Update t . ~. ,,:.J,"'~~~ It I It CITY.OF saLina FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES Tom Girard, Fire Chief 222 W. Elm Street . Salina, Kansas 67401 TELEPHONE (785) 826-7340 . FAX (785) 826-7346 May 7, 1999 Rick Ross ~I(hr.~ f-i!1 /20 'Sf 964 E. Mentor Rd. Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Ross: After review of our Rural Fire Protection Files, we found that we need to do some updating. I have generated another contract for you to sign and return so that our files are complete. Also, if there are any changes that I need to be aware of, please make the changes below and mail the bottom portion back with your signed contract. Thank you for your time in this matter. If you have any questions, please call me at 785 826-7340. {!;ie% 1Zh7 Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------jr-------------------------------------- Rick Ross IZl;' h C( (ld Il. 0 55 Information: Owner's Name: f!..l C' h. t:( f( J I'; f!. a J S , Address: Cj ftJ L( E m'P q'io 11 II' If!.v C~ 'fer /( kr ~ 7 4(6 Phone #: cr Is' 0 '7' Lf 2 2- Information Where Communication is to be Sent If DiUerent From Above: Contact Person: Address: Phone #: