1989 Fireworks Permit PER M I T "SUPERVISED PUBLIC DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS" DATE: June 6, 1989 NAME OF PERMITTEE John Ziegler / Salina Jaycees LOCATION OF DISPLAY East of Municipal Golf Course DATE OF DISPLAY July 4, 1989 Subject to compliance with City of Salina Codes - Division 2, Fireworks, Section 14-51 through 14-58 - approval is hereby granted for a supervised public fireworks display to be conducted by the above named organization on the location and date given. The fireworks will be discharged by John Ziegler who has furnished evidence of his competence in accordance with City Code Sec. 14-53 through 14-54. In compliance with City Code 14-54, Permittee has on file with the City Clerk a copy or affidavit of proof of liability insurance in the minimum amount of $500,000.00. The City of Salina assumes no liability for this permitted display. ~nA~~ Tom Girard, Flre Cheif .f\ , / ,/ L/ o ice Ctiief C) .. , . ALLIED SPECIALTY INSURANCEt INC. 10451. G u 1.'1'" f.l () u I. (i'~V"lr' d Tl- (;"<\'1 ~i; U r' €~ :c!:; I. i:\ ncl f F I. (iI i '.f <:t ,..' .., , 'n._ T'lll Fj"P0' .( ....Hf)O......):.<;7....:7\:.5~:;'::; N,d ion:.) L . .. 1~tiOO~2~)-6~~6 -~l~rjd~ ~ Certificate number: 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE F:r F,~EWOj;~Kf;; D I f:) F'I... A Y NAME & ADDRESS OF INSURED: ti(ewqrks SpectacuLar t.:' . U . I:; (j x 1. (;~ ,".: .. .... columbus, Kansas 66125 ADDITIONAL INSURED: P.RII1ARX.... COV.ERAfJE EXCESS....COVERAfJE COMPANY; I.L.._H,~.,...E~._.InSllr,~nce-_...- C.o.mp..i:i n):: ........ ...... ........ ........ .... ............... _.,..........._..?L,MJ~3Q~............_...._....M.. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .._ .... .... .... ..M.... .... .... ......_ .n' ,.....'. .... ...... ".,..... .... ..".... .... .... .... ........ .... "H .... .." .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... _., .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... ._. .... .... u', .... ".. .... ._......... .... .... .... .... _.. .... .... ....-.. .... .... .... POLICY NUMBER: LIABILITY LIMIT: ~~~~ ~~ t ~ n ~:~~9: rd .... .......J?~ Q~~.t. ~~QQGSL. .... .... ~ ........... _.......M................._.................._._.._..M._...-......... .-".~._-_........................................_.-......-...... CLass B Products ___13QQ~QQQ__. POLICY PERIOD: From: 4/15/89 To: 4/15/90 .... ........!..... .... .... ............ .... ............ .... .... ~~:............ ........... ~.~ ............ .... ........ ........ ................ :~~: ........ Excess of Excess of ........._:$....................._.......................J~............ ............ili................................................:?!'........ ............!P..............._................................................ ............1............................................................ 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 0/00/00 ~t .... COMBINED SINGLE L.IMIT In the event of any material change in, or cancellation of said poLicy( ies), tll(:~ C(Hllp.i:lny wi 1.1. (".'nc/(",avoj" to giVE' l'\)i"itt€~n notic(~) to HlG~ Pin"ty \'."lom this C.::H''''' tific.:itE' ii:; j~;;s;u(.::d, but fail.ure to <:-liv(.:! such notiu:" ~;;h.;:dl. iiiiPo~;('":! no I.iabilit), or obLigation upon the company. NAME & ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER: DATE OF DI!:if'LA1rb ..Z::...'I...~.j.?i... RAIN DATE :l::.'f.:::..l~............... DISPLAY AMOU~T:. ~;~;Z;r{..t':( ,... l ..'''' IJ. ")'. . _ "} .1 I..t" t' - .(li i,' I ",C' ',' ~q~AJ:ION Of DISPLAY:.i'.{. ;5c~. 'I....u. [" ..( [i(L) L Clf~.c.. t r't ",,1-/"/ "'^ '.> l. I/...C . ~ [) /(.. .' tC Pi~ tl ;JL (.- 3</. 'f -(,..J.t.:'.> It is a condition of the poliCY that aLL displays be reported to the Company at Least 24 hours in advance of the dispLay date. This certificate neither affirmatively ~or negatively amends, extends or alters the coverage afforded bY the poLicy( le6) described hereon. NOTE: In the event that raIn or incLement ~eather prohibits this display, coverage wi lL appl.y on a subse~uent date on which the dispLay is held, within the terms of the pol.icy contract. CI.(.:~anup and pol.icing of th~:~ displ..ay a j" E-;) thE~ l"(:~spo'ii~;ibi I.it.y' of th€.~ ':::.pon'50)",,;. The following are additional insureds: any fair or exposition, association, spon~:;or'ing ()l"gani;u~tion OJ'' commith:)(.?, HH:~ OWT1t:?T or I.e~;;~:;(~€~ of a'flY pj"f~mi;;;l:~!i; u~;;~::d by the Na~ed insured,or any pubLic authority granting a permit ~o the Named Insured. but only as respects accidents arisinq out of the neqLigence of the N<':HiH::.d If!~.u'n?d 0'( th<-:: NamE:d In~:;uj"E~df~;; r.;.mpl.oYt'.-!(;::.:::..'actinq in the (':OUj"~::.E:' <TIne! ~;;C(iP(;':' of their empLoyment. ALso, as additional. Named Insurid, any Independent Con- tractor who fires the dispLay on behalf of the Named Insured. This insurance clO(0~;; not <:lppl.)1 to <"flY fai 1.1.1\"';::- 'to POl.iC0! or cI.P<'HiUP thE~ di'::;pl.aYt OJ'' Liabi I.ity arising there from. This certificate Is not valid unless an originaL signature appears beLow. (Copies Not VaLid.) Coverage under the poLicy is conditioned upon fuLL compLiance by aLL Insureds with all applicabLe NationaL Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards In effect at the time of dispLay. .........._......,.....,:.~.li:.:...l.....l...l....'....).~.rl .....1 '.D..~l~~...._.............._.... Q~ '"'/. 0 ~~ - ~ ,. :x ~ ... :(.. ""'..... .................... ........ ....J.A-.... "1"1":;:' I '(")'1"-' "," .~.~. ;,..(..'"'..~(......l. ~ :.:':.. :.l.....(....;.~\.~~..f..:,...:':l:~..:l:: ;..:,.............................. Date of Certificate Issuance \ .0:.' ~ - ~