Construction Engineering Agr -~ STATE OF KANSAS , ;-..{'.f :(\.~ ~<, ~: :?~.Y,~1- '\' <..'." .' J~ . "" ~-;, .... '. c' ~ >;'---~ "0. ~:..z ~~,:'-:'~:~--~ts 1-1 .fA ,1:, ~''"i ~ \..--": '~.;' ~ \-"\;V Gary Stotts Secretary afTransportation KA~SAS DEPA.~TMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Docking State Office Building Topeka 66612-1568 (913) 296-3566 Joan Finney Governor of Kansas April 22, 1991 85 U 1298-01 City of Salina Saline County Subject: Construction Engineering Agreement (6-29-90) with City of Salina Mr. Shawn O'Leary, P.E. Salina City Engineer P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Dear Mr. Hoff: It is the policy of the Kansas Department of Transportation to make final payments to Governmental Entities for services related to the Highway Program in a timely manner. The Single Audit Standards set forth in Federal O.M.B. Circular A-128, "Audits of State and Local Governments" and in 49 C.F.R. 18 (common rule), require that an audit be performed by an independent, certified public accountant in accordance with those standards. KDOT may pay the final amount for the authorized work performed based upon the Entity's most recent Single Audit Report available and a .desk review of the claim by the Contract Audit Section of the Bureau of Fiscal Services. Future contracts will be written to ensure that KDOT has recourse for the collection of monies paid if the single audit for the time period involved shows cause for the disallowance of costs claimed. In the meantime, in order to make final payment to you for the noted project, it is necessary that we obtain a letter from you obligating you to repayment of monies which a future single audit could show to be due on the project (normally, this single audit should occur within a period of 1-2 years) and in which you certify that you have billed all costs and that the costs are within the limits of the contract or agreement. A letter is attached for your consideration which will enable us to make final payment for the project. Please note that the proiect is still subiect to sinele audit and review by our Contract Audit section and any costs billed which are not in accordance with the tenus of the aereernent rilUst be repaid. , , If you do not sign and return the letter, any final payments due will be delayed until the single audit has been accomplished and reviewed by the Contract Audit Section. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. LARRY W. EMIG, P.E., CHIEF BUREAU OF LOCAL PROJECTS .~dl~ :? BY: G. DAVID COMSTOCK, P.E. ASST. CHIEF OF LOCAL PROJECTS LWE:GDC:psf Enclosures cc: Mr. David Smith Mr. J.R. Campbell Mr. Lee Holmes Mr. John Ehmen Mr. Richard Pfortmiller