Welcome Signs ROW . . 120 Overhill Raod Salina, Kansas 67401 August 7, 1989 Ms. Jackie Scheiver Salina City Clerk City-County Builidng Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Jackie: It is my understanding that I must request through your office, appr,mval by the City Commission for permission to fly our Red, White, and Blue, 8 ft by 3 ft WELCOME flags on Pacific Street, North Broadway, North 9th, and North Santa Fe. Mike Peterson said that this request must be made through you because we are in violation of City Code no 35-36, and this is how he wants it handled. If permission is granted, please be assured these flags in no way will interfere with Street signs, Road signs, or any City maintanence. This request is similar to the one whereby Downtown Salina is allowed to fly their flags on the sidewalk. Thank you for your consideraiton. Very tru~Y!Jurs, Be,./P;? Ben ;- Frick i.'" -"1 .-......., c .~ ~~~'~'"] ,','I o r-~l ,..-........ < ....... r..' j7j N 1--> Department of Planning and Community Development City-County Building 300 West Ash Street p.o. Box 736 Salina. KS 67402-0736 Telephone (913) 827-8781 Salina City Planning Commission Salina Board of ZonIng Appeals Salina City Heritage Commission . August 29, 1989 TO: Boa rd of City Commi ss i oners FROM: Roy Dudark, Director of Planning ~ and Community Development Re: North Salina Welcome Signs The purpose of this memorandum is to update the City Commission on the status of the request from Mr. Ben Frick to place welcome banners in public street right-of-way on Pacific, North Broadway, North 9th and North Santa Fe. On Wednesday, August 23, 1989, I met with Mr. Frick to discuss his request. I indicated that there were three basic alternatives. First, the banners could be placed on private property without action by the City Commission. Secondly, the banners could be placed on existing power poles at major street intersections much like those displayed in Downtown Salina. Finally, a request could be made by an abutting property owner to place the banners in the adjacent street right-of-way. I indicated, upon checking with the City Attorney on the latter option, that for the City Commission to act on such a request it had to be qu i te specifi c. The request had to come from the abutting property owner, the location in the affected ri ght-of-way needed to be i dentifi ed, and a descri pti on and plan drawi ng of the banner and support poles needed to be prov i ded. I reiterated staff1s concerns with the placement of additional non-standard poles in proximity to passing vehicles and the potential safety and liability questions that these obstacles posed. During the past few days, staff has had additional discussion on the idea of placing the banners on power poles at major intersections. The brackets can be fabricated by city personnel for $52.00 a pair. I believe the figure of $35.00 was used as the cost of the banner. If 4 banners were placed at 10 key intersections, the cost of ma teri a 1 s wou 1 d total $3,480. A city employee with a bucket truck can install one banner in 30 minutes. Thus, 40 banners could be installed in about 20 hours. In summary, staff would encourage placement of the banners on private property if at all possible. If this cannot be satisfactorily accomp 1 i shed, we wou 1 d hope tha t the banners cou 1 d be 1 oca ted on power poles at prominent street intersections. Perhaps, this could be a joint project involving the North Salina Business Association and the City. Finally, ~'e are reluctant to recommend the placement of additional and potentially unsafe obstacles in the street right-of-way for traffic safety reasons. CC: JBen Fri ck Dennis Kissinger Don Hoff t~i ke Peterson RD/ms MEMBER. . . LEAGUE or I<ANSAS MUNICIPALITIES . NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES