unpaid balance of the "Total Due" with a minimum interest charge of $2.50 per month. SUBTOTAL: 15,991.67 TAX: ~ ~ TOTAL: - . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS City of ~ Salina TELEPHONE . (785) 309-5725 FAX . (785) 309-5713 TDD . (785) 309-5747 E-MAIL . shawn.olearv@salina.org mike. fraser@salina.org martha. tasker@salina.org Shawn O'Leary, PE., Director of Public Works Michael Fraser, General Services Director MarlhaThs~r,UWmesD~cror 300 West Ash . P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 WEBSITE . www.salina-ks.gov TO FROM SUBJECT DATE Mike Fraser, Director of Public Works (interirl).} [' Bob Peck, Fleet Superintendent tilJtf &C---J Fuel Management Program Costs December 27,2006 The contractor (P.B. Hoidale Co.) who installed the FuelMaster fuel management program this fall contacted me two weeks ago to inform me that they just received a bill from the electrical subcontractor for the extra work involved in replacing the corroded conduit and bad wiring. The expense for this extra work was more than they had expected and too much for them to absorb. They are asking for our consideration and assistance in taking care of this issue. I asked them to send a copy of the bill to us before we would agree to pay this added expense. My intent was to get the information here and turned in before Mr. O'Leary left, but as you can see by the date on the fax cover sheet that I did not get it until this morning. The following explanation may help to clarify the position we are now facing and attached is copies of the original bid and fax of the additional expenses. Before we received approval to go out for bids on replacing the old Gasboy fuel management system, we had P.B. Hoidale Co. look over the fuel site to determine what had to be done to bring the site up to good working condition. From the problems we had been having with Gasboy, we knew there were some issues with rusted underground conduit and more than likely some bad wiring related to the corrosion and collapse of the conduit. Both parties (Hoidale and Central Garage staff) came to an agreement on what was necessary to bring the site up to par, based on what we could see without tearing into the underground wiring. This information was used in putting together specifications for bid. What we found was the conduit at the pumps were corroded beyond use and we feared the wiring would have worn areas as a result of wearing on the sharp edges of the rusted pipes. Without digging up the driveway, we had no way of knowing to what extent the pipes between the pumps and the breaker boxes would be damaged. During installation, the electrician found the wires would not pull, we knew then the pipes had collapsed and would require replacement. After finding and replacing all of the bad wiring and corroded conduit, we are now in good position to continue on for another 15 to 20 years. At this time we elected not to replace the two dispenSing pumps as they have not shown signs of failure. With all of this being said, the question now is do we pay for this unexpected expense or do we hold them to the original bid price? Due to conditions unknown and beyond our control, Central Garage staff recommends paying the additional $3,000.00 to complete this project. Our Mission is to Build and Maintain a Clean, Safe Community - Fraser, Mike From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Fraser, Mike Thursday, December 28, 20064:42 PM O'Leary, Shawn Peck, Bob Extra Expense on the New City Fueling System Shawn, I'm sending you a hard copy of a memo plus other information from Bob on some extra expenses incurred by the contractor that installed the new fueling system. Our staff believe the a section of conduit running from the power source attached to the HHW building to the fueling island would be in good condition and would not require replacement. This was not the case. When the contractor was conducting the installation they found that the conduit between the building and the island had clasped and the old wire could not be removed. Therefore, this section required excavation of the surface concrete, replacement of conduit and wire, and installation of new concrete. The contractor is requesting $3,000 in additional money to help cover their costs for this extra work. Bob has told me that neither company that bid the project included this work in their bid because we informed them that this section of conduit should be in good conduction. He also told me that the $3,000 is a portion of what they had to pay (total cost about $3,800). I would recommend that we pay the extra money to cover unexpected work done by our contractor. Would Jason be able to approve this administratively? Mike Michael Fraser General Services Director Department of Public Works City of Salina 412 E. Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 (785) 309-5750 (785) 826-7373 Fax mike. fraser@salina.org "Our Mission is to Build and Maintain a Clean, Safe Community" - Novi 8 Of) C /:~::;." r, D ' . r, ~,~ ljn-. oInt ....~,:Jnsl..!ltirrq, !r1C 06/28/2006 14:33 ~AA IO~~ugal~a 850,.22<1-'1413 p5 FlJEL MANACE7\rIENT SYSTEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICA"DONS CHECK SHEET Bidders shall complete each and every section and retum this technical specification check sheet back to the City along with tl1eir VI Proposal Form. f F1lE~~AN~~E~~T ~YSTEM G~NERAl- --I~:: r:der~s p~o,:] ~hicb ,; i ,SPECIFICATIONS: ,__________________ __~pec5 l:~ othertr.an SJ'eclfied } ~E~___ ~~a;::;~';;~:,DO~the~~-~IN-, __ t-~FIW ARE Windows 2003 domain i REQUIREMENTS: Windows XP SP2 Operating System. I' SqJserver 2000 form.at for databases. Must have daily backup capability. I Must have 24 hour support system Must be compatible with the present City software programs. Must be compatible with Dossier fleet management program. Minimum 1,000 plus capacity for vehicles _________~ . and equipment ~d USCTE:.-_.__.__ REPORTING: I ~IN I -V--r-- ---------, The reporting feature of the program shall include; user ID #, vehicle odometer or hour reading, vehicle number, number of gallons pumped, fuel type, date and time of trans- action, pump #, and product code. The program shall provide complete tank monitoring to include daily fuellevds, leak I __~__ ~=f;i;:;::::r::~;,I~leve] :'""-~. HARDWARE One (1) keypad with pedestal, modem, i I REQUIREMENTS; surge protection. I l One (1) b'ansaction printer with surge ; protection. l' __________._._~___ ~; override in ~e e~ent~f so_ftware _ .8JN IN .._____J - NOli t8 06 D7:35a On-Point Consulting, Inc Q6/Z3/20Q6 14;~4 ~^. '~3~V~~(vO 850-224-1413 p6 f f FUEL MANAGEME..~T SYSTEM GENERAL ~; SPECIFICATIONS: (rntinned) _____ HARD I Vendor sl1aJI be responsible fur replacing CONSTRUCTION: I the existing conduit and wiring from the breaker boxes to the pump island 81> f needed r; Veo. dor shall be responsible for installing the uew control system, COillle.ct to the I' pumps, install aU modems, and connee. Ho the primary PC. ~. Vendor is responsi~le for ob~aining all ! necessary construction perrmt'l. WARRA1\"'TY: I Minimum one (I} year?arts and services I warrantee. The I:tidder is respoI1Slo1e for f~tl1e ~anufucturer's warranty work & service. ~.._---_.._-~_._----- ~. LITERATURE I Vendor shall supply two (2) sets of & TRAINING: operational manuals. Vendor shall provide training as needed upon completion of final system ins tallation. Bidder Meets SDecs , I Bidder?s proposal which is i __ otber t1>~~ecifi~_ I i I t c~ -', ----~ I I ..~--+-- ----------~ --f!m- I All construction and system installation I shall be inspected upon completion to the I' satisfaction of City Inspeo:;tors, Computer Technology. and the Fleet Superintendent I . ~Q staffof5:entral Ga.!'.a~..:.:_.__________JIN INSPECTfON: ~-----_._----_..- I DELIVERY: i t F..O.B. City of Salina Central Gardge 418 Bast Ash Street Salina, KS 61401 I I /. ! __~X7rN _ I B. A complete set of specifications of the program bid, descriptive literature, date ofdel~ and warranty infonnation (indnding copies ofL<1e actu.aI warranties and disclaimers 1.0 be issued) shall be included with the bid submittal. AU deviations or variances from tbe above specifications shall be expressly identific<1 and explained- Failure to pro~ide this information may result in a bid no~ consi.dered. V. TRAD~INEQUWME~t No trarle in equipment. Present Fuel Management System is a Gasboy 1000 combined with TLS3SG Veeder-Reot. Page 2 - I '\ Nov 18 06 07:35a Or.-Poif\t Consultinn I ft ~. nc 06/,8/2006 14:a4 ~AA ID~~V~~'~o 850-224-1413 p7 VI. PROPOSAL FORM BID FOR FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. THE tJNDBRSIGNBD BIDDER,. OJVni~ aDd exiBtiDg under tbe laws of the State of I<cvt~s . doing business as (a Corporation) (a partnership) (an Individual). hereby submits the following bid quotations tor the equipment and trade-in eqaipment in ar:cordanee with the terms and specifications oftbe Bid Request. and all referenc:ed doc.u~ specified therein. Bidden shall submit with Ibis proposal fonD the b.!dulieal specUieatioD cheek. sJaeets, which arc included in thi~ packet- Ven~'s Bid B8se Bid OD a FaeI MaDagemeat Sy!teIR s TOTAL BID PRICE (Including delIVery) ~7 $ IS; '19/ - flus F rY\ U ~5'OO Year: 0 to Maoufacturer: ~ 1 e J fY\.O--<;' + e- r Model: Wammtee Period: O(\-e..- yeur FroM. /,l,s/r;Jlahgj., Detiverydate: 0/'5 L!:)at5 rro,v'- orcfe/' FOB City of Salina, Cenb'al Garage, 418 E. Ash Street. Salina. KS NAME OF BIDDER.: Company Name: p, G. J-b/dJe. ~-C) ~A/c. Address: :J 7 :J 7 W H-6J'r<t W LC J.-,l-cl.. J::- 5. Authorized Representative (Print)_fS ~J {~7 C f'e ~ Title (Print) ;;:: avl ~ <; Signature: ~~~~~ ~ Date: 7 -;l--.C'J -o~ Page 3 - ~ P.B. HOIDAlE CO., INC. ~ ~ ~ \)n~\ ~PEjE ~ T 'lnf' v ~ u ~,...."",, ~ PETROLEUM, INDUSTRIAL AND LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT Since 1946 QUOTATION & CONTRACT No. Salina 72006-1 Proposal Submitted to: riCHIT' OFFICe 3737W. HARRY' P.O. BOX 12104 WICHITA, KANSAS 67277 316-942-1361 (SOD) 362-0784 FAX: 316.942-0653 Page 1 of2 City of Salina 418 E. Ash Salina, Kansas QUOTATION ISSUED BY OFFICE INDICATED BELOW: o KANSAS CITY METRO OFFICE 0 GARDEN CITY OFFICE 11121 w. 87TH TERRACE. P.O. BOX 40395 775 MID STATE DRIVE. P.O. BOX 1324 OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS 66204 GARDEN CI1"Y, KANSAS 67846 913-438-1500 620-275-7403 (BOO) 831-4722 (SOD) 980-7403 FAX: 913-438-1504 FAX: 620.275-4655 Date: July 20, 2006 Phone: Job Location: Attn: We are pleased to submit the following quotation for your approval. See attached sheets, page 1 Equiment Total Installation Total 8,093.60 7,898.07 11========= 15,991.67 Above price does not include applicable sales tax and freight. Buyer grants Seller a security interest in all goods and other property acquired under this contract. 15,991.67 We propose to furnish material and/or labor as listed above for the sum of $ , plus any applicable taxes. Prices are subject to change without prior notice and are subject to price in effect at time of delivery. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra cost will become an extra charge over and above this estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents, or delays beyo our control. Any work involving extra charges will not be performed until an agreement is reached regarding the~rges. Thi propo~al is void CJ days from above date. Signature ~ ---'~ ~, ~ ~ I ~-{/ Brad Creed, Sale e resentative CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to provide the equipment and/or to do the work as specified. Customer acknowledges and agrees to payment terms of Net 10 Days from date of invoice. Payments made later than 10 days will incur late payment charges of 1-1/2% per month (18% per annum). Rock, water or other unforeseen underground obstructions to be at additional customer expense. The Buyer will be responsible for filling all underground storage tanks with product for ballast immediately upon setting tanks in the tank excavations. The terms and conditions set out on the reverse side of this proposal are a part of this contract and have the same force and effect as if set on its face. Date Accepted Customer: By: CUSTnMI=R ~1r.N ANn OCT' nnl . .. '\.. "... P.B. Hoidale Co., Inc. [Date] City of Salina 418 East Ash Salina, Kansas Equipment List Q!l Description 1 FuelMaster 2500 plus keyless, cCf"dless operation, 2 hose 2 Hose Controller 1 Modem for PC 1 Tank monitor interface 1 Transaction printer 1 FuelMaster plus windows software 1 Extra manuals 1 Freight on System Sco~e of Work 1 Remove existing Gasboy 1000 system and replace with FuelMaster unit. 2 Saw, break and excavate trench to install new conduits from breaker panel to new FuelMaster unit. 3 Pour back concrete. 4 Tie FuelMaster back into existing dual dispensers. 5 Start up, test and train personnel on system. Page 1 -