1997 Waste Tire Recovery CONTRACT FOR WASTE CARffRUCK TIRE RECOVERY This Contract, made and entered into this 24th day of February, 1997, be and between the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ("the City"), and Resource Man~~ement 0., Inc. ("the Contractor"). Recitals A. Section 4 of 1990 Senate Bill Number 310 provides that the Secretary of Health and Environment shall encourage the voluntary establishment of waste tire collection facilities at solid waste disposal facilities. B. In accordance with such legislative direction, the City wishes to establish a waste tire collection center in conjunction with the Salina Landfill and to provide for the lawful collection and removal of waste tires. In consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements made by the parties, the parties hereto agree as follows: (1). Car/Truck Tire Recovety. The Contractor desires to engage in waste car/truck tire recovery at the Salina Landfill and expressly agrees as follows: Upon request by the City, when approximately 1,000 tires are stored on the ground at the Salina Landfill, the Contractor agrees to load and remove the tires during the hours the landfill is open to the public, or as otherwise directed by the City. The City shall, as billed, pay to the Contractor the sum of $0.90 per passenger car tire up to 16.00 removed by the Contractor. The City shall, as billed, pay to the Contractor the sum of $3.00 per truck tire 16.00 to 11-24.5 removed by the Contractor. The City shall, as billed, pay to the Contractor the sum of $9.00 per equipment tireup to 18.4 removed by the Contractor. The City shall, as billed, pay to the Contractor the sum of $20.00 per heavy equipment tire 18.4 - 23.5 removed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not interfere at any time with operation of the City's landfill. (2). Effective date. This contract shall be effective five (5) days after the date it shall have been duly executed by both parties. (a). (b). (c). (d). (e). (t). (3). Independent contractor. The Contractor is an independent contractor in its performance of' waste car/truck tire recovery at the Salina Landfill. As an independent contractor: (a). (b). d:\1andfill\972tires.2 Shall provide all labor and equipment necessary for the scrap car/truck and equipment tire recovery; and Shall be responsible for worker's compensation coverage for its employees and all insurance coverages on any of the equipment it uses in conducting the waste car/truck tire recovery. (4). City's responsibility. The City shall provide the Contractor access to an area of sufficIent size for the location of stored tires. The City shall deposit waste car/truck tires delivered to the landfill on the ground in the designated area. (5). Insurance coverages. The Contractor shall maintain a [lolicy of public liability insurance issued by an insurance company approved by the City s Director of Risk Management, with limits of not less than the maxunum liability for claims which could be asserted against the City under the Kansas Tort Claims Act, as amended. Any cancellation of the polIcy or any endorsement thereon shall not be effective until the expiration of thirty days after such notice of cancellation shall have been delivered to the City Clerk. the Contractor shall provide the City with a copy of such policy including any exclusions or endorsements, and shall promptly provide the City with a copy of any subsequent amendments or modifications. (6). Applicable law. The Contractor covenants that it shall remove, store and/or process waste tires recovered pursuant to this Contract in compliance with applicable law. (7). Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from and for any damages that may be sustained by any person resulting from its car/truck tire salvage operations, including out not limited to liability for disposal in accordance with state and federal law and regulations. (8). Term of aiP"eement. This contract shall be for a term of one year unless terminated by either party at any time during its term by giving sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. (9). Binding effect. This agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the beI,lefit of the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. Executed the day and year first wntten above. CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS (SEAL) ATTEST: ~ ~~~ ~ Dennis M. Kissinger, I an~r ;j .." . ._"",;J" @it.~~~iy~ Contractor: Resource Management Co., Inc. TtJ If [t't( yrz Ie a v ~ c Name Ji{tf l~~ SIgnatur Itle d:\1andfill\972tires.2 './ PROPOSAL FORM Waste CarITruck Tire Recovery City of Salina, Kansas January, 1997 Faxed Proposals not accepted 1. Specify method of removal or processing of tires: (check one) Contractor to provide a 40 cubic yard open-top container at landfill, City to load tires, container to be removed and replaced as filled. xx Contractor to load and remove tires stacked on ground. Contractor to "chop" tires on site at landfill and remove. Other (please detail) 2. Specify destination of waste tires removed: Taken to another location within Kansas (Where? ) for interim storage until ultimate disposal. Resource Management Co., Inc. tire XX Taken to another location (Where? monofill, SW#625 ) for processing (shredding or chopping) and proper Kansas landfill disposal. Taken to recycling operation (Where? Other (please detail). 3. Specify price to be charged City of Salina under your proposal: $ 0.90 per car $ 3.00 per truck up to 11-24.5 $ 9.00 per equipment tire up to 18.4 Other pricing method: heavy equir:ment tires 18.4 - 23.5 = $20.00 ). 4. Copies enclosed: Copy of Kansas Transporter Permit. Copy of Kansas Processors Permit. Copy of Kansas Collection Permit of Kansas. xx Copy of Kansas Monoftll Permit. xx xx Resource Management Co., 'nc. RR 1, Box 69 Brownell, KS 67521-9739 (913) 398-2240 ~~~:~: ..A.......C....Q.... Inn . ~::wl:~.~.::~I:.':<<:II:.:.:<.:.:'II.<.:.:::<.:.:II.:.:.:::::::':';I::':::':::'::Ij?:':;:':':'w, ....., J ' n u.. ~;:t. :~.:. .... ; t:~ .,:: :;~':'::'.'~ >: .::::.t. ..:........'. ,:..... "':':':":'.. ....>:. . '~;:"M<-m-",,,,,,,u,,:';'''''''':QC:::~:: CIC cc":c:' ~"'tZ~. L ~":'f~:''X~~:::,:;-;:*=:v/.'' MOIlUCEII MIcIweettm Genend Agency 255 NW B.... ....., ~:::'::1"7::"'::.:. . . .':', ...... .... ...~.. ,',..""" 1HI8 CER11RCATE IS ISSUED AS A MAnu OF INFORMA11ON ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON nlE CER11F1CATE HOLDER. nfIS CER11F1CATE DOES NOT AIIEND, EXTEND OR ALlER nlE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY nlE POUClES BELOW. COMPAMES AFFORDlNQ COVERAGE DA'" CIMIIIWnJ Leee Summit, 110 M083 811-248-1200 INIURED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, IHe ROUTE 1 . BOX . BROWNELl., KS 17521 CClMPANY A UNIONAMERICA INSURANCE COMPANY CClMPANY B. CClMPANY C CClMPANY D co LlIl THIS IS TO CERnFY THAT THE POUCIES OF INSURANCE USTED BEl.OW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POUCY PERlOQ INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDmON OF ANY CONTRAcT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTlACATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALl THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDmONS OF SUCH POUCIES. UMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID ClAIMS. JIClUCY II'PIIC1M JIOUCy IDlIIATICIII DA'" l*'DOm) DA'" l*'DOIn) TYN r. IN8URANCE JIOIJCY ..,... GENERAL LIAKITY IlGAUA8080 0112&'17 0112M11 OENE'RAL AOOflEGATE . A COMMERclAI.. OENE'RAL UA8UTY PAOOuc1S - CClMPIa' AGO . EXCWDED a..AlMS MADe [iJOCQJR PEFlSONAI.. & ADV IUJRY . EXCWDED OVHR'S & CONlRACToRs PROr EAQt 0CCUIlENcE . 000. FIE DAMAGE (Any one h) . EXCLUDED MEn ElCP (Any one peqan) . EXCLUDED AU1'OIIOBI.l! LIAKITY COMBINED SI<<iLE L.IolIT . ANY AUTO AU.. OWNED AUTOS BOOI.Y IN.UIY . SCHEllU.ED AUTOS (Pwr PIfDI) HIED AUTOS BOOLY IN.UIY . NON-CIWNED AUTOS (Pw .x:ldInl) I'flOPERTY DAMAGE . GARAGE LIAKITY AUTO ON.Y - EA ACCIDENT ANY AUTO 01HER THAN AUTO ON.Y: EAQt ACCIDENT AOOflEGATE DCE88 LIAKITY EAQt ClCCUIHNCE UMIHU.A FOAM AOOREGATE 01HER THAN llMIIREI..LA FOAM WORKEIlI COIIPIIIIATICIII AND we STAlU- --...oYERI' LIAKITY a EAQt ACCIDENT . '!HE PIlOPREI'OtlI INCl. a DISEASE - POlICY L.IolIT . PAR1'NEFlS.elcEc OFFICERS ARE: EXa. a DISEASE - EA B.I'I..OVEE . OTHER ..... IlEIICRIlno.. r. OfIRA'IIllNIILOcA1Xl".-..c~ IIDII RECYCUNG OF WASTE DRIS i...lIUff1lBnflilU1MiHilWiUMfjJMiWiiMMiMilWl@fmlHHHMiiH_J:;l_N#:l!;i;~;W*~n*~1~._milWB.itifu1iW~~fl&m@ilM~ IItOULD AIfY OIl 1M MOllE ~.. I'OUCB . ~,_ IIII'OM ne IDlIIATICIII 0&... ........ 1M __ =-'ANY wu. INDEAVOR '10 IIAL ....!a-. DAft WRmBI N011CE '10 1M CER1R:A... HClUlIIl NAIEJ '10 ne lDT, BUT I'ALlIM '10 IIAL IUCII N01'ICa IHAU. ~ NO 0IIUQA11ON OR UUUTY r. AMY ,. CClIINNY. ITS AGI!NTI OR IlII'fIcIaiTA1lVD. AU11tOIUZED RII'IIEIEIR ATTN: FRANK WBNHOLD em OF SAUNA LANDAU P. 0. BOX 731 SAUNA, KS 87401 ........ ".::::..:::':':"'Jij)u.{j.rrf