Aesthetic use ROW . . 11 LS 0 N COMPANY ENGINEERS ARC H ITECTS t ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS PO. BOX 28 631 EAST CRAVVFORD AVENUE . SALI NA. KANSAS 67401 . ... 913 827-0433 17 October 1974 Mr. Don Harrison, City Clerk City~County Building 300 W. Ash Salina, KS 67401 Re: Security Savings & Loan Association WCEA File: 74-51 Dear Sir: The Board of Directors of the Security Savings & Loan Association, at 333 South Santa Fe, in Salina, would like to enhance the appearance of their building and the surrounding area by constructing a raised planter in the public area in front of their building. On their behalf, this letter and the attached drawings are respectfully submitted in request of a permit for such construction. This is in accord- ance with Section 32-41 of the Salina Code regarding "Use of public property for aesthetic purposes by abutting property owners." The attached drawings show the proposed planter size, location and construction details. The planter will be for aesthetic purposes only. The Owner plans no signs, lights, etc. in conjunction with it. Your prompt action in placing this before the Board of Commissioners at their next meeting on Monday would certainly be appreciated. Please call me if you feel it is necessary or advantageous for me or a representative of Security Savings & Loan Association to appear at the Commission meeting. Please notify me regarding the Board's action. Thank you. WILSON & CO:HPANY ~$~"&-- Robert Alan Batt, Architect Encl cc: Mr. William F. Grosser, Jr., President, Security Savings & Loan Assn. 333 South Santa Fe, Salina, Kansas 67401 -mo SALINA. KANSAS . VVICHITA. KANSAS . ALBUQUERQUE. NEVV MEXICO