Agr Grant Playgournd Equipment . _ 1.. BRAMWELL H. TlLlSLEY General ~ m4e ,~tt!UtttiDn J\.rmlJ 'FOUNDED 18651 WILLIAM BOOTH. Founder Telepnone 19131823-2251 52 1137 Nortn Sanla Fe . PO Box 1945 Salina. Kansas 67402.1945 HAROLD D. HINSON TerrillOnal Comm.,. . LT. COL. HARRY J. SMITH Divisional Comm8nder R!= 1"'\..." 'eJ-\ -".... ".;u HAY 2 3 1994 CITV MA.'I.~GER'S OffiCE CAPTAIN AND MRS. RONALD LEMIRAND Corps Officers May 20. 1994 Dennis Kissinger City Manager 300 W. Ash Salina, KS 67401 Dear Dennis: Thanle. you for the time y,nl took. to see me regarding The Salvation Army playground. r woulll ,lppreciate your consideration to install the equipment listed on [he enclosed sheer. . The Salvation Ar.y has "een a"arded a grant fro. lhe Kansas Department of Social and R~habilitation Services Child Care and Development Block Grant III prOvide a licensed day camp program for 32 children and in recogni [ion of the after-school open gym program prOvided at no cost to uver 458 Salina youth. The Salvation Army has been proactive in prOviding alternatives for North Salina youth. We look forward 10 adding another actiVity. Thank you for any input \"nu may have in making this project a reality this summer. Sincerely ~LtJ-~ Captain Carol Lemirand - e Un'loed way ,.4....' " / ..... ,. ",4' . I IJ.I , :-' . ,. . I ,I ,_,$-- "A /f'l' Page No. 1 06/20/94 QTY MODEL NO. 1 163-558 2 162-548 1 162-571 1 162-975-2 1 162-907 1 152-885 1 162-808 1 162-908 1 162-943 1 162-969-5 1 162-836PVC 1 162-976-5 1 162-906 1 162-864 1 162-936 .11. Total *** 16 lD: C'Cure \ Le\Yll \'" Cl n a. * CUSTOM MIRACLE PLAYGROUND - * .. * P\~~:n:- W/~';' t DESCRIPTION LEVEL DECK ADDITION W/2 POSTS SINGLE S' DECK SINGLE 3' DECK W/ROOF CHIME PANEL (STEEL) ROCKITE TWISTER SLICE (3' DECK) 6'8" CYCLONE SLICE W/STEPS (5') CLIMBING POLE FOR 3', S' OR 6'6" SPIDER CLIMBER (3', 5' OR 6'6") CURVED LOOP CLIMBER (5', 6'6" DECK) SPIRAL CLIMBER (3'OR 5' DECK) SMALL PVC CARGO NET, (3' DECK) BUMPER LADDER (3' & 5' DECK) HORIZ. "5"/"U" LADDER (3' DECK) S' HANDRING BRIDGE BTWN. 3'DECKS INCLINED 'u' CRAWL TUBE LH (3'-5') D\~Co~t 1> II, q ~1- ' 0 0 _ 11 'l'l I l () to,\Q4.'10 4Qq, ~/.~ Ti\;( ~"8. 04 Rs\&"l ..-. - .-..-. ~ III 310'1, 4't _~ Sue E:d~ . (.. ~yacb \<~~c~fl1 ~f. r~ B'I~- S37'80a8) \.. r.u. ~tJ \ o~ 1. ./ . . e Q:/XOC ~~~ _~I O-....IN V'lUU) - ~9B-t9L 3QI1S 3NO'O)..O rt6-t9~ ~~~qo 5' 162-548 H~~~RJ~G , 62-86 4 908-Z9 L :310 d ON18~110 ' Pla.V\ Jr W/~'> ~~ 2.ri 2 I:r; ...(/'10 cna.:o N'N 1>0 c.ooz oa.....j OJfTI> ::0,.. ...~ Wa. ZID on ~a) 0::' ~N u<O ... ~ 01 I N CD ...