1953 Service Agreement
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THIS AGREEMENT, made and i entered in'tJ() this first day of January, 1953, by a.nd between the City
of Salina, Kansas, par-ty/ot the tll'Q.pa.rt, and the Band herein known as the Salina Municipal
Band during the year 1953, acting by and through its duly authorized otticers and Executive
Board, party of the second part, lIIflIESSETH
That for and in consideration ot autual covenants and agg:reements hereinatter set torth and
the payment to be made by the first party to the second party as herein provided for, the
pe.rty of the second part hereby agr.. to give and perfora in the City of Salina, Kansas, such
free public concerts and appearance. at public ocoasions or parades during the year 1~53, at
such time s and places a s may be reqlJired by the Band. T~u8tees . d~ring such year.. f 1 i) c,
.~"'t.L, ,;; . r-t. .... }i4-,:r-;~' (4 f':, '1 t Q Q'J) .
lIt oonsideration tor the free /ooDO'."' or other appearances to be fi ven and per formed by
the party of the second part ~nd the.ther agreements to be performed by said Salina Municipal
Band as herein set forth, the \ party of the first part does hereby agree to ~~ to the party
of. the second part the sum otQ:itty-iight Hundred Seventy Dollars <$S,870.00jJpayable in
twelve monthly payments upon vouchers approved by the Trustees of the Munic1pal Band Fund,
and such approval shall constitute a certificate on the part of the Band Trustees up to the
d~lte of the issuance of such 'VOl1cher..
A schedule for regular pub lie concerts shall be prepared by the Board of Band Trustees show-
ing the dates of regula.r scheduled public ooncerts during the year within reasonable time
shown after the execution of thi.agreement, but the dates fixed on such schedule may be
changed by the Board of Trustees OD torty-eight hours notice given by the Trustees to the
President of the Exeoutive Board of the Salina MUIlicipal Band, and at least forty-eight hourI
notioe .hall b. gival by the Band Trustees to the President of the Executive Board of the
Salina. MUnicipal Band of any required conoert or appearanoe.
The party of the Second Part agl"ees that the membership of said band will be maintained
during the continuanoe of this agreement at a minimum of thirty player& and with the instru-
mentation required by law and that all public appearances of said band shell consist of at
least thirty players and shall be garbed in uniforms, and the Second Party agrees that it will
provide for regular rehearsals tor said band and will establish such rules and regulations as
will insure the attendance of the members of the band at such rehearsals at such times as the
Band Trustees may require, but no't oftener than once a week. The party of the Second Part
agrees to maintain a rehearsal hall, a good library, to furnish necessary instruments not
usually owned by members_ and hire their director at a salary agreed upon between the band
and the Director.
The party of the Seco~d Part further agrees to cooperate with all other organized band
units in the City of Salina, to help make Salina. the band oenter of this state.
The ~rty of the Second Part turther a~rees that the Secretary and Treasurer of the Salina
Municipal Band shall file with the party of the first part in the office of the City Clerk,
yearly statements showing all ezpcditures, from the sums reoeived from t he party of the first
part under this contraot and will 1.180 file a copy of such report with the Board of Trustees.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by the duly
authorized officers of each party as of the day and year first above wri tten.
Attest~ /'~
City Clerk
rrr~4 ,~~ ~y-J
z; Mayor z,.
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President -
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- ice-President
X rF?I', ..~~_
The above....ag;fi~~s approved and RECOMMENDED
TO THEahi~"iOn.r. tGr adoption.