Fence in ROW 246 F'AIROALE ROAD SALINA, KANSAS 67401 r---.- --. ..__ -:--- - -..-, D J.1 .1 L .~ LloHN W. PODS CERTIF'IED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT JUL ? 1983 July 7, 1983 CITY OF SALINA CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Honorable John Burgess, Mayor Charles Roth Joseph M. Ritter Merle A. Hodges Fortino Bonilla Commissioners, City of Salina Salina, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen: The undersigned, owners of the property located at 246 Fairdale, Salina, Kansas, hereby requests permission under K.S.A. 35-40 for the use of public property for aesthetic purposes. Specifically, it is requested that we be permitted to continue in place the rail fence that we have erected along the curb on Edgehill which is north of our property and the same type fence erected on the west side of the sidewalk on Fairdale Road. In 1981 because of a petition filed by certain property owners, we were required to put down a sidewalk on Fairdale Road which not only included the property at 246 Fairdale but also the adjoining lot to the south which we also happen to own. This came at a great deal of cost and expense to us including not only the cost of the sidewalk itself but the necessity to remove and replace a substantial portion of our underground sprinkling system which we had just installed a few years earlier plus the cost of completely relandscaping the property in order to tie it all in with the required sidewalk. As a part of the landscaping we added the rail fence which we believe greatly beautifies the corner of Fairdale Road and Edgehill. -As a matter of fact we take a great deal of pride in keeping our property looking better than any other in the city of Salina and we intend to continue it that way. We have gone to a great deal of time, effort and expense to do so. Because of the slope of the hill on our lot both on Fairdale and Edgehill we believe there is absolutely no danger whatsoever from the fence. In other words, we believe the fence does not obstruct vision which would in any way create a traffic hazard at the corner of Fairdale Road and Edgehill. As a matter of fact, there has been no accident there so long as we have lived here and that will span 21 years in August. We shall appreciate your favorable consideration of this request. If there's any further information you need, please advise. Respectfully submitted, John W. Poos Martha H. Poos J <l EDGEH!LL ROAD .0 r<") Concrete Drive Street R/W Lot 13 Block 3 Country Club Heights Addition No.3 (246 Fairdale Road) + --l ~I ~I - Q) Q) ... - (f) ~ 30' . o <( 0' a:: IJJ ...J <( o ~J ~ ~ ~ N II I SCALE: I = 20 CJ LEGEND [QJ Storm Inlet CJ Rail Fence Curbing