Profiles of Change ~ .. PROFILES OF CHANGE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 22 day of June 197~, by and between the City of Salina, Kansas (hereinafter "Purchaser"), and R. L. Polk & Co., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter "Contractor"), WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Contractor has a source of statistical data obtained from two of its City Directory Canvasses for a geographic area consisting of the City of Salina. Kansas completed on April 26 , 197 5 and April 17 , 197 6, and the capability of compiling-said statistical data by Polk Enumeration District; and . WHEREAS, the foregoing has enabled the Contractor to develop and produce an urban statistical information package entitled PROFILES OF CHANGE (herein- after "Profiles Package") consisting of management reports, small-area pro- files and rank order reports, map series and management summary more fully described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Purchaser wishes to acquire the Profiles Package subject to all of the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, , NOW, THEREFORE, the Purchaser and the Contractor mutually agree as follows: 1. Materials to be Provided. The Contractor shall provide the Purchaser with the Profiles Package pertaining to the geographic area described above and including approximately 14.500 housing units. 2. $ 4.000* Profiles Purchase Price. The Purchaser shall pay the Contractor the sum of , plus any applicable state and local taxes, upon receipt_of the Package accompanied by a proper invoice therefor. 3. Contractor Services. The Contractor shall provide the Purchaser with a printout showing the ranges of addresses for the street segments assigned to each Polk Enumeration District. This Guide will enable the Purchaser to Code local address-identified records with their appropriate Polk Enumeration District numbers so that com- parison with the PROFILES OF CHANGE statistics can be made. 4. Time of Performance by Contractor. The services to be performed by the Contractor pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereinabove shall commence upon execu- tion of this, Agreement. The Profiles Package shall be furnished to the Pur- chaser not later than 90 days after receipt by the Contractor of the executed contract. *Standard Minimum Charge. If delay in either the commencement of Contractor's services or delivery of the Profiles Package is occasioned by circumstances above and beyond the control of the Contractor, including but not limited to strikes, wars, national disasters or other calamity, the time for performance under this Agreement shall be extended by a corresponding length of time. 5. Warranty. The Contractor warrants to the Purchaser that the informa- tion provided in the Profiles Package is as accurate, correct, current and com- plete as may be achieved using the source data and compilation methods normally employed by the Contractor in the ordinary course of its business. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties and in no event shall the Contractor be liable for special or consequential damages. 6. Additional Terms and Conditions. This Agreement is subject to and in- corporates herein by reference any provisions required by law or regulation to be attached hereto and entitled "Additional Terms and Conditions". 7. Entirety of Agreement. This Agreement embodies the entire Agreement be- tween the parties hereto and may be waived, amended or supplemented only in writ- ing executed jointly by the Purchaser and Contractor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed in triplicate the day and year first above written. ~ ~c Yn~~_ R. L. POLK & CO., a Delaware corporation (Contractor) By: {~~#/- V c President an~ Treasurer WITNESS: WITNESS: /" I ){)~)(~1~~/ / ~~V City of Salina, Kansas By: ~~f N. D. Olson, Clty Manager 1976 . I- I i Description of Items Included in Profiles P~ckage to be Furnished by Contractor to the Purchaser: EXHIBIT "A" TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PURCHASER AND CONTRACTOR DATED June 22 , I. Address Coding Guide - A computer printout showing the .street segments and address ranges included in each Polk EJumeration District. The Contractor will furnish the' Purchaser with an original and two carbon-copy printouts . I I of the Guide. I!! ! ' II. ~1anagement Reports - Contractor will furnish the Purchaser with ten (10) reduced-size (8-1/2 x II-inch) copies (9 bound and one unbound) con- sisting of the following tables: . 1. Summary of Key Indicators 2. Summary of "Major Factors Influencing Housing Decisions 3. Population Change and Household Mobility 4. Household Characteristics and Movement 5. Occupation of Head of Household 6. Index of Household Income 7. House~old Counts - A 8. Household Counts - B 9. Housing Status of Households in Four Lower-Income Categories According to Occupation of Head of House: (A) Retired (B) Jobless (C) Unskilled Jobs (D) Service Workers (E) Total of Four Categories' 10. Occupational Distribution of Persons 18 and Over - Excluding Wives 11. Housing Supply - Utilization and Change I . 12. Occupancy of New Residential Structures 13. Vacant Housing Units - Components of Change 14. Vacant Housing Units - Size of Structures 15. Current-Year Vacancies - Over/Under Minimum Levels 16. Relocation Capability 17. Commercial Structures and Units 18. Commercial Firms - Report A 19. Commercial Firms - Report B 20. Reference Tables Consisting of the Following: ff I . (A) Summary of HouseJold Counts - Complete vs. Incimplete Records (B) Percentage Di~tribution within Areas - Based on Counts for HoJseholds with Co~plete Records (C) Percentage Distr~bution within cIty - Based on Counts for Ho~seholds with Complete Records I ' . I III. "" Small-area Profiles and Rank Orde Re orts - Contractor will furnish the Purchaser with ten (10) reduced-size (8-1/2 xI11-inch) copies (9 bound and one unbound) of repo~ts showing for each Polk Enumera- tion District its counts and ranking among all Polk Enumeration Districts in the City according to 55 items within the following categories: . 1. Current counts 2. Gross change 3. Net change 4. Key indicators - rates 5. Key indicators - change 6. Secondary indicators Also included is a summary report showing rankings for all factors, and for all Polk "Enumeration Districts. IV. Computer-printed Maps - Contractor will furnish clhe Purchaser with ten (10) reduced-size (8-1/2 x 11-inch) copies (9 bound and one unbound) of the following: 1. 260 maps by Polk Enumeration District displaying statistics and percentages selected from the Management Reports~ 2. 63 maps showing small-area rankings by selected subjects from the Rank Order Reports. V. Management Summary - Contractor will furnish the Purchaser with ten (10) reduced-size (8-1/2 x 11-inch) copies (9 bound and one unbound) of reports consisting of the following three sections: 1. City-wide overview, consisting of 12 key indicators of status and change, and a comparison of selected counts wfth those of the 1970 census. . 2. A selection of 31 maps which provide a perspective on key neighborhood characteristics. 3. A summary of key indicators (also in the Management Reports, Table V6000) provides highlights of both status and change, city-wide, and by small-area. 4. A one-page summary for each small-area showing current characteristics and significant change.