SLGS Certifications SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK P.O. BOX 1401 WICHITA, KS 67201 BANK: ABA#: ACCT#: TOT A L : SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK 1011-0061-8 344-341-0 $193.140.00 DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 1 . That the above n~med i nst i tuti o{1("\M 8: bank du 1 y organ i zed under the 1 aws of the Um ted Statest, b.ft '\'A"men ca or the State of .".-, ,: ,!' "'."': ,. ',,,,:' Kansas. _;,e.",'i;' , <\ ',.' I', "~ ;. .1. ., 2. Tha!:.~a~orZdiS~/~lected, qualified and acting officer of the aboVf?,~~e~ i nst i tut i on and author i zed to execute th is certificate Vor and on its behalf; 3. That as of the date of this certificate there is on deposit in this institution and held by Southwest National Bank, Wichita, Kansas, Agent, the fo 11 owi ng descr i bed funds in securities of the United States Government: it intrust for the as the State F i sca 1 the form of cash or T-NOTES/SLGS. 4. That the above described funds are sufficient to accompl ish redemption of the following described bonds and/or coupons heretofore issued by Salina. KS 1 County, Kansas, to wit: 1986 5. That the above institution is authorizing said funds to be transferred to the Paying Agent Account at Southwest National Bank as Paying Agent on or before 12 (twelve) o'clock noon of the 2nd day of Octoher ,19~, the" same being the day of maturity of the above described bonds or coupons; 6. This certificate is made pursuant to and in compliance with K.S.A. 10-130, as amended. This certificate signed and dated at Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas this 12th day of ,TlIly , 19--9.5.... DATE: July12, 1995 NOTARY: ~ qrchvO COMMISSION EXPIRES: 10/?1/Q') SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK WICHITA, KANSAS BY a~ -clr Rebecca S. Taylor Vice President & Trust Officer form-esc. r. MAATHAJ. SCHAD . Notary PublIc - State of t<an... ..:: . My Appt. Expir.. '. SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK P.O. BOX 1401 WICHITA, KS 67201 BANK: ABA#: ACCT#: TOT A L : SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK 1011-0061-8 344-341-0 $8,140.00 DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: 1 . Tha -c the above named i nst i t~\ i'O\i\(}~ a bank du 1 y organ i zed under the 1 aws of the Un i t~d \~~~~~'~oli?' Ameri ca or the Sta-ce of Kansas; ,\O\.i~ l\' 2.' Th~i.ntQ~u 1 y elected, qua 1 i fi ed and act i ng offi cer of the abov~~amed i nst i tut i on and authori zed to execu-ce th i s certificate fer and on its behalf; 3. That as of the date of this cer-cificate there 1S on deposit 1n this institution and held by it 1n trust for the Southwest National Bank, Wichita, Kansas, as the State Fiscal Agent, the fo 11 ow i ng descr i bed funds in the form of cash or securities of the United States Government: T-NOTES/SLGS. 4. That the above descri bed funds are suff i c i ent to accomp 1 ish redempt i on of the fo 11 owi ng descri bed bonds and/or coupons heretofore issued by Salina, :<:S 1 County, Kansas, to wit: 1986 5. That the above institution 1S authorizing said funds to be transferred to the Paying Agent Account at Southwest National aank as Paying Agent on or before 12 (twelve) o'clock noon of the -)((U-e.e day of April , 19--22-, the same bei ng the day of maturi ty of the above described bonds or coupons; 6. This certificate is made pursuant to and 1n compliance with K.S.A. 10-130, as amended. This certificate signed and dated at Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas th i s 24th day of Januarv , 19--25. DA TE: January 24, 1995 NOTARY: ~'2t\. \-\-ruq~O COMMISSION EXPIRES: 10/23/95 SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK WICH~SAS BY ~<dC?:r- Rebecca S. Taylor Vice President & Trust Officer form-esc.ro . MARTHAJ.SCHAD Notary PublIc - state of ~. -~ =:: : My Appt. ExpirM I (). ;f-.:> -'1. '\ SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK P.O. BOX 1401 WICHITA, KS 67201 BANK: ABA#: ACCT#: TOT A L : SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK 1011-0061-8 344-341-0 $164,665.00 DOES HEREBY CERTIFY: . . . .... ~ t>...\\\)~k 1 . lnstltutlo~~~~nan du y organlzed States \~\Ah1eri ca or the State of iO\J~ 2. That I am a d~~~~~cted, qualified and acting officer of the above named ri~ltut i on and authori zed to execute th i s certificate for and ~ its behalf; 1 . That the above named under the laws of the United Kansas; 3. That as of the date of th i s cert i fi cate there is on deposit in this institution and held by it in trust for the Southwest National Bank, Wichita, Kansas, as the State Fiscal Agent, the fo 11 owi ng descri bed funds in the form of cash or securities of the United States Government: T-NOTES/SLGS. 4. That the above described funds are sufficient to accompl ish redemption of the following described bonds and/or coupons heretofore issued by Salina. KS 1 County, Kansas, to wit: 1986 5. That the above institution is authorizing said funds to be transferred to the Paying Agent Account at Southwest National Bank as Paying Agent on or before 12 (twelve) o'clock noon of the 1st day of October , 19~, the same bei ng the day of maturi ty of the above described bonds or coupons; 6. This certificate is made pursuant to and in compliance with K.S.A. 10-130, as amended. This certificate signed and dated at Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas th i s 19th day of July J 19-9.4. DATE: July 19, 1994 NOTARy:~)...i-0c,,-qL}h~ COMMISSION EXPIRES: 10/23/95 SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK WIC~NSAS 7 /') 'J__ BY~~ Jcp Rebecca S. Taylor Vice President & Trust Officer form-esc.ro . MARTHAJ.SCHAD . Notary PuhIlc: - State of Kanaas = My Appl. Expires 10,')'':> ~l.t...., _..-:".'1::":;.;. ..1..___..:..1......1.-......... .J..___'t.L\.. ~..':"-l':"-; ~\..I~~..-:'1..-~5: ~~.....:....==O~~...~ EA..:~ ABAJ: 1011-0061-8 ACCT#: 344-341-0 TOTAL: S 19,552.50 P.O. -BOX 1401 ~:C~ITA, KS 67201 DOES HERE3Y CERTIFY: 1. That t::e above named i:lstitution is a bank duly orgaR>~d under the laws o:f .r'\~ the Uni}:ed States of America or the State of Kansas; .()\~.~\?' ,~ (\,\,\ ~\...v 2. That I am a duly elected, qualified ~ \~\~g officer of the above named institution and authorized to execute ~'\~tificate for and on its beh21f; 3. That as of the date of ()~~~rrifitate there is on deposit in this insti- . "h'"".. C; h T - h S -K h tut~on ana e~a DY ~t ~ trust ror t e reasurer or t.e tate or ansas, as t.e Sta~e Fiscal Agen~, the following described funas in the form of cash or securities or the United States Government: US T-NOTES/SLGS 4. That the above described funds are suf:ficient to accomplish redeuption of the following described bonds and/or coupons heretofore issued by Salina, KS 1 County, Kansas, to wit: 1986 5. That the above institution is authorizing said funds to be transnicted auto- ~tically through Automated Clearing House on or before 12 (twelve) orclock noon or the 1st day of April , 19 93 , the sane beL~g the day of naturity of the above described bonds or coupons; 6. This certificate is m.a.de pu:::-suant to and ~ c::n:lpliance with K. S .A. 10-130, as a=lended. .... " This ce:::-:ificate signed and cated at wichita, Sed5~ick County, Kansas this 14th day of .Tanuary , 19 93 DATE: SO'U.'"TIIWJ:.ST NATIONAL BJ..NK ~ KA.~SAS " .. ~ /:<!/-. J,~ -=:~4. 1993 NOTm, CLru.'_ ~ L\hJ) , I ^ MARTHA J. SCHAD COMMISSION EXPIRES: 10/ 23/95 ~ .. Notary Public _ State of Kansas ~ E'";;IlITIII:::' My Appl. ~xpires 10)., 3 '115 Rebecca S. Taylor e President & Trust Officer