Inter-Hospital Transfer Agreement i r- "1. INTER-HOSPITAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT It i,:. mutua.11 /- .;:..9r.eed betl,...,1een ~::;t. ,John....:. Ho':.p i t.;:..l clf Sa.1 i na., ~:::.;:..n-:.a.':', a.nd the ~::;a.l in.;:.. Fir'e Depa.r.tment to enter' into .;:.. contr'.;:..ct for' the pur'po':;.e of inter'-ho.:;.pi t.;:..1 tr'.;:'.n':;.fer' occur'r'in';1 1....,1i thin the ci t/. 1 imi t-:. of ~::;a.l in.;:... The S.:;..l in.;:.. Fi r.e Dep.:<.r.tment ';:..9ree':;.: 1. To e:;.t.;:.b1 i s.h a. fl a.t r'.;:..te con-:.i .:;.tent I,J.,1i th non-emer'';Ie~lc/' tr'.:<.n':;.fer": f r. om :::; t. .J oh n " ':;. Hos.p i t .;:'.1 to A':;.bu r. >'-~::;.:;..1 in.;:.. Re';l i en .;:'.1 1','1e d i c .;:'.1 Ce n t e r. . Rate will exclude charge-:. for a return fee or a wai tin9 time fee. ( ~=;e e Adde n durn A) .0:.... Th.;:..t a. r'etur'n tr' i p .;: if a.ppl i c.:;..bl e) i.J.,1i 11 not be cha.f'';Ied fc,r'. '':'' To bi 11 St. .John....: Ho':;.p i t.:;..l r'.:;..ther' th.:;..n the pa.t i ent. 4. To r.e'.) i ei.....! th i,:;. contr'.:;..ct .:;..nd r.e'.} i ':;.e it .:<.t s.uch time:;. th.;:..t the ~::;.:;..11 n.;:.. Fire Department review-:. and revi-:.e-:. its u-:.ual fees for -:.ervice. St. John'-:. Ho-:.pi tal aqree-:.: 1. To offer thi-:. -:.ervice to in-patient-:. only; out-patients and Emer';lency Department patient-:. are excluded. 2. To .;:'.-:,':.ume the r.e.:;.pon-:.i bi 1 it::... for' p.;:../'! rjl;l the ~::;.;:..1 in.;:.. Fi r.e Depa.r.tment on a per patient ba-:.i-:.. '_'. To r'epl.;:..ce .;:'.11 .;:..ppl ica.ble e::.::pend.;:..b1e ':.uppl ie':. u':.ed b~..' the :::;.;:'.1 in.;:.. F i r.e Depa.r' tmen t. 4. To r'e'.} i e!.....! th i s. contr'.;:..ct .;:..nd f.e'.} I-:.e it .;:..t ':.uch time':. th.;:..t the ~::;.;:..11 n.;:., Fire Department review-:. and revi-:.es i t-:. u-:.ual fee-:. for servIce. ~::;t. .John".:. Ho.:;.pi ta.l .;:..nd the :::;a.1 ina. Fir'e Depa.r.tment under":;.t.;:..nd':;. th.:<.t the be':;.t en'.}ir'onment for' ill or. in,jur'ed people i,:. in the ho-:.pi t.;:..l. Ther'efor'e, I,J.,1hene'.}er' the ~::;.;:..1 in.;:.. Fi r.e Depar.tment i -:. for'ced to de1.;:../' .:<. tr'.;:..n-:.fer', tho':.e t h.;:.. t 1,.'.,1 0 u 1 d be put i n 1 01,.',1 e -:. t p r. i 0 r. it::.' b ::..' the ~::: .;:.. 1 i n a. Fir' e De p .;:.. f' t men t a. r. e tho-:.e where the patient i-:. already in the ho-:.pita1 environment. '5]:" <, / ... Ij i " f'l/tv -----.r-------------------------- Roy E: Whi te, Administrator --~-~~~e------- Denni-:. Ki-:.-:.in';ler, Ci ty Man~,ger Sa.1 in.:;.., ~:::.;:..n s.:;.. ':. ::~_::::~. H:2;~_~~~-~('~------- =-f~ [,- t- / " .'=' ~~--~~~Q------ ((:7 ) I .... AddendlJm A The rate for non-emergency transfers from St. John's Hospial to AsblJry- ::':::"".1 in.:.. Regi on.:..l t'''1edi Co:'. 1 Center' per' the ter'rn':. of th i ':. "".gr'eernl~nt v.Ji 11 be $60.07<( ~Q{l R;~-E~~~~~~~d;i~i~t;':'t;;'------ :~~_::::_~_~~!./I _~_~~~~_____ =--/D-; t e 1--- r ([:7 ) --~-~~~P-~----- Dennis KIssinger, LI ty Manager ::.::: .... 1 in.:.., 1< .... n ':. .:.. s ~_~L'~LL______