Installing Water Mains. lit Aa-.E&11_'T 1. PARTIES: I V The parties to tilis agreeiient are SALDA INC., a corporatior., idly organized der Uric , ,ja of the State of Kans r as, hereinafter eferred un la to as "Corporation", arZi THE -,,�,;iTER :)EPARITIF-tA OF 711E CrYY OF? SALI �k, �Aiwz' a er_inicipal co."rar-j.oq 1jere-inafter referred to as "City". 2, RECITALSt '411ERW, the Corporation is a corporate entity organized by a group of s,.�;bers 0j, the Citamber of comerce of the City of Salina, k4 sar,, which dedicates its resources to undertaking to promote the industrial de- velop-aent of tile city of Salina and its environs; and the Corporation owns all Of that Part Of the &'At one-R&If (E/2) of the Southeast Q�uarter (S /4) of Section SiX (6), Townsilip, Fourte011 (14) South, Range Tw (2) "'est Of t1le sixth P.M. in Saline County, 1 an s, lying north of the RiPht-Or"44aY 0A' consisting - S, 40 Riglumy of ap Pr OX i- 1ately rorty-Nine (49) acres, all of tjje setae being hereinafter referred to 4. as "I-ind is, and WHEREAS1, tie Corporation desires to PTOviklc Or the se nr'c'rW or the Land by the City vrith municipal water and fire protection; and I 1111U MEAS, t1le City .,,s ,jillin- to male provisiO.3 therefor under 010 .L 0 tea os aa4l conditions hereo" r 31-0 3. AGRUMIr' In consideration of the articles and covenants hereof, the City agrees to install and cause to be installed, a six (6) inch water -win --from the intersection of Front Street and pacific Strut (that being the point Of an existing active eight (8) inch water main), t1jence rAstarly and uorth- easterly along and in Vtie north Right-of-4143Y Of IT- S, 40 highway for a distance of approximately 6600 feet, -nore or lose, With tile t*r4inus of said line to be at a point on said north portion of- the Right-Of-0av iV-i feet West of the east line of tile Land of the Corporation, and to place along the Soutbarly boundary of the Lane, «pproprlata tW9 in said line for the in- stallation of four industrial type fire plugs at places to be de•igmated by the Corporation at the time the work is comr.mced. 4. 1A-%'VE OF INSTALLIATITI'- The City aZreeS to comience, and complete witin reasonable dilirence, the installation of said main at anytime within. eighteen (18) moutILS, but vithin sixty (60) days after request by tile C*rPOrati 10 On 0 r it act to do , provided that necessary k1olays resulting fro,-i conditions beyond the Control of, t,,je City shall. shall. u be excsef". 5. PAYMENT: (a) The City aSrOGS to cause its Z-Over'ling body to -'Pl?ly Xoa:41�� r OOLI,V,S ($4.000.00) to the id T,'A0UW-,W �,e cost of the pay.,%e%it o a line -And the appurtena=cs from its -Uidustriai "uad- (b) The Corporation Agrees to Pay one-lla" (1/2) of cost oia said installation 'In OXCOGS OF* tile paymet-it thereon rmde from said industr fund, the same to be paid ill full upon the c4WIetion Of the inGtallate*40n of said line and at the request of the City. X, 4 #- aitnll nay the remains Cost Of said line, fib in rubdivisiOns f payent peci Item s o m s are herei ter collectively referred to as =f WW ArAi'MOINAL SERVICES: (b) and (c) 0]"" t1-:e "Execnss- ore and oticuPants Of land on each side 11 A. ic f intersection Oi "rOnt and '?ac"'r and NortheasterlY to the Point of the and use Municipal water therefrou, at the kpon any such 0�,Mer or occupant paying as equal to $2.50 per front foot 01 Und to as a result of Gucjj tapping. That upon Lae to time by the city, the ciltny shall ?ay unto t,.je Corporation One-11411' (1/2) 3resaid, received by the City, u"til w"a" he Corporatioa has been refunded to it 1-tall separately have and receive any such C t-ito use of City shall cause provision to ve mad�lerto e A" n"ni tenants its fire and oc- 'And control facilities to It t or occupat t"Avat any suea tenant provided, howevelf, warge for Such rthe Land from ti,,,e to time such c q! sida�ratiean tjjerefor Pay rinances Of the City.- established by the ther' 0 0 #A&V be t"le parties da ted on t1lis, 1960. By OrDvM or T14E BOARD OP CO!1,HISSj0j'EV.S-. Xh, ,t"TIM ? L',XhRTMMIT OF TjjE CM, or $ALI' YAWNS yam- 1 . tcityrgex $ALM INC - , C L_FICATE Its -pai-d o Te1utn't 1.1 wwnzAs does clerk. of the city or 0a Lxop* Cl manager MaOLD F a&$ duly womuted by the City ftrt f rnoing agreement It! I -00 j. -Y the fo 1,e Board of CGM- valid and subsisting directive Of g W4 pursuant to a of the City. of A --'k City Clark WATER LINE COST Front St. to Salina Inc. LABOR: Paid to Banker Const. Co. 5279.48 (Estimate presented June 26, 1961) MATERIALS: 6" C.I.P. 6563 L. F. @ 2.05 13,495.15 Fire Hydrant 1 Each @ 175.00 175.00 900 Bend 1 Each @ 12.00 12.00 450 Bends 2 Each @ 11.00 22.00 6" Tees 4 Each @ 23.00 92.00 4" Cross 1 Each @ 24.00 24.00 6" Plugs 6 Each @ 2.60 15.60 222, Bends 2 Each @ 10.00 20.00 Gate Valve 6" 1 Each @ 72.00 72.00 Tapping sleeve & Valve 1 Each 1@142.00 142.00 Valve Boa 1 Each @ 15.00 15.00 moo-( =I (2-1� -'( . $ 19,364.23 Subscribed and sworn to before me this E. Peterson, City Clark 1961 �.y ,ft t� i t ,..�. STATEMENT �t /' j SSALINA, KANSAS; , 196 s i a In Account With CITY OF SALINA Make all Checks Payable to City of Salina and Mail to City Clerk's Office, City Hall. 1 r I i �.i __ -LeR - - - ---� ' I - ty J- it j fil Ii I �__ — _L_ r I i �.i GENERAL RECEIPT CITY OF SALINA SALINA, KANSAS Finance Department Name � / L����/a Address Date AMOUNT Crd Received yment For Fund or Department l� Account No. Received By 2281 1 i i ry GENERAL RECEIPT CITY OF SALINA SALINA, KANSAS Finance Department Name_ cn —' g �n t Address_____ Date AMOUNT Received Payment For W Fund or Department u �� Account No. Received B eg�� No: 2254,a.ne� Rlr