Collection of Unpaid Accounts - . ---------------------------------------------------------------- P. O. BOX SALINA, SURE CHECK 1 9 0 6 * 1 KANSAS CREDIT 4 1 S. 4 T H 67402 - 1 9 S T o 6 913 823 1 3 3 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- H-F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. In consideration of services to be rendered by Sure Check Credit (hereinafter referred to as S.C.C.) the undersigned (hereinafter referred to as the Client) delivers to S.C.C. the within described or attacbed legally due and unpaid accounts for cOllection under tbe terms and conditions of tbis agr_ent. C_",~. ~o ...~ ~ ".,...",. .f ~y, ur ,.. "''''v.'o., .."'.~ ,. S,C,C, = ,. 'he Cllo." "::-.:-~~. ~' .4 ~~~ ~ia..~~~,~~J. ~~ ~.~:.. J11J......"t el Sh 1Mbt. Co-,J...J.ons ..",3 "'a. d.._ S.s.e. _ ~--'-'t1 6 any --. ~-"-"'-' -, ,~' Ow: ';0; .-;:,: - ., S,C,C, 1. '''''''''' gr..."" f," ...." ... ""bar"y ,. -mo, __ ..d collect any and all of tbe listed accounts or claills and aB Attorney-In_Fact for the Client, to do all things necessa.ry in tbat regard tbe s..e as tbe Client .ight do. S.C.C. aay forward any account subiaitted for COllection. Tbe S.C.C. is hereby authoriaed to take notes payable on listed accounts, to endorse for deposit and collect sucb C~rcial paper as .ay be receiVed, _de paYable to the Client as payment on listed accounts. COIIImission Rates are as fOllows. AGREEHENT FOR COLLECTION OF UNPAID ACCOUNTS ~, on accounts less that twelve (12) .onths, one year, past due (except as below). 50 '(1) on traced accounts. (2) on any account Under $100.00. (3) on accounts collected in installaents. (4) on -accounts sent to forwarding Attorneys. (5) on accounts withdrawn during process of adjustJJIent or on wbich furtber prOCeeding are stooped or prevented by Client. (6) on all accounts twelve (12) 11Ionths, one year, past due (except as below). BXCEPTIONS. axceat 1 & 3 "0 Cllg, "coby .gres. "'''' .""" 'g (lO) dsy. of -lp' of ".,..."" d1roc< f~ _ur, ,. Nport ,. S,C,C, sH "''''''''' received by Client on accounts previously turned over to S.C.C. Tbe Client furtber agrees to subiait (upon written request by S.c.C.) a stat_ent of account on all COllections and c011l11lissions thereon inclUding collections 11Iade by Client, provided, however, this stat_ent shall not be lIIade until Client has made a written report to S.C.C. of all ents received. !y S The client further agrees to furnish, upon request of s.C.c., necessa.ry evidence of indebtedness on any account subiaitted for collection. Failure of the Client to furnish this information .tn ten (10) days w.tll be considered by S.C.C. as withdrawal of tbe account. S.C.C. hereby agrees to release upon written request by Client w.tthin a th.trty (30) day period any account not then forwarded or .tn process of adjustaent or settl_ent. .". ........, ,. .....y "'''d ,. ..... ." fs,,,,. ......,. ....",.. by 'he C".", fur 00"",,100, ,.,. ........, asy be tezainated upon ninety day written notice by either party. No agent of COIIIpany bas authority to alter this agre_ent in any way, either in writing or to aake any verbal or written agr_ent relative to the terms or lIIodes of collecting hereunder, or to receive or receipt for any 11IOney frDla Debtor or Client. I acknOwledge tbat I have received a copy of this agreement and that I understand its terms. Firm or Trade Name C. / tv I')t=: St:reet: Address 30/) - 1A..Je. <.-;- ~<;_ /, / <;U / /J.-lQ Account:s: ~or'h1 2o? Phone No. ( 9 IS .6 <; ,11 C'r- &.)0 lr 1"' (please print:) Cit:y :)c"- // n4 St: ks; Zip &7<//)2 -o7?/-; &-- 2 b - 7 2 ~u (-'7/ '? ') g- 26 -735/0 Signed: ~ ---L '~ .< ~A" Y. -L> -'~ ~ / (-:t< {'/ Ia P y T /<:'. '--;;? / /l"'? s (please print: name) ~k4.Ht",'" '))/'-ec~v Tit:le ~ ACcount: Number - . Sure Check Brokerage PROFESSIONAL COLLECTION SERVICES 141 South 4th Street · Box 1906 . Salina. Kansas 67402-1906 . (913) 823-1334 ~ 13 JUL, 1993 CITY OF SALINA ATTN: BOB BILES BOX 736 SALINA, KS 67401 Dear Bob, Please find enclosed the changes we discussed in the Accounts Receivable Service Agreement. I would again like to invite you and your staff to stop by our office. We would be pleased to discuss our collection procedures and demonstrate our computerized network. Thanks again, Bob. Should you have any questions, please call me at 823-1334. Sincerely, ~ TERRY H6LOVACH SURE CHECK BROKERAGE