2001 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES 222 W. Elm Street . Salina, Kansas 67401 TELEPHONE (785) 826-7340 . FAX (785) 826-7346 Richard A. Ross 964 E. Mentor Rd. Mentor, KS 67416 Statement for 2001 RURAL FIRE CONTRACT January 1 through December 31, 2001 Legal Description: PID 081-11-0-30-02-002 1231 W. North S1. November 13,2000 Land Valuation: $2,984.25 Improvement Valuation: $4,352.75 Property Tax Sheet: $-0- Total Valuation: $7,337.00 2001 mill levy X 18.733 mills Amount Due: $137.44 Please make check payable to City afSalina. Mail your check to City Clerks Office; P. O. Box 736; Salina, KS 67402-0736 > Payments must be received no later than December 13,2000 in order for the Salina City Commission to approve the contracts for 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Amount Paid: Receipt # Received by: Date: ) ,r~ (-~ I 1:-- d;J jl!J;fij)y)