Audit City Records (1960)
f]:)ewey cIV. Clu'tne't
Income Tax Specialiat
Salina, 2(an~a~
July 17, 1960
The Board of City Commissioners,
Salinn, Kansas.
I have the honor to submit the following contract
for your approval;
This contract, made and entered into, this 27th., day of
...l:.~ 1960, by and between Dewey N. Turner, Salina, Kans as,
tlrst party, and the City of Salina, Kansas, Second party,
First party agrees to make an audit of the books and
records of the City of Salina, Kansas, for the year ending December
:31, 1960. This audit is to be made in accordance with the
h~nimum Standard &udit program as laid down by the State ^ccountant
of the state of Kansas.
Party of the first part agrees to complete the audit
on or before June 30, 1961.
Second party hereto agrees to and does engage the
services of first party for the above described audit and agrees
to pay first party for his services in the amount of(~4,65G.OO)
Four Thousand Six Hun:lred Fifty Dollars.
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Fi' t Party
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Ci t~r Clerk
The City of Salina, Kansas
Sec ond Party
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4c~~W Il'layor
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