Purchase Agr .:.551 SYSTEM SOLUT/ON~ /NC. AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE 1106 E. 27th Hays, Kansas (913) 625-7070 System Solutions, Inc. 1106 E. 27th Hays, KS City of Salina 300 W. Ash Salina, KS 67401 EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE QTY TYPE MODEL DESCRIPTION PRICE 2 2 9337 9406 240 6501 Disk Array Subsystem DASD Controller Discount 132,000.00 9,600.00 -34,648.00 1 3490 C11 Magnetic Tape Subsystem 33,760.00 1 9406 2644 3490 Tape Attachment 4,635.00 1 9309 002 Rack Enclosure, 1.6 Meter 3,820.00 1 3490 5037 Parallel Channel 5,380.00 1 3490 9930 24.0M (78.7 ft) Int Channel nc 1 3490 9983 CUS SUP 9309 or 7202 Rack nc Discount -3,055.00 1 IBM Backup Media Rec Ser 11,020.00 Discount -2,755.00 PURCHASE PRICE The purchase pr~ce of the machine(s) is $ 160,157.00 which shall be paid on the day the machine(s) are delivered to PURCHASER as hereafter provided. AVAILABILITY OF MACHINES(S) SELLER warrants that the machine(s) will be available for delivery on or about December 1, 1993 In addition, SELLER agrees that if it shall fail to make del~very ~n accordance w~th the above, the PURCHASER shall, at ~ts option, have the right to terminate this Agreement whereupon SELLER shall refund all payments which it has received from PURCHASER. TERMS AND CONDITIONS IBM agrees to pay, up to, $2,640.00 for the migrat~on of the data from the existing disk drives to the newly installed disk drives. IBM Systems Engineers will perform the m~gration. ." -. .. Authorized Agent .:.551 SYSTEM SOLUTIONS, INC. Accepted by: Accepted by: 1106 E. 27th Hays, Kansas (913) 625-7070 Systems Solutions, Inc. City of Salina /-) By () / 2/.-yhA /\ I /.zC/11I_ Date )/ / / V /0; ,. I. , By p.RJ;;, 1- ~~ Title Ma...v, Q.Jl J Date t\\l'NeiL 2. 2.. 14. 'i'~ , Title .' "'. .. Author! zed Agent