Fire Insurance Rating Class 3 ~ <m~~ , 1\1 iii '(J " 1(' 1~IEiB O\> / ,. , , ',- INSURANCE SERVICES OFFICE OF KANSAS MIDWAY USA 6220 S. W. 29TH STREET. TOPEKA. KANSAS 66614 TELEPHONE: (9131273-5742 November 15, 1982 Certified Mail ~--- I '~,"",~-\r-g'\f-"'" I .", ,.~ if ".- '" ',- ,. .. · :I (~ ~:';.....,;;' ~~ J\;' = U ! r I 0 \1 1 1 ",.- ~ \ . ~..i.., : ,':: :_j / 1 I I Mr. Rufus L. Nye, City Manager Municipal Building - 300 W. Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 J" J'"r't r', . ~. i I , i '-.-- ':; C-:-':E i . _. .----------J Dear Mr. Nye: We wish to thank you, Fire Chief Dave Robertson, George Seagraves, J. Wesley Morris, and others for the cooperation given to our representative during our recent survey. We have completed our evaluation of the fire insurance classification for your city and advise that the fire protection class has improved to Class 3. Formerly Class 5 applied; the new classification will result in a decrease in the fire insurance rates for many insured commercial and residential properties within the city. The new rates will be effective on January 1, 1983. ..._-_._--_.~ The purpose of our visit was to gather information needed to determine a fire insurance classification which may be used to develop fire insurance rates. This survey was not conducted for property loss prevention or life safety purposes and no life safety or property loss prevention recommendations will be made. The change from Class 5 to Class 3 does not affect rates for sprinklered properties or residential occupancies insured under Homeowners type policies and some other specifically rated property. The change will affect typical mercantile properties to a degree depending upon the type of building construction, the hazard of occupancy and other rating factors. The overall effect is usually about -8.5% for wood frame buildings, -13.0% for masonry buildings and -3.0% for fire-resistive buildings. However, variations in construction, occupancy and private protection can result in in- creases or decreases from this average. The reduction will be -12% for residential occupancies insured under the Kansas Dwelling Schedule. The above estimates apply only for insurance companies using ISO rates. However, numerous insurance companies use other than ISO rates so that the effect of the change in class may be different for their policyholders. The city classification applies to properties with a needed fire flow of 3500 gpm or less. The private and public protection at properties with larger fire flows are evaluated individually, and may vary from the city classification. I , Rufus L. Nye -2- We are attaching a copy of our Grading Sheet and the results of the fire flow tests used in this grading. Extra copies of this letter and attachments are also enclosed so that you may distribute them to other interested parties if you desire to do so. If you have any questions concerning the new classification, or the resulting change in fire insurance rates, please let us know. Yours very truly, O~ ~. rttft5 Omar A. Huff Manager Encls. .. , ~... ~ '" ~' ,<' ; IA'" ' ',1" 1\1 ,iii 1) "', i,U t..":..;,, ,_, __, " .... E' ti " INSURANCE SERVICES OF KANSAS OFFICE MIDWAY 6220 S. W. 29TH STREET, TOPEKA. KANS/\S 66614 USA TELEPHONE, (9131273_5742 GRADING SHEET FOR SALINA, KANSAS Public Protection Class: 3 Surveyed: September, 1982 Credit: 79.16 Receiving and Handling Fire Alarms.. ....... ...... Fir e De par tm e n t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wa ter SuPPly..................................... *Divergence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.30 37.37 37.09 -3.60 The Public Protection Class is based on the total percentage credit as follows: Class 1 2 3 4 5 % 90.00 or more 80.00 to 89.99 70.00 to 79.99............. 60.00 to 69.99 50.00 to 59.99 40.00 to 49.99 30.00 to 39.99 20.00 to 29.99 10.00 to 19.99 0 to 9.99 6 .., I 8 9 10 *Diversance is a reduction in credit to reflect a difference in the rela~ivc credits fo~ Fire Department and Water Supply. The ab0ve classific2tion has been developed for fire insurance _ating.purpdses only: l r'':'.~~l.:_ .,L, ,~,~'~_. l't_.t H'J!)P 6,~;'j i: LO;" IIAl:\ :L;j'r~/:y y " ---~----_.._-_. -.'----------..-.------- "~ 'f' ::;l City -S1~_____ State _~__ ,ip 6:7 '/'01_ t1i'ne"'.d by _S"'tV.v'4 r: L___ 1>ate _____~~___,~ ---.- 1 I'Ri~,S. . SUPl: )~ fOTAL STATIC 'REsrp. FLiA'-GPM FLm; -1 j I RE:r'.ARKS I INDIVIDUAL HYDIU.NT S I 7000 t =1 :~*----l 000 t- I <ANI) ....tell 0 .s I. .s .:!. /00<' '1'( D " I I J i 1 I iQw~.il ., / ~o '5S '>'0 1-L9o~i -l3~"L___---j , I:S "" _r IltoN €A5rj i I .//'0 b-1~~~DO!_,__,___,: .' I I I 1 ' i I I ! I I' : I,--L~~ SJ/",,-9 _E~L ~ 0 7/ ~ ---~iit',,~ ----L__L_ _,I..'t~ 0-1_D _ ~,,:["Q _ i -ls D ~~-'" 7".0 L, '_ _ _ _.; I A I I , I, "I I I l'L..-~i / ~~- Go~ E>__ - h'N1!r~I, "L" -~ -- - J"$i'':~ ~,L 1....; !?.13.'E~_ j/.-po 'L__ u _: I I I 'I I ! I I I , LL~_~~Af~ 3t.4', LhsL!"L___ _ ~!;1"1f1(t--------._--_ ---i- ----JiL~5 8_ -L-~~__lL~_?o_! /_8fJo_L __ _ ____1 I , , I I iI' I ! I I , , I I, 'I I I I I..JL-' 1f'~:s ihr-9NKl"" V~UIMN ~N.Jf'~ ---;-----+---_j1LI. '" i--~~$O~f Q~T-~OOt - --- - -----1 f I-L - ~ Wf:plf(;>L4&~dY -i~.f4 ------1_ - -+---1 W;.Q...~.5' 6_[' _$ ~__ 3~Q -131fC: 01-- - - __ __ ---I ~, ...... 'J t:1 f: ,., Q/t r /I ---- f~N'l.! -111-1- -+_ ---+ .21' (~_, f>__ 1fL J",,>cO"i "J'."-g, 01 _H - --i tl~--l~~J~N~~~~~~-_j~~~t-_-1 -, T-~l~y-~:t~~~J y~{~O~]~~Oj_=_-_-_-j 11H: ABOIT USIED NEEDED n hE "Vi'" ";;1 1'0', ":>L'S~. T k.^ II::" r I'K,'l': Ee' ',"L.,- ''''D HE. ,-,''1' INTE::rEr!" n' "'; C5 "''I: ':,',':r "'; AN cJl' "I OF WATER RE QUIRE D F OR A L'Y GE SU LL F H: i C:", D 11!l" , TH E A V _41 LA E IE FL OJ " ""Ie I ND r CA IE -n 11 (' iON]) 1 'JI OJ,' 'm", EXISTED AT THE T:e'IE AND AT THE LlJl:ATl0r; i.;HEI~L TT::~;T5 'i.irk:: hTl1\ESSED. *COi:JID == Commercial; Res:: ResidenUal. **Needed 15 the rae of f 1"" for a "P"'if i, dur.,ti"" fa,' " full 'redit condition, Needed Fire Flo,," gre..'er than 3. 500 gp.. are not ,; onsider ect in de t ermiai ng t he d" 5 s' f koticn of l he tit\' ~hen u ci DG tne F" e S 'I pre 55 j "'I Rating Schedule. - ~ ~~ 60 5' t ~~',.l..t..;,..!.~ ~. fF., i CE~., ('FF.... ('L '~. 1 , a:. c City $~'!JPJL,_,_ "tote ~__ Zip U'1'O/_ "'itnHsed by SALhV<1 r. D. HYDRA!\T FLOW [,ATA SUrrU.FY . I ~_ Jjate ___.~_6'~ r- iTEST NO. -f;-'--':" - " .' -. - --..---.------ 'l'lFE, /: nCT tOCA TI ON ~t..t:. I ___ FLC\.'-GPM PRESSURE FLO\\ RUlARKS l 00 IC"-~AN/) E..t;tAt St s ~ "'I." t~ 'S ~6"~AL ~ / ~o ' SS 170 1 .1300t' _ I I I I I I ! ! /?~S ,,~ ONT ./~ON tl €A.5J.'"+-. I I ,://'0. ! ~__! .so I oc. ~D~ .-i ' , '! I --, I ' I /' s -1~... I S4NM nj 0 7/ ~---- ~l'-4i+-_---~-____L______iL2'.t 0_ r-'...i- -l- ~ -<So ~ .1]0-"+ ' __~ I _ ' I !: I,: I , ! ~ 9 J~~ I ,l?I "- - Gol../) - .---j(~N~,-fJrl . _ ...L.----.__J _____JPlS~~ +-,..3 _Li._Q...~ E~~L,2~~~______~ ' I I r- I I I I I' I kJL-1~""'''~6' d"_L1'54"L..-'rl;1'~~--!---T'---il~8-1 y~ $'00 1.1?~~------1 rL-- ~.s' :fNku... I' -&~/MN-r";;p~ ---; ! -+~+~~i SO DD J'FOO+-----l 1- ~ :~~';;~dy-ft:.::t=j-=~j ;~t;t::-.s~ ~::~=-~~~-=-~-l HI! I I OI.1R .. I I AN~~ ..('2~--_r!!lr--T ----t-- I'I"'O~__~__ ,'f~_, ~DOO t.Lfoo+ --1 L. ,--'-- ---------. - . -L----L---.L---_L___L_n-.l___L ___ ~-Ln___J 'J1'E ABO',T LISTEn NEEDED FIRE FLel:.' Ai.]' Fe? 1 ~'''!'-'\CF ,ATH;r, PURPOSFS ONLY AKD P.RE ''''T INIT~DE" I" ppfrlC" ',lIE 'AXn'!', Al1nUNT OF WATER REQUIRED FOh A 'I'GL SC,'>!l Flf:f C"!CDll1l", THE AVAILABLE FLWS 0M,riNDICATE TIlE C,ll;r'ITI"';,; m\T EXISTED AT THE TDiE AND AT THE LOCA11C:; '.~HE[: Tr:~)T~ i.JI:l{E lnT~~ESSED. *Comm ~ Commercial; Res = Resid~nli~l. **Needed is the rate of flo~ for d specific dUT4tion for a full credit condition. Needed FiTe Flows gre,'tor thnn 3,500 gpm are not considered iu detormining the das,Ulcetion of the city ).-hen u'iog the Fire S"fi'rc"s;nn Rating Schedule. - INDIVIDUAL HYDRANTS TOTAL