Lot 15-17, Block 12 ,. .. , REBECCR SEEMAN REGISTH 01- DEmS c.N V SIl.INE COUNTY KANSAS Book: 1121 Page: 694 Receipt I: 31114 Total Fees: $28.01 Pages Recorded: 4 Date Recorded: 1/25/2006 4:07:19 PM GRANT OF PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENTS (2) The Schwan Food Company, (the "Grantor"), being the owner of the hereinafter described real estate, does hereby give, grant, dedicate, and convey unto the City of Salina, Kansas, a municipal corporation, (the "Grantee") Two Permanent Utility Easements, in perpetuity, on the real estate legally described on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit B for the purposes of locating, constructing, excavating, and maintaining poles, wires, conduit, pipeline, and junction boxes for the purposes of conducting, transmitting, and distributing water, sewage, electricity, gas and electronic communications by the City, its franchisees, and its licensees. Grantor acknowledges that this Grant of Permanent Utility Easements shall neither alter nor affect the Grantor's obligation to maintain the described real estate. Grantor hereby covenants that it is the lawful owner of the described real estate and has the right, power, and authority to convey the rights granted hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this ~O\-h day of 50J\\ 1(\ Cj , 2006. THE SCHWAN FOOD COMPANY ---....... ..........--') ---7-<-)~ I- '/, , By: V--- . ..~. Brian Sattler, enior Vice President and General Counsel .? STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF -.L"co\() , SS: On this ;p\-t\ day of January, 2006, before me a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Brian Sattler, Senior Vice President and General Counsel of The Schwan Food Company known to me to be the person who executed the agreement on behalf of The Schwan Food Company, and acknowledged to me that such person had executed the same for the purpose therein stated. --Ull ' ~. >dJ fiY:'tJ Notary ~ ~'-""tT l~r'-.-~:)~i~1 ; i' , !blic-Minnesota , M' 'xpires Jan 31, 2010 WV\NVIIVV. ~ .* tI Book: 1121 Page: 695 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ACCEPTED By:A~ lJ;.u~ Deborah Divine, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF KANSAS; COUNTY SALINE, SS: On this ~--C\day of January, 2006, before me a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared Deborah Divine, Mayor, and Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk, for the City of Salina, Kansas, known to me to be the persons who executed the agreement on behalf of the City of Salina, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes therein stated. ~ Nota~~b~c~i ~~ ~nsas My Appt. Expires , Book: 1121 Page: 696 Page 2 of2 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: A tract of land in Lot 16, Block 12, Schilling Subdivision No.5, City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of the said Lot 16; thence S 00006'47" E 40.00 feet along the East line of the said Lot 16 to an existing easement and the True Point of Beginning; thence N 89027'03" W 2.10 feet along the existing easement; thence S 00020'39" W 564.70 feet to an existing easement; thence S 88022'27" E 6.61 feet along the existing easement to a point on the East line of the said Lot 16; thence N 00006'47" W 564.86 feet along the East line of the said Lot 16 to the True Point of Beginning. Subject to easements and restrictions of record. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: Block 12 A tract of land in Lots 15, 16 and 17/Schilling Subdivision No.5, City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast comer of the said Lot 15; thence S 89053' 13" W 179.00 feet along the South line of the said Lot 15 to an existing easenlent; thence N 00006'47" W 66.05 feet along the existing easenlent to the True Point of Beginning; thence N 00006"47" W 20.09 feet along the existing easenlent; thence N 84019'21" E 453.25 feet; thence N 81020'06" E 70.67 feet to a point on an existing easement; thence S 36048'01" W 28.52 feet along the existing easenlent; thence S 81020'06" W 50.86 feet; thence S 84019'21" W 455.72 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Sub.ject to easements and restrictions of record. ~","trttr", ~,<o' \ \,,\ 0 It "~",... ... t;",' .' (t.~.t.t"e .. J;>:v ~ 6~~ ,':'\;,\STe;":',:~.~ 'Iv../ .'~(, 'r~. ". <,~ ~ ....., : (j . 1i ~ ... ~! ~ - ~ }"~ '2.L ; * ~ \!<fJlP!;~~~~~j '~I. U ;J n. i Y ..,\-' Siegmund H. Me~~t:'R'.t~~~ Sloan & Meier Surveyors P.A., Inc. EXHIBIT A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ~ . PAGE 1 of 2 512.87' .W' 52110' . . nil.. ,,,r III --~---i ,.....------// i; I ! / ql~ l!/iI l",,"_ '-.. /:1 ~,..~..~~..;-.,.'.. .-J I '....~.'.. " t!iJ.,. 'l~)>> 0 Z ! ! ": ~ ~ :i: I: .: . '1 91 . '" '" '" r 8 il: ~I - I N I I I is I ~ ! r . 'I I ..... LOT Hi BLOCK 12 ; "'M l,~ ""f ~ '-=-- -=-- -=- -=- ~ l -'- '0". I "~. f; I ... ! , t :' LOT 16 BLOCK 1:! ! I / I~ ~;f/' !"t / I I~ I r;...",'J 5 J6'43'OI" " / ) m~~.~2 u.J ::> z u.J ~ N 8 "20'06" [ 70,67' N 84'19'2'" [ 41)3.25' ~ ~+ ill , I !'~ I I I ~ ~ ~ N 00'06'47" " I i ~l-,/ZZZ/ TRUE POINT aF~' ~ BEGINNING I ,__ N llO'OIl' 4 7" W . 66.0~' 400.00' 5 89"53" J" If 179,00' i ~ I.OT Ii' 8LOCK 12 29167' -. I ~ BAILEY ROAD DESCRIPTION: See Page 2, ~' ~ Ct:: -I S Z Z u.J I- Z u.J U ~ S flIl"22'27" E 8.8" NOTE: All existing easements are 20 feet wide, unless otherwise noted, All existing easements are utility easements, unless otherwise noted, -. SLOAN & MEIER SUR V E Y 0 R S, P. 1>.., I ... C. 103 Sculh 41h Slreet, SUl1e 1 . llomQtlon, Kansas 66502 (185) 776-0541. FAX 776-9760. [moil: sigOsloonondmeier.com Prajed ~ 00 #66 CopyriglII <1')2006 900n l h SIneyors, PA. Int. .. righb~. tX.oO$- ~~I a~ Q.O~ EXHIBIT B A N o R T H SCALE: .,. · 200'