1967 Licesnse Agreement ( LICEUSE AGRCEllEIlT .~. This License Agreement, made this /1 day of April, 1967, by arid bstHeen the CITY OF' SALINA, K/IlISAS, a municipal corpora- tien, hereinafter referred to as the "Ci tv" and SALINA AE1<O DRorlES, a nen-profit organization of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "Club", :HTNESS:CTH: ','lBERLl\S, the City is the O\VDer of certain lands Ivin,", and situate in Saline County, Kansas, upon 'dhich it formerly operated a municipal airport, the saAe being described as follo'ds, to '+ WJ. '-: East lialf (E 1/2) of the lJorthwest Quarter OJ\:] 1/4) a.nd the vJest Half CJ 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian her~inafter referred to as the "Premises". V71IERCAS, the Club has indicated a desire to use that 'Jortion of the Premises as indicated on the attached map designated as Schedule A fer the oDeration of model aircraft; and WHEREAS, the Club has represented to the City that all of .:+ .LLS members are members in good standing of the Academy of Model Aeronautics hereinafter referred to as the "AHA", and as such carry adequate liability insurance on their operations: NOU, THERI.:fORE, the City, in consideration of the mutual cov- enants herein contained on the part of the Club does by these presents hereby grant a license to said Club to use that portion of the Dremises shown on Schedule A for the operation and flving of model aircra.ft in accordance with the. fOlloHinr.: terns cmd COI1- ditions: (1). Club hereby assumes the followinr.: responsibilities: (a). To be responsible for all persons using the Premises for model aircraft operation, whether the mem- bers of the Club or guests of the members of the Club. (b). To allow no member or guest to operate a motor powered aircraft model aircraft from the prenises unless such person has adequate liability insurance. (c). To comply with all safety standards in the operation of model aircraft as set forth by the A.M.A. .. ~ . t ( d). To hold and save harmless the City from any and a.ll liability for property damap;e or bociilv injury c la.ir.ls ",hich may result fron opera-i;:ion of Elodel aircraft on said prBnisss by said members or their ~uests. ( e ) . Tc maintain the premlses in a neat and order- Iv uanner not to allow any rubbish to accumulate about thE :)l~erTlisss. (f) . To secure perT'lission frop'l the Ci tv prior -i;:o the holdinp; of any event for ""hich spectator partici- p2tion is invited. (p;). To abide by all laws, ordinance, regulations and restrictions as may be imposed by the City, State or dny other governmental authority. (h) . To remove any and all property from the pre~- ises after being given written notice thereof bv the Citv. (2 ). Citv reserves the right to terminate "::his licen:3e ap;r'ee- ment upon thirty days written notice. LJ IHTNESS ~'liiEEEOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands the ciav and year first above written. City of Salina, Kansas DV //-;' /, ?-C/;~ .' '" Y>fi c:> -.)......C---(---A. , , :javo~ ) /'~ TT1ES'l' : (2/ 1 / // ./ \./ ,., ?< /,( <)/~~t~A) . Salina Aero Dromes I.3v Ai te{t rr Jctlt~it'{1 J President ~ . .. ;.. ".: ~ .:: 'iI' ...,";'-~":__;;::~~":';;':":""~:":';;"~.~,:. 0" .NAl<Yl'dOUNT a (): ~ ~ ~ \J I' I [Xts"r~NG '- ", /',." , / , ...../",) \ '. "- "- " -- - ~ .-.. -" "- , '",- " "'- "" " " " "" / ,_. '. /'=1,"'/......, // ~: ~ FOUNDA",'IO;'\; '" \-, \ I ,-wELL I ,d IO_~('..'. CJ \ . __._ I ' .,...,..., ,/ --...., -"-- ,'-.,,' -~ (, < , r a 1'=.~;~;.n :.i !.' i,7':~_~-,.--, -C'-~10 ---<l", ~t-[; ~_I- rI~'1 ~,~;,,- -~~-~' = i'=':- 'f- _.-,~ -;: 7', .. ~ \ '. i,' ~I t, r.:,.'.(.\.,,_~,.....J.., . >.') .::;, C I 'I il......, ',' "-.' ,.'--:--....,......, III .... 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