NC Kansas Soil Conservation I ,j "'/ ,rj, "( NORf~IS D. OLSON el)-Y MANAGEF~ AREA CODE: 913 (;22-,22,7 f ;-",'-. (\ . .". - .. -.. - I~.._'c~'~:;' .c'I'r.IX~'5:(.' :.....0?J..[y::..-.-.Fs_~<;~\..r..T~~:Lt '['~~.~.r ~?,::~~'.:':'..J , r ::',:~:~~:~"""'~~o:.~', ,. ~( " 1t~LEtEj\o'dh. ro:r!...5ouLI" ,.. .'J '. j " )' i ..,,'~ '. "j c..Ala/L'{I'd (l}.'({ 7//..':5./ 1 , , .," . .......1 . . .. ' .'-..,.... CITY - COUNTY [lUJLDIt~C 300 \\'EST ASH STREET P. O. llOX 7/oG SALINA. K/,N~.AS. 67/,01 Hay 18/ 1971 Mr. Glea Gillum, Chairman Soil Conservation District 653 East Cravlford Salinal Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Gillum: Please be advised that the Salina City Commission discussed the proposed "Four Hivers R. C. E< D. Proj(~ct" 1 May 171 and agreed that the City of Salina should par.- ticipate. They designated Commissioner Jack Weisgerber to serve as the city's represen- tative. Tom Darnell will be available for staff assistance. . . Very truly yours, '-"'" J-r; . . I~/ 1'.....1,;\ / -~_ r t..;'" ...."....-.~"::.....~. , Norris D. Olson City I1anager NDO: Ihl f.tEf,',GE'.: . . . Kl,N.3J\S L':.\(~UF or- f.1U:'\JIC:li,,-.,.~_,.rl:::S - n:,TlCl"'Ud. I,.r.~,'<~tlr: O!- C:ITi'~; (,) ';' \.) ,( . > .- / .. {. . I/;~ /" / lEON l. AS~110,'~ /.liKE lOS!f:. JR. COMMISSIONU,S RO~, rn C, CALO':.'LLL, /.PY:', f\om.:.\ G. CO:J,'tf; JI\CK \'iLISGrf:C,fi I {I , I I CITY OF C:"l 'rc: T("W,J~ ,;/ 'I~(e.(_) c / By : L..!...{i: (If,~. /V.t-J,U7 (\ '-v/ ,// . II Tit-te: Acting Mayor / . DS"te(' June 14,1971 This action authorized at an official meoting of the Council of the City of Salina, Kansas on June 14, 1971 at 4 :.0 Q. P. 1,1. Attest: ( >( '<{;" ". /r ,<'/'. .(.;~ :~->-l .;.....;...> ~./,,-.:;. ",.. . , City Clerk CITY OF r-: - ~ ,::~,T'-:.;")u;"), 1~:~n.S2,S By: -\: ~ - _.-k~7"e ,*,,_., . ;:c:,~. _ </' ..~. . '-~~ /'~-y ./:' .' / . _-,~//-:_-:.;/ c, < ~ /r:; -/~c: - ';7 / .:{c:p:r'C;: S~: !l.t ing ~'';~l:lOl:'S of SP.1oJs ~J }~C\.J ;", "-'.;~'~'.~.J;} }31~oOl':',7j_lle, ;(2.;~2::~'S Title Ie. , . ;~ssCirla'JdDd Date: ~ion authorized at an official meeting of the Council of the City . ",-<Ht2 i kb",l,v#~ ,7 '7 ,'-;'~all7; /Cf7 I , 00 AN, Attest: 4/-?! 0. :~rc.~ on at , City Clerk The above local organizations request that all correspondence or contacts pertaining to this application be directed to: David Haskins Cloud County Bank Concordia, Kansas 66901 /' ,\. \. ~, / ;.'\ , ' 1\ ('I' I' I' '\" ':' '. : \ .~ Ii I, ' ' I ~ ,J :) . t' ",II 1./l/~'I.~1 '~J"'JL:) ('" !.rl"'I,n,..; . 'C'\ I' . \" I ., I . I ~, : '.. r I ' '. :'.> l.;) j1 \. II 11 ('r'T'" '\) i: )i:;'i 1__ '(.) L ~:, , (: ... "', r " ~: ',1 11; ":, ..~ " :' r J 11 rH.,:. 1\ I' / (r 'I \: I '. t' . }'.". I' I, I l . I \ . ;j::,j";'~'i: t /! I ;!\~ J.II. ! "'" L \!'j UlI.\ II /, ~ l. :; ';':/!:'d "}',). ~ . C. :'), 1'1. Ii / 1.",r'/:"""'lJ(.';: ,I , .' ',.<, /, "","':i Ii I ,~. j ~ .) II ',\ Ii \ ! ,.' I.e, L L.I,. ~" SUPU;VI~;O;:S ()~13 [;-1:;1: Crin\..r orci S:din;i. 1(<lIl:~J::; C'lf.01 HEW,1Ar{ \\'1 LL Vicc-(: h~j i r [1),1n J.~Z,~~'..::,,":>-{:~> .'~:',:_ .~,;,~: <.., . '~'. i..... -." . -.. "--, ~ ~~- ~... I,,; ;.D:,:-;' ;\~',':' :"" ;,~',::~, .,~',: ;~.; ::::;::~::::~?'.::,::i I. " - "'/ ' , / '. ~. . . ... . -, ( , I '< ' '. 1 f --~~;" :"':':~:~:~}L,::~)~~~. ~~';c'/~:;:':~;~~:)~'~Y~,~'~{~L~~~. '~:':.. ~'__ J \. ...~")-~/4~ ,~. ..... ~ O' I:..'T ,..,: TEel :;"ICI!'.r~s . GLEI\ GIl.LUM . Cfl,"lirrll:Hl . ;~'.\:~~~~:~ JAY I'AYUl: nist riet Conscr\'~~ tionisl BYRD,,, JC'Hf",;Of'l . TrCclSlJrCr JOHN NU.50N Soil Con~-::r\'i:Uonisl RUS$[cLL BUnGER . Oircctor JOHN \\'t:[l[1 Conscrvt:!tion Tcchniciz:n OI<VI LLE RA\VLI NE . Director DISHHCT DEMOr'lSTI1ATIO;'J FAm:} LARRY TASI<;EH District Sccrctury ~ 653 E. C1'2.:for-d Sr~J_in~t, KanSc~3 Ha;y 3> 19TL John }i'r:i.t.z':" G:tpcn,l?'1 Ph:.i.J.lip 1':olsono. S,',lob.n h81f;cy B:to\{!1_. 1.T01.]" C<.;Tt11):ci;.\ Ga,1'1'o11 };m2.nuel,. Brookvil1c Don Brunsoll- AssJ.:d.3. Hobert, Ca.lch811- SaI5.n~t I.Ta"\roI~fJ _ v Citiofj of S~~l:iJ}(l County Gentlemen; '}'ho f;ur.;ervisors of the S2,:U.::1C County Soil Consc:rvation District. invito:,; you to att.ond a r~cc,t.:i.ng Tuesday, Ha,j' 11 at 7: 30 ~':>.I!:. The meetinG ,.,iJJ. b~ Dold at tho State So 5.]; Consor-\T~t:~_on Office) 760 South Br-oachny (on 81 HjghiiClY B;Y-,i.HSS). . ~,'hc purpose of the Ir.cet:i.ng is to 2.cquaint. you \,;j,th t.bc pro)o~;8d IIFour Eivers H. C. ~?:l). Project" in an eight county Clre[~ of Eart.h CentJ.'3.1.Kansas incll:ding Saline Count~'. I~nclo~;8d ioS e. PJ.:):p;,lct explaining fjOmO of t.Le }-1csou::ce)'. Cons3rvatiorl a!1c1 DevelopJ:13nt Dl8as'J.l'(:s to be consido:ccd r0g::;'1'ding Trunc:i.)alit:i.c;s. Such r:182.SUi.',-!S in.. elude la.nd and i-!atc~' resources,,' housj,n;:;> cmcl pollut.ion abate;wn-c,. \'To hope JTou or'CJ. i'2~')rcs8nt~d:,ive of your 'city council "Iill be able to attend. ., V cry trulj' yours" ~I . r-;--;J~, ~.~~>"... . (s ,'- - ~ ,_ .. __ C:t./.~_Jt.,/\,_/_ c: I (':..J , ~4CJ ~dl.'{~l-'~~;~ . .....tt" ?Pxj G']') 1""'1 Ch', ~'T''''n - - ;.JJI J _.c.....l. 1.<.->. Con"s8r'v~d;ic)n !)j.sJGx'ict Glea Soil .enclosure: : ~ .. .. ...<t',/ /' . /r/ ,-~- .--:1..'.--.__.r:"'c/ "/ a . -~- ._/77.'. ;... ;-~:/'~ __7'-;1,( ?C--- ~'''''l) I /7<" / ~ c~-/: . /0/ -':'-j!'777?_P..-9 ~;/c/L,~/l?'--.... . ( ,./ 7.....:""'-- "70./- -".'?" c. ", -- - of ~ -..-' , .' ;..''''' ""---. ./: . . -' ''''...- " . <--.. .... -' . /:.'( {.(.,,- /i. ~ ~~/I, /f.C'! c3-/-c:~.(~ ?,,::?_./2. (j_?< O 6- ' '"1' L-{k...", .7? - .' I.... ':.::.:/~, 1.- C 'C., ~ <;---;/-7 t.' ' . , r . ... / t{/t-7C~/ ~ -.;..--. .----- , clij rz:-_- (jt./ /:~~/''(,'''/-f/r. "_:/.7//-"-;7;7;:- /..... " .:..- '" ./--- "".-c-/,/_,.~j. ~. .". _../- /' A~ ,,'//.{ .~ ':_71...;7/.,/-1~ ~ .'. , ,/ /. ./ :7 /(, 1 t: /.." ,/ "c.. ___,/,...... ' ( "'---::-;:>7 ?-'"1'.[//C/._{. ...'?:-r-''-'-/Zd (.. - <,-" .', . ..... . ./7 P;""'.' ;:'--'.....'.. " ---~ ..I:./,U.. ,