Additional Proposal
. '
Sa I i na, Kansas
This proposal is being submitted at the request of the City Engineer of the
City of Sal ina. Whi Ie this proposal is intended to be a separate work ele-
ment, it is proposed that the work indicated herein would be undertaken con-
currently with the existing agreement dated August 22, 1972.
Based upon conversation with the City Engineer, the Obi inger - Smith
Corporation proposes to undertake the work items specified below.
A. Flood Plain Zoninq Requlations Study
The Consultant wi I I present and discuss information concerning flood
plain zoning and, if deemed desirable, wi' I prepare recommended flood
plain zoning regulations appl icable to the needs of the Sal ina Plannin~
Area. These regulations wi I I be prepared in a form suitable for sub-
mission to the Local Legal Counsel to be prepared by him in legal
form suitable for adoption by the City. The recommendations wil I be
based on the pol icies and growth patterns as establ ished in the land
use plan currently being prepared under the existing agreement dated
August 22, 1972.
The protection of I ife and property and the abi I ity to obtain flood
insurance is of great concern to many governmental divisions at the
present time. During the course of this work item the various as-
pects of flood plain zoning wi I I be presented and discussed with the
Salina Metropolitan Area Planning Commission. It should be pointed
out that some significant new pol icy decisions wi II have to be made
prior to the adoption of flood plain zoning regulations. As a re-
sult, this proposal is presented on the basis of a study and not
regulations alone. Therefore, the Consultant proposes that this work
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item be developed with the purpose in mind of presenting the various
ramifications of flood plain zoning and its effect upon the Sal ina
Metropolitan Area. In other words, this work item as proposed would
not only include the development of regulations but would also include
considerable verbal discussion relating to flood plain zoning. Under ~
this work item, the Consultant would not be responsible for the develop-
ment of flood plain zoning data. The Consultant would be responsible
only for the text and the preparation of the final map. The final
map would be prepared from data provided by city staff.
Material to be produced:
1. Flood plain zoning regulations text for the Sal ina Metropol itan
Planning Area.
2. Preparation of a final flood plain zoning map for the Sal ina
Metropolitan Planning Area. (The Consultant shal I not be
responsible for the preparation of original data uti I ized in
the preparation of the final plan map.)
Reports wi I I be furnished and presentations or meetings wi I I be attended
in accordance with the fol lowing schedule:
A. Reports
1. Thirty (30) copies of prel iminary documents prepared under this
work item shal I be submitted to the Sal ina Metropol itan Area
Planning Commission for review.
2. One hundred (100) copies of the final document prepared under
this work item shal I be submitted to the Salina Metropol itan
Area Planning Commission.
B. Presentations and Meetinqs
1. Flood P I a i n zon i ng regu I at ions
(a) One meeting to discuss recommended flood plain zoning
(b) One meeting to present and discuss recommended flood
plain zoning map based upon data to be provided by the
city s t a f f.
Maximum presentations or meetings to be attended by Consultant: 2
Flood Plain Zoning Regulations Text and Final Map
$ 500.00
Total Estimated Fees
$ 500.00
It is proposed that the time of performance of this work item run concur-
rently with the existing agreement dated August 22, 1972 and that more
specifically, the flood plain zoning work item be undertaken during the
development of the conventional zoning regulations included in the cur-
rent agreement. Therefore, the time of performance would be geared to
the existing agreement and it is proposed this work item would be concluded
at the final presentation of the conventional zoning regulations to be
prepared under the current contract.
Darrell E. Powers is proposed as Planner-in-Charge.
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