2005 Agr Curbside Recycling
City of Salina Curbside Recycling Collection Service
This agreement is entered into this ~ day of June 2005 by and between the
CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS (the "CITY") and K. M. Reitz d/b/a IMAGES
A. The CITY plans a limited service for collection at curbside of recyclable
materials from approximately 900 households which are current residential
trash pickup customers of the City's Sanitation Division.
B. IMAGES operates a facility in Salina for drop-off and processing of
recyclables, which would be suitable for the drop-off of recyclables collected
by the CITY under its recycling service.
The parties agree to cooperate as follows to further the public interest in
residential recycling by working as partners during the CITY's recycling service.
1. Desianation - The CITY and IMAGES agree that the IMAGES recycling
facility at 108 South 4th Street shall be the primary location for the CITY's
drop-off of recyclables collected by the recycling service. The CITY will use
alternate locations for the recycJables only when IMAGES is unable to
accept the recyclables at its facility, or under such other times or conditions
under which the parties mutually agree.
2. Tvpes of Recvclables - The CITY and IMAGES have mutually agreed to the
types of residential materials that will be dropped off at Images. During the
period of this agreement, IMAGES shall give not less than 60-days notice of
any change in what types of recyclables it is willing to accept for processing.
The notice requirement may be shortened if both parties mutually agree.
The CITY will make reasonable efforts to see that recyclables are
appropriately separated and are not in a condition causing contamination
problems for IMAGES.
3. Deliverv/Drop-off of Recvclables - The CITY will deliver the recyclables to
the IMAGES facility with CITY vehicles that have been designated for that
purpose, primarily vehicles designed for the collection and offloading of
recyclables. Delivery of recyclables to IMAGES shall occur during the hours
of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless the CITY has
made prior arrangements with IMAGES for delivery at some other time.
4. Record Keeping - In order to maximize the information available to the
CITY, IMAGES and others interested in monitoring the curbside recycling
service, IMAGES agrees to maintain reasonable records and share with the
CITY in writing collected data on the following:
(a) Information on the quantity of recyclables delivered by the CITY,
sorted by type.
(b) Information on amount and type of materials which were
contaminated and required disposal as solid waste.
(c) Information on impact of this service on IMAGES walk-in traffic and
drop-off tonnage, in order to help determine net amount of
additional recycling under the service.
(d) Information on positive and negative impacts on IMAGES due to
this service, including any operational challenges, problems or
(e) Other information helpful for analysis of future programs, services,
and/or agreements.
5. Fees and Charaes - In recognition of the efforts made by Images to share
information with the CITY on the processing and sale of materials dropped
off to them by the CITY, the CITY agrees not to request or expect payment
from IMAGES for recyclable material dropped off under the service.
Conversely, IMAGES agrees not to charge the CITY for services during the
service. Both parties agree to collect and provide useful information and
feedback to each other in lieu of any payments. However, IMAGES may at
its discretion, pay the CITY for aluminum beverage cans dropped off from its
curbside service. Any such payment will be computed at the current
prevailing rate (currently .25 per pound).
6. Contact Persons - The City's primary contact for operational issues will be
Jim Hill, Sanitation Superintendent. IMAGES primary contact will be Ken
Reitz, owner.
7. Term - This cooperation agreement shall commence upon its signing by the
City Manager and by IMAGES owner. The agreement shall not have a
specific termination date.
8. Cancellation - This agreement may be canceled by either the CITY or
IMAGES upon 60 days written notice. Notice may be waived by mutual
agreement of the parties.
Executed by:
Dennis M. Kissinger, City Manager