Flag Pole in ROWr December 15, 1970 Mr. Manuel MoraIez Chairman of the Board of Governors Veterans of Foreign Mars of the United States 212-214 North Santa Fe Avenue Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Moralez: Subject: Flag Pole at 212-214 North Santa Fe Avenue. At the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners on December 14, 1970, permission was given to you to locate a flag pole at 212-214 North Santa Fe Avenue In line with the parking meters, as requested. It will be necessary for you to locate the flag pole at your own expense. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/jbs REHABILITATION f ••y�y(�and p0trans, of �VLeisnaLsBusiness Office 1 //��JJ 212-214 N. Santa Fe v�f T �xttt�� Mateo FOUNDED 1699 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 `:ieut.-(fulunel Au4n 39_ Riddell 110st �Nu. 1432 Meets Second and Fourth Tuesday Each Month — 8:00 p.m. December 9,1970 Board of Commissoners City of Salina Salina Kansas Gentlemen: CLUBROOMS At 212-214 N. Santa Fe Phone 823-9771 We request permission to place ow flag pole in the sidewalk approximately 141 (foufteen feet) from the frpnt of our building on N. Santa, Fe Avenue. In placing the pole we will in no way interferif with the parking meters nor with the entrance of anyone from a car to the sidewalk. The basic reason is the protection Af our flag during the raising and lowering process,. Also we will appreciate the cost is us from the city. Yours truly, Manuel Moralez oa Chairman Board of Governors Pile "TO CARE FOR HIM WHO HAS BORNE THE BATTLE, HIS WIDOW AND ORPHANS"