Black & White Digital OrthophotosContract for Services Black &White Digital Orthophotos The information covered in this contract will address the technical approach that Western Air Maps will use for each of the two components of black & white aerial photography acquisition (sufficient for future two -foot contour generation) and creation of 1" =200' scale with .5' pixel resolution digital orthophotos for the City of Salina, Kansas. The project area will consist 49 square miles (See Attached contract Map of limits). The information is divided into each technical phase of the project to help in the understanding of the approach, and to make the evaluation process of a qualified firm easier on the City. I. GROUND CONTROL A sufficient network of control points will be established throughout the City and two-mile fringe for the future generation of two -foot contours. Western Air Maps will perform the field reconnaissance for the project. All sites for the proposed control points will be reviewed to ensure stable locations are selected with adequate GPS visibility and accessibility. All points will be placed within the apparent public right of way and in locations that will minimize chances of points being destroyed through routine KO -W. maintenance. Control points will consist of an 18" iron rebar with a survey cap. The location of all control points used for the project will be recorded and referenced for future retrieval. Each reference drawing will show a sketch of the control point with "cloth tape" distance to easily identifiable objects such as building corners, signs, poles, etc. NGS control or Kansas HARN (if available) will be brought in from a minimum of 2 stations in the project area for horizontal control. The NGS control will be processed in one processing session to insure the published values of the points are within the desired specs. All GPS vector check must close within FGCC specs before inclusion into the adjustment process for the final coordinates. The NGS points occupied will be dispersed throughout the photo control points in sessions with vector checks performed before being inserted and adjusted into the final coordinates. All GPS observations will be performed using WAM owned GPS equipment. WAM owns and operates three (3) 4000SSE RTK Dual Frequency GPS receivers. The GPS observations will be downloaded from the receivers dailyto Pentium PC. Each days observations will be processed using GEOLAB adjustment software to ensure validity and integrity of the days data. Final GPS adjustments and preparation of final GPS survey report will take place in our Overland Park, Kansas office. Coordinate values will be reported in US Survey feet, Kansas State Plane Coordinate System, North Zone, NAD 83. Horizontal positions will have an accuracy of 1:50,000 of greater. GPS elevations will be derived using the most current Geodial Model available at the time of processing. Survey report will created and contain the GPS observation logs forms, these are the equivalent of field notes for the GPS surveys. The observation forms detail surveyor's name. Date, time, weather conditions, GPS receiver #, Instrument height (I -B), number of satellites locked, etc. II. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY ACQUISITION PHOTOGRAPHIC MISSION Flight planning is accomplished using GPS -Pro aerial photo mission planning software. A project perimeter polygon is digitized using USGS 7.5 minute DRG files. The flight altitude and overlap parameters are then entered into the system. The GPS -Pro software calculates the most efficient flight line arrangement and determines the Lat/Long for each photo center. The photo center values in Lat/Long are then loaded into the in -dash GPSD navigation unit that is interfaced with the ComPix triggering device. The Compix unit triggers the shutter automatically during flight based upon the GPS navigation system position of the aircraft. Photographic operations will be planned and managed by Jeff Hayob. Jeff will direct our pilot Dan Morrison and operate the camera to expose aerial photography under the following conditions and specifications: The photographic mission will be conducted in the using Western Air Maps, twin -engine Piper Navajo 310 aircraft. The aircraft is equipped with our Zeiss RMK-A15/23 calibrated aerial mapping camera, with FMC (forward motion compensation), ABGPS (airborne GPS) and a stabilized camera mount. Our aerial camera was calibrated in June of 2000, by the USGS, and that calibration report is included in this submittal to show that our camera meets all the requirements specified in the request. Photography will be exposed in a North/South direction at 3,960' above mean terrain between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Photography will be acquired with clear visibility in excess of 10 miles. The ground will not be obscured by haze, snow, smoke, dust, floodwater, or other environmental factors that may obscure ground detail. Note: The altitude at which the photography is acquired is sufficient for the future generation of two -foot contours. Forward overlap in the line of flight will be 60% at the mean elevation of the terrain for all areas of the project. Side overlap between adjacent parallel flight lines shall be 30%, +/- 10% at the mean elevation of the terrain. Departures from flight heights required to produce the desired photo scale shall not exceed -2% or +5%. Changes in the course of the aircraft between successive overlapping photographs within a flight line shall not exceed 3 degrees. While exposing aerial photography the camera shall be compensated for crab of the aircraft, with a resultant error not exceeding 3 degrees. The tilt within a single frame shall not exceed 4 degrees nor shall the difference in tilt between two consecutive overlapping frames within a flight line exceed 4 degrees. The average tilt for all negatives of the same nominal scale will not exceed 1 degree. The combined effect of aircraft course correction, crab and tilt will result in the apparent crab not greater than 5 degrees on successive photographs. Apparent crab is defined as the angle between a line joining fiducial marks in the direction of flight and the line between the indicated principal point and the conjugate image of the indicated principal point of the adjacent photograph within the same line of flight. Photography will be flown using "fresh" KODAK or AGFA black & white aerial film. Aerial film will not be past the manufactures expiration date. Exposure of the film shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and with a goal toward achieving density requirements. The negatives shall be clear and sharp in detail, -free from light streaks and static marks, and of uniform tone and degree of contrast to permit ground details to show clearly in all scene reflectance, with particular emphasis on pattern recognition in the shadow areas. All film shall be exposed using the fastest shutter speed possible when the aperture is set at its optimum value in consideration of the optical resolution and image motion. III. POST PHOTO MISSION PHOTOGRAPHIC SEVICES Jeff Hayob will immediately process aerial negatives upon return of the photo aircraft to our office. Aerial film is processed using our Eastman Kodak Versamat, Model 1140. Western Air Maps is a designated Kodak Aerial Imaging Certified Lab. Film will be edited for coverage and overlap and titled by Larry Hill, photo lab supervisor. WAM uses a MUTOH titling machine and Koh -I -Noor ink for acetate. This labeling system meets USGS standard for film labeling for the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP). Any re -flight required due to missed exposures, missed flight lines etc. will be re -flown at WAM expense. IV. SCANNING Roger Fulk will scan the original aerial film negatives, using a high-resolution Vexcel Ultrascan 5000 precision photo scanner. The Ultrascan is a geometrically stable flat bed scanner with 0.5 micron linear encodes measuring system and has repeatability of 2 microns. The photography will be scanned at 18 microns, sufficient for the final pixel resolution of 6". V. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC SERVICES Aerotriangulation Western Air Maps uses an integrated aerial triangulation system composed of the scanned digital photo imagery. Phodis AT (automatic triangulation) and PATB-GPS airborne GPS photogrammetric bundle adjustment. These software packages are used to minimize ground control only a few points per block to extend and supplement the ground control data and are implemented byJeff Davolt, aerial triangulation specialist and Certified Photogramrnetrist. The Phodis AT system features an automatic point transfer for which an optimized feature - based matching (FBM) process (image correlation) used for selection of tie and pass points. The FBM automatically recognizes similar image structures in the overlap areas of adjacent photos and uses them for the high precision measurement of conjugated points. Hundreds of the points are generated for each model, resulting in a more consistent solution and virtually eliminating the most error prone phase of conventional aerial triangulation of point identification, numbering and measuring. The image coordinates generated by Phodis AT are then input to PATB- GPS for a rigorous least squares aerial triangulation bundle solution including linear drift and offset parameters for the GPS photo center coordinates. This version of PAM -GPS runs in a Windows -NT environment, with a potential block size of up to 2,000 photos. Significant data errors are automatically detected and eliminated by robust adjustment stops in the adjustment process. Final results are reviewed and analyzed for final acceptance by a Certified Photogrammetrist before being used in subsequent photogrammetric processes. By using the automated process of point generation and measuring, as well as the error detection ability of PAM -GPS, human errors are minimized. This aerial triangulation method also increases the accuracy of the solutions with resulting standard deviations on measured points being approximately one quarter of the original scanned pixel size. Digital Elevation Model - DEM Duane Crane, map compilation supervisor, directs the digital map acquisition phase. This phase of the project will be performed on Z/I Imaging's SSK Pro Softcopy workstations. Each stereo plotting instrument is directly interfaced to Windows NT based CAD stations for direct digitizing into Intergraph MicroStation. The mapping software performs all the necessary photogrammetric calculations for corrections due to the atmospheric distortion, curvature of the earth, film shrinkage and expansion, radial lens distortion and applies this to the three-dimensional stereo -digitized data. DTM generation is accomplished on the SSK workstation using the ISDC and ImageStation DTM (collection) software and MATCH -T, which provides for automatic extraction of digital terrain model elevation points from the digital stereo images. MATCH- T's high degree of automation is accomplished through a sophisticated image correlation 4 process and image data structure. The MATCH T works in conjunction with the ISOC to provide an interactive stereo collection and real time checking process of terrain features. Once the AT data is imported into the workstations, photogrammetric models will be scaled and leveled to the triangulated points using a least squares solution to obtain the best possible solution for absolute model orientation. After each model orientation (set-up) has been completed, it is reviewed by the department supervisors, Duane Crane and Troy Adams, map compilation supervisor, to ensure it is properly oriented to the appropriate coordinate system as part of our Quality Control plan. After the model orientation is approved, the digital map collection begins. During map compilation, Western Air Maps will delineate the geo-morphology that are ortho critical features, i.e. rivers, streams and lakes. Features such as edge of road pavement, road centerline along with major ridge lines and break lines will be digitized from the stereo model for subsequent use in creation of DTM (digital terrain model). The ridgeline and break lines will be recorded at locations of natural slope breaks and man made slope breaks. Once the features are collected the stereo plotter technicians will run the MATCH T software that will create the DEM surface by placing known spot elevations at a uniform spacing throughout the entire stereo model. The ridge line and break line data along with spot elevations at uniform spacing will be a critical part of the process for the creation of the digital ortho images. The surface data is then reviewed in 3D on the Intergraph SSK-Pro while superimposed on the stereo aerial photography by department supervisors, Duane Crane and Troy Adams, for quality control and quality assurance before the surface model is used in the orthophoto rectification process. The DEM used in the creation of the digital orthophotos will have additional terrain features added, when two-foot contours are requested. Digital Ortho Rectification Western Air Maps has the equipment, methods, and in-house professionals to provide a high quality geometrically accurate digital ortho product. The surface model representing the terrain relief is a fundamental and necessary part of the ortho rectification process. Surface models will extend beyond the area to be ortho rectified by at least 1 inch at map scale. Surface models commonly used for the ortho rectification process are irregular triangulated networks, commonly referred to as TIN's or TTN's, or DEM's, a network of equallyspaced XYZ points. Ortho production is managed byBarry Budzowski and supervised by Cheryl Rowell and Valerie Hill, both digital imagery supervisors. Ortho photo processing consists of five major steps, two of which are discussed in the previous sections. 1. Aerial Triangulation 2. Surface model creation 3. Digital ortho photos are created using Z/I Imaging's ImageStation Base Rectifier (ISBR), ImageStation Image Rectifier (ISIR) or Phodis OP (Orthophoto) software packages. TIN and DEM surface models to be used to correct for relief displacement are created using Intergraph Corporation MGE Surface Model software (MSM), Z/I Imaging's ImageStation DIM Collection Software (ISDC), Intergraph Siteworks or Spectra Precision's Terramodel software packages. 4. Preliminary post orthophoto quality control requires visual inspection using Intergraph IRAS/C, or Z/I Imaging's ImageStation Imager (ISI) of the orthophoto for fit to ground control points and DIM and/or mapping features. Ortho photo's are checked for accuracy to the ground control and "match" to adjacent ortho photos. 5. Stellacore's OrthoVista software package is used for image tone balancing, sheet cutting and image mosaicing. Final quality control of sheets is done by producing hardcopy and by visual inspection utilizing IRAS/C or ESRI's Arc View 3.2. Z/I Imaging's ImageStation Raster Utilities (ISRq software is used to convert ortho photos into the client specified raster format. Barry Budzowski chooses one of three platforms for ortho photo processing depending on the client's specifications. Depending on the ortho rectification software package used on the project, ortho photos are processed with an Intergraph ImageStation model 6850 (Unix) workstation, an SGI 02 (Unix) utilizing an R8000 CPU and 512 Mb RAM, or an Intergraph Windows NT dual Pentium 111 400 processor SSK softcopy workstation. Raw raster imagery is ortho-rectified using either a bi- cubic or cubic -convolution rectification algorithm, considered by industry experts to be the most accurate rectifying algorithms available. The digital ortho photos are geo-referenced to client specified geographic datum Grayscale digital orthos will have gray shades ranging from 0 to 255 in value. All ortho images will be seamless, with no discernable scan lines or image mismatches. The OrthoVista mosaicing software creates seamless mosaics automatically. The software analyzes the histogram values of each image, establishing an acceptable average value range and applying the "average" to all input imagerywhile creating the mosaic for tone balancing. Each digital image created is plotted at 600 DPI for review as part of our Quality Control Plan. The digital ortho imagery is published to CD-ROM using standard CD writers and CD recording software at a scale of 1" =200' with .5' pixel resolution. Digital orthos will be delivered in a TIFF with TFW world files for geo-referencing the raster data. This form will be fully suitable for use in most CAD and GIS environments. VI. FEES Our fee for the proposed services shall be as follows: Total Lump Sum 0 $ 63,680.00 This proposal is valid for 90 days VII. SCHEDULE OF WORK Western Air Maps is pleased to present the following outline for completion of each task for providing our services to the City of Salina, Kansas. The timeline is based on Notice to Proceed being given by the end of February. 03/2001.......................Establishment of Ground Control 03/2001.......................Acquisition of aerial photography • Contact prints delivered two weeks after acquisition of photography 04/2001 ................................. Analytical Triangulation completed 04/2001.............................. ... DEM/DIM collection begins upon completion of AT 07/2001.............................. ... Final Delivery of orthophotos Monthly deliveries will occur throughout the life of the project commencing on or before May 1, 2001 with final delivery of all products and services on or before July 1, 2001. VIII. FINAL DELIVERABLES One set of contact prints 9" x 9", two weeks after the photography for quality control purposes. Black and white digital orthophotos TIFF files on CD-ROM Ground control survey report IX. PAYMENT On or about the first day of each month, Western Air Maps shall submit an invoice representing amounts owed for services rendered during the previous month, and said invoice shall be due and payable within 30 days of the invoice date. Invoice shall be subject to a 1.5% service charge on the balance each month thereafter. A charge of 18% will be added to unpaid balances on accounts turned over to others for collection. Upon completion of all services, Western Air Maps shall submit an invoice representing the remaining amount owed pursuant to this proposal, and said invoice shall be due and payable within 30 days of invoice date. Customer's failure to pay Western Air Maps in a timely manner in accordance with this schedule shall, at Western Air Maps' sole discretion, operate to relieve Western Air Maps from any subsequent obligation to perform hereunder and shall entitle Western Air Maps to exercise any other rights that it maybe entitled to with respect to recovery of such unpaid amounts. This proposal is made without consideration to liability for local taxes or fees. In the event any such taxes or fees become due and owing to any state, county or municipality on account of the work performed hereunder, the obligation for payment of same shall rest with customer and not with Western Air Maps, Inc., and the customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Western Air Maps, Inc. from liability for such payments. X. MAP ACCURACY Western Air Maps shall endeavor to cause all maps and/or data to be provided to Customer by Western Air Maps to conform to the generally accepted principles and/or standards set forth in "United States National Map Accuracy Standards." However, if such maps and/or data is to be used for planning, studies, design or any other purpose for which the accuracy of such maps and data is necessary, Customer understands that field-checking such maps is necessary before relying upon their accuracy. In the event that any such field checking reveals errors in such mapping or data arising from the performance by Western Air Maps under the Agreement, Western Air Maps' sole responsibility and liability shall be to correct such maps and data at no cost to Customer. However, in the event that such errors arise from the obscuring of aerial photography by dense foliage, reflections, building overhangs, or other natural or man-made obstructions, or result from mistakes, errors or omissions in services or information provided by Customer, Customer's agents, representatives or subcontractors other than Western Air Maps, the cost of correcting such errors shall be paid by Customer, in accordance with Western Air Maps' then-current fee schedule. Without negating any other provision of this Agreement regarding Western Air Maps' sole liability to correct errors in its work, it is agreed that in no event shall Western Air Maps, its directors, officers, employees and agents, be liable in any other respect relating to its performance of this contract, regardless of the nature of any cause of action or claim asserted by Customer and/or Customer's agents, subcontractors, representatives, or any other party in an amount, in the aggregate, in excess of one hundred percent of the gross compensation due to be paid Western Air Maps under its proposal. Under no circumstances shall Western Air Maps be liable for loss of profits, damage to good will, or any other special, consequential or indirect damages. M. JOINT SERVICES In the event customer shall provide manpower to assist in or supplement the services to be performed by Western Air Maps, and if such personnel supplied by customer shall make mistakes or errors requiring corrective work by Western Air Maps, then the customer shall pay Western Air Maps, in addition to the prices quoted in this proposal, the cost to Western Air Maps of correcting any errors or mistakes committed by the personnel so supplied or caused to be supplied by customer. Additional fees shall be based on Western Air Maps current fee schedule at the time additional services are performed. Western Air Maps shall be relieved from any liability in its final product on account of any uncorrected error or mistake committed by customer, or those under customer's control and direction. XII. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Times for Rendering Services: Western Air Maps, Inc.'s services and compensation under this Agreement have been agreed to in anticipation of orderly and continuous progress of the Project through its completion. Specific periods of time for rendering services are set forth in Article VII, Time Schedule, in this Agreement, by which times defined for services are to be completed. If such periods of time are changed through no fault of Western Air Maps, Inc., the rates and amounts of compensation provided for therein shall be subject to equitable adjustment. If the Customer fails to give prompt written authorization to proceed with any phase of services after completion of the immediately preceding phase, or does not proceed in an orderly and continuous progression, Western Air Maps, Inc. shall be entitled to equitable adjustment of rates and amounts of compensations to reflect reasonable costs incurred by Western Air Maps, Inc. as a result of the delay or changes in the various elements that comprise such rates of compensation. 2. Change in Scope: The scope of the work described in Articles I-V, Scope of Services, shall be subject to modification or supplement upon the written agreement of the Customer and Western Air Maps, Inc. At the time of such modification of scope, equitable adjustments, agreeable to both parties, shall be made in the time of performance and the compensation be paid for the services. 3. Reuse of Documents: All documents, including Plans and Specifications provided or furnished by Western Air Maps, Inc. pursuant to this Agreement, are instruments of service in respect of the Project, and Western Air Maps, Inc. shall retain an ownership and property interest therein whether or not the Project is completed. The Customer may make and retain copies for use on the Project by Customer and others; however, such documents are not intended or suitable for reuse, by Customer or others, on extension of the Project or on any other Project. Any such reuse without written approval or adaptation by Western Air Maps, Inc. for the specific purpose intended will be at the Customer's sole risk and without liability to Western Air Maps, Inc., and the Customer shall indemnify and hold harmless Western Air Maps, Inc. from all claims, damages, losses and expense including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting there from. 4. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven (7) days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating parry; provided, however, that in any such case, Western Air Maps, Inc. shall be paid the reasonable value of the services rendered up to the time of termination on the basis of the payment provisions of this Agreement. Copies of all completed or partially completed designs, plans and specifications prepared under this Agreement shall be delivered to the Customer when and if this Agreement is terminated, but it is mutually agreed by the parties that the Customer will use them solely in connection with this Project, except with the written consent of Western Air Maps, Inc.. 5. Controlling Law: This Agreement is to be governed by the law of the principal place of business of Western Air Maps, Inc.. 6. Professional Liability— Errors and Omissions: Western Air Maps, Inc. shall provide Architects or Engineers Professional Liability Insurance with limits not less than $250,000 each claim and annual aggregate covering the liability of Western Air Maps, Inc. and any and all subcontractor's or agents which are employed or retained by Western Air Maps, Inc. The insurer must be acceptable to the Customer. In the event coverage provided is claims made coverage, the insurance shall be maintained for a period of not less than three (3) years after completion of the contract or in lieu thereof purchase of tail coverage (extended reporting period). Upon review of each project, the Deputy City Manager may require higher coverage limits. In lieu of the above coverage, Western Air Maps, Inc. may provide the described coverage for his own firm in the above amount and submit proof all his contractors, agents and independent contractors have insurance deemed adequate by the Customer. 7. Certificate(s) of Insurance: Certificate(s) of Insurance acceptable to the Customer shall be filed with the Customer at the time the contract between the Customer and Western Air Maps, Inc. is executed. These certificates shall contain provision that coverage that is afforded under the policies will not be canceled until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the Customer and acknowledged. Note: If Western Air Maps, Inc. is subject to worker's compensation law, a certificate shall be provided. Notice of Claim: Western Air Maps, Inc., upon receipt of notice of any claim in excess of $1,000 in connection with this contract, shall promptly notify the Deputy City Manger, (785) 826-7250, providing full details thereof, including an estimate of the amount of loss or liability. 9. Dispute Resolution: In an effort to resolve any conflicts that arise during the design or construction of the project or following the completion of the project, the Customer and Western Air Maps, Inc. agree that all disputes between them arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to nonbonding mediation, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. The Customer and Western Air Maps, Inc. further agree to include a similar mediation provision in all agreements with independent contractors and contractors retained for the project and to require all independent contractors and contractors also to include a similar mediation provision in all agreements with subcontractors, subcontractor's, suppliers or fabricators so retained, thereby providing for mediation as the primary method for dispute resolution between the parties to those agreements. 10. Indemnification Clause: Western Air Maps, Inc. agrees, to the fullest extent permitted bylaw, to indemnify and save harmless the Customer, its officials, officers, directors and employees from and against all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorney fees and defense costs, for personal injury or death or damage to property to the extent caused by Western Air Maps, Inc.'s negligent acts, errors or omission in the performance of professional services. 11. Severability: Any provision or part of the Agreement held to be void or unenforceable under any law or regulation shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon the Customer and 10 Western Air Maps, Inc., who agree that the Agreement shall be reformed to replace such stricken provision or part thereof with a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible to expressing the intention of the stricken provision. 12. Notices: Any notice required under this Agreement shall be in writing, addressed to the appropriate parry at the address which appears on the signature page to this Agreement (as modified in writing from time to time by such parry), and given personally, by registered or certified mail, returned receipt requested, by facsimile or by a nationally recognized overnight courier service. All notices shall be effective upon the date of receipt. 13. Successors and Assigns: The Customer and Western Air Maps, Inc. each hereby bound, and the principals, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns of Customer and Western Air Maps, Inc. are hereby bound, to the other party to this Agreement and to the principals, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns of such other party in respect of all covenants and obligations of this Agreement. Neither the Customer nor Western Air Maps, Inc. may assign, sublet, or transfer any rights under or interest (including, but without limitation, moneys that are due or may become due) in this Agreement without the written consent of the other, except to the extent that any assignment, subletting or transfer is mandated bylaw or the effect of this limitation may be restricted by law. Unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment, no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create, impose or give rise to any duty owed by Western Air Maps, Inc. to any Contractor, subcontractor, supplier, other person or entity, or to any surety for or employee of any of them, or give any rights in or benefits under this Agreement to anyone other than the Customer and Western Air Maps, Inc. 11 Western Air Maps appreciates the opportunity of submitting this proposal. If it is acceptable to you, please sign, date and return this original to Western Air Maps and keep a copy for your records. Sincerely, WESTERN AIR MAPS, INC. 14259��� Cody Buhrmeister Local Governments Client Consultant The undersigned accepts, approves and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Proposal. Proposal No. P1026 (Ver. 99-1) ACCEPTED AND APPROVED Name ez'. A; 0;-4 Title Date 12