NE4-SE4-1-T14S-R3W . " ,. ~t2,:.c,=,A Sd:1t\A!'. Rb k 1:: R Oi' vttDS c.. .:Jli..,:.!t CLdm KANSAS IV Buok: 114~ paoe: 673 ~ecelpt i1: 37593fotal j:"ees: $IE.. 00 ~aoes Recorded: 3 - Date Recor-ded: lliilJ2006 11:42:07 AM DRAINAGE EASEMENT .tVl On this 5::..---oay of October, 2006, JACK BEVERLY, JR., GINA ADDISON and ADLEY E. JOHNSON ("Trustees"), Trustees of the JACK BEVERLY SR. FAMILY TRUST dated November 3, 1967, and Trustees of the MAYBELLE BEVERLY FAMILY TRUST dated November 3, 1967, (collectively, the "Trusts"), for valuable consideration, grant and convey to the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, a drainage easement in, over, and across the Saline County real estate legally described on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit B. Upon being first duly sworn upon oath, Trustees covenant that: (1) the Trusts remains in full force and effect at this time; (2) Trustees are the duly qualified and acting Trustees under the Trusts; and (3) as such Trustees, Trustees are authorized, pursuant to the Trust and without any limitation whatever, to convey the above-described drainage easement. STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SALINE, ss: .. This instrument was subscribed, sworn, and acknowledged before me on October 5 , 2006, by JACK BEVERLY JR., Trustee of the JACK BEVERLY SR. FAMILY TRUST dated November 3, 1967, and the MAYBELLE BEVERLY FAMILY TRUST dated November 3, 1967. r '\ ~jCT ARY PUBLIC. Stall! of Ka1Sas 00 -'1, \' ; ''. JOOYSANCHEZ ~ ~ I, <:..~ l, ,'- -.' My AWL Exp. 9 - ~ - d.oo S' . - - --- Notary Pu IC STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF 00 \ , ~ ^ , ss: t~ This instrument was subscribed, sworn, and acknowledged before me on October ~, 2006, by GINA ADDISON, Trustee of the JACK BEVERLY SR. FAMILY TRUST dated November 3,1967, and the MA Y FAMILY TRUST dated November 3,1967. e CHRISTY A. MICHAEL - ' ~ · . Notary Public ~iXL, A, ~- < \.<LL../ STATE OF TEXAS \ ( Notary Public STATE 0 ~ ,ss: ~ ... This instrument was subscribed, sworn, and acknowledged before me on October 5 , 2006, by ADLEY E. JOHNSON, Trustee of the JACK BEVERLY SR. FAMILY TRUST dated November 3,1967, and the MAYBELLE BEVERL Y FAMILY TRUST dated November 3, 1967. /)n~_ &hC-~ ( \ Notary Public r NO; ARY PUBLIC . Slalfl of K~,1S ~r, JOOY SANCHEZ ,'y tWl f,)(p,_<t..~_.3..",;J...=9 / EXHIBIT A BDok: 1140 Page: 674 CRAI~JA.GE EASEMENT .A.CQUIS TION OtWIER: Jad and M(J~b::IJfJ &Jverlf SALiNA, K.S 6140,' - . I/-Sec. u.~ ----1--- F"lcod c(Jo";tr'J'I.ewx~-!..!..lk-~-~I11- h ---------~.~l II I :.\ L--l I :;> I~I 'r !;.: 1~1, I SLY l~ I ra;fl(I(ft Fsmt. Il): I I 1~1 Troct in N.e::'I.1 S/;-!4 It- SFVr SE% 1[51 I Sec. i T/4S RjW 'Ii: I.. 1~1 I~ 'h-I ~ t !~I~ I~ -.:t ;~ ~ I ~~ 1...--------c~I~ 1 '. ';1 I "r",1 I r . :J I I _ I I ~.: -- :tul 1 ,,' :~I I :1--. 'VI I i~i -------~ ~\ \ I ~/ L2,oo.a --------- -------1: - - SOUTH LiNE OF SClJTHEAST 'JUA.~TER OF SECTfON f:i!4S. ?JW I ~L F(I,<d Prl'::irlC Ave. Sec. !..ir;fj N. . I - 1- d' . .j" ::1 'j' .. Scals: /.=300' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ..~:l.... .":.1/I.G,r. .~ or ;.? 'This does n~' ~nsNtjjta a h~rJCiI 6l.JTley. crawfnf) ...e for illru('mciiu!I(J! PUf ~DseS 0fJ/y.' .p..t..~eE 1 O.~ 2 EXHIBIT B Book: 1140 Page: 675 JACK AND l\'IA YBEl..I..E REVERL Y 50' DRAINAGE.EASE!\IENT A untinage easement 50.00 feet wide over a portiOtl of the Northellst Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Southc.'1st Quarter, aU in Section I, 1'O\vnship .14 South, Rang~ 3 West of the 61\1 P .~'L in Salina, Saline County, Kan,'i<ls, the cen.terline ofwhkh is described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Southeast Qoorter of said Section 1, theDce on an assumed bearingofN 89057'28"W. along the south line of said SoutheastQuarter of said Section 1, a distance of 1223 .66 feet; thence N 00 Q 00'00" Eadistance 0054.32 feet to the pointofbeginningQfsaid centedineofsaid SO.()O f~t drainage ~asemenL, liaid point also being on the north right of way line of the new PacifiQ Street right of way; Them:econtinuingN 00 Q 00'00" En di~tanc:e of2184.90feetto the south line of the flood oontrol1eveeas descnDedin D~ Book 208, Pll,ge 107, SalineCount}f Register of Deeds oflice. The sidelines of said stripofland to be shortened or prolonged on the sQutbeno by the north right of way line of new Pacific Street and to be shorten~d or prolonged on the uonh. end by the South line right of way line of said flood control levee. Said trnctcontallls 109,230.78 square feet or 25 i!Ctes,t1lOt"e O! less. C;;y,.tf2..-. \ I _c8-- -- 0- \1.0 ""R-~ .:l.o"