Drive & Canopy in ROW , August 25, 1978 TO: Norris Olson, City Manager FROM: Dean Boyer, City Engineer SUBJECT: Request from St. John's Hospital for permission to construct a drive and canopy at the east entrance to the hospital on Penn Avenue. This request is to build a part of the canopy covering this driveway on the street right-of-way. They are asking this approval for aesthetic reasons, as provided for in Section 32-41 of the Salina City Code. The drawings indicate two l-foot square brick piers setting l-foot into the public right-of-way. These piers are to support a canopy covering the driveway and the public sidewalk. I do not feel this construction would interfere with the public use of the right-of-way. The drawings also indicate a sign suspended between these two piers. Section 36-902(12) in Cahpter 36, "Zoning Regulations", of the Salina City Code prohibits the location of a sign on public property except as permitted by awning, canopy, marquee and wall signs in the "C-4, Commercial District". In the event the Commissioners approve the construction of the piers and canopy, the sign would have to be bracketed back onto private property. Respectfully submitted, /--- ~ <..- .~~. ~ Dean Boyer DB:MKP ENC: (3) }~ - f' x: 2., - /1 -: I ~il r ' Stjohn's Hospitale139 North Penn e Salina, Kansas 67401 'f:::) III . . . - August 15, 1978 . Mr. D. C. Harrison City Clerk Salina, Kansas 67401 Dea r r.1r. Ha rri son: We hereby request permission to construct a drive and canopy at the East Entrance of St. John's Hospital at Penn Street, Salina, Kansas, .i n accordance lt/ith the attached dra\'J- ings prepared by A. K. Bader, Architect. The. drawings show two brick piers with the east edge at the west side of the sidewalk line, which is one foot outside the property line. He understand a blanket approval has been granted St. John's Hospital to build to the property line. We also request approval to build the canopy over the walk as shown in the drawing. Approval is requested to build beyond the property line for aesthetic reasons, as provided for in the City Ordinance 32 -41. Thank you for your consideration and approval of this request. Yours truly, ~f~k .Robert Houck Assistant Administrator RH: ssw Attachment ,,'> rf/(/' I ~~ ,# (l /,,\,q vA. ~~\. \~ I ()1' '.. -'-.- /- ../ ". r ,,,'~ .tl-L ..'~,\ ' ~- -\[ ".c ; '. ,'t.'- "'~~1":".,)....:,~. \'~,; .;i' X~ '-- ~1;.. !..:- :'" .'r r r\' , . ., E ill -- ---'- m :__ ~I .' t'\, 11 I '\ ,.j: . (j\ -.\\\ o - .....;f~..=-...:=:;;oJ , ':", ' _ _ __ iI1_j;~ \ \ 'L':., . ~j \' 1 r ~ \ . ( . I;. ~ . ) t..:. ~':i : '~ . '- \, I ,f I i '.~ L. 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