1997 " FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES roM GIRARD, Fire Chief 222 W. Elm Street . Salina, Kansas 67401 TELEPHONE (913) 826-7340 . FAX (913) 826-7346 Salina tdb:I AU.-AMEllltACITY 'IIU' King Industries, Inc. Attn: Brenda P. O. Box 3378 Salina, KS 67402-3378 Statement for 1997 RURAL FIRE CONTRACT RENEWAL January 1 through December 31, 1997 PID # 081-11-0-20-01-003 1386 W. Grand Land Valuation: $ 1,989.00 Improvement Valuation: $ 59,500.00 Property Tax Sheet: -0- Total Valuation: $ 61,489.00 1997 Mill Levy X 20.095 mills Amount Due: $ 1,235.62 November 21,1996 Please make check payable to City of Salina. Mail your payment to City Clerks Office; P. O. Box 736; Salina, KS 67402-0736. > Payments must be received not later than December 5, 1996, in order for the Salina City Commission to approve the contracts for 1997.< -- ---- ----------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Amount Paid: Receipt # Received by: Date: