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1972 Rental Agr
aurAL GIIJSMIIr al. _IT-Tnt .... tIal. -&Ia.L.. day" ___ 1m ___ ........ .tnt. Puty. .... abe __ .. tI,,~.l--adlM, SaIlDa.~. .... ........ ..... ,ut" el...... .. 11M.. '......(:11 .MS., hue'" af. ..t Mat Uana .__ .f tbe ,lnt Put in .....RUM of .... ... ....... ., .... ...... ,.., ..... nRt .. .. ...... put, dfl.ce ... 1_teet .. tile ..."'" .We .. .... fin" '1.. ~t __lial Hd1. leMW at IIlAtIa aM AII\ S1:net. 1ft till ett, .f Sa11M, saliM c.....",. 1tMa.. ...... -- ., .... ApIlIlIM wUl lie Ie .. lNIIflld.te ....... ., U. en a ..... to ~ ....... ,. ....... .. ..... pan, ...... .. ,., ..... ..w., ...W....... of .... (ftMr doll_) .... ... o. ..Sat.. fint. da, .f JuM 1m ... .... (1'IaSfty DoU-l flU .... .. .. ,lnt da, .f ... .-tb the..fteI' .. 1arat .. tIIb .1... ....... lIl.'f.... Pa"ty .f tile 'bs' Pen ...... .. fIInal_ ut1U:..... .. lacl"'.. .. .1.,..... Pan, ., tbe H.IIIII IMI'" __II .... tbe ftaU Ud ....t.I'lctlcl .... ., ... ....... ...u.ct ,. taw __ of thla Ia_ f. 1M ,.,__, .....tlag tile ."tAlal ..l8H. .f tM ..... ,......... ce.I...... It 1. funbu ..... 1Mt tbl. Ap..... _, .. ....... by .1-. pu'tf ... . (~) ..,. wi*" Mtlce. 61.... ftnt. ,aI'ty (j,-f- 71- ~ ~~ ~ 4u.~ Signed &el1nd ,any ^ ~. @"~ ~>L t ~~r/7~.(;;ii(~~~~-.. eq~~ "::C-.~---~ROVED: ~ R. ~ -:., APPROVED AS TO FORU)I>.O mCUTlON . JAMES R. COBLER, COrHrOller --r-.J...L tL \.. K. ~lL.5 ^TTORN~Y, DEPT. Of ADMINISTRATION Every person, party to this a ref> " . . of Kansas, its Boards. Com~ll,,~~~,t. IS~~tlfled that the State Bureaus and institution' <iT c. Depdrtments, Agencies . c e Imlllune It - 1-' b"J- ' on any Implied COntract f _ . om la I Ity and suit "d ,or (!l negligence 0 pravl ed by Senate Bill 46" 197 L. _ r any other tort, as ". U eglslatlve session.