Application for Subgrant ) A P P L I CAT ION FOR SUB 3 RAN T (GENERAL} To: KANSAS DRUG ABUSE CO~lISSION 715 Harrison - Second Floor Topeka, KS 66603 Phone 913 296-3925 1. APPLICANT NAME Or' OR'':;ANI'~ATION Salina Drug Action Council, STREET ADDRESS 643 S. Ohio, Box 14 CITY COUNTY Salina, Saline LO. PROJECT COST Inc. Total Project Cost $5,696.64 Sub'JTan tee Contribution Sl,757.44 Requested from KDAC $4,022.52 ZIP CODE 67401 2. TYPE OF ORGANI- ZATION STATE -, REGIO~ PO PULA'l' lOi.~ COUNTY OTHER 37,162 x CITY 3. TYPE OF APPLICA- TION X ACTION INITLl\L REQUEST }'OR NO: PLANNING FUNDINJ CO~-JT INUNl'ION OF SUBGRANT 11. ACTUAL FUNDING RADIO ~ Federal ~ Subgrantee SHORT TITLE OF PROJECT BRIEF The Care Line will offer immediate, short-term help using all SU~~RY available resources with the possibility of referral leading to long OF PROJEC1'term assistance. It will be available to anyone who might need or desires its help. The Care line is three-fold. 1. Crises assistance, 2. information and 3. talk. It is difficult for some people in some situations to make the appropriate decisions when there is a lack of infmrmation, qualified people to advise, and a specific available program which can provide help. The Care Line will be able to do this. 4. PROJECT DIRECTOR 5. PROJECT FINANCIAL OFFICER 6. 7. NAME Juanita Gerharh R.N. ADDRESS 824 S. Santa NAME D. L. Harrison TI'l'LE Project D~rector Fe, Salina, Kansas TELEPHONE NO. 827-8163 TITLE City Clerk ADDRESS City-County Building, 300 W. Ash. Salina, Ks. TEI.JEPHONE NO. 827-9653 Salina Care Line 8. DURATION FROM TO OF PROJECT 1 October 1974 1 Day Honth Year Day 9. BUDGET CATEGORY FOR KDAC USE KDl\C AWARD SUB GRANTEE l. Personnel $ $ 2. Consultants $ $ 3. Travel $ $ 4. Supplies $ $ 5. Communication $ $ 6. Equipment $ $ 7. Facility Cost $ $ 8. Other Cost $ $ 9. rrotal $ $ June 175 Month Year TYPE OF PAY~iliNTS ~ of Payments _Monthly _Special ____Quarterly _Total ProqrE?ss Reoorts Monthly _Semi- Quarterly Annual Compo of Project continued-- , . .,. .,"..l~t1' ,., ":f;~,~:i~~;,:. ;~~:;, i;\/~~C~~~;';:~"r~' ,;'" )~) ~~~;~;:. <S C(11tlJ.~;:~I~_\lL^.!.nl!':.1\.. '.'.,.............,:"".....:..........,...-. CD lHl r.I^,I'O[~, with '1hu i1pp,'ov,ll of the City CorJ:IIII~.sl(lIl('I.S, nudo thL~ ft)IIL)\~IIlSJ <11'1'0 1 rdll1(~rrl' 5: (lu !1~JJ.!.liLS2.0~~__!l(!Y_UiQ!~L!5~lnj Jim SwecllulleI, ROill'lcw, oppolnted for' <1 three year terr!\ to Juno 1, 19-'~ to succeed Don l'iilIICllI1S, Healhll". Juck Gi Ilur,l, Archi-tecl, i:1ppolllh~d for u three yo,-,r tcn~1 to June 1, 1975 .to .~ucccecl t.lax ni~~hop, AI"ChitccL "CONS I O[f\.\TIO;,! OF THE SALIN/\ CITY CO:;:,i1SSI0:~ E~:DmSlr;:; TlI[ SlIl.It'IA l'[{t.!G ACT10:~ COUNC ILl S APPLI cr\T I 0;'1 FOH A GRfJNT TO TItE GO\'U,:~OI'\' S CO:.;'.1111.[[: 0:'1 m I i.11 r:.'\L AD;.; I N I SmA T I 0;:. " (Sponsor'ed by Conllili:;~;Ion(;r C"ldv;oll) Commissioner Ccdd\.;ell comnv3ntcd tha'r the Co,,"nis:.loncr's \'iCre present at tholClst Citizens' Advisory COc!:TIii'le'l rn,.?eling \"hen '111.:_'y cndor-scd the 9 1'(:1 n':' frOM tho Governor-Is Committee on Cr-iminol l\dl:Jinls'lr'Cltion for the Youth Cri~;is Center, He s~~id 'l'h0 COc'mi"sion has a lo.t.ter fr-o:n the chain:1(1I1, lk. Revols, Cllld the COfl~!llission h::s 10'ltol"s fl-(l~\ other- committees and consultants endor'sing the pr-ogrilnl of 'l'he Sal ilia Or-ug Action Counci I. I i. f.1rs. Lucyle Hilnson I'IilS pres'ent clnd asked if \'ihat they arc reco:l;'nending \,d II take taxpaye.'-s money to pay for the So, I na Drug rlet i'on COUIIC i \ ' S ~,h3 rG? I I I I. Comm I ss loner Ashton commented that they have been go I ng door to door ra I s I nSl t he I r portion of the $6,000. He also said the elpplicCltionmust be approved by .the City COll1:r,lssiofi in order '1'0 be submitted to the Governor's Committee, Commissioner Caldwell explained that tho Ci'ly \,!ould not t>e obi igated, that there is no City money involved. Comm i ss lonel' CClI d\'le I I exp I a i nEed ther!' there is a poss I b i I i ty the Sa I i na Dr'ug Action Council could use lo-Kind Service~, and not pay out anything. In-Kind Services permit the appl iealY! to sho\'! thwt .they twve actually done sO;;10thln9 'fo\~ard '!'he project. Mr. Solomon Oliver 1'1<:1,. present and said, "There is a definite need for this typo thing I.n Sal ina, I bel ieve; and anyone I'lho has taken Cl look around can see that there 15 a need for i'l'. Thore ,we people who say 'I-hat \'10 don't have Cl dr'ug pr'oblem. I'!ell, I don't knOl'l a't- what point you call a situation a pr-oblc~1, but 1 can tell ,'ou -this about drugs, the minute you havo one ch i I d out hClrl', one j liven i \ e \'Iho I i girls up one jo I nt, -to the unitiutcd tha'l' is a s-ti.ck of rnarijuanil. Tho minute Y9u twve one juveni Ie \'iho I igh'I-5 up that stick, you have u drug problem, because \':hcre you have soft'drugs, you are going to hClve hard drugs, and where you have hard drUGS, you are going to hove everylhing else that goes along \~ith it. NOI'i I am no'~ 100;0 sold that 'l'ho progrilm aJ"prescnt is the proper- pl-ogrmll, I urn not 100~: sold on that; out it has to s'lad sOlne place and I think -those people helve made cl darn good stad on i-t. NO\'I in tho 10 month period in 1971 -they had 11\00 contac-ts \'llth people in trouble. Some of these heJd to be repeats because they only reported 619 ca~;es. OkiJY so YOll say -the figures arc padded, so you cut -that in half, .we'll say 300 cases. That Is sti II cl lot of poo[1le in trouble who fel'i' they had no oi-hor place to turn, so I would r'cally hate to see this pr'ogram \'lashed dO'.'iIl the drClin for the I ack of endor'sement by i ho ~~:Y.'~' ,._,_~_""'~-~-- ,,-'''''','.''" "~'-~"""'- .,.".~--......... ...-...,-.... _____1Q:"~l>_~;-;...o#O.,...- .. Commlssioner- Losik said, "V!e have received letters from the Right Reverend Dav I dson, J ucJge f~ i \ d r8cJ Fos'lcH- I I\ttorney (JiW i eI I(nud :,on, Rever'end f'(ona IdEa 1 i nt, Hoverend Stephen C. Fink, Or-. E. r~ot>er-t Sinncdt, of Kans:Js S't'ate Univ'orsity, Colonel Keith Ouck,~;rs, Rever'end f(cnne-rh Yiltes, 01-, ruul f~enich, Kiln"us \':C~5Ieyan Ulli'/cr~;ity, r(l~;tor Eldon Toll and 21 mC:1lbor'~ of the Snlina t,'ir,j~..-lcri;)1 Ar.,;oclil'l'ion; ilrlel in audi'lion '10 thi:. \'10 hJVO tho roco~ni1londation of tho suh-cormni'l'loo of '11w Ci-l'izens' Advi,;ory COIi~rrll'nce, the rccomr:1enclutiorl of tho main body of the CI-I'izene,' Advisory Ce>!nrlli-l'tc0, plu~; .the r'eCOll!rllCndutiofl frorn -tho Goard of Directol-~; o{ tile SalinJ [)r'uCj Action Council, Inc. <.lncJ YO'Jt" Cri:,i:, Con';"r. All 'of 'Ihe rC(:ofllmcncJilliofl~; indicirlc -1'11.-;1' i1 dnf~1 pr<,t>lcrn c;:i~;~s in -I'lti~; cor'-':1Ilf1i'ly, <lIHI I . '1hercfcwo foci 'Ihe follo;.:irq i~; in CJr-der~ awl I flklkt~ tlw r:u-I Ion 'Ihid 'Ihe Cily Corn:ni:,sion '\ officially L\ckfl(",';II'd~IC til,l'i' t1rll~ll)f'ohlcr;l'c,:i~;I:, in the Ci'ly of S:jlilFf, I('lll,:ac~, -thdt thcr,o lolh:,'r:; I n~ft!ru?cJ '10 b,: m;Jc!e (1 rn:J'ncr- of puhlic n.:couJ to ihis rn.,-,-t'ioll illlc! a ,'oil I call vede he '1111'.('1\ on '1Iti~; m:rli')I). l~i'll1olrl it \'!(: Invc nc>'lhiWJ '1090 on." COlnrni:,:,lorwl' , Cooper' ;~(,conlkd '11,0 fl,o'llol1. I , '( \, I I ! . I '11,,, f"'Y'JI' cilll,.d fe,r' il vo'I,', (II, .th.. ff!-')l-lr:'n: 1.....:,lk, \':,.i'.~J-::r-h"1 (')), IllY": (0), 1";'.,:I(li'I (.II'II(:d, I J ,! /. . II 1 d'. 'f- II In'' 1 :.. c~n 01" ~.cnll-!n , ',-!ho pr()vidl~d I // Ay,-,.,: t,',Ii'l<.iI\, Cd 1 c1v/(-1I, elf'f'CI' '// Dr. O,.l>oln pnl;,enlc,d 'Ihn)(, (1lIdi-lioll;11 le'll,:r-" to be: included OIl(] {I'om ni:,hop Vu]'.I, on" frol" 1l1-. Co"rill'l, "no! OIW f,'(11ll Dr', [)1'(!'-'lr:(~I, rn,~~d i Cd t i'.I~I~-' i ~;ldn('I~. ....---o". --:----~--....-.--_.~--- ..... @ 1.70 ==--::=:=.;~:~~:, .~-;:~.... -....-::=:=::.:...:.: :;,.:::::":':-:';:=':= :.::_,::::~:,:,::,-::~::~"."7:::=:':':::.'_"7'.':"'.~:~-__'::'-:=_-":':~:':::=: ~'_ ~_.~:':-':":":~:~'~_'''':';'';:':''',:",-:"-=-::,:,=,=,::~:,,, ',:,:,-:,- ~:---:;~ ';::::':':--~_'__". ; "_;';';~~_-;;.:_ : _.. =--=..:....:_"__ .::..=..~_-~_:;:.:.::;. ~ ...~. :::_-:::;:=:::.....::.:~~_...:.:.:1 ;:.7_~::.::'.':':::::~~~'__::" :..-....::. '7. ". ';':-:::.::-~:- '-:-:...:.:;.::_:. P"::;:-:-. ~:'::::':":::-:'-=.:-: _ __"'"::.:.'"7.:;-..~.:.:..-:.:.::::_-:-.:-=::.:..-_.....:: .::"-':::"''''::'=''-==-~=--:' "_..:. ~:-:.:===-:-:.:::::::-: :.::.:..:: , I i i 1 i I ( \ \ \ ., \ \ \ ~ t4rs. Jim \'Iilson of 1he Sullnu Drug Adlon Council said, "If you read our proposul, you knO\~ wha1 the prog'-,lm is all ubout, 1he only thing It doesn't say 1 s we I ntend to app I y to the l<ilrlSaS Drug Abuse Comm i ss i on for a funded g rant ~ In order to do this we need the City Commission approval. It is just like any ofller grunt. We aro'going to ask them for $9,300 to set up our phones, get a place to operate this hot I ine and get into operation. The only connection the Drug Action Council hus with this program is finuncial and public relations. ! After the prog'-ilm is adopted It is turned over to u six mun program committee and: then l1" wi II be put into operation. Cindy Entriken is fhe chairman of the Hot I' Line Program Committae, und she can tell you more ubout the uctual progrum." Commissioner Cooper commented, "It is a good beginning .for you. hopel you are successful in your- appl ication and I hope you gain enough community support within the period of time you receive your funding, that you won't need additional tax dollars. It will be on a contribution type of busis." Cin'cy [ntriken said, "The ChQmber of Commerce has been very fine in helping to supply us with the addresses of chamber businesses and we have sent them a letter asking for donations. tly committee is going on the assumption .that we wi II ge1' the money and that everything I-li II work out fine, and we huve started on with our jobs. Right now we ara in the process of contacting doctors ~nd lawyers and psychologists and anyone we feel can be useful as a referral. We also realized publ ic support is very important, so we have appl ied for a Fair Booth. I talked with Harold Skelly Elnd I made it clear to him \~e didn't have I the money for the complete booth, and I got donations from the Sal ina Dr-ug Action! Council, so I am waiting to hear from that; but we feel this would be a good way! to let the community kno\~ that we ara here." . ~-~ - -. - ~,~~._.-..-.' ~.,..' _.- Commissioner Losik said, "l'Ie might remind you that it might be very helpful to attach to your appl ication the minutes of the meeting whore this Coinmi ss i on -rook an off i cia I stand to recogn i ze -rhat the City of Sa I i na did have drug problem and I think if my information is correct it is probably tha only City in the United States that has done that officially, and the conments made Topeka the last -rime it was submitted, and I think they ran out of money or something back thera, but thay were very impressed with the fact that the City 'officially -rake that stand, so It might be helpful to add that in with your application. It certainly \'Iouldn't hurt." a I in I I i di9 Cindy Entriken said, "Someone from the State Drug Abuse Counci I contacted Herb, and Herb and I are going to Topeka late'r this Summer or early Fal I for some special training. They feel that Salina is the most active city in the State trying to combat these pr-oblems and \'Ie are supposed to receive special training on how to instruct other communities with other programs along th i s line." I I I I i i i ! I ., I A motion I-Ias made by Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Losll~ to approve the Citizen's Advisory Committee recommendation to support the application for The Car'eLine. Ayes: (4), Nays: (0). '-101"1on carried. \. \ \ A MOTION was made by Commissioner Losik, seconded by Commissioner Cooper that the r~egular Heeting of the Goard of Commissioner's be adjou,'ned. Ayes: (4). Nays: (0). ~1olion car-ried. "- ", ..................... .<C1~jfr1J.L~~ D. L. lI.Jrrison, Ci1y Clerk ~ ~._---;---~--------~.._.. - ~--..... IIo'rLINE nEFEl1BAL FORM j}T!;4ch/77c/t/T.:;:i= ,: ~_( l):j'~a:10 Dri~) 11 Ii 1:::1]; 1I OJ/IE ADDRESS HOME Oii'Ji'T Cli; -- OFl"ICE ';,'H:,T TYPE OF SJ:!:[1VICE ~VILL YOU OFFER? .,:iILL YO IJ IJ.DJUST FEES? ~"'ILL YOU OFFEH ANY TYPE OF FREE SERVICE? '}HAT lWUHS WILL YOU BE AVAILABLE? DATE SIGNATURE In case of any problem related to hotline service, or any change in your services, please call this nwnber: Mrs. Juanita Gerhardt 7-C}163 Salina Drug Action Council, Inc. Box 14 Sal ina, Kansas 67401 ATTACI-lfIlENT # 4 Following information being presented for KDAC review: It may be of interest to know that Sister Hariam -Vaughn, Head of Sociology and Psycology Department-at Marynount College and Sister Louise Marie Vaugh, Director of the Nursing Department at Marymount College, have stated that a student of these departments spending 3 hours a week for 15 weeks on the Hotline phones can receive 1 credit hour. --- COMMISSIONERS CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 CITY MANAGER NORRIS D. OLSON AREA CODE 913 823-2217 W. M. USHER. MAYOR ROBERT C. CALDWELL MIKE LOSIK. JR. NORMA G. COOPER JACK WEISGERBER August 1, 1974 Mr. Bob McClanahan Kansas Drug Abuse Commission 715 Harrison Topeka, Kansas 66603 Dear Mr. McClanahan: On behalf of my fellow Commissioners, I wish to encourage you to approve the Salina Drug Action Council's application for funds to implement their program entitled, "The Care Line". The City Commission, acting on the recommendation of our Citizens' Advisory Committee, on July 1, 1974, voted unanimously to endorse the project. It is rewarding to see individuals, such as the members of the Drug Action Council, exhibit a genuine concern for the welfare of others by being willing to give of themselves. Your favorable action on this application is seriously solicited and will be sincerely appreciated. truly yours, WMU:lkw MEMBER _ _ . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES .,_~~~,~':1"Vt:-:;~~~ ~ ."..,,.......,'"..c.'II. "." ~ :P:'~" ',1'1.:,1' '1.,.......1. :.'.':.;4. ,- .~ . \' . . . . '". ... : ",' -V"":"'} . . ,.. .. ,1'. "---''"l~.., l': r'''il\''~~. {'.':~'.~J.,', CITY OF' SALINA ~,~",.'",,";~iiurf,il~~~~~q;~8i;~;1~.~~'~jL';'~ ]gj,L""",,~"~~,:,,,__ .~"-- "1"-' "'""ll"--j~.,, ,..,.., ."- ~ ~~~~ ~,=-~b-;~lil~,~,:'~-;;':';':'- CHIEF OF POLICE JOHN WOOOY AREA CODE 913 825.4691 SALINA POLICE DEPARTMENT 255 N, 10TH STREET p, 0, BOX 1086 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 July 26, 1974 Mrs. Cindy Entriken Salina Drug Action Council 217 W. Wilson Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mrs. Entriken: After your visit Tuesday afternoon and after having reviewed the phases of your proposed Hotline Program, I wish to extend to the Salina Drug Action Council our support. I wish your committee every success in this venture and if we can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely, ,,-0 w;~L, ~~dY -rr a Chief of Police JW:sb MEMBER, , , KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ..- ----:;:::::::::= OFFICE OF SALINE COUNTY SHERIFF ERVIN "ERV" HINDMAN A SHERIFF 1 N ae s PCXaCX~XXlliXXJlmIR UNDERSHERIFF AC 913 PHONE 825-5488 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 July 25, 1974 Kansas State Drug Abuse Commission c/o Cindy Entriken 217 West Wilson Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: This is to advise you that I feel the Drug Action Council here in Salina is a very worthwhile organization. I wish to add the endorsement of the Saline County Sheriff's Department to their programs for the betterment of our Community. wrU1Y yo , / _ / ~~'" - ~~~~ Ervin Hindman Saline County Sheriff EH/bjh .d{U!uJ dlea.'tt t!athd~ 118 NORTIl NINTIl SIREET cSal1.n.a, !1(anuu August 3, 1974 Mrs. Norma Hilson 210 iJorth Kansas Salina, Kansas Dear Mrs. Wilson: This is to extend to you my full supf:ort and encourageMent for the proposed Care Line being developed by the Salina Drug Action Council. As you know, I have had some experience \"ith drwl nbuse prevention efforts in the past. In my 1 imited contact v.lith the Sal ina DruCl Action Council, I have been greatly impressed, not only with the great thoughtfulness and care that has ~one into the development of the Care Line program, but also the dedication and enthusiasm of the people involved in the SDAC. I want you to know that I appreciate the time and effort that has been given to this needed prOOl~am. l\nd I p1edqe my full support of the proqram in the future, in any way I am able to help. Wishing you continued and increased success in this work, I am Sin ce re 1 y you rs , ~ /~ ~~-'-- Rev. Kenneth P. Lohmeyer Associ~te Rector Sacred Heart Ci'ltlledra1 ace.1{ occupational center of central kansas, inc. telephone 913 827-9383 / 370 schilling road / salina, kansas 67401 August 5, 1974 Kansas State Drug A bu ~e Commi ssion % Norma {.vilson 210 N. Kansas Salina, Kansas 67401 Dea r Ms. {.I,7i Ison : I would like to express my interest in seeing the Salina Drug Action Council develo? into a viable resource to persons experiencing drug or drug related problems. It appears to me that through their current planning and expected evolution that the Council in fact will provide an alternative to persons seeking services that otherwise are not available in the format which the Council has proposed. SincereJy, t47~ Gary T. Cook Executive Director GTC/II DR. VERNON E. OSBORN Telephone Area Code 913, TAylor 7.2272 643 SO. OHIO SALINA. KANSAS. 67401 July 24, 1974 To Whom It May Concern: This project betng submitted by the Salina Drug Action Council does show a tremendous amount of pre-thought and oganizational structure. The Saline County area has needed this type of service for the pa,st five years that I have been aware of the need for initial counseling and direction for those citizens in need of quick guidance. I have had many, many calls from people seeking answers relating to those which will be provided by the S.D.A.C. program. This type of quasi-professional imformation used to be provided by the two Youth Crisis Center which S.D.A.C. had instituted after 1969. But, these houses are now close d as the necessary funding: was not available, locally or elsewhere. It is this citizen-type approach to a very real problem that wins my plaudits, rather than a goverment controlled program. I feel that the costs will be watched closely along with the quality of service being provided. I urgently reguest that you give S.D.A.C. every consideration for the establish- ment of their program. rflt?(f;( Dr. V.E. Osborn CENTRAL KANSAS ALCOHOLIC FOUNDATION, INC. P. O. BOX 352 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 July 2/+, 1974 To Vlhom It Hay Concern: I have revic\,-ed the outline and proposal to establish a Hotline Prograra by the Salina Drug Action Council. I believe their plan to be a good onc and one that ,vill indicate in \lhat area services need to be concentrated. I am also personally acquainted \lith several members of the Salina Drug Action Council and have complete trust in their judgement regarding the proposed Hotline Program. Ed Sl::P~!'1I' Executive Director / ES/kc To Stimulate Concerti About /lIe Disease and Problems of Alcoholism - A UNITED FUND AGENCY - mmm~~~ ~~llm EAST IRON AVENUE AND MARY MOUNT ROAD. SALINA, KANSAS 67407 DIRECTOR OF COUNSELING July 24, 1974 To whom it might concern: I heartly recommend the plans for the development of a "help line" in the Salina community. The need has been very well established within the community from looking at police files and personal accounts. There have been many situations in the past where this kind of service could have been quite benificial to some of my clients. I am personally acquainted with most of the members of the Salina Drug Action Council, and I see them as responsible and caring people. It is refreshing to see a group of people who are honestly trying to help other people. This is the Salina Drug Action Council. Sincerely, j~ cI' vJ~v Herbert L. Songer Director of Counseling Marymount College ERIK WICK8ERG GENERAL BRIG. RAYMOMO CARROLL DIVISIONAL COMMANDER WILLIAM BOOTH FOUNDER J. CLYDE COX TERRITORIAL COMMANDER The Salvation Armg (FOUNDED 'B6S) CITADEL: 823-2251 125 5. SEVENTH ST. CAPTAIN AND MRS. MERRITT HARTLEY OFFICERS IN CHARGE COMMUNITY CENTER: 823-3441 1117-37 N. SANTA FE SALINA, KANSAS 67401 July 19, 1974 To whom it may concern: We believe:. that the Drug Action Committee Operation Hot Line will prove to be a benefit to the Community. We will be supporting it with our time and facilities in any way possible. I sincerely hope that they will be able to receive the needed financing assistance. Sincerely, JJ~JA~ ~~;i~~~rtley (~) Christ Is ~ the Answer A, First United Methodist Church 122-12J,. North Eighth Street . Salina, Kansas rnJ,.Ol Everett R. Mitchell Minuter John McCrery Minister Leslie F. Toburen lit inister Emeritu. July 18, 1974 Kansas Drug Abuse Commission To Whom It May Concern: I want to speak a positive word for the Salina Drug Action Council. In my opinion, the Council is doing an excellent piece of work and one that is certainly needed in our com- muni ty. i I I hope the Commission will act favorably on the Council1s request. I' If you have additional questions, I will be glad to try to answer them. Sincerely, ~a?~ Everett R. Mitchell ERM:rl Church Office, Phone 913 825-0228 Concerned Christians ~ Q ~! 3Q2 Salina, Kansas 6740 I July 18th. Rev. Monte W. Gusewelle 1214 North Santa Fe Mr'. Robert McUlanahan Kansas Drug Abuse Commission Grant Program Dear Mr. ~lanahan Within recent months~ I have had the pleasure of working with The Salina Drug Action Council of Salina, Kansas, in the formation of a telephone referral service for drug abuse (~he Care Line). The Salina D~~g Action Council has spent much time and effort in setting up a. Care Line. for the people of Salina with drug abuse problems. In my opinion, The Salina Drug Action Council of Salina is a worthy and dependable organization to receive a grant subsidy from ti,he Kansas Drug Abuse Commission. I would like to urge the Kansas Drug Abuse COIIl.lnission to extend a grant to The Salina Drug Action Council of Salina, Kansas& Respectfully Yours 71~b)~ Monte W. Gusewelle, Pastor TELEPHONE 827-113711 Salina - Saline County Health Department 300 WEST ASH SALINA, KANSAS 67401 July 18, 1974 Mrs. Norma Wilson 210 N. Kansas Salina, Kansas 67401 I have reviewed the Salina Drug Action Council's proposal for a "Hot Line" program. It is the feeling of those of us in the local health department that such a program could provide a real service to the community. In addition, I want to offer the services of this department as a resource to the Council in its work. SALINA-SALINE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~('-'- k GARTH HULSE Administrative Director GH:es \ CITY OF SALINA ."~"""'-~~-r"~~ """~,,."'*'. . 1..tJ:1l .' t!\ _.....-..:.-.~ Ii ,h:;1ll11 II . .~~~ ~ .",~..., I '. ""'X ~;;.- " ~l '---r -,", ~ .~.;::,:; '.t~, l,... :'-~",' ..:l~~:,..l 1 _ !:~'.::r ......~~~.. : ,..~~.t..';.:~"<~A_.I. ~". ....-. . .!'_-!=- ....u-....-:.., . :I--~ ,-!..J:" ,.'. . .r::-:. "'~ .~., -- .......,.~ --==--.. - ~ l.--t.....j ,_ ~ ~ '"'":' I-l.:..~ . . t' .. . ~ _..:;:;;;:::;--- COMMISSIONERS w. M, USHER. MAYO" ROBERT C. CALDWELL MIKE LOSIK. JR. NORMA G. COOPER JACK WEISGERBER CITY - COUNTY aUn..OINO JOO W"IT ASH STA&IET p, O. .Ox. '4' SALINA. kAtc$AS 174101 CITV MANAGER NORRIS D. OLSON AREA CODE II J eU.2277 June 27, 1974 The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Salina . City-County-Board of Education Building Salina, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen and Mrs. Cooper: A'special meeting of the Citizens' Advisory Committee was held on June 26, 1974. It was unan- imously.voted to recommend to the City Commission that they support the Salina Drug Action Council Hotline Proposal, which is named "The Care Line". We have attached a copy of the proposal for your review. The Citizens' Advisory Committee'is not recom- mending financial support at this point, only that it be recognized by the City. #. . Sincerely, ,I '#~VJ /Itt- /. /Jbe N. Jine's VChairman, Citizens' Advisory Committee JNJ: lkw '. MCMOER . . . KANSA!; LI:AGUE or MlINICIPALITIFS. NATIONAL LEAGUe OF' CITIES 16~ NAME AND TITLE OF OFFICIAL OF UNIT OF GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED TO SIGN APPLICATION SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED OF.t'ICIAL DATE 17. NAME AND TITLE OF PROJECT DIRECTOR Juanita Gerhart, RN SIGNATURE OF PROJECT DIRECTOR ~'-->~AJ4J--'-L~ tf',g ME AND TITLE OF PROJEC'r FINANCIA.L OFFICER DATE 18. c~ -;; /?7~l D. L.Harrison, City Clerk SI~GURE OF PROJECT FINANCIAL OFFICER . '\ ~~~aJJ 19. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES IN APPLICATION DATE ~ '7, ly1t[ 34 pages - includes Letters or Indorsement. , PalJe Nine 10. Less Earned Income $ 11. Net Total $ 12. Project Total $ ~1 140 00 $ 4.022.52 $-S.s. ~01. 10 Fiscal Year Funds P~ogram' Area Grant Number KDAC Form 1 Page One A P P L I C A. T ION FOR SUB G RAN T 12. PROJECT DESCRIPTION - PLEASE STATE CLEARLY AND IN DETAIL WITHIN FIVE PAGES IF POSSIBLE, PRECISELY WHAT WILL BE DONE, WHO WILL BE INVOLVED AND WHAT IS EXPECTED TO RESULT. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. PROBLEM RESULTS ANTICIPATED METHODS AND TIMETABLE MEANS AND EVALUATION RESOURCES TO BE USED ASSUMPTION OF COST NUMBER SUBSEQUENT PAGES WITH A LETTER SUFFIX, I.E., 2a. 2b, etc. 1. PROBLEM In a small midwestern town of Salina, in 1969, a few well meaning people became actively involved in resolving problems of specific youth. This group formed an organization called The Salina Drug Action Council. In 1970, the Salina Drug Action Council became a Corporation in order to provide the necessary political and legal structure for provision of meaningful service. Salina is a community consisting of 37,162 people. Schilling Manor, not being included in the city population count consists of 650 familys of which 270 are children between the ages of 13 and 18. Schilling Manor is the home of the Waiting Wives and is affiliated with Fort Riley at Junction City. Due to certain pecularities in its geographical location, the community of Salina rests on the intersection of two inter- state highways: the east-west artery,/1-70 and 1-35 from Wichita. This makes ?alina"vonerable to trancients and potential drug traffic routes and potential in-state and out-of-state individuals moving thru the area. During the past four years the SDAC has sponsored and developed programs . to combat the drug problems in our community. The House of Agape and the Salina Youth Crisis Center are two of the programs sponsored by the SDAC. These programs are no longer in operation in Salina, but through the use of these facilities this data was compiled from Dec. 7, 1971 to Jan. 10, 1973. FORM OF HELP NO. OF CASES 181 144 138 .24 60 17 9 6 1 12 25 13 PROFES S1 ONA L HOURS SPENT 155 14 96 17 60 6 51 17 o 10 16 34 STAFF HOURS SPENT 1,837 778 1,008 94 o 15' 153 58 38 20 21 65 Drugs Adjustment Emotional Runaways Profession~1 research Drug Education Classes Pregnancy Suicidal Jail Counseling Legal Problems Drug Encounter Groups Medical Total 630 476 4,087 Page Two Page 2a Since the Crisis Center closed in Feb. 1973, due to lack of funding, either federal or local, there have been no active drug programs to collect statistics. The~orily report available is the annual report for the year 1973 from the Salina Police Department. Arrested in Salina for Drug Charges (adult)---------------______l08 Of the people interviewed on drugs adult------------__________ 84 juviniles---------------___ 66 Reported runaways in Salina-------------------------________~___143 Outside runaways----__________________________________________--104 Suicide attempts----------__________________________________~___ 33 The Salina Drug Action Council having developed co-ordination and co-operation with agencies presently involved and concerned with obvious and identifiable drug problems, it has become apparent the need for a central referral system relative to these drug orientated and drug related problems. On September 18, 1972, the City Commissioners of Salina with a roll call vote, voted 5-0 that we do have a drug problem. An excerpt from the minutes of that meeting read as follows: If Commissioner Losik said, all of the recommendations indicate that a drug problem exists in this comnunity and I therefore feel the following is in order and I make the motion that the City Commission officially acknowledge that a drug problem exists in the City of Salina, Kansas, that these letters I referred to be made a matter of public record to this motion and a roll call vote be taken on this motion. Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion. The mayor called for a vote on the motion: Ayes: Ashton, Caldwell, Cooper, Losik, W Weisgerber (5) Nays: (0). Motion carried. At the City Commissioners Meeting held June 24th, 1974, Commissioner Losik requested that a copy of those minutes be made a part of our files for the Drug Action Council. They also voted 4-0 to support the application for the Care Line. Let is be known that the members that voted in 1972 that Salina Does indeed have a drug problem are still members of the City Commission with the exception of Leon Ashton, who was replaced by William Usher. William Usher at the present time is Mayor of Salina. Robert Calrnv~ll was absent from the June 24th meeting. (See attachment 1 and 2) 11. RESULTS ANTICIPATED The most available and immediate short-term source of contact will be the telephone. One could maintain anonymity and have a meaningfull trusting inter- action. A listening person would have available a wide range of resourses to aid the caller.. The telephone will be a bandaid approach with professional assistance available when necessary. The function of the hotline telephone is three-fold: a. crisis intervention- Crisis intervention is probably the most inportant of the three functions. Under this catagory come people experiencing pyschological or physiological crisis. &xamples of physiological crisis might be poople experiencing a traumatic drug trip, accidental poisoning, or other physical conditions which might require immediate medical assistance. Phychological crisis would cover a wide range of situations, which might include experiencing a bad drug trip, suidical impulses, anxiety formation or runaway situations. Many times a person experiencing a personal crisis can be helped by merely having the opportunity of talking with another caring human being. Many times it is noting more than knowing where one can go with a problem. b.lnform<:ltion- The function of information is to offer referral sources where people might go for help in solving a specific problem. cont inuecl-. page 2a Page 2b c. Communication- is the third function of the hotline. It is to provide a chance to discuss problems. With the total population and potential risk in our area that is shown'in previous data, it is the goal of the Salina Drug Action Council and the Hotline Program Committee to provide an out-reach mechanism to the high risk areas in our community. Our main objective is to reach out to those who are having difficulties and to help them find ways of coping with their problems. Our resources will also be available for familys and peers of youth facing drug and drug related problems. By calling the hotline, familys can feel more secure and knowledgable about how they can deal with their own feelings as well as the situation. If the referral system can direct 50% of the callers to the appropiate agency, The Salina Drug Action Council feels that the hotline will be a definate contribution to the drug abuse prevention effort in our community. 111- l-mTIIODS AND TIHETABLE: a. The mechanical aspect of setting up the hotline involves the facilities, system an~:L referra Is. 1. Facilities- A two bedroom house owned by the City of Salina, located at 220 t'J. Crawford. 2. System - The rotary system as outlined by the Southwester Bell Telephone Cotlpany consists of 3 incoming lines and I outgoing line. 3. Referrals- The referrals will be local agencies and professional people trained and qualified to handle drug and drug rela ted problems. tSee l:i5:t ,::of.-: t:ef'er':ta I 5 placed under RESOURCES) b. The Hotline will operate from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. We will operate four 4 hour shifts. At least 3 staff members will be on duty at all times. (a team captain and 2 listeners). Each staff member will keep a complete record of hotline activity, recording all calls on forms provided by the Hotline Program Committee. Staff members will keep all calls confidential within the hotline program. c. STRUCTURE The Salina Drug Action Council Inc. Board of Directors Hotline Prograu Cormni.ttee Board The material of the hotline loan and handout. a. Resource material: can be resource, Material used by the hotline staff in giving information and help. b. Loan material includes material 9'vailable for public use. c. Handout material will be given out free of charge. continued- Page 2c. AID: A file of persons and places to call for resources and/or referral. It is to be updated periodically, as needed, by the Hotline Program eomrnittee d. THE SALINA DRLx:i ACTION COUNCIL, INC. is ultimately responsible for the entire Hotline Progralp. They will keep attuned to community response. (Community response will be obtained by monthly reports being sent to the persons who have: direct contact with the program. Keeping the public informed thru the news media and radio stations, and by aSking the community for their support.) The Council is responsible for public relations and hotline finances. We will serve as adviser to the Hotline Program Committee. Any substantive changes must be approved by the Board of Directors. THE HOTLINE PRCX;RAM COr,1tHTTEE is to design, implement, and supervise the Hotline Program. Its sole contact with the actual working of the Care Line is through the Director and Assistant Director. This committee consists of six members. THE SCREENING BOARD is a three man board appointed by the Hotline Program Committee. This committee must contain at least one paraprofessional or professional in psychological counseling and one member of the Hotline Program Committee. They will interview applicants for directorships or other staff positions. They review the referral list when necessary. Decision for approval of an applicant must be a majority vote among the 3 members and the Birector and Assistant Director. DIRECTOR AND ASSISTANT DIRECTOR are appointed by the Hotline Program Commi ttee wi th the approval of the screening board. They are to supervise, train and schedule the staff, trouble shoot, operate and direct the hotline program. They are to handle operational problems but must present needed changes and additions to the Hotline Program Committee. They will be on call on a rotation bases to help the staff. STAFF is to man the hotline. They will be approved by the Director, Ass't. Director and the screening board. They will keep complete records of hotline activity. All calls will be kept confidential. They must take a training course and attend all staff meetings held by the Director. TRAINING We will have an initial weekend training session followed by periodic in-service training as time and facilities allow. The training program will be developed by a counselor and minister from the local community wi th help fror:l the trainino. branch of the Kansas Drug Abuse Commission. 1. Outl ine of ctlrricul nrn: a. Team building between the SDAC, Hotline Program Committee and staff workers. b. Drug Pharmacolo~y c. Developing attitudes toward drug abuse d. Developing proper communication skills. e. Beconing knowledgable of resource people and materials 11.Knowledge gained by participants will be primarily through experiential learning; course presentation vis: a. Didactic lecture b. Small group participation and interaction c. Outside readings. Ill. - f\-1a ted.<:Ils a. AI3~ - a booklet developed by Region VI Training, Resource and Bevelopment Assistance Center. b. "DRUG ARUSE - A Prof1rammed Text~" edited by Donald Kodluboy, University or Minnesota Psychoph<:lrmacology Program. The traininl] program will be held by Herb Songer of f.larymount College and Rev. Nonte Gusewelle. (See attachment#4) continucc1- pa ge 2 d Herb Songer- Director or Counseling at Marymount College. He has a B.S. in Social Science, a M.S. in quidance and counseling. He attended the Region 6 Drug Training Program in Minneapolis, Minnesota for 2 weeks and the 4th Annual Governors Drug Abuse Education Conference in ~'lichi ta, October 6-8 in 1973. He joined the Hotline Program In May, 1974. He was Executive Director of the House or -Agape ror 1 year. He has agreed to serve as a resource. Rev. ~IDnte Gusewelle, is Vice Chairman of the Hotline Program has a BA in Liberal Arts (4 years of College) a rIS of years or seminary.) Has worked in the rollowing drug 1 year with St. Louis r'Iental Health Association or St. Louis with the phone service ror drug abuse. Committee. Divinity (4 programs: Greater He 1 year as orderly in psychiatric Ward or St. Mary's Health Center in St. Louis. (~~ny people on extensive therapy ror drug abuse). 1 year as orderly in psychiatric Ward or Lutheran Hospital, St. Louis. Rev. Gusewelle also attended the 4th annual Governor's Drug Abuse Education Conrerence, Wichita, Kansas in 1973. He has agreed to serve as a resource. Tn.IETABLE The Hotline Program Connittee hopes to be able to hold the training sessions September 14th and September 28th 1974. 2 weekends - lOhours per weekend. This is of course ir we necessary material needed ror the training program. rirst or 4 This involves receive the Ir the Kansas Drug Abuse Commission sees rit to rund our program, we will contract for our phones to be placed in the Hotline building and we hope to have them in force by October 1st, 1974. IV. r.IEANS AND EVAUJATION: The staff nembers will record on a speciried form all calls that come into the Care Line, whether using a referral or just talking. These reports will be turned into the director daily. Meetings will be held with the starr members headed by the director to evaluate calls made to the Care Line. A monthly feedback from the referrals will give us. the following information: a. How many contacted the rererral personally. b. How many were referred by the Hotline stafr. c. How many required just one visit. d. How nany required a nore detailed program. e. How many followed through with the program requested by the referral. The referrals for the Care Line will be asked to attend the staff meetings periodically to keep the staff and director inrormed of the best and most updated help possible. V. RESOURCES TO BE USED. The list or referrals at first glance may seem unrelated to drug and drug related problems. People with drug problems also have a number of other problems and the Care Line was designed to aid distressed people with every phase of their problem with a referral to a professional, not just handle part of their problem. The people listed have volunterred their services and we feel that they will be a great asset to the success of the care Line. Each referral has been asked to fill in and sign a referral form. (See attachment #3) ~~ have included short resumes of members of the Salina Drug Action Council, the Hotline Program CO!1uni ttee, the Screening Board and the Director and Assistant Director. continuecl- Page 2e REFERHALS AV1HLABLE FOR PUBLIC USE. Runaway Hotline Phone number (Toll Free) Lawyer Referral Service (Toll Free) LAISON OFFICERS: Salina Police Department - Lt. Bill Keszig Saline County Sheriff1s Department - Al Naes, Juvinile oft"icelt'. continllesl- Page 2 r SALINA DRUG ACTION Com~CIL. Inc. Joe Jones - President of the SDAC since July 1973. Has been a board member since Dec. 1972. Is chairman of the Citizens Advisery Board. Jim Wi1son- Vice President or SDAC. since July 1973. Has been a board member since November 1972. Rita Bell - Joined the Salina Drug Action Council in June 1972. Has been Secretary since Dec. 1972. Norma Wi1son- Has been affi1itated with the SDAC since April, 1971, as bookkeeper. Became board I:1cnber and Treasurer in Feb. 1973. Was Executive Director of Youth Crisis Center from June 1972 until Feb. 1973. Doug Smith. Juvinile Court Officer. Joined the Council in Dec. 1973. Phil Coleman, Placement Guidancc and Instructor at Brown Mackie School of Business. Joined the Council in Dec. 1973. Nancy Rawlings: Homenaker, Joined the Council in Hay 1974. '~vas a volunteer for the Birthright of Topeka Organization for 9 months. Will Burnett: Director of Human Relations Commission. New Board ~tember. Lavja Meadows: Supervisor of Schilling Day Care Center for 24 years. Has been Recreation Therap9st for Vocational Rehabilitation Center for 7 years. In 1970, worked for 2 weeks during Christmas Vacation in the Ghetto in St. Louis for the Halfway House'. John Gerhart, Sales Rep. for State of Kansas for Rocky Mountain bank note company, Denver Colorado. New Board ~,tember. Father Lohrmeyer, Sacred Heart Cathedral. Was Secretary for the Alternatives in Junction City for 2 years. Upon moving to Salina asked to active with The Salina Drug Action Council. Has agreed to be a referral for the Care Line as counselor for family drug problems. HOTIJINE PROGRAH CCl'!HITTEE Cindy Entriken- is a mother of one child and wished to keep informed of drug problems that may confront her children. She attended Cloud County Community College for 2 years. Joined the Hotline Program in May,l974. Rev. Monte Gusewe1le,Qualifications listed under TRAINING. June Sutley - is a teacher at Salina South Junior High School. She attended Fort Hays State College, has a B.A. in English. She worked 1 year as volunteer counselor at "The House" "in I-lays. Served on the Executive board as secretary. Joined the SDAC in 1974 and resigned to become a member of the Hotline Program Committee. Paul Richardson, is Public I-leal th Educator 1 for the Salina, Saline County Health Department. He has a B.S. in Biology received at Kansas ~veslyan. Rev. Stephen Fink-is Chaplin at Kansas Weslyan University. He has a B.S. in Education and a M.S. in Theology and Counseling. He has had clinical training at Kansas Neurological Institute in Topeka. He has served as an advisor for 3 yearsand as a referral counselor for the Salina Drug Action Council. Herb Songer - Qualifications listed under TRAINI~G. Nr. Songer is the member of the Hotline Program Conmli ttee to also serve on the Screening BOCl,rd. SCREENING BOARD Herb Songer - Sec qualifications listed under TRAINING. Frank Worthan-Assistant Resident Director of St; Francis Boys Home for 10 years. Does individual and group counseling at the Home. Elizabeth Nelson-is a counselor at South Senior High School. Has a H.S. in School Counseling from Emporia State College. Has been in the field of Education 25 years, 6 of those years in Counseling. Served 2 years each on the Big Sister and Big Brother programs in Salina. Received the St Francis Award for Distinguish Service for Youth in 1973. continued- Page 2g DIRECTOR Juanita Gerhart - has been an active Registered Nurse for 16 years. She received her diploma in 1958 from St. Benedict School of Nursing at Ogdon, Utah. \~s Director of Nurses for 3 years at Kenwood View Nursing Home. Pediatric Inst. for Student Nurses, Children's Hospital in Denver for 5 years. Night Sup. for Nat'l Jewish Hosp., Denver, 2 year~ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Debra Bell - Is very interested in the drug program in Salina and feels she can reach her peers by becoming involved in the Hotline Program. Yl.ASStJr.lPTION OF (X)ST The Care Line is a pilot project. We are asking the Kansas Dru0 Abuse Commission for funding for the 1st 8 months of operation. The Salina Drug Action Council being responsible for the finances of the Care Line, hopefully will finance The Care Line through local agencies. We will start immediately after the program goes into effect seeking funds from local sources. ~ A P P L I CAT ION FOR SUBGRANT 13 BUDGET DETAIL . - Percentage of Applicant's Federal Tota 1. !Applicant's Contribution Funds Funds BUDGET CATEGORIES Contribution Reauested RprT PERSONNEL COMPENSATION (1) Salaries New Personnel Salaries - Existin:~ Personnel Salaries Trainina Emplovees' Insurance .. Hospital Social Security Contributions Retirement Contributions Total of this Cateqorv CONTRACTED CONSULTANT SERVICES (2 TRA VEL AND SUBSISTENCE (3) SUPPLIES AND REPRODUCTION (4 ) Office Supplies 25% $320.00 $960.00 $1280.0 Pr intincr 25% S100.00 $300.00 $ 400.0 - Other Total of this Cateaorv S420.00 $1260.00 $1680.0 COMMUNICATIONS AND POSTAGE (5) Communications 25% $175.00 $525.00 $ 700.0 Postage and Fre iaht 2<;% S125.00 S375.00 $ 500.0 Other Total of this Cateaorv S300.00 S900.00 $1200.0 - EQUIPMENT (6) Eauipment - Purchase Rental of Eauipment 2S% S 50.00 . S 150 . 00 S 200.0 Educational. .l?auioment Books (' tc. ? c; o/n S R7 <;0 S262.50 S 350.0 Furniture and Fixtures Other Total of this Cateaorv S137.50 $412..50 $ 550.0 FACILITY COST & IMPROVEMENTS l7T . Rent of Real Estate 259~ S200.00 $600.00 $ 800.0 Utilities ?C:;~ S R~ ~4 S250 02 $ 333.3 Insurance Real Est. & Eauio. r Maint. Materials & Supplies Renovation & Remodelinq Construction-Bldas. & Struct. Land Acauisition XXXXXXXX Other Tnt-;:, 1 nf r11;1': Cr:d- $283.34 S850.02 $1133.3 OTHER EXPENSE (8) ')c;"" S200.00 ~600 00 S ROO.O o o o o o o o 01 o o 6 6 o con tinued-- Percentage of A?~licant's Federal Total Applicant's Contribu- Funds Funds Contribution tion Renuestec Renuired APPLICANTS IN -CASH CONTRIT3UTIOl\ - SUB TOTAL* 25% $1340.84 $4,022.52 $5,363.36 TOTAlJS - * A non-add itern--Sec instructions LESS ANTICI2ATED -..-..- NET PROJECT COS'l' - -- AMOUNT REQUESTED FROM KDAC SUBGRANTEE CO::-JTIUBUTlm: EARNED Ii:'COME $5.363.36 ~022. 52 1,340.84 Page 'l'hree A P P L I CAT ION fo' 0 R SUBGRANT 14. BUDGET NARRATIVE IN ITEM 13 ITEM , 1. Personnel 2. Contracted Consultant Services. 3. Travel and subsistence 4. Supplies and reproduction 5. Communications and postage [). Equipment 7. ;:Eacili ty Cost and Improv. 3. Other expense - DEFINE ITEMS IN BUDGET DETAIL BY EACH CATEGORY NUMBER NARRATIVE All personnel is volunteer at this time. We are ~. including in in-kind services time spent on training programs by Herb Songer and Monte Gusewelle - 40 hours each @ $5.00 an hour ($400.00) See In-Kind Services All travel expence is being donated by the Salina Drug Action Council" Filing rolders, rile cards, paper, pencils, envelopes rile cases. The Daper ror reprod~ction or applications rorms ror recording phone calls, and paper ror monthly reports to rererrals will be our greatest expense. The SDAC has 3 money making projects going at this time. We have no way or knowing how much we will make, but what we do clear will be added to OFFICE SUPPLIES. The telephones (3 incoming lines and 1 outgoing line) will cost $446.88 ror 8 months. We are allowing $253.12 ror long distant calls. Postage will include mailing lis ror rererrals and $10.80 ror box rent(subject to raise) We will rent a typewriter ror the Care line. For 8 month the cost ror rental, ribbons, and general upkeep will not be donated. The training program needs manuals (Abuse) at $3.00 a piece and printed material. The Care Line will need 4 chairs @ $15.00 a piece, 1 desk at $25.00, and a riling cabinet at $100.00. We, th~ Saliha'.Drug' Action Council will accept the exp~r;se; ror these (185.00) The Careline will be housed at 220 W. Crawrord ror$lOO.O a month. The Gas, lights, and water will be charged to us. The Utilites are jUdged by past bills The Care Line will need a petty Cash rund to pay ror light bulbs, toilet tissue, paper towels, cleaning material, brooms, window clean and sanitary material. Total project cost Sub. Cont. Amt. from KDAC $5,363.36 1,340.00 $4,022.52 Hard Match Sort ma tch Total $594.60 3133.28 (See attached sheet) $3727.88 .1 . : ,C~1 AMOUNT O. o o $1,280.00 ($320.00)$960.00 Total-$700.00 $175.00)$525.00 Total - $200.00 $50.00) $150.00 otal - $350.00 $87.50) $262.50 Total -$800.00 ($200.00)$600.00 Total $333.36 ($83.34) $250.02 Total -$800.00 ($200.00) $600 .00 Page Four , Page 4a HARD MATCH In banI, ---~--_____________________________$ 145.93 185.00 263.67 594. 60 Furniture for Care Line-------_____________ Booths for telephones and fixtures--------- Total-----$ Soft match D. D. Goering - Dr. Goering will adjust prices ror the hotline and ofrer limited rree services - estimated 5 hours a month @ $5.00 an hour-------_______________$ 200.00 Dr. Draemel, - Dr. Draemel estimates he will donate at least 15 hours a month @ 5.00 an hour. Sort match for 8 months totals-------~----------------__________$600.00 Dr. Draemel is medical adviser for Hotline. Rev. Steve Fink -Rev. Fink estimates he will be able to donate 10 hours a month @ $5.00 an hour---------------------$400.00 Rev. Monte Gusewelle-estimates he will be able to donate 10 hours a month @ $5.00 an hour-----------------------_______$400.00 Herb Songer - Estimates he will be able to donate 10 hours a month @ $5.00 an hour. This is over and above hours spent on training program ---------------------$400.00 Juani ta Gerhart, R.N. - As director or at least and possibly She estimates at this $5.00 an hour. the Care Line she will spend more time with the program.----$800.00 time 20 hours a month at . Total hours spent @ $5.00 an hour--$2,800.00 \