Community Fallout Shelter Project ProposalContract 'o. CDzi-TS-31 OC211. Project :io, j rototype Community �'Ulout :;halter o 1_=z1 emA_,nt t_ ,ational rolicy on a b3:tar8, the Yoderal Govarrnent, throe:h the 0"ace of Civil :.nd Defanse 'obilisation (hereinafter c«Iled the Gov-�rnnent), is n d in a .rorram invol7ir_g the eonntsuction and use tl=ougrout the countrp of various 'rinds of _crototy^a shelters for research amd dsmo :�,,'rf=tion ::urnooes, the prototy7es to us ccnZtrtactad under this-oro7,ram are comm,-nity fallout shelters designed for tiwee hundred occu=ts. It is 'aroposed that one such cormunity shelter be con- structed in the City of Salina.,, State of Kansas, (hereinafter called tre Qwity) . _rt es to the .A►MM=ant_ It is proros�ed that rartiae to the roject Agreement be the Goverr.he .wsent, tCity and the Momorial F -all Board, T -erne -of the A..;•,ree! m_sn�t It is pro -used that the lovernmenft lease the shelter %•re+niaes, .,..nd be ;ranted access to this area, for a eriod of ons year, with an ortion to renew for -do additional years. During the period of agreement# the owners agree to permit ciesi<m" of the Gover:�..msnt the ri ht of ingress to and egress from the shelter premises to aeeom?lish the pm-posee of the project. Designees include, but are not limited to, persons bidding on the construction contract, contractors, �erscns viewing the shelter, and perfons conducting research in the zhelter. r_ro 3pet Logr ti Q :�and 1n or2&ton, The City has a populF:tion of 42.1�2 " a trade area population of twice or triple, etc. that mount. It is a county teat of Salina County, Kansas, and the fal=h largest city In the �Ptr_te. 4chilling Air korce Base, a SAC base, is located juct ons -fourth mile from the City. he Lity has an organized, effective Civil Defense grogram. The Civil Le anse Director has estzblished a=sllan t relations with :Lwte rr.s,l loc" news :edia. :.are is 2.0 daily newspaper �-,hich is widely read throughout the Central .d .:urthwest Tart of 3ansaas, and a weekly neets?aarer, t-iuich is the County official paper, = radio station and a TV station 50 miles away which covers this area. '-'be proposed community shelter will be constructed inthe south end of the basement of the Manorial Auditorium located at tae corner of eainth Pnd Y12 '-seat ossa Streets. The legal description of She pro*esarty is Lata 1-2-:i-� ..a-b.•�-8-9-10-11 re -plat of Bishops-eserve, Bis hop Addition. 'Phe ottners of the property 1-a the City of Salina and operated under N-mori,.1 Fall Board. The ingress -egress route All be along the sidewalk leading From intr. street or Tenth street to the basement entrances on tire. east or gest side of the Auditorium, then do -in the stew to the baserAmt chelter rsa, city 11as '+41:9 ?:o ,osed uzez of i s :.O t_;n;� iat -i46t14 1.)uil• 21<; l:vi+0a Jr Z :i._f�f' Jril�n-:sC33. .-'he 1"viv:a�3- Jt 'v .(3 �i:f lt�.z i.i 'L:;3e'u R3 .t )ivellT 'or."i::.� %tC3(3t_n y i, t.'Itl for iYr ..ywit ilP �, Jai^� G=, atc. .«v.. s bee:.," -a-de No :iol-! 'Y�j Of "ta;t. It is _-0'.'03ed tri C=Struct a wo )--r3on 3haltar in the :tl ; `. asemant at the south and of ::amorial :auditorium, a three Story concrat�u _:ii tc;::a bu _LUag. .rte::. will be provided for occo._;_nt and ;iXi: ;yl ic3,'iuo firvt aid and idol. 16,Ja, ., ,U s©a .,j `l•.3 p�t%f';ad area. he bFTo-:91t are �rase_ tly ubu 30 orcant ax-cosed. It is propoaed to . cormznetly sail. -off the baa: a_ ent win" -aa .o t :a heltsr area At_{. c�Z:cr3te or concrete b? oc a. :its flours are ota;31 sup_ or ted, concrete an_ mr741'e construction. :he nain base=:bent room:"j, a 11 foot calll=4 claar.,=,ce, azud a atalri ra at at --ch and '.s. d. _n , to rest ro:;:�i3 t toilataj located at a level between bace::ent and first (inxa�n j floor, and stairways leadinrA to the iobay at first floor level. It 13 proposed to construct 8 inch solid concrete block !.—:alis to baffle aezh stair'aay, :iron baseman floor to ceiling. to 3hiaidl th,e shelter arra -,.rcu d the stair we? ls. !'our of Wre Diva, 7 feet by 9 font is 3izo, small n .trh3a between t ,s -colurn aup_ orta at t:W south G3 s Of t.13 ahalter room will be partitioned off with li ht construction, provided !Ith Coors A used or 3torugs of Civil Def. nse supplies. The fifth may be .partitioned of: sound -roof=--_rtitioning and used for the emergency gaper for room. ilia decision oa location of generator roora will ba .:ado - by the owners --rchi tect when f'_=s7, assigns and wpeci +fiction are prepared. A eatable water 3;iz;~ly will be provided by a water atvrage tank. of at _east 2104 moi; . to ;,, rev! do one•-h.-lf -,u. of water doer day eer person; or by a well ad,j=ent t3 t::s building, elactric operated, and a 30C Cal ta6nk Inside the shelter. gal emergency ;en3rator, with fuel storage tar,;: for 14 day operatioa, ►pili 'oe provided of auf::iciant capacity to '_•srovide pOaer for a vantilatia- ayats., water i, u7_ Ay system, erAr�;ency li ,ht ink; and mini -am cooi:ing facilities. A panel will be rovl_ded to hoole. up the emergency generator to easeatial emer; _ icy circuits. Construction details, desi n drawings and constraction specizscations will be pre-3ared by tlxie Wwnar'a Arcaitact, aubject to aa;,rov:a,:. of Azry of tha above anergia 3etal.1.3 :aaW ba elumb-ad i.1 .w finil.i dr.:rrinr s wu apecifications. �Q iaeerl2' czd Daimiza + rl ter{ a. It, I.. pro X39 i ui3:r� all A c:.i tac turas. and engineering designs nd drawings to be jjre : tired by the V--x-e:l 6 T ci:itact, be Lade in accordance ;rith criteria cc nta::aad i CCLI" .%.iviaai—j L iil©tin 243, any additional criteria iz V-43 pro-:oaa1, zzd in confamanca with cite nd nt -to building codes. b 7relimnary sicetch of the ,)ro,,ossd 31helter is attached. iter �On�sji�il'-.t,�n,es• The owners uesi7,n and c,.)ntr ct to construct VA shelter, 'nib)o ct to OCA 7-.roval of ,,lv.:s t a. Co:>t nOt to y=eed :'a,•�%fi. This s,.=unt to- include Arch teetural-: -Z;inaer:.ng fees if not to a=ned B percent of acts l cc,astruction cost, emeergoncy -ower, -rater suir-ly, vant- iLAI:,^; <.yy tea, lighting, mir.izzim cooking faciliti33, two 3hower.,, u- its tion facil.Ltil es, nrotective baffle ­ra1is, 'ri:rtitioning of areas, etc. as 3h r^ on attE=411ad 'oketch. the Zedoral Govarnean.t reimburse the owners :or the =Aerials. i :bor and equl-;iiaant necessary to dsst�7- and conn -P rust the pro_,osed fallout such corint;ruction to follow OC --M approval of the rlans, dra.-yir.gs _k*nd 37ecitic;ttions-)rerared by the �,sr.erl a •rchitact in the mount based on actual. costs but not to exceed 3L56000. qhs �4►,;ners ryrd the City, jointly or at their separszto sx:^ensu! t'�i:�ish tile shelter, usi� a selactad li at of i*.ems frons, but rot li_:i vaci to, those mentioned on .:� e 30 of the i'lpmj1.Y .�.,Ilout ;Ahealter Booklet. k d8t�iled list 3 �►v`w':C �3i3. ``ale3 •8 .6 W A. i be in i ootj, uti'do:i}id c ndioLtion aid All be otored 43 the shsl :er in eche s ace provided. Then0 furni,ahing .shouldin- cludes aideoing accocodations for a3xroxizately 15c occurarsts at uner tima. 1 ti: foN a:,r ­ )roXizate1Y 1503 occupants3. :sfficie�tclit~chen lard:raare axed unitary auu-lies; i S. garb -tilts caa:s, eYoa �, utanslls, Lara kattles for sosf:, coffos, etc. :tiff iciant food for 300 occ=anta for l= days. iuimentc i e, toolsa, battery r�.diog, f'�3shlitasa or l.Zt9arns�, firs extingaisherse, etc. _gating utensils (may be plaster or raper), pz_ :sr sup -lies ( toilet aa...;Or, tissues, tows!$, etc.) a'irst a4d and as', actsad :Haz ical 3uu lies. ane owners furnish boat, eater, and r-o,.,.e3r during the constmetion eriod :end ;luring tha period Of lea~ae; fuimiah ^z tenaenc0 and cust"al services to ?') the aicl.ter and ingress-egreas routers In goo;l zaad ; a -e condition; keen, a record of the actual costs of utilitiaas and wa"Atenannce re- lated tee tine shelter; and keea the shalter oven at the times 8-=,,ewifled Herein. Me city provide a repreasntative to be on duty at Lasa shelter at all ti=az It is o! en for vlowiag; srovide civil defense iaormation _Pzd xoaterial for eLatribution at the swelter; and provide a log which visitors Mill be re- quested to sign, -'� Activities- It is proposed that tha sY,alter be open for pwalic viewing 240 fours the first two moat" than S hours a weak the rwiminder oz the year. It is further grorosssd that the shelter beev.ilabla ;or viewing at other times only upon, reasonable notice given to the owners by `ba Segional Director, OCIM, or City or :;tate Divil Defense Directors. The owner agrees to rarmit vublicity involving the prototype shelter. x .o;-aMM4_c t� It is pronosed that the City and the Gover=ent c,jaduct research in the shelter. RGGG& Ch condUCted by -who City 411 be at no cost is the Government. The shelter viii be available for research of the ty-:es described in QCDsi-ublication, Guidelines for rrototyre Aelteer nelseareh. -Pro-used research Will be cleared in vriting, -jith Ot;jA, and re -sorts will be z:a" to i;C; •i on all 1:01wlgtel research, iacluiiag costs of con,3truction. The smelter will be available for the hole use of the Govo mint for two periods of 20 days each, each year the leasee is in effect, to conduct such rese•.rch actividies as ars hereafter subsequently agreed upon. Tho owners grill be excluded from the shalt -or -promises d`.Liag ouch times tnaat the Government or tho CitY aro conducting research aetivitisa in the aholter. = uc� Una. It is proposed tiu:t the owners zhall have rhe s=lusive right to deli mare yim srsons do �,se the f llout .bolter during an apse:�;3ncy. Q£ cg of Ci7il -� �ienas ?'icibi'lls-ttion I . or of civ of