Temp Ingress/Egress Easement . " ' -"/ ;- '" -'. / " / .::- l~ll~:Lr':Et~f'l' 'l'HIS INlJLN'l'URE, made this ~~ day' of January, 1969, by and between the Cl'l'Y Of SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, of the first part, ahd lJ\iIGh'l' L. GRAVLS, \'lILLIAN Ii. GRAVES, JOHN A. GR.i\VLS and LUhLLL P. GHAVLS, as tenants in conUllon, of the second part, ~ITNLSSLTH; 'rhat the said party of the first part for a g09d and valu- able consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged does by these presents grant, bargain, sell and con- vey unto the parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, a temporary easement over and across a certain portion of land owned by the ~arty of the first part more particularly described as follows, to wit. / A strip of land 50 feet wide in Section Twenty (20), 'l'ownship Fourteen (14) South, Range Two (2) \vest of the 6th P.N. in Saline County, Kansas, described as follows; Beginning at a point which is North 89051' East a distance of 1312.16 and South 0052' West a distance of 40 feet of the Northwest corner of said Section 'l'wenty (20), w}lich line being the East line of the \'iest half of the l.;ortln'o'e;o:;t Quarter (l~~'Jj 4) of said Section Twenty (20), 'I'hence South 0052' \'i'est along said ~';est line of r,,;orthcast Quarter (NE/4) of the Northwest ~uarter (~W/4) a distance of 1009.5 feet; Thence t~orth 89056' East a distance of 50.0 feet; 'I'lwnce horth 0052' Last a distance of 1009.5 feet; 'l'hence South 89056' \'ljcst a distance of 50 feet to the point of Lesinning for all of the rights of ingress and egress of said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns, to a tract of land 10.- cated inm~diately south of the above described property. This easeIllcnt shall remain in full force and effect until such time as access to the parties of second part land is available from a properly dedicated and impro'Jed public. street. IN \HTNLSS ~'/iiLPLOF, the said party of the first part has caused this deed to be signed on its behalf by its Nayor there- " ,unto duly authorized so to do and has caused its seal to be hereunto affixed thi:..., -111tL day of Januar.Y^,_~_ l~69. ,// e ,,', /~ . ~ '" ;/ . " %' ./ /' / .;/ :;;' "'7..,-'7~/ . ". .. i: .. # F-'" -- "/ ~ L-,-/::' _..,..___L-L~-{..d: --rr- -- - - ~ - - ~;illiCl!r: Yo st (I '" t-Jayor A'l''l'LS'l' ; ( 'I . "0' _.......L_Ya.i. i.. c ~~..:.:.:::::.___ D. Lt;lftyrt.c~2r}. !~ ! I 11": Cc~~-,--_1ir 1/ l: LJG 1 /~__8:.S:_]Q" '",. ~-_._--_.- - - Point of Bcginninf Country Hills Subdivisior: -_..,--------~---_._---~-- " 0"- / J.?/-- I-~)()-/: / r.~ ;,,,,- o =r 1 , -(.~-T .4 I Tn:rOR/,PY r:p.SEr~n;T C/ I '7 /' /.-. ..< C"" :':~ ..~ C c; r: t c ~""\ 2. :: L e rr Cra~.tfo~d -".-=-~-=~=~--~----_.. 1 r: ~ c:: I ,,-.{-:,. i .. v \.1":1 . ;) A--L: "'-~J , -,-, i I - I ~I C1i 0, 0, rlf , I I I 361.47' St>' Graves Property 6.08 Acres L.n (T) C"> L() r-- 335.60' future Par 3 CoIf Course Salina 1-1unicipal C:olf Course Lf) (T) C'l Lf) r-- 9~. c.<. 't 1" j ~ ,....J S'l'h'l'E or l:AN~jl,;:; I Sh.LIla; COlN'l'Y, ss; BE 1'1' RLHLHbLELD that on this 27th day of January, 19G9, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid came William W. Yost, Mayor of the City of Salina, hansas, a municipal corporation, who is personally known to me to be such officer and who is personally knmln to me to be the same person \'1110 executed as such officer the \vi thin instru- ment of writing on behalf of said municipal corporation and such person duly acknowledged the execution of the same to be the act and deed of the City of Salina, Kansas. IN 'IIESrl'INONY WliLl<EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last aLove written. "/"; {',- f / //; ? ///f~-!"~ M. E~-Jt60ot~- Notary Public Ny Conmlission Expires; Ap r i 1 2, 1972 ..1 - ~ ".<~ }. HI ;J 0 ' :.' :--~.. ......... '" } . ".' '. v ~ .' '. l' : bo. .- e. /' j.:,,/'::>llU/) \.-l :: I ~ ...t: :.:J ~"V'~ Q" :V) : " J..' . .~ ..... 'j l>' J 0 \\ .... rJ. -, .( , ". ..' .... '( C.... ........ ~ . '~~'# ~ U 't! ~ ,-,..- t""'t."t.,t",,'l'" .t:rrt~'~l~~''''- 'c" } (A/) , r..; '";,,'!r.~_<c, ~ ,fV . CC...,~lY OF $ilUN! :;;J, fltED FaR RroJi-.$) ifH}'{ OT-"F;~ . " ON J/\N 29 1969 . AT }: .itg~O"Ci~Ifi.M. AND VVlY PECC.'.ir&) ~ ~pf"~~..\..~.(!f4~:::::.1J f.:.BE ,7..- 1 A...v ' _~.~V'..)--" =..n, ,]"; ;,:tr ;;. I vf'" . --'-C"),,, _~.'... ':. ,\ ~ ~ ?~~__~ ~-2 (// & J ~ 'tV J rr 0/ '-"~~- V~~ 7~?>/ o/-C-~~O-~vj4-~ q ../r~ . / / .' .3 . f