2001 Statement-Pleasant Hill Road ... ' . , '''~ ( I \, CITy-or FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES 222 W. Elm Street . Salina, Kansas 67401 TELEPHONE (785) 826-7340 . FAX (785) 826-7346 SILlng Irma Jean Hedges Please return this copv with vour payment 320 E. Pleasant Hill Rd. Salina, KS 67401 Statement for 2001 RURAL FIRE CONTRACT January 1 through December 31, 2001 Legal Description: PID 037-36-0-20-01-001 320 E. Pleasant Hill Rd. November 13,2000 Land Valuation: $1,579.25 $11,731.75 $-0- $13,311.00 X 18.733 mills $249.36 Improvement Valuation: Property Tax Sheet: Total Valuation: 2001 mill levy Amount Due: Please make check payable to City a/Salina. Mail your check to City Clerks Office; P. O. Box 736; Salina, KS 67402-0736 > Payments must be received no later than December 13,2000 in order for the Salina City Commission to approve the contracts for 2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Amount Paid: c5/Lf 9/ 3~ Received by: (!~ Receipt # ),If.~ ~ Date: /J-~X'-ro 1 128/20(H) City of Salina P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 RECEIPT NO. 15562 "j DESCRIPTION AMOUNT FIRE PROTE 320 E. PLEASANT HILL ROAD 11)(!-OOO 468. 00(, FIRE PROTE 2516 N. 5TH 100-(1I)0 468. (H)I) 249.36 255.93 RE~~~::: 8323 FROM: 505.29 I RI"IA JEAN HEDGES ORIGINAL RECEIPT TOTAL PAID 505.29 Department of Finance and Administration Office of City Clerk 300 West Ash Street, Suite 206. P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Rodney Franz, Finance Director. Lieu Ann Nicola, City Clerk Telephone (785) 309-5735 . Fax (785) 309-5738 November 1,2001 Irma Jean Hedges 320 E. Pleasant Hill Road Salina, KS 67401 Dear Irma Jean: We are in the process of updating our records. Please find enclosed a copy of your fire protection agreement along with the invoice. Please sign and return all copies of the contract. We will mail back to you an original for your files. Also please fill in the information below and return it with your contract. Thank you for your assistants. If you have any questions, please contact me at (785) 309- 5735. .. Lieu Ann Nicola City Clerk Irma Jean Hedges ~:::::;";e~ fr1~?:~{Eif%:!d , =r :<S I b #,-rlfd~ City: ~a./~/ State: '11;4___ Zip: 6'7 -7Lb I Phone: (7 g ~) ~ a.<-." - ~~ 1] -;).5 Contact Person: Address (if different from above): Phone: