Supplement for License of Programs -~.... - ---- - - ---- - ~-- - -. --- - - - ---- ----- _____ - 'I' _ PROGRAM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT International Business Machines Corporation 1605 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75234-0000 (800)598-1295 City of Salina 300 West Ash St Salina, KS 67401-2396 rw-~ \> VD .';)01 ' \ -~~ II '. !J)" \LJ<' f",,-f " rj '( I.:' r --; I~(O-.J <1 ...J November 11, 1994 ( ,\,-i- : Dear DAVE LARRICK: : Enclosed is your copy of the Supplement for License of Programs. If you have any questions regarding this supplement, please contact our office. Sincerely, "." ~- /- ( ..;/(UUi-d. //!~fcIHU{t Theresa McKinley Advisory Customer Support Rep US Marketing & Services TMMjADG Attachment I~Cb_ ,) --<?: / .1'-0 . ""- P / (:V <:- t/C{]" -- "---' ..<' ?r '"' /---'S S// bcc $'<. / '7?~ J' (r !-dv INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION Armonk, New York 10504 Supplement for License of Programs Name and Address of Customer: City of Sa I i na 300 West Ash St Salina, KS 67401-2396 IBM Office Address: 1605 LBJ Freeway Dal las, TX 75234-0000 (800)598-1295 Customer Reference: IBM Customer Agreement No.: HQ12291 IBM Office No.: SVZ Customer No.: 7871501 Date Prepared: 11/11/94 The terms of the IBM Customer Agreement and its applicable Attachments (or any equivalent agreement signed by both of us) apply to this transaction. Licensed program/ Feature Plant Order Number Description Designated Machine Type/Model/Serial or Plant Order Number Estimated Shipment Date or Effective Date for Additional License Copy or Distributed Feature Copy Charges $ 5755/AS3 1501 1504 1505 1508 1511 1512 1521 1525 1526 1529 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1610 1619 1984 2924 3404 3510 7558 7573 7575 7576 8540 4PVJMH 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 NC NC Ne NC NC Ne NC NC NC NC NC NC Ne Ne NC NC NC NC HC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC 20.00 8541 8543 8585 9001 SYSTEM PROGRAM ORDER OPERATING SYSTEM/400 (SSl) OFFICEVISION/400 (WP1) LANG DICTNARIES/400 (DCT) QUERY/400 (QU1) DB2/400 QM SQL DV KIT (ST1) INT LANG ENV RPG/400 (RG1) BKUP REC& MEDIA SV/400 (BR1) PERF TOOLS/400 (PT1) APPL DEV TOOLSET/400 (PW1) TCP/IP UTILITIES/400 (SSl) CLNT ACC/400 FAMILY (XA1) DOS W/EXT MEM (XA1) OS/2 1.3 (XA 1 ) DOS (XA 1 ) WINDOWS 3.1 (XA1) PERF TOOLS MGR (Hl) (PTl) MEDIA & STOR EXT (A3) (SSl) OS/400 DASD HW UPDATE PRIMARY ENGLISH U/L SBCS 1/2 IN CARTRIDGE SHIP VERSION 3 RELEASE 1.0 PUB 1/21N CARTRIDGE 5763SS1 INST PUB DOS W/EX MM 5763XAl INSTL PUB DOS (V3Rl) 5763XAl IN PUB WNDW 3.1(V3Rl)5763XAl LAN 3.51N DSK SBCS (XA1) LICENSED DOCUMENTATION CHARGE DOS EM 3.51N DSK SBCS (XA1) LICENSED DOCUMENTATION CHARGE WND 3.1 3.51N DSK SBCS(XA1) LICENSED DOCUMENTATION CHARGE CLNT ACC/400 DOS 3.5" XAl LICENSED DOCUMENTATION CHARGE BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL These amounts are subject to late payment fees if not paid within terms. thank you. 10.00 15.00 5.00 Ne 50.00 Please send al I communications to IBM at its Office Address unless advised to the contrary. Page 1 of 3 (SVZ-Q269) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION Armonk, New York 10504 I Supplement for License of Programs Name and Address of Customer: City of Salina 300 West Ash St Salina, KS 67401-2396 IBM Office Address: 1605 LBJ Freeway Dal las, TX 75234-0000 (800)598-1295 Customer Reference: IBM Customer Agreement No.: HQ12291 IBM Office No.: SVZ Customer No.: 7871501 Date Prepared: 11/11/94 The ter.s of the IBM Customer Agreement and its applicable Attachments (or any equivalent agreement signed by both of us) apply to this transaction. Licensed program/ Plant Order Feature Number Description 5763/SS1 4PVJMJ OPERATING SYSTEM/400 V3 1262 PG P30 BASIC UPG OTC (V1/2) GG P30 BASIC UPGRADE 1268 NC ENTITLED USERS IN BASE 1269 UPG USER OTC (PER USER) UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 1598 BOTC MEDIA & STOR EXT ONE-TIME CHARGE BASIC 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/XA1 4PVJMK CLNT ACC/400 FAMILY V3 1626 BASIC OTC UPG UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 1628 NC ENTITLED USERS IN BASE 1629 UPG USER OTC (PER USER) UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/PW1 4PVJML APP DEV TOOLSET/400 V3 1146 PG P30 BASIC UPGOTC(PW1/RP1 GG P30 BASIC UPGRADE 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/DCT 4PVJMM LANG DICTIONARIES/400 V3 1592 PG P30 BASIC UPG OTC (V1/2) GG P30 BASIC UPGRADE 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/WP1 4PVJMN OFFICEVISION/400 V3 0270 UPG U-B (PER USER) (5738) UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 1664 PG P10 BASIC UPG OTC (5738) GG P10 BASIC UPGRADE 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/QU1 4PVJMP QUERY/400 V3 1218 BASIC OTC UPG UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 1220 NC ENTITLED USERS IN BASE 1221 UPG USER OTC (PER USER) Designated Machine Type/Model/Serial or Plant Order Number Estimated Shipment Date or Effective Date for Additional License Copy or Distributed Feature Copy Charges $ 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 NC 1 ,000 .:00 NG 7,960 .,00 995.;00 Ne 9,955:00 Ne 40:00 NO 4,960.:00 Ne 5,000.00 NC 3,750.00 Ne 3,750.00 Ne 65.00 NC 65.00 NC 5,250.00 300.00 NC 5,550.00 Ne 75.00 Ne 1,800.00 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 Page 2 of 3 (SVZ -0269) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION Armonk, New York 10504 I Supplement for License of Programs Name and Address of Customer: City of Salina 300 West Ash St Salina, KS 67401-2396 IBM Office Address: 1605 LBJ Freeway Dal las, TX 75234-0000 (800)598-1295 Customer Reference: IBM Customer Agreement No.: HQ12291 IBM Office No.: SVZ Customer No.: 7871501 Date Prepared: 11/11/94 The terms of the IBM Customer Agreement and its applicable Attachments (or any equivalent agreement signed by both of us) apply to this transaction. Licensed program/ Plant Order Feature Number Description UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/STl 4PVJMQ DB2/400 QRYMGR&SQL KIT V3 1276 BASIC OTC UPG UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 1278 NC ENTITLED USERS IN BASE 1279 UPG USER OTC (PER USER) UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/RG1 4PVJMR ILE RPG/400 V3 0217 PG P30 BASIC UPG OTC (V1/2) GG P30 BASIC UPGRADE 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/BR1 4PVJMS BKUP RECRVY & MEDIA SVS V3 0372 BASIC OTC UPG UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 0375 UPG OTC USER (QTY OF 10) UPGRADE CHARGE BASIC 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5763/PTl 4PVJMT PERFORMANCE TOOLS/400 V3 1082 PG P30 BASIC UPG OTC (V1/2) GG P30 BASIC UPGRADE 1114 PG P30 BOTC VER UPG MGR GG P30 BASIC UPGRADE 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL 5799/XBW 4PVJMV P84239 OPTICAL LIB SUPP/400 2924 UPPER LWR CASE ENGLISH SBCS 4001 BASIC OTC ONE-TIME CHARGE BASIC 5892 3480 1/21N CART TAPE 9001 BASIC ASSET REGISTRATION PROGRAM TOTAL Designated Machine Type/Model/Serial or Plant Order Number Estimated Shipment Date or Effective Date for Additional License Copy or Distributed Feature Copy Charges $ 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 NC 1,875.,00 Ne 75.00 Ne 300.00 Ne 375.00 NO 3,600.00 NC 3,600.00 NO 270.00 525.00 NC 795..D0 NC 270 .;00 450.00 Ne 720.00 NC NC Ne Ne NC 0.00 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 9406/D60/A2419 11/25/94 Page 3 of 3 (SVZ -0269)