Request for Aesthetic Use SUNSET PLAZA, INC. 148 South Santa Fe . P. O. Box 296 . SALINA, KANSAS 67401 wally storey, Jr. June 4, 1981 Mr. Don L. Harrison, City Clerk City-County Building 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 FILED JUN lj 1981 CITY OF SALINA CITY CLERK'S OFF1C~ :t-" e~ (:' 1\\. &1\- Re: Sunset Plaza Shopping Center Dear Mr. Harrison: The ownership and tenants of Sunset Plaza Shopping Center in Salina would like to enhance the appearance of the trash area. This area has for the past number of years been used to keep the trash dumpsters and cans. We would like to house all of these unsightly trash receptacles behind a cedar fence in the hopes of making the area more attractive to the tenants and the neighborhood. This would also eliminate other people from using the tenant1s trash receptacles. Enclosed is a copy of a letter to Mr. Charles Boster of Boster Lumber Co. requesting permission to use his leased land and a letter from Mr. Charles Boster granting us permission to use his land for this purpose. Also enclosed are two photos of the area in question. The fencing would be open to the west for accessability for the refuse trucks and enclosed on the east, north and south sides. The base would be of concrete. Your prompt action in placing this before the Board of Commissioners at their next meeting on Monday would certainly be appreciated. Please call me if you feel it is necessary or advantageous for me or a representative of Sunset Plaza Association to appear at the Commission meeting on June 8, 1981. Please notify me regarding the Board's action. Thank you. 5i ncere lY,,; . r I ! ' I .r-\I' " ';- ,- ( rJ' / It> )1 UX;{) I -- 't oJ Wally Stor'ey, Jr."',~ Sunset Plaza, Inc. WS :ml p Enclosure post office box 123 . salina, kansas 67401 CHARLIE BOSTER EASTERDAY - BOSTER LUMBER COMPANY 1210 W. CRAWFORD SA L I N A, K A N SA S 67401 PHONE AC 913 827-3618 May 28, 1981 Walley storey P. O. Box 296 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Storey: I appreciate your concern regarding the trash containers on the east side of Sunset Plaza. I give you premiss ion to 'uild a 6' high screen fence on the east side of the street as far as 6' from the curb and run a concrete slab for each. I do not want to go any further nort~ than our new building. Yours truly, BOSTER LBR. CO. ~' ;;:' /' "v~~ t:u ( _:Jta d:.l / ,J Chas. Boster Owner CB/sm MEMBER . . MID-AMERICA LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION .