Agenda 04-28-1980 ~ ( CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APR I L 28, 1980 4:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. CITIZEN FORUM 4. AWARDS-PROCLAMATIONS 1. May 3, 1980 - "KANSAS TECHNICAL INSTITUTE AWARENESS DAylI. The proclamation will be read by Greg Edgington, KTI Student Governing Association President. 2. The Week of May 4 through 11, 1980 - IINAT I ONAL MUS I C \~EEKII. The proclamation will be read by Mi ldred Robb, Chairman of Music Week, Staccato Notes Music Club. 3. The Year April 30, 1980 to April 30, 1981 - "BETA SIGMA PHI YEARII. The proclamation will be read by Gail Bates, President of City Council of Beta Sigma Phi. 4. The Month of May, 1980 - IIDRUG PREVENTION MONTH". The proclamation will be read by Karen Pentico, S.R.S. Social Worker. 5. May 1, 1980 - 'ILOYALTY DAylI. The proclamation will be read by Shirley Reed, President of the V. F. W. Auxiliary. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME 6. CONSENT 1. Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting April 21, 1980. 2. Set the date of May 12, 1980 as the date to receive bids for $1,450,000 Internal Improvement Bonds for street and utility improvements, and $250,000 General Obligation Bonds for bridge improvements. 3. Resolution Number 80-3485 authorizing the. preparation and filing with the Kansas State Historical Society of an Historic Preservation Grant Application and designating the City Manager as the authorized representative of the City of Sal ina to act in connection with the appl ication. 4. Approve a contract with Kennedy and Coe for Fixed Asset Accounting. 7. DEVELOPMENT 1. Recommendation from the City Planning Commission to approve Planned Development District Application 80-2, filed by Richard Barlow, for the rezoning of Lot 7, Block 3, Eastridge Addition from "RSII to "R(P.D.D.)II 2. Recommendation from the City Planning Commission that the Urban Renewal contract date for commencement of construction be waived, but the date for completion of improvements remain unchanged for E. D. Jarrett, Premier Pneumatics, on Blocks 11 and 12, Northeast Industrial Park. ~ 1 City of Sal ina Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners April 28, 1980 Page 2 8. ADMINISTRATION 1. Second Reading Ordinance Number 80-8787, ordering the condemnation and appropriation of certain land in Saline County, Kansas, for construction of improvements to East Crawford Street, all as authorized by K.S.A. 13-1023, and amendments thereto, and pursuant to the Eminent Domain Procedure Act, K.S.A. Chapter 26, and amendments thereto, as the same relates to condemnation by cities and further pursuant to Resolution Number 80-3483 of the City of Salina, Kansas. 2. Second Reading Ordinance Number 80-8788 - Authorizing the investment of idle funds of the City and specifying the types of investments; amending Section 2-187 of the Salina Code and repeal ing the existing section. 3. Second Reading Ordinance Number 80-8789 - Providing the procedure for the investment of idle funds of the City of Sal ina, Kansas; amending Section 2-188 of the Salina Code and repealing the existing section. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT