Fire Damage Settlement '\ THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS WARRANT CHECK No. 123888 First National Bank & Trust Co. Salina. Kansas 6tf2 1 1 ........**flU.9DOL_LARS$ $(~~. 'I . ::~::j ... PAV"- TO THE ORDER OF F'fi:ANC I S GOf'.:REL.l.. III ~ 2 31a8811~ I: ~O ~ ~OO b 2 ~I: 2 ~a ? 2? Sill INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE AMOUNT INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE AMOUNT 0/00/00 XXXOOOOO 1 :to 4 ~ 6 f:U. <j) . :;~ ~'i . >J1 # TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: FILE' '91 OCT 18 PI'I12 LIB CITY Of SAUNA. Ki IITY CLERK'S OFFill T% reptir of th~/ fire dama~ed structure located at ]}L-- Jl ~) St/:/L _____ ~~ under provisions granted by the the provisions of the Salina City Code. Building Permit is now complete and the applicant has complied with 1 j' ~ ~ldln City of Salina P.o. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 n[I'l~rh J ., L ~; \..,. 9/26/91 ~ECEIPT NO. 42706) DESCRIPTION OTHER REIMBURSEMENTS FIRE LOSS/F.GORRELL/717 N 5TH AMOUNT 813.20 ------------ CHECK NUMBER 0000158206 TOTAL TENDERED CHANGE 813.20 813.20 .00 RECEIVED FROM: MARYSVILLE MUTUAL IN RECEIVED BY: CC ORIGiNAL. RECEIPT . . TATES DJUSTME NT. INC. 714 SOUTH OHIO - SALINA, KANSAS 67402-1573 P.O. BOX 1573 - PHONE (913) 827-1046 FAX (913) 827-7859 MICHAEL L. FECHTER - Branch Claims Manager .. BRANCH OFFICES: TOPEKA · KANSAS CITY · WICHITA · JOPLIN · FORT SMITH, AR · TULSA, OK HOME OFFICE: PARSONS, KANSAS August 29, 1991 Jackie Shiver c/o City Clerk's Office P.o. Box 736 Salina, KS 67401 Re: Insured - Francis J. Gorrell Policy - New App O/L - 7-22-91 Fire Dear Ms. Shiver: Please be advised that we represent Marysville Mutual Insurance Co. on the above captioned fire loss. This fire occurred on the above date and Marysville Mutual Insurance Co. insures this dwelling located at 717 N. 5th. St. here in Salina. Total coverage on this house amounts to $10,000 and the total loss after the deductible and depreciation was taken came to $8,132.00. According to K.S.A. #40-3901 any fire loss over 75% of the face value of the policy, 10% must be withheld and a check issued to the city. Per our conversation on August 26, enclosed is Marysville Mutual's check #158206 in the amount of $813.20 which is 10% of the total loss. Mr. Gorrell's home address is 839 Roach, Salina, KS. You might also mention to your building inspector that at this time Mr. Gorrell is in the process of rebuilding this home. If you have any questions, please let me know. Very truly yours, J'/7c-~~--e eX. l~&~<-~ ~ Michael L. Fechter Branch Claims Manager H F : db CC: Marysville Mutual Insurance Co. J'{ =-" DA"-E Attached find check in payment of account as listed below-Marysville Mutual Insurance Co. AMOUNTS TOTAL 8/23/9i CITY FIRE PROCEEDS FUND 7-11-91 C-17919 40101( . F-3960-91 FRANCIS J & ALEXINE B GORRELL 717 N 5th, Salina, Ks ITEMS 813.20 813.20 AUG 26 199,1 NUMBER OF STORIES 1-1 story 2-2 story 3-3 to 4 stories EXTENT OF DAMAGE Confined to the olljecl of origin Confined :0 part of room Of lIIll8 of origin Conlined to room of origin Conlined 10 the lire-raIod 00II1l. of origin Conlined 10 tIoor of origin Conlined to lllruclure of origin EldIlnded beyond lllruclure 01 origin No damage of tis type (NIA) lblelermiled Of not TYPE OF MATERIAl GENERATING MOST SMOKE IF SMOKE SPREAD BEYOND ROOM OF ORIGIN FORM OF MATERIAl GENERATING MOST SMOKE ,.,.. ~ ~ · Fill In This Report In Your Own Words FOlD A B TYPE OF SITUATION FOUND 11-slructure fire 12-Outside storage/cropland 13-Vehicle fire 14-&ush, grass fire 15-Trash, rubbish fire 16--tlp1osioo-no fire TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN l-Extinguishment z-Rescue :Hnvestigalion only FIXED PROPERTY USE ( C o E F G H K M N METHOO OF EXTINGUlSIf.IDfr 1--Sell extinglished 2-Make shift aids 3-PortabIe extinguisher o lEVEL OF FIRE ORIGIN l-Grade level to 9 II. :!-10 10 19 feet ~ 10 29lee1 P a R S T roTA!. ACRES BURNED U ACRES GIlASSI.AND NAME OF V IW.ROAll X KANSAS UNIFORM FIRE INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM (K-FIRS) KANSAS STAT~RE MARSHAL DEPARTMENT ~ ~ LI Fire Department KANSAS INCIDENT REPORT DAY ~ KFIRS-l 1/87 (Version 4) ~~ 03 i"g < " ~: ~ii o !1! - " ~[ D; g .!1~ a~ Ii ~~ 8~ B,Oi n Ii "", :!!~. "'c> en. ..~ i - ~~ 5'~ lOa; I ~. ~ ~ 3' C> '2.~ a~ ~ ~ I Ii1 ~ 32-Emergency medical call 34-Seard1 3S-Extrication 39--Rescu&-n0t classified 41-spi1l, leak without ignition 43-Excessive heat 44-Power line down 45-Arcing electric equipment 46-Aircralt stand by 47-chemical emergency 49-Hazardous conditions stand by 53-Sm0ke, odor removal 56-Unauthorized buming 61-smoke scare 63-C0ntrolled burning 71-Malicious false 72-Bomb scare 73-System maltunction 7-Ambulance service ll-F~ in, move up, transfer MUTUAL AID l-Received 2-Given ~ ;Jl ~ ~ f: ~ 6 ~ l-uR1lAN [i] 4-AulomIlic exIIngoiIhiIg syslem 5-f'r8.aJnnecl ho8&1ank only 6-f'nH:onnecl ~ draft ~ i ~ G]i 7-Hand-laid iloseA1yO'ant, slarq,ipe &-Master stream device 4-30 10 49 feet 5-50 10 70 feet 6--Oier 70 feet w ESTIMATED TOT A!. DOLLAR LOSS .00 7--Qbjeds in flight &-Below grtlIJld level 4-5 to 6 stories 5-7 to 12 stories &-13 to 24 stories Flame-Smoke 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 o 0 (ComposItion) ~ ~=TYPE :!-Heavy timber 3-l'rolecled nonoombustIlIe DETECTOR PERFORMANCE l-Del in room Of space of fire origin-oper. :!-Oat. not In rm. Of space of fire origin--qJer. 3-Del1n nn. Of space 01 origin--nol oper. 4-Del not In rm. Of space of origin--nol oper. 5-Del1n nn. or space 01 fire origin buttnloo SIIlIIlIIo oper. 8-No dM:tn..-.. (NIA) ~ Of not reporled ~~ ;~ !i FlAME ~ 4-I.Jnprolected noncornbustille s-ProIecled ordinary 6-UnproIected ordinary SPRINKLER PERFORMANCE 1~ operated ~ should have operated-dd not 3-Equipment pre. but fire 100 smaI to oper. s-No equipment ..-.. (NIA) o--undef8rnined Of not repoI1ed ~~ 1a ~ ill ." 55 m ~ 7-25 tl 491lol1es 8--50 stories Of IIIOlll 7-Pro1ect8d wood frame lHk1poIeded wood frame SMOKE ~ (Use) AVENUE OF SMOKE lRAVEL 1-Air hancIing ll.oct 4-SlairweI 2--QJrridor 5-<lpenIng on construdion shaft . in waI , 7-1J1i1ily ~ In tIoor 8-No lMIf1U8 01 smofc81raw1 (WA) SIZE ClASS ACRES ACRES FORESTLAND SUPPRESSION COST =~ !i -SAlOl B TYPE OF SITUATION FOUND 11-Structure fire 12-0utside storage/cropland 13-YehicIe fire 14-llrush, grass fire l~Trash, rubbish fire 16---Explosioo-o fire TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN l-fxtinguishmenl 2-Rescue 3-1nvestigaIion 00y FIXED PROPERTY C D E F G H K l lot N METHOD OF EXTINGU~ENT l-Sel1 exlInglished ~ shift alds 3--f'orlable 8Xlinglisher o p Q R S T U v X KANSAS UNIFORM FIRE INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM (K-FIRS) KA~ STATE FIRE MARSHAL DEPARTMENT I N+:-o Fire Department KANSAS INCIDENT REPORT KFIRS-1 1/87 (Version 4) 44-Power line down 45-Arcing electric equipment 4S-Aircra/t stand by 47-Chemicai emergency 49-Hazardous conditions stand by ~moke, ado< removal ~~ 5 ~r ~g- < " '" ~ ~~ '<.. o < ~ '" ~i Olijl .Q3 0'" - Q. - .. ii ~~ [~ ~~ i~ ~'" .. ""-< ~~ :g Ii I~ ~ I ~~ ~~ ~ ~ i I 32-Emergency medical cail 34--Seardl 3S-Extrication 39-flescu&-nOt classified 41-Spi1l, leak without ignition 43-ExcessMl heat 4-JO to 49 feet 5-50 10 70 feet 6-Ove< 70 feet 4-5 to 6 slorIes ~7 to 12 slorIes ~ 13 10 24 slorIes FIlme-Smoke 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 o 0 (~) ~ (Use) '-~-'i'>,\' ,..............._, 56-Unauthorized burning 61-smoke scare 63-C0ntrolled burning 71-Malicioos faise 72-Bomb scare 73-System malfunction 74-Uninlentional false _ Other (specify) WJ D 8 5: ." 6 m o z ~ Z (') a m z iil lEVEl OF ARE ORIGIN l-Gnlde level 10 9 ft. 2--1010 19 feet 3-20 10 29 feet NUMBER OF STORIES 1-1 story 2--2 story 3-310 4 slorIes EXTENT OF DAMAGE Cormed 10 !he object of orVn Cormed 10 part of room or _ of orVn Cormed 10 room of origin Cormed 10 !he fIr8-nded ~. of origin Cormed 10 floor of origin Cormed 10 IIIrucU8 of origin ExI8nded beyond IIIrucU8 of origin No cBnage of1lis type (HIA) lkldelern*l8d or not TYPE OF MAlERlAI. GENERAllNG MOST SMOKE F SMOKE SPREAD BEYOND ROOM OF ORIGIN FORM OF loIAlERIAI. GENERAllNG MOST SMOKE 7-Ambulance service s-Fill in, move up, transfer [JJ MUTUAl AID 1-Received 2-Given IGNITION FACTOR (CauseE' 101.1. aJann ' IT] (~) ~ ." ~ Cl :D ~ ~ ... :;; m en .00 4-Automatic extinguishing system s-Pre-<:onnect Ilosenari< ally lH're-<:onnect hoseh1ydnVll draft starqipe 7---HanlHaid hoseA1ydnVll, ~ 6-Master stream device 7---Dbiects in IIight &-lleIow ground level UJ ESTIMATED TOTAl DOUAR lOSS ~ ~ ~ :D m ... :;; m o z !< ~~nwe wrE!~ FlAME DETECTOR PERFORMANCE WI-Del. In room or space of fir8~, I, 2--0et not In rm. or space of fir8 origin--qler. I.( 3-Det.1n rm. or space of origin--i1Ol oper. 4-Oet. not in rm. or space of origin--nol oper. SMOKE 5-Oet In rm. or space of lire origin ~ but fire 100 smaR 10 oper. &-No delecm pnIS8l1I (KIA) D--Undeternbd or not reporled 4-Unprolected noncorrbustible !;--l'rotected ordInaIy 6-UnprotecIed ordinaIY SPRINKlER PERFORMANCE 1-Equipment operaled 2-Equipmeot sholil have operated-<lid not 3-Equipment pre. but lire 100 small to oper. &-No equipment pr-.l (N1A) G--Uldetermined or not reported 7-Protected wood frame lI-Unprotected wood frame ~ SIZE ClASS ACRES ACRES FORESTlAND SUPPRESSKlN COST ;!;~ ~." ~~ ~~ - . - -, ----.--,-.--,..~, PI 'I .. ( Incident No. 9fO;e1J ( Ci ty "^' Exposure No. Date: 7 / 22/Q, Rural Contract Address of Alann: ~ 7 N. S-fh Alann Time: 03Lf3 Time Arrived: D?}-f!o S A L I N A FIR E D E PAR T MEN T FIRE ALARM REMARK SHEET Officer U \\J; \~,y Time In Service: CSciz3 Time Truck Out Property $~)~b, Damage Estimate: Time In Equipment ~ Con ten ts $ J J o..<-{) I No. Officer . Men Damage Estimate: Water Used ~-l~ ~,,<oo~;~SC.BA-J 1-~4X\;J~Y~) ex.t. CorJJ6.~\~~r 1 rl~~) ~<..o6p ~~)) ~or;-. Ye.d;o) p'lk' ~k Li:\\>~.~J S ~- <3cB~ ) 511 s~ ~ L~ "&lNnvJ 4 \-sC.~~ L~ ~~~r-- ~ Metered Yes No ~ E:.J C>3Lf~ C5~7 'f.-d.\ "RS- \ O~'i4 0500 O~l.f4 ~S\.4.. Apparatus/Equipment ~~lfunction or Damage? ~ Fuel Consumption Gal. (For all major apparatus and equipment malfunctions or damage, attach an additional report.) Remarks: ~ -ts:~~~~~e, ~ o.l"(~v",1 W4. StAAJI ~~A,vd \vd.\<.... ~u\\'j tr\~~l."\.n~ ~Y'''t a,-J ~. ~'6~ a~...fu:.J'\~c a.-t 1\7 "-\' ~ "v\vQ\,,~d. \\k. ~ ~.. \ ~'1 h'~s ~~ ~-\ ~ .-t~~ tx\tl ~ -t~ 4-v.l('.\c.... ~ 1<:;-( oJ E"2.\ -+o~ ~r."" .~s',d~ ~ ~\6Q... \~~ W o..b~A 2-3 ~~. ~~k clONr-. i\:.n, C)"\~ -b:li},V' J l~(. 'S:d~~. ~C; -\ ~e.-z..\ ht4J i~vr\Qr \o,oc..k ~O\:I.I~ o..b,~ ~ ~ t\~~ VJc. ('~ ~~Y ~+ 5'~-\-~ c-O ~u~,i) ~vn, \"sf\~ be-\\- d~cl ~ ;~w~sH1~'IaY). () N:. \0I\'j Wo~:s J' 2.Lf\ ~. \\~ sAiJ ~ ~ 0. ~v:) W\~ ~ \4~ ~ ~ ~~ j CJ~ \..~ ~\-~~ v..k +N<j ~t4 Slyt ~ ~~ iY~I\(."'. \r.J~ I.l~~ &\~ *,,4~k... w,rJ<W5 to 4\1It'ISl! ~ o<<,,~~ jI \i..:r. a.rrM~ '"' ~ TIME OUT T!ME rN EQUIPHENT OFFICER tlO. .'~'" ~12D a 34Lf O~7 ~.+: YG{JI'~ ~ ,eL ~ch"~IJj I ~()(p (")Y2.Z) :ST\ ; ~ '\.') C&fl)C. ( 1'1: ~+<., If\.Sp' G 0-\+ L-- ~, ~~~,:y~ =: ~ ~~i ::sr~~:t~~:~ ~Q. l'\C.LU~ ~ ~ ~ov~~ ~& 11\~ d\~"t ~d~c:. \n5V(a,,~~ b"~ tr4'lcy br c1"\~ hov~, CQm~.i.